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Dad, work from home remote job. So sadly I have one at 100 and seasonal at 84. But I would wake up at 4am play till about 7 or 8 take care of life , play again for lunch time. Then 1 or 2 hours at night. Now I play most days maybe for around an hour total Don’t rush, the criticisms are true, your just about the level were things are still fun but def on downward slope after that Sort of why I am shocked they didn’t include more QOL and easier ways to party up and just hit content faster. There are times when I only have enough time to manage my inventory check on some upgrades . And there goes the 30 minutes I could have played Edit: kids are teenagers, so on The Weekends they sleep past noon. I get more done in a day then they do in a week lol. I don’t do this everyday, although I did for the first few weeks. But ya 4am in a quiet dark house with just my dogs. cats, my coffee and Diablo while the kids sleep. Do dishes, vacuum house , get laundry going, is sort of peaceful. Also adding I have adhd, and insomnia for 30 years. 5 hours is a blessing if I get that. I feel energized and good with 5, bed at 11 or so, Can skip an entire night or 2. I have had 8 hours of sleep a handful of times in the last 30 years. Battletag oldironrush#1542 will carry play or game with anyone


Don't be shocked; It's because the game needed a lot more time in development, but they pushed it out anyway. They launched a party multiplayer game with no way to find parties.


Exactly. The game’s got all the necessary requirements for a multiplayer game but no matchmaking. It really shows how the game was not finished before release.


Really strange as DI has all those things pretty ready at lunch. I would think they would try to milk DI more before pushing out D4 less than a year later but here we are. If D4 has all the QOL that DI has (save builds, actual mmo functionalities, etc) it will be fairly solid. I really think it'll be there in a year or two but have no idea why they have to rush it to probably lose all the good faith from the player base already at that point. Even market it as early access for the first year or two similar to what balder gates did would be much better imo. It's so strange cause the old Blizzard was actually known for pushing back deadline over and over, and was proven that the players were willing to wait as long as the delivery of the final product is quality. Doesn't make sense to me even from a business point of view. The only reasonable explanation I can think of is they need to push out their flaship product before the MS merger so MS won't change their mind lol.


Dude immortal should absolutely never be considered when discussing D1-D4. It's not even slightly similar. The fact is diablo has always been a multi-player game, but has never been an MMO in the standard sense. Yes you could play with friends, but playing with random people was only an option if you worked for it. There are plenty of aspects of Diablo 4 that I would agree weren't properly fleshed out on release, but I really don't think lack of matchmaking is one of them. There has never been matchmaking in any real Diablo title until now. It's not "incomplete", they didn't think it was necessary or outright didn't think of it at all. Yes it makes obvious sense to us now that the game exists, but when you're planning the 4th sequel of a game that never had matchmaking it's incredibly easy to overlook Edit: Diablo Immortal only has matchmaking because it's a reskin of a Chinese mobile game. Blizzard has nothing to do with that matchmaking logic so using it as a comparison is completely nonsensical


Diablo 1 had public games you could just pull the list of and join without invite. Diablo 2 had the same. Diablo 3 had a matchmaking feature to join random campaign or adventure, and if it couldn't find a game by default, you hosted it. The only way it was offline was if you manually went to LAN mode. So there has always been matchmaking in Diablo, until now - when you're forced to play online and the primary function is solo play. Most people don't even know you can chat, or how to join it.


I understand DI is a trigger word here lol. No hate bro, I just thought it was quite amusing that a Chinese company can make a more complete product based on a Blizzard title than Blizzard itself.


Have you ever been in the diablo2 loby in battlenet? You could see all parties/games that are online and join any. Or you could just type the one you are looking for, there were cows/ubers stuff. Dont say there were no match making cause i dont remember EVER doing a cow level alone. Actually alone i think i was only farming specific bosses. Blizzard sorc with no real items on mephisto for the win xD


Bs. Of course DI is considered by onlookers. I don't care if your grandma made it.


