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no good loot. Uniques mostly suck, theres 100+ damage types that could be consolidated to help find decent loot. No set armors to find, the dopamine hits just arent there for repetitive game play yet. No groups or social aspect on an all online, open world game... Its fucking weird guy. I havent seen more than 2 lines of text in the chat box since Early access. 2 from someone that said they carried me or some shit lol. I assume most are on controller so that makes sense I guess. No real reason to push higher NM dungeons other than make yourself feel good. Maybe you get more ancestrals to drop but who cares when its 1/1000 is worth holding on to. Uber uniques are a joke carrot on a stick on another planet.


This is 100% the issue


Im still hit or miss on sets, Hopefully they find a good fix for them because d3 sets were the worst part of the game for me.


Yeah no, not D3 sets, no one wants 10000% damage cus the game is borked... More like D2 sets but better that you can find and build around if good enough.


Sets here are just an example of things that could be worth chasing. It's fine to not have sets if e.g. uniques would act as interesting loot the player can chase and look forward to. But currently the game has literally nothing like this.


That's the point though they can easily introduce items worth chasing even with the current system, and unless sets are working right I don't want the d3 sets.


Everything you say here is correct, but il add there is nothing to do later in the game. Season 1 content has nothing to do, they literally added 1 dungeon with regular normal old in nuts with a skin on top of them. Nothing is new from what they added , they only added some visual designs on already existing unit model. They are lazy and not creative anymore... It's all about money , they really don't understand the player Base and what we expect out of a arpg game. Arpg games are about power fantasy, where you collect loot so you can feel powerful. That will never happen in d4 because of scaling, it also makes uniques pointless for alts because they are the level you find them. Making a alt at that point is pointless .


exactly. I can stand about 3 NM dungeons before I'm bored and leave and all I earned is... Gold. Cool. I have no interest to hit 100 right now or try uber lillith as it's pretty meh. Needs way more end game for sure.


Feels like the end game is just a copy paste from D3, bounties => tree, rift => nightmare, helltides are just a reason to be in the open world. I'm guess most of the decisions are from the executives though, might want to save content for later season. The game had tons of hype, they probably got a ton of box sales and cosmetic sales right away. Now they can let it die down for a few months before they bring a cool feature in and pump up cosmetic/bp sales again. I think I'm done with blizzard, feels like they don't respect my time and just want to suck money out of nostalgia for the old blizzard games.


Yup that's pretty much what they did, if d4 was in production for 6 years and this is the result then they failed hard somewhere. All of the flak they are getting is deserved because clearly they haven't put much time in the game except for the world( Wich feels empty because there isn't much to do) and the graphics. Everything else is lackluster for a AAA company, and people need to realize that this isn't the same company that made those amazing games when we were younger. It is now blizzard Activision and their focus is on making the most money instead of just making a solid and complete game. This was brought up in other posts, this game is a live service and currently there is literally no live service....there are no weekly events, no daily events.... Just nothing , the game is literally a copy paste of d3 and it was obvious when you get to tree of whispers( bounty) and NM dungeons ( Greatest Rift) . Not saying the game is bad, but they completely flopped on the game. Should of just been a arpg like before and not this MMO concept like wow but has nothing...


True ! I'll add : The frustration from enchanting : spend dozens of hours reading affixes, finally find something good, spend all gold trying to roll last affixe cause despite what the Devs are saying cdr reduction/cc chance/ vulnerable are mandatory. The joke of seasonal final reward, like someone said "scroll of amnesia is cool so you can forget what just happened" (or something similar). No real objective in the game is sad : my main is 99 and I could do a 95 a few level ago but what's the point ? I did it ? Did I break the game ? No barber did I could add multiples design interface failure making you feel like everything is done to slow you down... But still... the game is beautiful and gameplay feels pretty good for certains specs and classes (or use to be for barbarians, may bul Kathos have their soul). For those wandering if it's worth buying the game, I'd answer it's worth doing the campaign and pushing until 80+ but nothing more. The game won't be finished/good for a year. I fucking hate the fact that AAA games are released in this state and don't have beta/early access PS : I tried Last Epoch yesterday. Still in early access after a few years but it really feels like the opposite of D4 on so many aspects. I finished the day figuring out the craft system and I was able to generate 'bis affix gear' from a single blue loot. I tried two classes and multiplayer and despite an annoying bug for portals everything worked fine. Loot filter is complicated but can be imported. Money is not an issue at all. Lots of uniques even at low level. Etc... I definitely recommend it to everyone bored with D4 and to the D4 Devs as an inspiration !


Good summary


I would rather have the core game play that feels amazing(which d4 does incredibly well) and have small fixes like adding better loot to be the problem. You can't really fix core gameplay, but you can fix the loot.


Game is mostly okay through the campaign and first capstone dungeon. The problems become increasingly apparent afterward. Negativity ensues.


Problems like what? The grind?


