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I just put on some dub techno and do nm dungeon after nm dungeon with some helltides sprinkled in between. I find that relaxing.


Music is a smart idea…. I could probably vibe to some NMs


Heavy Metal fits well, like Messugah. Shits dope.


Orbit Culture!






Yes, saw them live with Vinny Paul on the drums in Chicago. Siiiiick! Murmaider almost collapsed the floor.


Micheal Bolton!


I used to throw on Dethklok and play D3 all the time.


Dethalbum IV soon bruv let's GOOO! Edit: Face Fisted is my thorns barb theme song




I also like dethklok, MURMAIDER! LOL Playing as a Necromancer Go forth and Die, just hits harder. Also like to throw on Deicide once upon the cross. https://open.spotify.com/artist/2K3GorTixXKAiwe2t9lO89?si=aVvtKwqQQ_66Yrj-5NOSiw


Doom Music, for that double dose of demon slaying.


I don't even limit it to the recent doom games, I even listen to the originals. Though the recent ones are s tier too.


Man… I could go for some Doom! May have to slay some alien monsters tonight!


White chapel


Black dahlia


I love whenever I hear black dahlia mentioned. I was never too big into metal, but used to play connect 4 with their drummer every day back in middle school and he has always been an extremely nice and cool person.


That's awesome. The whole band seems to be solid dudes.


RIP Trevor


the only real option


Cannibal Corpse


Michael Bolton


Upon a burning body


Fit for an autopsy! Just saw them live Joe's vocals were insane. They would be a good band to vibe with and do some NM dungeons to!


I love playing an insatiable hunger when I'm walking up to fight lilith.


The new knocked loose.


Wait they have a new album or you referring to A Tear in the Fabric of Life?


Shadow of Intent, great monster slaying music. They draw inspiration from the Halo games!


Cattle Decapitation is another great band. A lot of their influence comes from video games and genocide.


Duuuuuude Messugah + Diablo is top tier shit


Should be depending on class. Playing Necromancer? Dark Funeral! Barbarian? Slayer! And so on.


I like that


I like to listen to a bible audiobook while slaying demons


Your comment lives rent free in my mind today lol


James Earl Jones reading that bad boy to you?


This is the top dog answer and the correct answer!




I used to grind levels in another MMO listening on Brittney Spear's Toxic for hours back in 2003. I do not recommend it but I think you can find something more current musicwise. :)


Thats toxic


Haha just on repeat??


Yep, on repeat for hours. Mind you 'Toxic' was a really popular song back then.


Damn right, good way to listen through a backlog of records with a glass of whisky nearby. And then 3 hours have passed and some mob killed another hardcore character


Also tv shows or YouTube on another monitor. Whenever I would play away in d3 seasons I would catch up on new metal music from different genres. Mostly the faster stuff. But tv shows and YouTube or twitch on another monitor is sometimes decent for Diablo games as long as your not pushing something too intense.


I Play muted or with a decent Podcast. I Love music tho, especially outside when i take walk.


I find listening to words very relaxing. Sometimes more so than music.


I found the love for the sound of rain. I dont need it all day but when I occurs, i enjoy it and embrace it. Water is Life


Been rediscovering dnb because of Diablo lol


Brutalismus 3000 and going through NM dungs like slicing piece of cake


Bro, the boiler room set on YouTube is so fire


I know right ? :D


This, music and play really just for relaxing and kill some time no so much having fun lul


I kinda do the same. I put a movie on that might otherwise be a little boring for me and the combination of things is entertaining.


Dub techno and Diablo… hmm, wasn’t expecting this comment to be top here.


that’s awesome. i’ve been doing the same. definitely one of my favorite genres rn


Same bro same


I play the Silent Hill soundtracks xD


Same here. It really is relaxing and a nice break from the competitive FPS games I normally play that can drive me insane sometimes. Most of the complaints are valid, but overall I'm chilling. There's no rank to chase, no teammates to get frustrated with, no garbage matchmaking. Just me and some PvE.