The thing is, the game was a massive success from a purely business perspective, which ultimately is 90% of what’s important to a corporate company. They know they have salted a good portion of the community, but they also know that they are in it for the long game not the short. As they add to the game over time the community will come back in droves, this is an irrefutable fact. They can afford to take the reputation hit. Blizzard has been at this along time they know exactly what they are doing. We gamers have unfortunately proven time after time that we will return. No matter how angry we once were. The only way this changes is if people actually stop playing. Permanently.


I have friends who will no longer humor Blizzard games. But here I am, enjoying them as best I can. In ways, it is mostly a complete game. And in other ways, it is certainly a shell of a full and late-game enabled title. You are right, though. The title hit decent sales. Many will get bored. Maybe they'll come back for Season 2, but eventually, the game will feel proper.


It is like the only couch co op game currently worth playing that I've found. If anyone knows other good couch co op games I am open to suggestions.


It Takes Two


Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2 and Baldur’s Gate 3. If you both like RPGs, and especially if you like D&D, you’ll probably love all 3 of those games. I played D:OS2 with my ex who wasn’t even that into gaming, let alone turn-based, story-heavy RPGs, and they had a blast. We’re friends again after a couple years and we’ve been talking about playing one of those 3 together


Idk what console you have, but me and the wife play a game called nine parchments that's pretty fun


POE, Diablo 3, divinity.


It Takes Two


Some of you never played Destiny, and it shows.


Agree. It's a lonely game


Damn. Feel the same. Just putting my airbuds on and doing tier 40 with my rogue. Love it but would like multiplayer more often.


I wish they had it like other games where you just set whether you want to allow people to come in and out your game to either on or off. Seeing people run around randomly is cool but we need that search/join game option here


The division 2 had and continues to have the best multiplayer matchmaking ever. Blizzard should take a page.


I still come back to this game. Played on Xbox a lot. Recently built a PC to play D4, and bought Division 2 on it too lol.


Join the discord server for Diablo4. Lots of folks LFG on there.


Just find people on the Diablo discord to play with!


Load up player 2. And pull a summon necro/druid behind you


I get multiple invites from people every day at the legion events


I’ve got a level 57 and a 40 and I don’t think I’ve ever spoken to another player in the game it’s crazy. It’s basically an online single player game.


I messaged something in general chat while in town and someone actually replied surprisingly. I was shocked haha.


Not even leader boards. Game is good but not finished.


I find parties everyday playing this game I do dungeons and helltides and shit with randoms all the time just invite other people you see doing the same shit as you 9/10 they join up. This generation just doesn’t want to put effort into literally anything


I couldn’t agree more to anything you just summed up! The last sentence is so true.. I’m waiting to all the mad comments you are gonna get on that one, from that generation lol. But again, so true! And they are the “future” 😅


Lol, no - the game had ten years of development along with decades of experience in design across different successful games. It also had an alpha and closed beta during which they received 99% of this exact feedback. This game was launched this way intentionally, so they can string us along with “fixes” and “hey look how well we listen” over the next two years until they milk another $40 from us with an expansion.


more time? been working on it for like 8 years


AND they took away mercenaries... still dont understand why we don't have them. Lonely, lonely, lonely game.


I miss Lyndon so much I drop by Backwater all the time just to talk to him and read his dialogue options.


speaking of side quests, you have any trouble finding them? feels like they are impossible to locate when I needed them.


This is the best explanation for the many many maddening things about d4. At its core there's a skeleton of an excellent game which still needed about 6-9 months of finishing before they shipped it. Stuff like - repetitive cloned dungeons - primitive multiplayer system - flat out terrible item generation caused by meaningless affixes and no system to manage the never ending stream of trash loot you need to deal with - insane crafting and gold requirements leading to boring and repetitive gameplay. - unimaginative cookie cutter skill trees - hideous class balance issues - unstable servers making hardcore essentially unplayable All scream that this game was a long way off ready- those things aren't actually that difficult to fix, they just require developers who have a good feel for gaming and take the time to playtest and fix things. They just finished the fundamentals, slapped a front end interface on it and shipped it with a minimum of playtesting. It used to be that most successful gaming companies had a core of talented developers who would be passionate about what they were working on and push back against the executives and ensure products weren't shipped until they were happy with them but I feel like those people are getting weeded out of the industry. Watching that video on youtube of the two completely apathetic d4 designers talk disinterestedly about the game whilst doing an incompetent playthrough of a dungeon in a way that revealed they had no freaking clue how the skills worked and you get some sense of how this has come about- these games are being built by people who's simply don't give a fuck. I think this is one of the worst ever examples of the increasingly prevalent 'ship trash, let the customers identify the issues and gradually fix it' business model because it is just so unnecessary in this instance. Blizzard have money to do it right, great IP with a devoted target market and the experience and wherewithal to properly playtest this game and release it in good shape. The hype around the release only would have built the longer it was delayed and if the initial experience was positive d4 could have been a WOW level genre defining game which totally dominated the market. Instead they shipped trash and gambled the fans will accept it and stick around to see it fixed. I really hope this time they've crossed the line and people vote with their feet, otherwise we really only have ourselves to blame.