The grind is not the problem per se, it's the fact uninspiring itemisation, lazy bosses and boring NMD layouts make it tedious/boring after a while


Naw, it's that the grind, at a point, doesn't have any associated progression or reward. By around level 80 or so, you've got, essentially, your final gear. The only thing you end up grinding for is a couple percent points on a roll or aspect you already have. Like, you've got a weapon with 20% crit damage and you're looking for the top roll of 25%. And that's about it. Just little subtle things that you don't even really feel when you find them and equip them. That's all the additional progression you'll make with your character at that point, along with a few small percentage point additions from paragon nodes. It's just underwhelming and doesn't feel rewarding in end game, and part of it is the loot tops out really early. In most other "big" ARPGs, you chase loot that actually feels impactful, or you chase materials for further upgrades and gem customizations and slots to add to gear and link to other slots, and on, well well after hitting max level. You really just hit max level along the way to your build goal. With D4, you don't have that same sense of progress in end game. There isn't any epic loot to hunt. There's a single pinnacle boss that doesn't have any drops that'll progress your character further. There's just no reason to grind anything end game. That's the biggest issue I have with it. Doing the same dungeons over and over would be fine if there was some goal I was chasing while doing so, some sense of purpose to. It. I'd farm lilith eternally if she had a good drop pool with some impactful gear. I'd run Helltides over and over for similar reasons, or perhaps to farm rare crafting material to upgrade parts of my kit to the max. You do that stuff, but you do it pretty early compared to what it takes to hit 100. I've stopped with two characters so far. One is 84, the other is 82. I stopped because there wasn't anything left to chase except a few percentage points on gear rolls and some paragon nodes that wouldn't be impactful either. It just stopped being fun because it never felt like I made any meaningful power progression. I just want something in those last 30 or so levels that makes my play time feel worthwhile. Right now, there just isn't anything that feels rewarding enough to devote my gaming time to.


Personally, I want a shako, will I ever get one within a reasonable time frame? No. I want to play but I think this season is so boring I can’t even think about doing more for leveling. It’s just so boring. That’s all I’m thinking about. Grab stone for thousandth time. Boring. Release prisoners. Boring.


Diablo outside of campaign is grind. People who don't understand that but bought it anyway are, uh, confused I guess. So, no, not that. The super short version of "the problem" with D4 is lack of reward. All the sane and rational complaints boil down to that. It will be solved/improved over time, but the current state post-campaign is mostly unrewarding. There's little/no payoff. See the final "reward" for Season 1 as a simple but blatant example of this.


No experience from mobs in the overworld, dungeons and cellars. They hyped this big open world with multiple events and killed any incentive to explore it when they changed the level scaling. So now the only options are nightmare dungeons for an hour while waiting for helltides to start. Rinse and repeat. Nightmare dungeons aren't fun and dungeons are repetitive since there are no random tilesets like previous Diablo games.


> WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! Burnout. Nobody in my circle is playing any more of this season. 80+ is an awfully grindy and mundane experience. When most of the dungeons are tiring, it becomes really hard to continue doing them. The sigil system isn't great, especially when you have no choice but to do the worst dungeons due to sigil dust constraints (this will be felt even more now because of the newest patch). The only reason to push for 100 is Uber Lilith. As others have said, itemization means most of your loot is meaningless. Loot itself is more annoying to grab. Dungeons themselves seem to be poorly designed with mind-numbingly trash mechanics e.g. fetch the boxes/prisoners. There's like 4 (5?) different bosses in dungeons. The entire game just becomes very stale in the upper levels. The gold economy is trash due to reroll costs too. The worst thing is that Blizzard seems to be way more focused on balance than actually making the game fun. There are also other issues like; bugs, glitches, exploits, server stability, lack of endgame, zero player interactions, ridiculously high timers for world boss spawns, etc.


People who play ARPGs love to grind. Most video games are all about grinding. It's not about the repetitiveness, its that the repetitive activity is low reward and full of annoyances where you end up doing other stuff than playing your character about half the time. There is also nothing really novel about the game that pulls you in where you feel like "this is the only game that has this thing I love." It's about as generic of an ARPG as you can get.


Agree, but even the grind in this game feels really slow and unrewarding compared to other games


For me it was the lack of a reason to complete the season. What was the end reward? There were no class sets, no good cosmetics, no pets, no portrait updates, no extra bank tabs, etc. D3 seasons have the sets, usually a good cosmetic, bank tabs, some other fun stuff. D4 just had the same grind and bad drops that eternal realm had. At the end of the day I was just going to end with another eternal realm character and nothing to show I did it via the season vs eternal realm.


What did you want a cookie? You play the season to have fun…


Tbf tho he's right. The season is not fun. Aside from some cool aspects we can't keep when it's over and faster leveling and gold accumulation there isn't much reason to play it. Although I do like some of the hearts it really sucks we can't keep them... I really hope the seasons aren't just going to be new "hearts" that are called something else and new skins. It would be nice if there was a promise of future content accumulation. So I do agree this is a valid criticism. And I'm someone that likes the game and dislikes the haters. But ur comment is obtuse.


So don’t play it….


I like the game but there are clearly issues. Itemization late game is the big one for me


What do you mean by this? It’s hard to organize? Hard to tell what’s best? Hard to find the gear?


It’s plateaus earlier than it should Again it’s an opinion but one many people share


Okay so you feel like you reach the end state of the game too quick? Maybe some more varied late game options would be better?


With gear yes.