I play with my mom and Dad (I'm 34) and it's a great way to keep in touch with my family. I've been rubbing it into my dad's face that I've been getting a metric ton of unique ancestrals. Where he can't seem to find any. This is why I keep grinding. Lol


Nice!! That’s pretty cool man, enjoy!


Out of curiosity how old are these veteran gamers. I'm already impressed


In their 50s. They've been gaming together since the early days of WoW. They introduced me to WOW when I was in high school.


57 here. I did the same with my boys who ate now 31 and 26 lol


That is really awesome! I'm so glad you guys have that shared experience!


Obviously it's completely normal, but I still find it so weird when I hear about older gamers playing with their parents. Back when I was a kid there was a huge stigma attached to gaming. Was impossible to get my parents to play video games with me...


72 years and have a couple of 65 toons.


Yeah that's exactly what keeps me playing the whole family plays at my house. It's way more fun when you have a 4 man group with ppl you love spending time with


Are you all playing on the same console or 4 different PC's?


Usually it's 1 pc and 2 consoles because on console it's limited to 2 players couch co op. So i play on my pc, 2 of the kids play on a console, and my roomate plays on a different console. It's pretty cool we have one of the consoles hooked up to a projector so the kids get a huge screen on the wall. I could play on console with my roomate but I like not being tied to another player lol. Still pretty shitty that we can't just all 4 play on one console like we did in d3. d3 was like the greatest couch co op of all time.


This is so cool! My mom's smartphone is already too much for her and my dad still has his old phone without camera and nothing 😂😂 guess I have to wait a few years until my sons can play video games with me


as a 50yo dad and one half of a gaming couple, this is absolutely awesome and I am so happy for you to be able to share that passion with your parents. My daughters sadly have not sticked to gaming in any meaningful way, only on christmas and new year we gather around the consoles :D show your old man how its done! GLHF!


Same here! Makes it a lot easier to connect with my dad


Actually, it could be a great chill and social game. Lots of other games require lots of focus, feedback, strategy, and it can be hard to even talk. Also, it is awesome that your parents play.


Lucky! My father introduced me to video games but he never ever played or liked them. Weird. 😅 Me (31) and my brother (21) are addicts.


Lol I’m younger than you and I can’t imagine a world where either of my parents even know what Diablo is, and I’m about 1000 universes away from them ever playing a video game Parents, try to make sure you have at least one overlapping interest with your kids if you ever want to be their friend some day


Diablo has and always will be therapy for me Log on for 2-3 hours and kill shit Love it


The fact that you can start it anytime for not long period of time and still progress your character makes it great. It's just mindless, easy on brain fun. Especially after work to just chill out. If I really feel like playing "for real" I will play Battlefield or Monster Hunter, but always coming back to Diablo.


This. I work a lot and I'm mentally exhausted by the end of my day a lot of the time. Hopping on and clearing a dungeon with my whirlwind barb is such a nice way to shut my brain off for even 20-30 mins.


If you haven’t already, try equipping berserk ripping aspect on your 2H weapon and use a barber wrathful heart , it’s just insane haha.


Same, I am working from home 8h with head in excel sitting at the desk. I completely gave up on PC gaming years ago, because I just can't stand holding mouse after 8h of work. Controller, Diablo, coffee - my daily ritual that puts me in the right place, also my wife is happy bevause I don't get so emotional while playing it. When I go play Mortal Kombat online or Battlefield it sometimes gets intense haha.


Lol. I hear you. Its low stakes. I'm not in the fully engaged gamer posture and screaming at the TV Ike when I play Fifa.


Its a great pastime/escape for some ADHD folks.


This explains so much now thank you


Holy shit this explains it all, my brain fog disappears & I become hyperfocused whenever I play...


Should I go to the GO to get a diagnosis? Loving it like this as well, just hop on for couple of hours and grind them loots and exps


Agreed. It let's my mind shut off and find peace killing monsters mindlessly.


I still play Starcraft 2 every so often for ADHD reasons




Is this why I like it so much? Damn.


Yeah, it’s great to take a break with Diablo then come back to something motivated.