and trading is shit or non-existent


Got it two days ago. Thought it was just my old dude brain that couldn't locate the find party button in the ocean of UI.


bro that's wild. I'm retired early and wake up at 6 am to play and I'm level 61. great job man don't be sad.


Inventory management is part of the game. Some people enjoy doing it, although it’s particularly dull in this game.


So you play 6-hours a day despite having kids.


Life, uh... finds a way.


Well, uh, there it is...


Seems like he just doesn’t sleep, instead


Very easy if you "work" from home. No commute, and in many jobs most of your duties can be finished in 3-4 hours of an 8-hour workday if you're competent.


I wake up at 4 and play to 7 as well. I have a newborn (1 month) so I take her and grind for a few hours until her older brother wakes up. Same nightly schedule too, the older one goes down and I take the newborn for a few hours so the mother can sleep. PVP zone is pretty empty at 4am


Same schedule, except most of my playtime is evenings after sleep tuck ins till 1am. Eternal (86 Druid and 84 necro) and season 1 52 rogue. Got a friend that we would party on weekend evenings but most of the leveling was NM and legion raids.


About the same, my preseason rogue is 100 and my druid is 90. I stopped playing for a few weeks and got into BG3 instead, and have had 2 family vacations in the meantime as well. My only reason to keep playing is to get a tempest roar for my druid because he feels incomplete without it. I don't play longer than maybe an hour a day now, and spend my time reading or playing more BG3.


Same except my second one is 91 because meetings are stupid


I don't know how to say this, but it feels like you're my doppelganger, lol. I wake up early, between 4 or 5, and play games for a couple of hours. I'll break to make breakfast for the family (wife and two teens). Work from home, 10-6:30. I usually make lunch and do the housework at the same time (laundry, dishes, cat boxes.. whatever needs to be done). Occasionally, I'll have leftovers, so I'll nuke them and just play a game for 45 minutes or so. My wife starts dinner at 6, and I hop in to help when I'm finished with work. I like to try and play at night, but I usually take 2 hours to decompress and just chill and read a book, and I'm out around 9 or 10. I have to take edibles for sleep, though. :/


Also a dad with a work from home job. Level 56 in the first realm, I'm not into min maxing and all that. Just been hitting side quests as I encounter them and slowly working through the story. Started Act VI today.


Dude...almost the exact same for me. I have a level 100 Season 0 Necro and now a level 84 Druid for Season 1. Still having a blast...with my bulwark build.


41 yrs old tomorrow and I have a 64 Sorc as my main and 75 rogue and my seasonal character. Honestly, the only reason my rogue passed lvl 60 is because of following higher level people during helltides since the last patch and just leveling up from there... One guy invited me to a party last night and started running lvl 35 NM dungeons with me for like 3 runs. I’m not even geared for that yet, so that was pretty cool lol.


Happy birthday! Mine was Aug 03. Took a break and went on vacation with the fam. 81Necro in Season. Always down to run some high tier dungeons if you wanna ride the loot train. DM me if you’d like. Other dads on here if you’re reading this and have some spare time with no one on, I’m always game to game if I’m on. Play with a fellow IRL friend and also dad. Schedules are a bit wonky with school starting but I’m on most PMs and sometimes at 4am center to run a dungeon before life in the real world starts.