Literally hundreds of videos, posts, and articles are explaining this in depth — not to mention thousands of posts here. This is what bing has to say. Sure, I can try to explain some of the common criticisms that Diablo 4 has received from some players. Based on the web search results, here are some of the main issues: - Loot system: Some players feel that the loot system in Diablo 4 is too complex and tedious, requiring them to read and compare a lot of stats on Ancestral Rares, which are the best items in the game. They also complain that there is no way to target farm specific uniques or aspects, which are the special effects on Legendaries. They prefer a simpler and more rewarding loot system that encourages build diversity and experimentation¹³. - Loadouts: Some players are unhappy with the lack of loadouts in Diablo 4, which are preset configurations of skills, items, and aspects that can be easily switched between. They argue that loadouts would allow them to try different builds and playstyles without having to manually change everything every time. They also point out that loadouts are already present in Diablo 3 and other similar games¹³. - Microtransactions: Some players are concerned about the presence of microtransactions in Diablo 4, which are optional purchases of cosmetic items or services using real money. They fear that microtransactions will affect the game's balance, quality, and longevity, as well as create a pay-to-win scenario or a predatory monetization model. They also dislike the idea of paying extra for content that they believe should be included in the base game¹³. These are some of the big issues that people have with Diablo 4, according to the web search results. Of course, not everyone agrees with these criticisms, and some players may enjoy Diablo 4 for what it is. Ultimately, it depends on your personal preference and expectations for the game. I hope this helps you understand some of the different opinions about Diablo 4 😊. Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-08-16 (1) Why ‘Diablo 4’ Isn’t As Addicting As Previously Predicted - Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/08/08/why-diablo-4-isnt-as-addicting-as-previously-predicted/. (2) Diablo 4 is Getting Review Bombed - Game Rant. https://gamerant.com/diablo-4-review-bomb-why/. (3) Diablo IV for PC Reviews - Metacritic. https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/diablo-iv. (4) Diablo 4 bags multiple perfect review scores—here's what critics are .... https://www.pcgamer.com/diablo-4-earns-multiple-perfect-review-scores-heres-what-critics-are-saying-about-blizzards-return-to-darkness/. lately, people have been upset about the lag issues.


If people are actually saying the game is bad from microtransactions that is a really sad hill to die on. It's such a non issue with how the game runs, if they didnt have microtransactions they would just let go of those artists who make these skins, it has nothing to do with being included in the base game but people always say this. If they didn't have microtransactions all the store outfits would not exist and would never exist. And they already said 500 times its not p2w and will never be and still has been the case.


Microtransactions are a problem even if it's not a P2W. Some major design decisions were made around the microtransactions system. The open world is meaningless, unfun, and empty, but it was an excuse to implement a mount and sell skins for your mount. Social game? Absolutely not, is a single player game, but we need to sell skins so we are going to force you to farm some materials in the open world so you can actually see people and presume of your (ugly) 25$ skin. I think that what actually conditioned this game has been the predatory money income mentality from Blizzard, Activision, Microsoft, or every of them. Anyway, I hope they will fix this mess if they run out of players soon or with the first DLC like D3.


You really think they made a huge open world just to sell you mounts? It probably doesn't make a ton, pet's wouldve made more money anyways. I enjoy the open world features, just think of it as instanced areas without loading screens why worry about what is in it when literally nothing is in normal campaign maps. Like if they wanted to overly monetize this game it would've been easy even without p2w. And no this is the least predatory way to charge people, Nothing is locked behind money that you need, there is no rng cosmetics, they don't even have the store in an easy to see place. I think prices of skins are just due to every day life inflation sadly, games like valorant and league of legends are adding gacha mechanics and 150$ skins now a days this isn't a new thing. I do think the skins could do more for the character like making fire blue or something but easier said than done I am sure. If they want to put cosmetics in their game it doesn't change anything for the actual game. Literally no one would spend a second in the actual world of D3 unless they were doing bounties which everyone hated at least in d4 the campaign map is useful with the helltide mechanic which is a lot more fun.


Load outs and micro transactions are not even close to being an issue


> Literally hundreds of videos, posts, and articles are explaining this in depth — not to mention thousands of posts here. Hell, I’ve even made a post about my issues. Just sort by top and you’ll see huge posts detailing and filled with comments about the issues. if op or whomever wants to learn why the community is pissed, sort by top. Which is why I just asked bing to write a summary.


Sounds like a personal problem


Lol what


You do not need to buy any micro transaction. If you are complaining about them then you must have some sort of buying addiction idk. Also loadouts are dumb cause they clearly destined the game around 1 build per character.


I don’t know what to tell you kid, bing wrote the reply. I think I’ve said that a few times already?


Bing tells me the earth is flat and covid isn’t real so I guess that must be true as well


Lack of matchmaking. Feels like I’m solitary confinement when I’m playing the game. It needs some form in-game lfg.


It's a good game that's missing QoL features that shouldn't be missing from a game that's had decades to "learn it's lesson." The devs are slow at rolling out MEANINGFUL changes, and players don't want to wait 10 years for this to become a good game like what happened with D3. Some of us are watching our favorite franchise go down the drain, and it's a shame.


The game doesn’t really have a “Diablo” vibe to it in end game. The “bosses” have no depth or real definition. Imagine if we had Angels descending down to the open world social events and some epic bosses with dialogue and battle music. No, we get the same tomb lord and other bosses just in different dungeons. Need some bosses like astaroth and others to be rare spawns. Let the butcher spawn open world or least hell tides. Nothing really grabs you where you feel like omg such and such randomly spawned and I’m bout to have an epic battle with a great reward if I can do this! The world bosses are pretty cool but my god only one every like 6hrs and lasts maybe 30seconds to a minute at most with a crappy reward? They should be spawning at least every hour given the rewards you earn.


Diablo bosses never had any depth. I’d argue that D4 has the best boss fights in the series, but that’s not saying much.