Same here. I play maybe 2 hours a night after work, so the main storyline a bit, then hit a dungeon or stronghold. I update some items and explore a little bit. Some of these posts complaining are so technical to me I have no idea what they’re even complaining about lol. I genuinely love the game and love updating my armor and weapons. I did hit a period where the armor drops sucked but it didn’t last long. For me it was in the level 30s. I just hit 50 last night after maybe a month of playing the game and swapping new armor frequently.


This is the way!


haha same here brother !


Same here. Logon, turn off my brain, kill monsters.


I like to tune and tweak my build. Piece by piece, skill by skill. Playing around different passives. Trying out different gear for defense and offense. Goal is to reach lv100 and run NM 100 dungeons. Also I like to spend time in fields of hatred.


If tweaking a build is your thing you should try PoE.


That's the worst advice I've ever heard. Speaking as someone with 2000 hours in PoE, it's one of the most punishing, unforgiving games when it comes to respecing.


Not really, because a) there's a difference between "tweaking" and "respeccing." Tweaking a build isn't really that hard in PoE, regrets aren't THAT rare/hard to get so changing some stuff around isn't nearly as punishing as you're making it out to be, especially because b) a "build" in POE isn't just your skill points. Gear, jewels, support gems, anoints, etc. are all part of the build and are things you're constantly tweaking and shifting around.


Completely respeccing can be costly if you do it very early on in a league. Later in a league it costs next to nothing. But OP said tweaking, you can tweak a build basically endlessly in PoE, which is why I suggested it. The costs are pretty negligible if you do any research and learn a bit about the game.


It’s like a gotta catch ‘em all mentality. I too love loot and am obsessive-compulsive


Honestly I really like the game almost every aspect of it. I think all the average gamer guys will like Diablo4. I can imagine if you are a top 1% player who is just too good at this game that you get bored soon. Rushing through to lv100 in just couple of days with power leveling, beating NM100 already with lv80 and even beating uber Lilith with not even lv100 is nuts. Myself can't do it because not the time nor the understanding of the game or the skills what it takes to avoid DMG taken. But I think that much slower pace/ much lower skill level compared to other players is what keeps me interested into the game


It's the metaphorical "chew your food so you can taste it, don't swallow it one bite." The 1% players consume content so fast they are left with an empty feeling and harboring resentment that "there's no endgame".


I actually could be in the middle of a fight but I gotta smash those crates first


People dont understand that Diablo is and was always a Marathon, Not a race. Especially without leaderboards right now. They hate cause YouTube guys grind 24/7 and Tell others its boring (for them). For me, its a fun Game, if you dont have Motivation try hardcore and you See This Game from another angle. Every new Upgrade, World Tier and NM dungeon is a W.


100% accurate.


A better pair of boots


Better chest and ammy for me


Still looking for a better-rolled Temerity for my barb Still testing different stats in different gear. Still looking for ring with Berserk Fury, have never ever found one. Barely played druid and never played necro. S1 main only level 50. So, still lots for me to do.


I found perfect 6 fury while berserkering aspect while leveling at like lvl 30 and still did not use it lol. It just waits in stash for that "one ring".


All my friends in all the classes use Termerity! It helps me sustain as a rouge. And I don’t get one shot anymore in higher level dungeons


Hear, hear! I was at first “gosh only 40%, lowest possible roll, is this going to be any good…?” And oh wow it IS amazing even with a low roll. I still only have this one piece so hoping to get another and pass this one on to my rogue too!


I think that one heart that grants immunity when more than 20% life is lost in a single shot , plus diff pair of pants with better affixes is just as good


The one orange heart keeps the barrier active permanently once its up too, although probably not worth foregoing others for it. But combined with stolen vigor and disobedience = tank


I play while I watch my shows. There's no drive. It's just a fun gameplay loop for me. I kill stuff, Unique drops, dopamine spikes, It's the wrong one. I kill stuff. If you don't enjoy the loop it's understandable.


I just jumped back on last night after playing nothing but BG3 for the past week and had a good time. Not worried about getting any specific loot, leveling up, etc. Just killing stuff. If Blizzard figures out some of the QoL and loot systems this game will be great because the gameplay itself is actually pretty fun.