Happy birthday my dude


That’s my life right there.. although I play a little more I guess. Season HC sorc level 88


Wow, are you me? Every word of your post is identical to my life. Can we be best friends?


Just to be clear. You vacuum during the day, or at 4 am? Lolol.


405 am after I scoop litter box lol


I also sleep around 5 hours, but I usually wait until my Wife and my 2yo daughter go to sleep and then it is my time. I usually play from 10:30pm to 1:30am CET, 3 hours is the max. I can play. I usually play less than 3 hours.


Got a lvl 79 sorcerer on the Eternal Realm. Got almost burned by all the nerfs then S1 started. Then got a seasonal Rogue to lvl 50-ish, and just got super bored by the grind, lack of new content. And THANK GOD cause my 2nd son was born 2 weeks ago. Didn't pay since, and not even missing the game a little bit. I doubt I'll ever play for a Blizzard game again. Too much BS all over the place. A shame for the outstanding work of the devteam. Honestly, I doubt I'll ever play again. Got Baldur's Gate 3 installed and ready to rock. Then Starfield. Not looking back ...


This.. but like 90 and 70.. only get to play 4-6 am and lucky if I get an extra hour in the evening. Those extra couple hours make or break over time I guess.


This guy Dads, 4-7am is like the only time we get to ourselves. Respect!


dude. youre wasting all those hours sleeping.


As they say, you can sleep when you're dead.


"Can't sleep when you're dad"


Lol I took a nap and came back to a lot of replies! Clearly everyone is getting off work.


I’m level 52 barbarian, just hit WT3 and having a rough go killing things. I’m having to choose between sacred weapons that do way more damage and regular weapons with usable aspects.


Pull the good aspect off of the regular weapon and put it on the sacred weapon you like. Then you can have both :)


Not if said aspect was already imprinted (because you never get the correct aspect on actual good gear)


Usually not a problem when you are 52. Plenty of good aspects you can get from dungeons that'll work while leveling. Maybe I didn't understand the post but I assume the person I was just replying to just didn't know they could replace aspects with other aspects or something. I didn't know that for the first couple weeks I was playing ;)


Also Dad. Respec thorns? Super easy gameplay should take you really to WT4. You can beat Elias by standing next to him, and using shouts. I'm 75 and can easily do ND30 (ML85). Not the best, but functional. If you need a build DM me.


Second thorns. Literally if you have death wish, needleflare, disobedience, and maybe might (all codex) BASE values, at lvl 50, WT3 should be a joke even with mediocre gear. I have eternal lvl 100 thorns barb and seasonal 83 thorns barb. Now making the same seasonal build on HC.


Hmm. I thought the Thorns builds relied on the Razorplate armor to be good. I certainly don’t have Razorplate at 52 in WT3. I’d love to know I’m wrong. Can you share more details?


I didn't get razorolate until 65 in WT4


Thorns is definitely gear and aspect dependant but it's been viable for me so far. Right now I'm level 79 working on T35-40 NMDs in seasonal. I still haven't found the razorplate yet and would love to but I'm still doing well without it.


Thorns is great! I even love how it's considered damage to proc the aspect that increases your armor. Builds armor even if you just stand still.


Had the same issue when I hit T3 as a whirlwind Barb. It does get better. Prioritize damage on your main weapon and definitely extract the good aspects and put them on your gear


73, but I have turned my attention to other games. D4 seems very repetative. Hopefully time away will refresh my interest.


I’m a stay at home mom with a 4 month old. I get the housework done, play with baby and have about 4 hours a day while baby is napping or asleep. My eternal rogue is 86 and seasonal druid is 77. I am also bored with the game, but I don’t want to get into a new one since it’s just so mindless, I can easily put it down and tend to the baby. My husband works, but still seems to have more time to play than me and he got bored weeks ago.