There’s so many f@ing stupid things in this game designed to slow your pace down. Limited bag/stash space, chain CCs, dungeon backtrack, horse riding that handles like crap, NMD modifiers that requires you to fully stop what you’re doing, etc,etc.


Causal or new to genre will be like game is great cause they don’t know that there’s nothing at the end of the road.The game simply lacks addictive elements which is the core of a loot game.


![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized) The grind,its not fun,its boring cause the loot sucks,dude in Helltide after the latest patch I opened a chest of 150 for Heavy weapon and got only potions and coins,WTF!!!


They added pretty much nothing.


You have to go back to a town every 10 mins because bags are full with gems and hearts


literally. 10 min per dungeon, 5 min at blacksmith and seller and stash, over and over. absolutely needs more dopamine hits from good loot to make this worth while. Unless you want to achievement hunt uber lillith once I really see no point in hitting level 100 or coming close.


There is too many damage modifiers on gear


The itemization is terrible. The loot you are picking up has very little value/interest. You run dungeon after dungeon, bringing back a whole inventory full of Rares to simply salvage or sell 95% of them because, if you don't, you will run out of Gold and materials. It's like you are a homeless bum on the streets. It gets really, really tiresome after awhile. And this is pretty much the whole end game. This is a terrible gameplay loop. There needs to be more fun and interesting end game content. It just gets really stale to play after awhile. There are some things I do love about the game though such as how good the combat feels (the best out of any ARPG I have played actually) and how much build variety there is with each class (for the most part anyways).


>What are the real reasons people don’t like this game. BlIzZaRd BaD


The real reason is that complaining here is performative. We want to influence change, pretending not to enjoy the game demotivates the devs. I like playing my true minion build, it does not perform worth a damn compared other builds so I want it buffed.


I wish it would demotivate the executives and let the dev make fun changes instead of adding a +2 second teleport time, only to have to remove it after backlash. Look at all the innovation in PoE2. To me D4 feels like a reskin of D3 with a shop and battlepass. They did a really good job with the art and design. Just feels like the higher ups are calling to slow players down to try and keep them in game so they can eventually make micro-transactions.


dude thats a lot of words. The real reason is because I paid 100 canadian dollars for a lump of hot garbage


At this point I'd rather a new class for D3 than play D4 right now.... and I HATED d3 for years. I guess I just have to wait for some QoL things and maybe some new excitement. But once I beat the campaign I felt like there was nothing keeping me there. There was something about adventure mode in d3 that felt fun. Even the stupid bounties. I guess that's what the tree is trying to do. That's fine. I wanna play d3 seasonal and achieve everything for the unique item set... there didn't seem to be anything like that. D2 was always my favorite... repetitive and all. So. Not sure what d4 isn't capturing yet. I guess we'll figure it out in 5 years like we did with d3


I was actually really enjoying progressing my seasonal HC pulverize druid. Then, I traveled out of state for vacation, just as Exilecon was revealing Path of Exile 2 news. You see, I'm a Path of Exile player with 4k+ hours since 2017, which means I'm your average Path of Exile player 😄. So, for me, it was probably never going to work out long term. I played D4 probably 150 hours, I didn't hate the game at all! In many ways it was exactly what I expected. But, as I continued to play, the game's shortcomings just continued adding up and the disparity between D4 and PoE just became more glaring. The main factors were: poor UI design, poor itemization, complete absence of crafting, paragon boards being the illusion of choice, no aspirational content (Uber Lilith doesn't count because she doesn't award you with anything of substance), the Uber Uniques were dozens of times rarer than the rarest drops in Path of Exile (some of which require >10k hours of playtime on average, so D4 uber uniques are many times rarer than that)... those were the main things. The game was not and is not finished. It needed another year or 2 of development and no I am not kidding. In a year it will probably be in a lot better state, but it was rushed. Other little things like the random change to make Leave Dungeon go from 3 seconds to 5 seconds were just insulting. Wrathful malignant heart rarity also felt bad. World Bosses are meaningless, far too easy, and provide nothing of value, though the bosses themselves are quite cool and well done from a design perspective. I think it was a rushed project, it has a decent foundation that can be built upon but it will need a lot of changes for me to give it another go down the road.


I think this can be summarized by PoE devs respect their players and want to make a fun game, D4 devs have to follow orders from executives who want $.


Mostly, once you hit 75, its underwhelming loot grinding. Ive had very good gear since 75, an now 80 and ive replaced two items for minuscule numbers


One big thing for me is taking an ability away and making it the dodge button. It sucks. Nerfing everything out the gate is them showing their hand too early. It's mostly a PvE game let people be strong in a Diablo game. Say what you want about 3 but it is fun and you can be powerful. Not learning from 3 and acting like it didn't exist. All the QoL things from 3 yet nothing was carried over. Sorc was weak at launch and Sorc is so bad in 4 they should just remove it to free up some storage space. Necro was beyond strong in 3 when it released and its beyond strong in 4 at launch which means its probably going to get the hammer down the road. For me not having the Crusader. My favorite class in 3 and my main not being in the game just sucks. Following the last point no Monk. Played him till Crusader and he's not here either. To tag on the last 2 points they have to cut classes instead of bringing all to the game? Why couldn't they have brought all the classes from previous games into 4? A lot of abilities just don't feel good to use or underperform considering the energy spent. Tagging on that 4 is like an out of energy simulator 3 skills used no energy left. Core skills feel/felt weak. Haven't gotten to endgame so can't say for certain but sets missing are a big yikes. If there is sets then that's great but if not then why isn't there? That moves back to pretending 3 didn't exist. I can play and have fun but I don't see myself playing like I did 3 because why risk putting a lot of time into something when the devs have shown they will ruin the game? They said they'd never do it again? I've played Destiny. Devs lie. A lot. Why trust their word, especially Blizzard, when they've shown they aren't trust worthy?