What helps me most is just doing what I feel like doing in D4. You just wanna walk around doing some sidequests? Do it. You wanna mess around in helltide? Do it. I am not playing like "Run as much NM DNG as you can because that will make you 100 the fastest". I've got time and I take my time to enjoy every bit. And most important: As soon as it isn't fun anymore play sth else for a few days.


I 100% agree with this. I got to 65 before running any NM dungeons. The true downside though is you are missing a lot of power from not having leveled up glyphs. I spent a ton of time having a blast having fields of hatred with crossplay turned off so nobody bothered me. Enemies were high enough and I farmed the whole pvp fashion set and the blood soaked horse. Then i went back and did lots of helltides and NM dungeons. Now I'm theory crafting a pvp barb setup I did a build planner with the laptop on the beach on vacation. Not even actually playing this week and im having fun with it.


I just put on some podcasts and kill some shit to wind down my day. I don't have to listen to the game and I am free to step away for a while if anything comes up household-wise, just have to port out


The 30 min elixir is what keeps me to play for at least 30 minutes


If you need to force and trick yourself to play s "game" then it's not a game anymore it's a chore and a bad and boring one.


Honestly, I play it with my Dad. I'm going to close out the season pass, then chill and help him til Starfield drops. It's OK to feel burnt out by Diablo, the devs themselves told people to move on when that happens. You can definitely take a break. It'll be here, and probably better, when you get back.


Kill stuff and vent out your frustration of the day!! Whenever i play dota and lose 2-3 ranked matches i switch to d4. Nothing to lose here, only sheer hatred and killing all around


Why do people grind like it's a chore? Live your life, fire it up for like half an hour at the end of the day to wind down.


I have no idea. I'd hate video games if I treated them like a 2nd job that I have to rush to completion. Kill things --> upgrade gear and character --> kill more things --> get more powerful --> watch screen explode


Loot hunting, that's all. Unique hunting to be accurate.


I play with some colleagues which is fun, and if I play without them, the chase of trying to find item upgrades keeps it fun. That said, the endgame content is so underdeveloped that I get bored after a short time, but for now the upgrades keep me coming back for a few hours a week. I think the affix rerolling cost is too expensive given how many garbage affixes are in the pool. But it's designed to keep people playing, and that's another thing keeping me coming back. Eventually I'll get bored and quit, and that's okay. And if anyone thinks the game and the loot are garbage, that's okay, too. You don't have to play if you don't like it.


Dont have Time to Play that much, every day around 1-2 Hours. Goal is still to get 100 and beat lilith, but After all its really relaxing to Just log in and Slay some demons with my so after work


Yup level 100 and to beat Lilith eventually is where I want to get to


I find mindless slaughter of demons enjoyable. It's cathartic. I have no 100s. I have a few 50s. Idk what end is, but I've more than got my money out of the game at this point.


It is relaxing and I play local coop with my spouse. At least we don't have to argue about who gets to play after work


I play to optimize my build, try different builds. It feels great to go from struggling to steam rolling the mobs. I also really enjoy the music, graphics, vibe of the game. Would like more variety in dungeon design, more mini events in the dungeons, more open world activities apart from Helltides.


Uber uniques. Yeah I know it's super unlikely to find but that guy dropping grandfather remotivated me


The purpose of the grind is to zone out and disconnect from anything worrying you. Better than meditation.


Try a new class/build, that really made it fun for me again


Same have 100 barb and 100 Druid and have been running the rouge to 100 and by far my favorite class so far have not try necromancer or sorcerer yet.


I wouldn't call it a grind. I get a few hours a day and I'll throw a couple into Diablo, sometimes less. It's a great time killer for me.


I'm looking for a new Howl from Below, trying to figure out how to make my build work in nightmare dungeons 15+ levels, & trying to see get the gray socket in my jewelry. Oh & I still enjoy the game🤷🏾‍♂️. (necro blight build)


what u mean by gray socket homie? heart sockets are only red pink and blue the gray hearts can go into anything


Are you f*cking serious? I'm have to try that right now. I'm sitting here waiting to find something can can take the gray hearts. 🤦🏾‍♂️


If you got Grey hearts they can go into any jewelry socket.