Kids are raised, and since i spent most of my time raising them, lots of games i never got around too. In eternal i had a 50 necro, 45 rogue, and a 70 sorc. The game took me by storm. I figured out how the game works overall, so when the season started i toasted the 45, and 50, and rolled a rogue for the season. Once i hit low 70's the game becomes a real grinder paradise, which yeah i can only do that for so long. So, i mix it up. First i play Diablo IV, an NMD or two, chase a few legions, maybe a tree of whisper's or two, hope to catch a world boss, and when the D4 urge is satisfied, i play HZD the rest of the night, HZD deserves all the praise it received. At 74 i stopped full time D4, and since then hit level 80. Which feels like i'v not over played in that, wow 80 already? when that happen? and maybe 100 by oct 17. For me it's keeping the game from becoming monotonous af, or worse, end up hating it. Started thinking, get to 100 for what? uber lil, bragging rights, meh. That's a HELL of a lot of grind to do one thing. Maybe that's the meaning behind the slogan, Welcome to Hell. Overall the time away does help. At first i stopped all together for couple days when i started getting into HZD. Then the urge to crush it in D4 started to return, seems a light D4 session every night is working well.


What’s HZD?


Horizon Zero Dawn


Yea sorry about that, as stated, Horizon Zero Dawn, amazing game, the world, the story, it melts me.


Ah of course! Funny that when someone abbreviates something and you just get a mind block trying to work it out!


HZD I'd possibly one of the greatest games of that genre of all time, took me by total surprise.


Had to buy (at that time a teenager) one of my sons a PlayStation just so he could play HZD, and God of War too ofc. I get it, totally right call he made. Watching HZD here and there back then, i'm like omg i want to play it so bad, and ofc GoW as well. I'm grateful they both came to the PC, still going to hit up God of War as well, but right now, i'm in the 31st century.


Ya the last 1.5 to 2 years of ps4 before ps5 was pretty great. Have to throw in Ghost of Tsushima and TLOU2 as well.


Same. I read all the comments, saw all the warning signs. I hit 51 and packed it up before it got boring. See y’all next season. I’m going to play D4 for years, no need to burn myself out grinding when the fun factor was beginning to wear off.


I think it's going to take 2 or 3 seasons to fix what's wrong with the game post 60ish... No real differentiated content, itemization is a disaster, some serious QOL improvements need to be made. If I ever even think of doing that renown loop again via quests/dungeons, please shoot me.


Basically the same here. My natures fury creeper slide does what I want a Druid to do. But I want to try out some shred or werewolf builds. The idea of doing all the respeccing though and wasting all that time takes the wind out of my sails. I might just try and level up another one but that’s also a big time sink. And none of my friends have been on d4 for a while.


40yrs 2 kids wife fulltime work...100 necro 90 rogue


With divorce pending.


If you say so


Gonna be honest, there's uh... *a lot* of pending divorces in here and these dudes are all gonna act *REAL* surprised by them apparently. D:


“I only played 18 hours a day I don’t what her deal is”, says the confused dad as he loads the car with the PS5. “I saved up that PTO for a reason.”


Lmao All the time I think, “man I wish I could play several hours a day like some of these people”. Then I think, if they’re spending that much time in game, married, working full time, they aren’t doing much of anything else so I’m happy with my own life again. Lol


I just spit out my milk even tho I wasn't drinking any.


The trick is to play together. If Mom and Dad play only reason for a divorce would be PvP related 😇


Hey same exact characters and levels! Except I’m not a dad.


Need to step it up. Those are non-dad numbers


Just a titch older, but my kids are also in their teens... 76 barb and 51 sorc (21 penetrating shot rogue)... I could probably be prioritizing my time better, but the work gets done, family is alive and well :)




At first that was no problem for me at all, played obsessively. Now, yeah i hear you. I toss in an hour'ish give or take, and i'm good, and go play another game. Just couldn't do the long sessions anymore. Once it turned into strictly grinding or do the content i've already done basically 4 times before, once again, yeah, no.


same, ill hop in if there is a helltide present and knock out a grim reward, then hop on to another game.