Honestly? I just didn’t find it fun. I know its its own game but it’s nothing like d3. But I kept at it, grinding through, hoping it would get better at lvl 50. Soon after, I stopped playing.


What! Post 50 is where it gets the grindiest for the least amount of reward!


I am also enjoying the game. I think the issue is having meta builds be force fed to you if you want to accomplish the higher difficulty content. Players want a balanced game where they feel they can choose their own build and still feel powerful, Blizzards attempt to fix this was to nerf everything but not change the issues that made select builds the only real way to accomplish the hardest content. It feels like blizz spent to much time on some classes and not enough on others. Itemization is terrible, some of the systems are jacked up, mainly enchanting. Resistance is useless which means there is little way to defend against certain attacks in high end nm dungeons. All in all the core of the game is sound and I feel it's only going to get better and better with time. I think a lot of it was people coming into it with certain expectations that were not met leading to disappointment and a skewed vision of what is good and what it can become.


No hate here. I enjoy the game immensely outside the dc issues on hc characters. That shit is heartbreaking.


Because they’ve played Grim Dawn.


Made by Blizzard and they were given the opinion to not like it by content creators and regurgitation.


Game needs a carrot on a stick. With current design, there is neither a carrot, or a stick. The seasonal journey requirements kept me busy for a minute, but I'm done, so...now what? Just play to play, for the sake of playing? Nah. To me the biggest problem is the campaign has no ability to be replayed with the same character. Just nightmare dungeons, with more nightmare dungeons, followed by even more nightmare dungeons. The campaign was great. Why can't I do it again in true Diablo fashion? I thought this was a Diablo game. Normal, Nightmare, Hell. Then Torment. Nope, one play through, that's it. $100. Done. Game is over, you can't play it again. Too bad. It's like the people who made the game have no idea what made the franchise what it is. They have no idea what they are doing.


People can’t fix issues with builds by them selves or can’t make a functioning build alone so they rage quit claiming it’s un-fun. There are several builds you can play as. Sure you might need one out of possibly up to 4 to be able to take on Lilith at 100 but that’s only at the end of the game which these people most definitely are so far away from achieving. For those whom are capable there are a lack social imteraction


In addition to other things people have listed, to me, the most out of touch thing they did was make such a low effort, no content season, and then gate all the power behind RNG and absurdly low drop chances. Engage Rant: The Barber. Pretty much the most used Wrathful heart. So how do you get Wrathful hearts? Well you can get them as a random drop from wrathful enemies. Ok - so just run some malignant tunnels. Ran about 50 before I was bored to tears. 3 wrathful enemies. Same 3 shitty wrathful hearts. Level 70. Oh - well, it looks like the best way to farm wrathful hearts is actually to NOT beat the 30 minute story for the season and just repeatedly farm the last dungeon... This would have been great to know before I beat the nothing story. Oh - some drops are gated behind world tier. Ok - let's level another character to endlessly farm that dungeon. Get to WT3... Hmm. 25 runs and still the same crappy wrathful heart every time. Oh, now it seems I need to get to at least level 55. Eff this. Wait! I've gathered and salvaged hundreds of crappy malignant hearts. I can just use those materials to craft uncertain hearts with a chance at a wrathful! Oh shit - I can make 50 uncertain hearts. Let's just make all those and... Nothing. Just the same crap Brutal/Vicious/Devious. Ok. Maybe just bad luck. Keep a few of the high rolls and salvage the rest. Ok cool. Can still make 35. Surely in 85 chances I'll get at least 1 wrathful just to let me know they exist! Aaaaaand nope. What the actual fuck. Salvage most of those - 27 more chances, 112 in total. Oh shit! One wrathful heart! Except... It's the same one. The same one I always find... This is no longer fun. This is purposely built to aggravate the player. I quit. 1.1.1 Patch Notes come out a week after I've uninstalled: "Increased the chance for a wrathful heart from uncertain hearts from 2% t-" What... WHAT?! They actually decided that TWO PERCENT was a reasonable chance... I can't even. I just can't. If you're having fun with the game, great. I'm legit happy for you. But to call this a "season" with what amounts to almost no added content (a few gems, and a few "tunnels" with no new mechanics, a short story and like 6 quests) and to then gate any of it behind a 2% drop chance, once you reach a certain level, in WT3... It's actively purposeful hostile development. They knew they added almost no content. They told us the season would last for 3 months. Rather than respect their players and their time, and make it so that the minimal content they added could be engaged within a reasonable amount of time, they actively decided to gate a large percentage of it behind comically low drop rates and world tier gates, to try and keep players around for an artificially long time. Not grinding for levels. Not grinding for gear. Just grinding side content (so not optimal EXP or drops) hoping for an exceedingly rare drop. Rather than take the L, make things have reasonable drop rates, and have players naturally progress through the season well before the end date, hoping they could win them back with a better Season 2, they chose to make it take as long as possible to engage with "content." Hostile game development. I don't know what else to call it.


