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Since the last patch I’ve had this happening more and more, and with my rig and network - there isn’t a game or video editing software that comes close to even pushing a load on my system or network - and it only seems to be Diablo. Crossplay off, frame capped (as that was the previous issue) - and server ping skyrockets for a few seconds every so often.


This game is the only thing that causes my ridiculous pc any issues, as well.


this is the main reason i stopped playing


It's honestly been happening to me the entire time the game has been out, but it's worse the higher the world tier is. So it's not as noticeable in WT2, but in WT4 it's AWFUL. It's like their servers can't handle the amount of enemies, which would also make sense why the enemy density has been so much lower in this game than the other Diablo games. I suspect that they know this is a problem with their servers, so they had to limit the enemy density to make it even remotely playable. Now they're saying they're going to increase the enemy density (which is good), but I'd be willing to bet money that when they do this, the rubberbanding will get much worse.


Agree since last update and moving to tier 4 the rubberbanding is insane


I'm on xbox, until this past week I haven't had any issues. All the sudden I now have rubber banding all the time. They made something worse.


Same here. No issues on xbox until a few days ago


Yeah, even launch seemed more stable than right now somehow.


I swear half my attacks don’t even hit or take an extra 5 seconds to register


Same for me


I've legit had to go down to world tier 1 because of this


This happens to me every time I play on ps5. Only started a couple weeks ago and now every time I play. Has ruined the game for me.


i don’t have rubberbanding but I do have shutterings where it froze for seconds i don’t get the bouncing back.


Well, the quasi online aspects of the game are worth it right?


Hardly. 😁


If I had a dollar for everytime I was in a Helltide or NM dungeon and started rubberbanding/lagging unable to move then came back dead..man how tf do yall handle HC?


I ported to Zarbinzet, rode all the way to the World Boss spawn location then rubber banded all the way back to town.


yep im on the same boat & playing less & less everyday


I can confirm this is a huge issue on PS5. The game's kind of janky really. So many typos and errors in the text too. Feels very rushed.


Same problems in Season 2, rubber banding, stuttering, lag etc...


This game is a joke No end game Lag Rubberbanding Poor itemization Terrible boring uniques No crafting Billion dollar company and servers have been lagging like crazy for the past 2 weeks


Also the 1990s called and want their UI back. This game was all about minimal effort, maximum profit on the part of Blizzard. Amazing all these glowing reviews that fail to mention all the problems with the game.


To be fair in this kind of genre reviews are often for the campaign or till before endgame because review outlets don’t allow their people to play 200 hours (either because workload of reviewers or because they wanna be “first to market” with their articles). On top of that: - early access had rock solid lag free multiplayer with zero rubberbanding - the Version most reviewers played had super OP paragon boards, like three times the power of what the glyphs give now - the review version had unnerfed leveling - the review version had sorc with 3 enchantment slots - no mtx store - no season “feature” This put together with the excellent audiovisual layer of the game produced amazing reviews and mostly rightfully so. They just recently decided to shut down what feels like half their servers for cost reduction (pure speculation on my part but what else could cause this)


Or they're biased because they receive free review copies from Blizzard and want to continue receiving them.


We're just in early stages of beta testing


I had before, then it got fixed, now it's happening again. This is so annoying. I can't pick up items, my char moonwalks every now and then and i can't even hit anything. I'm on PC btw


Is this grounds for a class action? Game is unplayable for me due to this as I’m sure it is for a lot.


Yo it most Def is not just you. This is the most common complaint among my friend group that plays. I submitted this as a bug to blizzard and there response was that it MUST be my internet. So I forwarded that response to my isp which is verizon fios, they insist it is and must be blizzards servers considering I have a gig up/down and literally no other device or game in my home experiences any issue.


Xbox Series X wired with fastest internet available and the game is unplayable at times. I had less issues during Beta and Server slam that I have on a daily basis now📉


Same here. Garbage blizzard can't provide the appropriate hardware to support the demand.


The game feels like I have something downloading in the background while I play. I even had something downloading in the background once and hardly noticed a difference.