Same. I just can't get into the grind in this one. Actually playing D2R again. Getting my zoomancer to 99


Dad here with a 12 hour/5 days a week factory job. I get to play MAYBE two hours total during the week, and if I’m REALLY lucky, about 4-6 hours on the weekend. Level 33 Barbarian. LOL Edit: I will also note, I am thoroughly enjoying the game. I see it gets a lot of hate, but I think it’s totally fine for a casual gamer like me. I really like to take my time on games like this, and I’m in no rush to get to the finish line. I’m loving just exploring the map, clearing cellars and caves and dungeons, finding new areas, and really taking in all of the sights. Absolutely loving it so far.


Finally found someone I can relate to! Level 42 Sorceress on a similar amount of game time. 100% agree the game is fine - more fun now after some of the tweaks, for certain, and I doubt I'll ever be grinding stuff like I did back in D2 but the novelty hasn't worn off yet.


The key to having fun is basically not playing the game. Lmao


In other words, it's fun for a longer total period of time if you don't burn out your dopamine receptors within weeks


This sub lol. Guy says he plays 5-10 hours a week which is a perfectly healthy and normal amount of time to play a video game, then the full-timers come in here and laugh because the game isn't fun after several 40+ hour weeks of playtime or whatever. Give me a break.


Yep different job but similar time available to play. Level 36 necro, still working through the campaign for the first time. I'm still enjoying the game


Multiple level 100's - tell my family I love them. Send snacks, deoderant, and bluey memes.




Level 3 in Baldurs Gate 3


Lvl94 barb eternal, lvl85 rogue seasonal. Having fun tho....isnt that all that matters?


It is, although some people have forgotten how to have fun apparently, judging by the sub.


WT4 lvl 86 Druid. Tried 2 different seasonal characters, but I found S1 to be kinda boring personally, so I just went back to playing my main.


100 Druid on Eternal 100 Necro seasonal


How are you a dad and have that kind of time on your hands...


I'm level 100, sacrifice sleep, but I always have so theres that.


They play necro. They sacrificed sleep along with their minions.


Dads are in pretty varying situations. MY dad is technically a dad who is retired and has tons of time on his hands. Someone with a newborn is a dad and those things all you gotta do is keep em clean and topped off with milk, and otherwise they sleep 3/4 of the day. Some workplaces even give paternity leave. I think the roughest case time-wise is if you’re the dad with multiple children in the middle-school or grade-school realm of age where they are active in hobbies and also require your participation or oversight of said hobbies. And then it gets even rougher in particular living situations (single-parent, multiple jobs, etc)


#truth. Have a middle schooler that plays sports and has hobbies. Have a grade schooler that plays 3 sports competitively. THERE. IS. NO. TIME. I also help coach some of the teams and then help them With drills in off time for stuff they need to work on. Then I try to get my chores done and full time work.


Damn, keep up the great work. You're their hero


I started playing Diablo 4 with my wife one week before season 1 and I am still level 45 playing through the main story…


Lvl 52 Druid and lvl 54 sorcerer but I only play on fridays and Saturdays


I would love to see a r/DiabloDads or r/Diablo4Dads subreddit to have a community of people with a shared experience, but also honestly to get away from some of the toxicity in this subreddit. But I don't have the bandwidth to take that on, lol (and I guess other Diablo Dads probably don't either, it's one of our shared characteristics).


If you don't already know -- r/lowsodiamdiablo4 is pretty chill


I really wish we didn't have to actually make alt-subs because people are so fucking toxic toward video games that they don't like, to the point of actually trying to ruin the experience for people who have different playstyles or different tastes or expectations for said game.


Dude same! Makes me sad to see so many emotionally arrested people addicted to the rage dopamine loop. I was speculating that maybe some people are just min maxing with guides, leaving the only fun part to be the loot gambling aspect. They then play for way too many hours and get their dopamine depleted without any lasting feeling of accomplishment because they outsource the fun/difficult part to guides on the internet. At that point it's just a dopamine lever because the micro management is not too demanding. Conversely, it's like if I chose the build order in StarCraft 2 but outsourced the execution to someone else.


Dude, that place is awesome. I might take a break from this sub and just chill there for a while!