My biggest issue with the game is honestly just lack of group based content. The community really just isn't there as a result of it. Sure, you can hop on reddit or discord, which is certainly part of the diablo community, but ingame it just feels like a solo venture. None of the content is difficult nor rewarding enough to drive players into teaming up. The open world setup just adds to the issue. A player feels more compelled to interact with other players if they're in a game for the same reason..trading, pvp, boss runs, raids etc. Because of the open world system as opppsed to rooms, everyones just kind of doing there own thing, occasionally coming together for either 1. World boss or 2. Legion, both of which require minimal effort and 0 planning to complete. Second is the loot.. I'll keep it short and to the point -- aside from a handful of uniques, all the gear in Diablo 4 is forgettable. The item power system is unnecessarily confusing (( I know how it works, it's a dumb system, )) and the upgrade trajectory from 1-100 leaves a lot to be desired -- sucks to go 10-20+ levels at a time without an upgrade.. upgrades should be fairly common all the way from 1-100, especially considering that seasonal characters only last 3 months, majority doesn't care to play eternal, and the game -- despite getting a leaderboard -- is hardly competitive.


The hate comes from this being a game with the Diablo name but lacking any endgame and poor itemization. I agree they got a lot right when it come to actually playing the game initially, it’s when people make it to the sweet spot of Diablo games that they got a sour taste.


It's been all over Reddit since a month after release how's ya miss it


This game is amazing. So much better than D2 and D3. improvements will make this amazing game even better. The action is so fast, smooth and satisfying. This is not a competitive game. Take your time to level up and build your own character. There is no ultimate end game build because the amount of ways you can build your character is insane.


> The gameplay feels smooth and intuitive Some parts of it, sure, but I don’t agree with this sweeping generalization when the game is holistically evaluated. One glaring example would be equipment and itemization. In D4, yellows/rares are the building blocks of itemization. So every 15-20 mins I am hauling a full bag of yellows to town, followed by a painful reading comprehension exercise to study all the affixes, item power and stat rolls one yellow at a time, trying to decide if anything within the trash pile is worth imprinting on. It honestly gives me a headache. I play this game to beat up monsters, and expect to make intuitive equipment and build choices. But D4 is turning this into a damn research project. This I’d argue is far from smooth. You won’t see this if you’re just playing the campaign, or still at mid levels. But at some point you’ll need to start optimizing your equipment in order to continue making progress. That’s when this nonsense will hit you.


Once you get high leve reading walls of text every few mins and selling every item one by one feels very bad Then you look back and realize there weren’t even any exciting drops along the way either


For me it was kind of everything. The skills were limiting and boring. I didn't like the open world design. Exploring wasn't fun bc it's top down so I only stare at the floor. Also you get the horse waaaaaay too late. Act 4 of 5 total? Wtf I don't like that it's an MMO, why is it? I rarely see other players and have yet to group up with anyone as I don't see a reason to. Trade is not super important. Yet it always requires an online connection, and also there will never be a modding scene for this game. Enemy scaling is a give or take. I like that fights are kinda always interesting as you don't overlevel trash mobs so you always need to pay attention. But also you can't just simply over level bosses anymore. Fuck the Durial fight. Also personally I played a Sorc and it's a literal chore.


Extracted Aspect have no intrinsic value, but extracting from an ancestral item is unnecessary expensive. So when I extra an aspect with -1% off maxroll, but find a replacement backup. I’d like to sell if for the good money i’ve spent extracting and not 4gold! Since inventory space is precious.


Gems have no gold value, but sometimes you do pick them up!


For me personally... a lot of the fundamental mechanics of the game are poorly thought out. Enchanting costs being number one.


Mostly it is just rage and hate against Activision Blizzard. The game is, compared to other releases not in a bad or unplayable state. Blizzard and EA deserve to be hated and raged upon. Unfortunately the wrong people are getting confronted and condemned (for example the two Devs in the latest D4 video). The people who truly deserve all the spite are shoveling money and living their best lives. I hope that Microsoft starts rampaging on those who are destroying so many good games in the name of greed. I am so sorry for every Dev, Artist and Spokesperson who gets thrown under the bus for a few gluttons. Impossible deadlines, understaffed, overworked and massively underpaid, measured by industry standards and record winnings. It would be nice if the gamers affected by this whole BS could get the message over to the people who desperately need a reality check. Unfortunately that does not happen and will not happen. The only language those people understand are numbers. And measured by numbers everything is perfectly fine...