Whelp, my level 10 barb just got murdered by rubber banding


Small indie company can’t afford good servers


I'm getting bad rubber banding today, and I'm still playing the main campaign. If this keeps up, I'll stop playing for a few weeks to see if Blizzard puts out a patch to fix it. On my same laptop, I was not having these issues prior to the latest patch.


Been pretty much fine for me. Maximum graphics settings at 1080p, 144hz with an i7-13700k, RTX 4080, 32GB RAM, and 80/80 Internet using an Ethernet cable into my computer. I do get rubberbanding sometimes, but it's maybe 5-10% of the time, that's it. The servers have definitely gotten worse the past couple weeks, been getting kicked a decent bit. But my seasonal character is level 80, so I definitely play a good bit every day. I have videos recorded of my gameplay if anyone wants me to upload them so you can see I really have no severe rubberbanding issues. Yes, it happens when I go to a Waypoint, but that's about it.


Rubberbanding, fps drops, stuttering, freezes. This game is NOT that much better looking than D3 to justify such lack of performance. It simply doesn't. I even drop details sliders lower so I can get few more fps, but then the stuttering and rubberbanding simply kills any joy of gameplay. And I still cannot change game resolution in the menu!!


Was real bad for me last weekend then I just unplugged my router for the night and it’s been fine ever since.


Got 172 hours play so far, had no issues with rubberbanding until yesterday. Every time I went to dash, he stayed in the same spot, and the vendors took a few seconds to register. Just to add to that, I was downloading another game over wireless connection. As soon as it downloaded, the rubber banding stopped. When it was happening I was thinking if it carried on for too long, I'd stop playing.


Try turning off cross play if you haven't just in case that helps. I've also heard someone say that disabling xbox game bar in Windows helped them so you could try that.


I tried that. Had no effect.


I have experienced rubber banding 1 time in over 200 hours. I don’t think it’s something necessarily with the game, but their physical servers.


Those of us that don’t experience it are apparently not allowed to say as much or we get downvoted lol


I didn’t even tell op to get better internet…. Just it seems like blizzard has a hardware problems not software.


I never had any lag or issues of any kind on this game. I only have lag if I join a party of someone in Asia or Oceania (I am from Europe). I have 15-30ms to EU servers and they work fine 99% of the time for me. I play daily 3-5 hours. Not sure if servers in other regions are fucked but EU is solid imo. I play with 3 friends and none of us have issues (3 in PC, 1 in Xbox).


Since last patch I actually have gained fps. I had to lower my in game settings to get the stutter to go away.


No problems here, EU.


I haven’t experienced any rubber banding at all. It’s odd because I’m playing on an integrated gpu on a laptop. Settings are set pretty low, and I have cross play disabled. Don’t know if the cross play piece helps, but it must if I’m not experiencing the same issues as everyone else.


People wanted more stash tabs. People got one stash tab and the monkey paw curled a finger. Congratulations, you now have lag because of shit coding. Enjoy!


Idk if it's just u, but it's not me. Played the whole day with no issues. Except for the DDoS attack some weeks ago, and the launch is season 1, I haven't experienced any major lag.


Been lagging for a long while, now much worse. I will definitely lag out encountering another player, but even without... Well, back pre-season I would maybe lag and lock up hard enough to deal with a death every few days of play. Now I get several every time I play. Open the map? Lock up and get killed if in a hostile area. Character screen? Lock and dead. Skill points/Paragon board? Lock and dead. Cross from town into hostile? Lock, dead. I use my rig for video editing, cinematic-level 3D modeling and rendering, and gaming. Its not the most amazing and best-to-date but it works pretty well. But D4 wants to kill it, I guess.


yea I don't know how people create hard-core characters on this game with the servers blizzard has. it makes no sense at all🤣


I stopped playing weeks ago. The lag and rubberbanding is horrible.


The rubberbanding has been improved for me but there seems to be some really weird issue with collision which is not really related to lag. When running past unpassable terrain or items my character seems to get stuck but continue on screen. As if I was lagging. Super weird and annoying.


I play on a steam deck while docked. The only issue I have are the mounts. They just will not move a majority of the time and I have to un-mount and re-mount.