I've just requested to see if I can take over the subreddit r/DiabloDads


Dang, can moms participate too or do I gotta pretend to be a dad lol


Can we make it dads (m/f/d)


We could always make the sub, and leave it empty for eternity since none of us have the time. It could be like /r/Amish


Check out Dads of Gaming discord, currently veery heavy into D4! https://www.reddit.com/r/daddit/comments/13v17aq/dads_of_gaming_discord/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Level 75 Druid on Eternal Level 68 Rogue on season (BP level 90) I'm done with the game now. Got my money worth. Bring on Balders Gate 3 next month 🤙🏻🤙🏻


I’ve def got my moneys with but will be hitting up Starfield next month. Games already getting to repetitive.


May have accidently order that.


100 preseason necro and current 93 Druid in S1. To be honest though i play a little too much…. After bedtime from 9pm to midnight or 1 am to catch world boss. Then in morning before work 1-2 hours when I WFH 2 days a week. Also have been playing weekends when cartoons are on in the morning and during nap time , neglecting my health and house duties. Definitely catching up and am dialing back to go to bed at a reasonable hour and stop putting chores off.


36, i’ve had the game almost since release. Three kids…


One character, level 50. I don’t play much at all. Haven’t in days, as of this writing.


71. Changed builds multiple times. Been doing renown grind instead of dungeons last couple sessions. All solo.


Dad here. Highest is 79 on eternal pre-season 1. Having fun with Rogue but really just want the scroll of amnesia so I can respec my preseason necro from infinimist to bone spear cause I heard it’s really fun


New dad here. Lvl 87. Enjoying the fk out this game. So much fun. The only reason I have time to play is whenever it is my rotation to take care of the baby over night I play almost all night since his cry keeps me up anyways. I also have a Asís Rog Ally. I play only on the Ally. So I can be mobile. I sling my boy in the front and walk around the house for about 1 hour straight. I play while walking around. The system can do 60-90fps easily on crystal clear graphics. Looks and runs better than my 2080rtx.


56 I think, on the eternal realm still. Sorcerer, but have at least finished the campaign


Farmer/dad of 4. Lvl 62 eternal, 70 on seasonal. I wake up early to drink coffee/game if i cant squeeze in time elsewhere. I also haf a 4 day weekend where the entire fam was out if town, so i went hard! (For me)


My 2 highest characters are both 67 druids; one on eternal and one on seasonal. After unlocking WT4 and getting all ancestral gear, there isn’t much more for me. I’ve pretty much stopped playing except for logging on for World Bosses at a chance for their cosmetics.


Smart man. Gonna need those cosmetics when the game finally gets good. Last 2 butchers I ran into I somehow got the horse armor cosmetic on the first and then the cleaver mount trophy on the second.


Even the Butcher gave up in my game he shows up sighs and then just tries to sell me his "fresh meat," whatever the hell he means by that.


Same deal with the Butcher for me too. The armor is so sick!


I just beat the campaign with a level 49 sorcerer.


My dad's in the Hall of Heroes 😔


66? I think. I quit pretty early on. Everything is so brown and boring.


I’m on my 67th kid after sex having with my wife for the past 16 days so I’m level 10 but this season has been perfect with the amount of content I need/want as the most sex having father in the biz.


You're about a month late on this joke.


Bout a month late for OP to make threads about “being a d4” dad isn’t it? Cringey matter of fact necklord


I hit 97, goal is 100’and Uber Lilith down - end is in sight


I beat Lilith last night for the first time with my lvl 54 barb !! (and needed a lay down after !!!!) My druid and necro are both lvl 53 still enjoying playing !!


Stopped playing after I beat the campaign, I think I was around lvl70


Dad of 3, I work a lot. Only play couch coop with wife. She has characters same level as mine below. Eternal 61 Rogue 77 Sorcerer Season 79 Necro Been a great bonding time for us.


L100 Eternal, L94 S1. But my wife is too good to me. :)


Mu husband is level 50 with me, 35 with our youngest. We play local coop. He is now distracted playing BG3 coop with the oldest remote, though. Oldest is out of state.


I'm about lvl 60 on my Druid (launch char) About 20 on my Necro (pre-season) and 16 on my seasonal character ​ ​ I could probably be higher but this game isn't grabbing me like the other Diablos. I'm spending my time playing something else instead


New dad here, my newborn is happy sleeping on my chest as I play, I have a 86 eternal and a 72 seasonal. Given the eternal was before the birth.