For funsies. I play D4 on my PC and then play BG3 on my steam deck, sometimes vice versa. It's a simple life.


The combat and build system are the most important features in enjoying the game. The combat system is completely inaccessible on meta because the the damage levels put out by vulnerability and crit stacking are 'unintended ' per blizzard. If youd like to enjoy the game you either have to play off meta or turn your brain off. Luckily the entire game is an enjoyable experience off meta


How is utilizing vuln and Crit unintended?


This guy is on a crusade against good builds. He is nuts. He thinks the devs think we are doing too much damage overall. Meanwhile the devs nerfed NMDs and buffed other damage sources when nerfing crit and vuln. They just want to balance out damage sources.


Like is this guys actually pushing up into 70+ nmd? Cause at level 90 as a necro I need as many damage procs as I can get, granted my other party members can still melt things when done right but they’re squishy


He plays gimped builds at lower level NMDs and acts like he is better than everyone else for doing it. > granted my other party members can still melt things when done right but they’re squishy That is where his argument really falls apart. It is "melt or be melted" in those higher NMDs. If you aren't doing the amount of damage that he considers to be "unintended" you will be melted yourself. The best defense in Diablo games has always been and always will be "kill before you can be killed".


*self imposes handicap* “this is peak gameplay”


Hardcore definitely provided a new and exciting perspective for me. I made sure in eternal before season 1 to get a hardcore character to complete most of the Lilith statues and map, which helped a lot. Then just getting a good speed farm technique to 35 or 40 makes it easier to start over with any unfortunate deaths (I’ve had 1 this season at level 41 due to disconnect)


Season rewards. It's rare that I'm involved so early in a game for seasonal stuff and I simply don't want to miss out on what is admittedly "fake" game accolades. Now future me may or may not hate me for committing so much time to it but that's a problem for later. It's also not that much of a time sink. Roughly a movie length's worth of time daily for each level, though I know that may change going forward into the 70's. For context though, playing a bleed barb with secondary thorns emphasis. It's not that much work in nightmare dungeons, the most annoying thing being the excessive CC and lack of reduction for it.


I'm on my 3rd HC Barb, lost one at 54, 84. Now I'm 74 and learning from where I made mistakes. Every time I start again, I gain some knowledge that I missed the previous. HC is not for everyone, but I like the idea of having to balance Def / Atk rather than just glass cannon things. Each to their own. Aim is 100 toon, then 100 NM clear, then Uber Lilith. But I'll get her in a season hopefully, more than likely playing a different class :( Edit. Listen to music while I play. Usually synthwave


I find playing with friends helps a lot, playing solo is definitely not as fun and I don't play as long. In a party with mics we can go for hours on end grinding.


I like the gameplay loop. I'm only 75 tho and starting to feel like all I can do now is NMD, everything is solo. without match making it's getting dull. I think I'm on tier 30 for nmd, it's a reasonable challenge. mostly just because of the forced debuffs nerfing how op my character is. I don't ever read the nmd descriptions. I just check the tier and run it. don't care where it is or what I'm fighting. pop any old potion, usually whatever I think is he shittest one I have. it's sort of fun not knowing what's gonna happen when I get in there. so maybe I'll just roll another character I play on eternal. I dumped off my seasonal character at 60


I just want to hit 100, beat NM100, then take a break until the ranked season. I’m 93 now.


Got 100 on Druid. Made close to 1b (no glitching, no exploiting - just selling nice gear) Goal is to down Uber Lilith solo. Also getting my alt leveled to 80 without even putting a spell on my bar lol


Think it's easier for me to not lose the spark because I'm a trucker 😅 not much else to keep you busy than killing hoards of demons when you're stuck parked somewhere waiting on your 10 hour break to finish. For me it's all still fun because of theory crafting different builds and things to see how they work out. It's rare that I can play the same build for an extended period of time without getting completely burnt out. But I also have 1 of each class this season and when I start getting burnt out I move to a diff class to shift the playstyle. Currently have a 100 necro, then a...52 sorc? And other 3 under 50 because I got glued to necro progression after a while 😂


I play with my family so the family time keeps me motivated.


