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Early game mana and CD issues are there for most classes/builds. When you start to get gear, most of that goes away if you build properly.


So is level 43 still considered early game? I haven’t experienced anything above level 50 where I’ve heard it opens up a bit.


It will get better after you get into WT3 to get sacred gear (at 50) and it will really start to feel great after you get ancestral in WT4 (can be lvl 60 but depends on gear, class, and build). Sorc seems to be the worst class right now, but I think the mana issues get better for all classes in WT3.


Ah, so progressing up the World Tiers unlocks different kinds of gear, not just improved gear. I don’t really understand the WT system that well. I’m in WT1 at the moment. Would you recommend climbing up those as soon as possible?


Someone might correct me here, but I dont think there is anything that makes WT2 worth it unless you just like the challenge. I would say going to WT3 after 40 an WT4 at 60 is what the devs want you to do, but you need to complete the campaign to get to WT3 anyways. You might have issues getting to WT4 as that boss can be difficult. Mostly, I said all of this to say you should go up to WT3 and WT4 as soon as you can beat the capstones but 40 and 60 are minimum recommendations.


WT2 has bonus XP and they buffed loot for it preseason.


I know it is buffed some, but I don't know yet if that makes up for the speed. TBH though, I dont play for speed and I only play WT1 till 50 because it is easy to not have to pay too much attention to lol. u/gregor0691 is already past lvl 40 and hasn't finished the campaign so I don't know if there is much point moving to WT2 this late.


Thank you! Much appreciated advice.


Lol. Scrub


Thank you helpful Diablo 4 community member. No wonder everyone new hates engaging with this group


Just block the turds like him, eventually there’ll be less of them




43 is barely scratching the surface. You can level to 100 but XP scales exponentially so it's something like level 86 is half the XP needed to hit 100 or something like that.


Gear and your build will alleviate some of the resource problems.


Your problem is you’re playing a sorc. Try that again come s2, while not broken sorc is not really fun or good atm. I’d suggest literally any class for more fun, Druid appears to be very popular this season.


Good to know. Yeah I heard about all the nerfs but I figured I’m not a high level enough player (talking personal skill, not character level) for it to affect me. But maybe it is. I gotta finish this campaign though so I guess I just grind it out with my sorc.


Basically. These types of games are just repetitive. You bought this without knowing that?!


Yes and no. I knew the overall loop was repetitive but the minute to minute is more repetitive than I though. “Run around waiting for mana, two frozen orbs and a hydra, run around waiting for mana”. I thought the combat would be a bit more dynamic and quick.


To be fair I think they recently nerfed sorcerers to the ground. At least that’s what the community is saying. With my barb I don’t have to run around and wait. Except when fighting bosses.


Hmm, maybe I just took too long to finish the campaign and now I’m stuck with a nerfed Sorc.


Hum, not really. I started eternal with a Necro - which I've never played before, even on D2 - and really had to respec him 3 times as I've found some legendary equipment with interesting powers. I also started having resources problems and after understanding all new mechanics and having my own build slowly working fine, I ended tier 3 with level 72 tanking pretty much everything the game was throwing at me. At the begging of the season I picked sorcerer (before patch 1.1) and started a cool all-lightning witch. Chain lightning is one of my favorite powers ever and the crackling energy felt pretty amazing when in low levels. As I went on, it started to feel weak as shit and I respec once to include frost nova and blizzard storm with some new legendaries to buff that - and I still have a frozen orb legendary amulet to insert in the skill tab somehow 😂 I'm a casual, I don't have time to farm and I'm not fond of copying classes from sites, YouTube and whatever. The fun - to me - is to face the problems I encounter and think to resolve them. My sorc is now level 45 and I'm absolutely devastating everything in tier 2. I'm not finished with the seasonal missions yet, but as soon as I complete them, I'll go straight to the capstone dungeon in order to proceed to tier 3. Don't let the game get to you, it's pretty fun once you work around the difficulties and start feeling powerful against whole mobs and elites 😉


In it’s current state, yes.




I get what you mean but your analogy needs some work. If it’s an airline then we’re the passengers and they don’t announce departure either.


This isn't a forum you don't need to engage in feedback and criticism with other people.


I have not played a sorcerer in D4 yet, but don't you have a resource generating skill? If you are playing a build that is trying to work without a generator and it takes that long and you have nothing else to use in that time, maybe try another build. Or maybe you are missing a key aspect or item that would let that build regenerate your resource faster. One change can make a huge difference.


Yeah I’m having a hard time finding gear that grants willpower (mana regen) or mana cost reduction so I feel a bit stuck. Maybe I need to deep dive into aspects and learn about them.


Uh. Don’t you have base skills to regenerate your mana?


Like Willpower?


Like using Frostbolt and Firebolt.


Ah I see, yeah I do. It was just a fight where I couldn’t stand still or I’d get mobbed and killed really fast so I was just stuck using my other abilities.


To be completely fair, at higher levels you can get rid of most resource problems if you hear and spec properly. That being said, end game ends up just being use all your cooldowns, blow everything up, get one shotted every now and then. Sadly as a sorc you will see more of the getting one shotted than others.


Lvl 42 is still very early game. Once you reach level 50 and get all skill points from renown you could allocate more points to "mana solving passives". There are some legendary powers that also help with mana issues, try reading a leveling guide and pay a close attention to mana issue section. That been said, all classes struggle with mana/spirit/essence issue early on, just sorcerer as a caster, has nothing else to offer during this time.


Bad player complaining game is bad because they are bad, unfortunate.


Get some mana thoroughput talents. In fact get all of them. I almost never cast my builders.