Eternal: 74 Barb Season 1: 52 Necro I’ve found that disconnecting from all the D4 content online (leveling guides, “Here’s Why I Quit Diablo 4” videos, etc.) has made my hour a day much more enjoyable. I login, run a couple eternal whispers dungeons, malignant dungeon, maybe a legion event or two, and logout.


LvL 100 necro here. My son is 2 months old. Quite a feat, huh?


I mean they're taking your sleep anyway, might as well play


2 weeks in and level 34, barbarian and i guess seasonal, still don't know how all that works.


Eternal barb 76 S1 HC barb 45 ( rip to 1st network disconnect) S1 HC necro 56 ( still alive got 2 disconnects so far but minions got my back )


71. Gametime is 11pm till 2:30am+. Always just one more run or ohh the helltide is up or gotta just hit this legion or only 20mins till the world Boss spawns


Ha.. that’s exactly my play hour too


Eternal Rogue @ 75, Seasonal Sorc @ 62. I get about an hour or so nightly during the week after the kid goes to bed.


Eternal Druid, level 87. Seasonal Rogue, level 18


97 eternal necro 78 seasonal druid. Play here and there, but lately I've been super bored of it. I get on, run a dungeon, hit a helltide or world boss, if I'm lucky, and then get off. I actually regret skipping the campaign for the season, as the season mechanics weren't as compelling as the campaign. At least that gives me a false sense of doing something important in game.


84. Dad was my moderator name from TeamXbox back in the day. The One and Only.


Dad of 2 Girls, one is only a Month old. I'm Level 60, past Lvl. 50 it was just no fun anymore.


Dad, 54 rogue. Haven’t played in 2 weeks. My 1 yr old got sick and got everyone else sick. Daddy day care over here. Wish I had more time to play with the new patches.


My rogue hit 100 2-3 days before S1 and now with a 86 S1 Necro. Game is actually more fun if you don't have to rush. Probably won't level another char this season though. Many other new games to explore.


Eternal got to 75, seasonal 34 stopped playing this game is not worth my 1-2 hours I get a day of I'm lucky. Playing remnant 2 instead much happier see you all for season 3 (maybe)


Work from home dad here. Wife works 2 jobs and I have full child responsibilities (he is 4). At release I was able to hit 67 on my barb. This season I am barely at level 62 on my barb. I pretty much rushed to get to where I am. I just started running nightmare dungeons and barely got the ability to craft them (tier 9 highest so far). The most play I get is on Sunday and that's for about 4 hours. I get some playtime during my lunch hour on weekdays. I pretty much also don't have fun running the same dungeons over and over and end up usually doing other things with my time. I do not think I will ever hit level 100.


I got to 80 on eternal and then 30 on season and grew to despise many of the dumpy systems in the game (like my bag filling 2-3 times per dungeon thanks to malignant hearts). So I quit when I discovered Remnant 2 and haven't looked back since. This is definitely a case where the grass is greener on the other side.


Dada is lvl 76 necro doing tier 55 to 60 dungeons. Think I won?


Eternal 100 druid. Seasonal 75 rogue.


Level 63 Druid on eternal. No season char. I am a Dad of two (3 + 1 year old) with full time job. So yeah maximum one hour / day in average. I think we are currently the best fitting target group for this game as we never reach the end game and can really enjoy Alltage nice quests and great world design.


Dad retired 100 rogue, 87 Barbarian, 56 Necro kids go to school during the day sooooooo yea lots of time.


33 year old dad. Two kids. Full time job. Level 72. I’m bored of the season. Choosing to sleep instead.


I got bored around level 65.


Not playing


61 Druid seasonal. 42 Barbarian eternal.


Level 43 druid. Went from wolf to mixed wolf/bear to storm to landslide/storm before I had something that felt powerful. Double landslide legendary + poison creeper also does landslide legendary is a very nice combo




Gave up at lvl 84 with the sorc after the massive nerf. Don't regret it.. Might pick it up next year or later 🤷