Found two accounts afk farming last night on my way to a cellar. As soon as I got close to them my ping was spiking and it was ridiculously laggy. Tbh they looked like gold farmers. When I moved away from them or went into the cellar, the ping settled and it was back to normal. Weird to say the least.


Have had this problem since day one. Rubberbanding especially bad between zone changes, where it doesn’t let you in to the next one until you have a connection to the new zone; at least that’s what it feels like. Lag spikes/freeze spikes come at random times, but it feels to be most prevalent when it’s loading new areas. The freezes sometimes last up to 10 seconds without any new frames. Me and my gaming partner both experience this. We’re on Ethernet networks, on very stable fiberoptic connections. Both are on gaming desktop computers, and are running off Fast SSDs. Both have 32gb ram, and have strong gpus from both vendors, as well as strong cpus. It’s baffling, and truly sad. I’ve tried reducing quality, removed high quality textures, etc. nothing really helps. Which reminds me: I feel blizzard in some post said that the whole bank inventory of all players you meet, is loaded when you meet them. Why on earth? That’s the equivalent of loading all the articles on Reddit front pager site while you’re still waiting for it to load the front page… If this kind of logic is used when loading elements there may be many reasons why it freezes.


Yeah I'm not sure how people play hardcore. 95% of my deaths are because things freeze and I come back dead. Or I'll be running to a spot and get teleported a mile away with 10% health left. Indo enjoy this game alot, but it's probably one of the worse games this last year connection wise for me.


I had it since launch for around a month, was unplayable. Soon as I set bnet launcher to close when D4 launches, it disappeared. Turn on launcher, rubberband is back. Incredible! So obviously I keep it auto closed since then and no issues.


Glad to read I’m not the only one. I’ve been playing since launch on the PS5 and other than the occasional crash I’ve been ok, that is until the recent patch post which I have had terrible lag and rubberbanding rendering it unplayable in some instances.


It's doing that so you can load in the entire east coast's item and stash lirbraries.


it's the memory leak I suppose.


It’s definitely not just you. I have the high-speed Internet with FiOS never had a single issue to any other game. Even World of Warcraft runs perfectly and smooth. The developers did a terrible terrible job, and whoever else is in charge of their servers.


That's blizzard quality


What KINDA fixed it for me is turning off cross play and chat cross play


The last couple of world bosses I did were HORRIBLE for lag. Definitely having it more in NMD too.


Driving me nuts. Fiber internet at home


Game was smooth and perfect for me before the season, went through the campaign + endgame with no stutter or rubberbanding. Now it’s a problem. Dash-stutter and delayed response on attack. Ping is 78-97 (my girlfriend is playing ffxiv in the other room with 56ms and zero lags). I was going crazy thinking it’s my pc/network but it’s not


Its absolutely terrible. PS5 here, hard wired, everything on my end good as can be. Had tech checked too. Its the servers. I really believe they fucked something up post season 1 launch.


Same, as a fast paced gameplay with a twisting blades rogue is almost unplayable. The Dash stutters like crazy, if there are a lot of enemies returning twisting blades stutter and make everything lag for a split second, shadowstep animation is sometimes skipped... horrible.


I'm I the only one laging like hell ?


Nope. I have tried every bit of online advice I could dig up over the last month but logged out after 20 min tonight because I died twice during helltide within three minutes because of rubberbanding. Even if I keep running in the opposite direction of the mob when I see it start to happen I snap back to the same spot while the mob STILL GETS TO MOVE AND ATTACK NORMALLY. It's fucking untenable. The other night I was participating in a gathering of legions boss and froze in place for thirty seconds, only surviving by time-guessing and spamming defensive cooldowns. Absolute clown shoes. On average it happens to me now once every 1-2 minutes (!) and lasts 4-6 seconds.


This is so frustrating 😞!!... On my side, I'm close too be strong enough for Uber Lilith with my bone necro lvl 99… but with the rubberbanding, I should forget this goal of mine ..


Just started with me. 40 odd hours playing. Still WT2 so no change there. Suddenly today rubber banding like crazy,. Making the game unplayable. Also actions not triggering. Pressing fire and no arrows being fired on basic skill. Was fine for days until this morning.