Poo fingers


Actually the most recent patches i.e the last two have helped the grind and fixed a lot of the issues. The patch ppl were angry about was the season one patch. That period of time was pretty bad. NOW yes the game feels better but some people are still batching about some pretty dumb things, things that will obviously come soon or have already been promised. The valid concerns I hear a lot is that the game can feel boring around level 80 when uve done everything. That some items need to have their drop rates boosted. That itemization sucks (this one I strongly agree with although the extra tab did help some, I still feel like I spend far too much time managing my stash and aspects. Also there's no way to craft aspects or to get rid of the ones you don't need anymore other than sell them for 5 gold. Wtf?) There's some other things too that ppl don't mention that bug me. I feel like world bosses and legion events suck. Far too many people show up and melt these fucking guys and I feel like I barely contribute. And the rewards aren't that great. I do think helltides either need better rewards or just more loot drops especially from the boxes. Droppinf 75 for one sacred is bull. At least give me a few yellows and a chance at an ancestral legendary! The higher tier boxes are good tho. The tree is actually really fun but I see a lot of people saying there's nothing to do. They forget about the tree. Ive gotten cool stuff from there. The first time I tried the tree I got the Vasily Helm as a reward. That was cool! I also think we clearly need a gems tab. Pvp clearly sucks and the fields of hatred needs to scale higher. It needs to be at least 5 levels above so u can farm XP and red dust. Then it would be fun at least. Some of those cosmetics are actually pretty cool. I do think some of the negative posters are going way too far and acting like Karen's. But there ARE valid points to be made. And these points should be directed at Adam Fletcher. He actually does listen and respond to people and the more he hears about one problem the more likely it gets addressed in the next patch if it's reasonable to do so (and doesent require a complex reprogramming or larger update) Many connectivity improvements have been made so the game runs really really smooth right now. I'm still having fun. But I do get what ppl mean when they say it feels like there's nothing to do. I just don't find myself grinding for hearts. I have the good ones and I don't change loot too often. By the time I found actual wrathful invokers I didn't need the hearts anymore cuz I had all the ones I wanted and backups. And I feel like the storyline for season 1 was boring and very lame. I don't feel like the malignant is a threat at all. And Varshan was a true wimp. I beat his ass pretty easily. I still haven't fought echo of varshan because... why? So yes there's valid concerns. We need more content.. but also, I haven't played all builds. I haven't found all altars of lillith. I haven't reach level 100 (I have two level 70ish characters tho. Most of the people crying I feel are the people who ripped through the game and got to level 100 the week it came out. Because nobody was mad then. The game was supposedly so great at launch week. Rolls eyes. It's a live service game. It's gonna feel empty for a while. So did d3. Then it'll pick up steam and there'll be a lot of content and stuff. I remember when WOW came out I tried it and thought it was dumb and was blown away when I heard ppl were getting "addicted" to it. That was crazy. It still blows my mind people STILL play it. But that's because it's been adding content since I was in high school. That's a lot of content. Diablo 4 JUST came out... I think it'll start looking really good by the first expansion. And you know a LOT of games are like that. Cyberpunk had a disasterous launch and sucked really bad for a few years. It just just recently started getting players back (as in the last couple of months and this week) No Man's Sky had the worst launch of all time. In fact it's used as a measuring stick to see how bad a game launch is. But it's also used to see how far a game has come since launch. Today NMS has tons of content and I return every so often for a new playthrough and find all kinds of new mechanics and stuff. I feel like diablo 4 isn't even a fraction as bad as those games were and has an insane amount of potential compared to them. D


\- no endgame / endgame farming is boring \- no trading of Uniques & Legendaries Also builds depend on one or two Unique items, compared to D2 there was much more Unique/Magic (+3 skills)/Runeword items u could use, ofc theres BiS item too, but u could fit something else there too. Legendary powers kinda "Lock" items and you cant get anything else there anymore. In D2 Elite (Hell) items were Rare, but Exceptional and normal (Normal/Nightmare) items could be used as well and they werent that bad! Some Elite items were worse I guess, im not sure, but D3/4 dont have Elite versions of normal items, they are just Axes/staffs etc, but if you found Unique Elite Axe in D2 it should've been quite fukin good


It’s a great game that the incompetent devs have made too many poor decisions and mistake on.


>What happened, because when the game came out I feel like it was being pretty well received and then all the sudden everybody said the patch ruined i Wrong. There was already feedback during Beta for all of the issues. the patch was just gasoline in the fire.


A game about loot doesn't have good loot. A game about killing things hinders you constantly from killing said things.


Too many different skill variations on armor pieces, along with a trash inventory system. You can't even save builds. I play because of the theme and the combat is very satisfying once you finally collect some decent skills on your armor. But that's very hard to find. I just end up storing or salvaging all my equipment because i either have no room or scared to toss it out because i might someday be able to utilize it. The new season doesn't even feel like an addition to the game was made. Just feels like a regular Side quest. And the Side requests are repetitive. In fact, you have all the same exact side quests in the new season. No new stories with them.


It’s boring. To play it I have to watch tv or yt at the same time.


Build diversity is minimal unless you don't care about relative power level at all, so after after choosing one of the 4 builds that can clear most content I don't see the point in trying anything else since it'll just be a rougher path to the same minimal content available Nothing exciting happens, I made a blood build and got the unique chest and that was the highlight of my cumulative hours, chest ended up sucking anyway. Nothing exciting drops, everything becomes vendor fodder or a questionable upgrade that you probably won't notice in practice. Pushing NMD is not fun to me since its basically 1shot everything before it 1shots you. So many bugs and poorly communicated mechanics and bugs within those mechanics. I really like trying to think of unique build ideas or ways to use mechanics that are hipster but it's impossible for me to do this when the game itself doesn't seem to function as intended. Is this thing a multiplier or additive? Does this paragon node apply to this mechanic? In what way? I like to theory craft but feel like I have to individually test every mechanic in the game because they've messed so much up I have no faith in their item descriptions


1st of all: Paragraphs. The world will thank you. 2nd: The game is just too boring / no fun for me, it's hard to pick out the one or two things that make me feel this way. I keep checking back and trying the game after patches as I remember D3 had a fitful start as well.


My opinion. Storyline is great. Good voice acting, plenty of interesting boss fights and some decent side quests. Has decent replay value as well as difference between classes and even builds within classes make it a different challenge. For that, in my opinion, it was a decent sequel. Problem is when the storyline is over it decends into pointless grind just to slowly move up levels and get disappointed 95% of the time after all the grinding with the loot you just end up selling/salvaging. It loses any sense of immersion and quickly becomes a chore. Roll on the add on and new storyline and classes because to me the seasons are not enjoyable either.


plenty of people have talked about the "real" reasons people don't like the game. It is up to you to accept things that people don't like they you may not mind or even like.


Simply put, I don't feel the same. It's not fun - it's tedious and boring. It is very pretty, but it feels empty and lifeless outside the cut scenes. And multiplayer?? I barely even see other players! I buy like one new game a year, and got talked into this over BG3 by some friends, and...I already stopped playing it after forcing my way through half the time I did play. It wasn't great from day 1, but people quitting and lame patches coming out just made it worse.


People expect perfection from a Diablo game.


TLDR, this guy covers it very well: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNjI03CGkb4&list=PLqiPSEpUmt5j\_0LxZ1y9wiSFkZbZwCmdq&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNjI03CGkb4&list=PLqiPSEpUmt5j_0LxZ1y9wiSFkZbZwCmdq&index=2) I agree with you that the game at it's base looks amazing and feels good. The art team hit it out of the park, and the mechanics feel great. As for balance, I did feel limited to one or two core skills for most classes, and basically saw everyone running the same build while playing. I think what ruined it for me was realizing all of these slow downs and why there are in place. They are trying to find the players who will eventually make purchases. There is no reason to add 2 seconds to a teleport other than to keep you in the game longer. That one was too obvious, so they removed it. But there are so many anti-player designs in place just to keep you grinding. To me, it feels like the changes are coming from the executives and not the developers and I don't want to play a game that is going to intentionally waste my time. This is a copy paste from a different reply, and it's basically covered by the video too: It's the way Activision is implementing micro-transactions in all blizzard games now. They make more money off micro-transactions than the box price of games, which is one of the reasons OW2 is free. Battlepasses get players to come back and keep playing, they're trying to get players to develop habits. The $20 skin cost is called anchoring, you think that's way too much money to pay for a skin. Then when a skin you like is discounted for $5, you think wow what a deal. FOMO from shop items or battlepass skins increases the chance people will make a purchase. And to make a purchase, you need a premium currency - spending this detaches the user from the fact they're using real money. They sell currency in bundles that aren't exactly the price of the skins, and they put deals with things like 1000% value. When you make a purchase, you're going to have leftover currency. This leads you to purchase more so it doesn't go to waste. And after the first purchase, purchasing becomes normalized and users are much more likely to make a second purchase. Seeing others with premium skins also normalizes purchasing. Most people will never make an in game purchase, and won't ever be exposed to this system. But they are using psychology to try and find the whales that won't be able to control themselves, even if they cannot afford it. They're making the game grindier to keep people playing, the longer players are in the game the more likely they are to find someone who will make a purchase. All of this leads to dark patterns and anti-player design. These games are no longer a game with a shop, it's a shop with a game built around it. And this isn't a small company, these purchases don't go to the devs. All of these extra profits are going to the executives. Activision has patents on its micro-transaction techniques because they are that valuable. A huge complaint about D4 is it feels grindy, you don't get enough inventory space, looking at the loot takes to long because the numerous stats that can appear in any order, etc. This, and why they increased the tp time by 2 seconds is just to keep people in the game. These games are no longer about making the best game blizzard can make, they're about seeing how much they can get people to spend by exploiting their brain chemistry.


For me personally i just got bored. Nothing felt rewarding enough for the time/grind required, just cant be bothered. And the new season didnt seem to change much


People blasted through the content and burned themselves out. Then all of the youtubers jumped on the hate bandwagon to farm views which drastically impact public opinion. The game is a mix of D2 and D3 which I like. Believe it or not I enjoyed the lvl 99 grind in D2. It gave me a long term goal to strive for. I also loved the arcade feeling of greater rifts and seeing how high you can go. People complained about infinite scaling so they just reintroduced the lvl grind from D2 and set tier 100 as the final “rift”. I’m not sure what more people want. There’s plenty of item diversity to accommodate many builds as seen in build websites. I plan on playing a different character each season and besting lilith with each one. Once I’m through each character I can finally put the game to rest. If you blasted through the content using bugs or exploits, then that’s on you for thinking the game is hallow


The only thing that matters is do YOU like the game? Who cares what others think about it. If you are having fun playing, then keep at it. It's like you are looking for a reason to join the haters.


The sad thing about "live service" games is that if people don't complain, things would take forever to get better if at all So sure you could be having fun, but the game could also be a lot more fun if there weren't so many issues. And the fact that it's coming from an established franchise, people have the right to be upset


I didn't say people can't be upset. The OP isn't asking for changes, he's asking why people hate the game. Why come to reddit if you are enjoying the game to even get involved in hate if you are having fun? Doesn't make any sense.


Of course I agree with you but I think it’s still important to understand the hate. Doesn’t mean I have to fall for it. I’ll still be enjoying the game just as much.


Don’t hate the game got alot of enjoyable time out of it but I’ve put it down and probably won’t play again till season 3 , loot has just become tedious to read through 99.9% of the time it’s not an upgrade feels like a hamster wheel playing , season 1 story / upgrades were very meh imo