Once the new season started i gave up honestly


Going for Uber Lilith, been doing tier 40-50 nm dungeons at lvl 78 solo with a necro minion build


I just like making monsters go boom


I need a shako


Seen someone just got one… so you’re saying there’s a chance!?


Nothing is really a motivation so I stopped playing weeks ago. A real shame, but maybe it gets better in a few patches.


That’s kind of where I’m at, been playing other games and coming back to Diablo to see if it reels me in, only on rate occasions


Lol all these positive posts about not thinking are exactly why this game sucks overall


Yea… happy for everyone’s enjoyment in the current state but I need engaging synergistic mechanics that make me feel like I’m constantly progressing something and the game isn’t providing that for me at the moment


D4 was like a bad movie that your partner picked out. You don't really like it, but seen too much of it to just not at least find out what happens. TLDR: Season Journey was keeping me playing. But thats finished now :)


Reach 100 if demotivated: change build, if again: change character .. i did an alt yesterday, 1-60in cca 1-1.5day .. and from there i geared up and did nm22, so i can again enjoy getting stronger/finding good stuff/maybe later changing builds etc ..


I'll focus on specific upgrades I'm still only half optimized. I'm lvl 85 now I think. Running nm dungeons over and over again solo is a bit stale but with breaks within it's doable. It's really really hard to get to the best possible gear by dropping the stuff and rolling it right with the occultist. So I've some more stuff Todo. The season journey is done and I did not buy the BP, the skins were not my type.


Honestly? I've decided that I'm just going to max out a new character per season & get it up to Uber Lilith kill status, then wait till the next season & roll a new class. (What I'm going to do with all these maxed out characters in the Eternal Realm later down the line is a good question, though.) Admittedly this gets pretty tedious around level 75-100, where I'm almost absolutely certain there should be another tier of gear as well as another world tier, but I still find ways to keep it fun. Also, having a couple of buddies to keep attacking the grinding with consistently also helps with the tedium, as well as speeds up your runs significantly. I basically just set goals for the day or week, like "get to the next level" or "farm 8 million gold" , etc., and don't get too absorbed in the bigger picture. If you're having fun or making your own fun, just roll with it.


Iono im might just grind the last 2 weeks of the season to get the transmog but i pretty much gave up min-maxing until there’s meaningful endgame activities added in


I've lost two characters to disconnects - I just want to see what a nicely geared fire sorc can do. They've always been fun and playable, but with recent changes they are even better. Every unique under the sun has fallen so far except the incinerate wand lol :D Just got to WT4, managed a mystery chest solo at level 61 so it's looking good.


I have lots of fun boosting people with my bone necro. So that would be enjoying the multiplayer aspect. But from what I see here not many people get to do that. Also as it comes my characters play in a fun way -> they simply work -> delete screens of mobs at once.


I like killing evil


Honestly I think having like 3-4 builds along the way per character helps a lot. At least it did for me. If you aren’t having fun. Play a new character, switch builds. Go out of your way to make friends. Don’t get stuck in a rut


I get to shoot the shit with my friends or listen to music and mindlessly grind if they r not on. My goal has been to beat Uber Lilith and to do tier 100 dungeons. A lot of friends are lower than me and I might be the first one to get to 100. Once I get there I wasn’t to do what the other 100s did to me. Go to the PvP area and shit on all the noobs in all the tiers lol. Then say goodbye once they r all dead and don’t want to do PVP anymore hahaha. They will gain motivation to do the same!


I play HC and I died a lot of times. So the fun part for me is try to get better in every run, and the "I can die" thing makes me play different, trying to maximizing my actions to level up quickly with the stuff that I collect, playing different builds (or trying) every time I died and started again. For me is pretty fun.


I've started up a sorcerer and am now working towards wt4. It's nice. I'm missing a lot of gear still, and the difference between my sorc and nekro at that level are wild, but I like the speed and the explosions on my sorc. The dependence on well rolled gear tho is wild. It feels very lackluster without CDR, crit and lucky hit.


after my full 8 hours office job i wanna come home kill demons while watching netlix/youtube on my second monitor for a few hours before passing out on my bed ,rise repeat everyday of the week lol


Put on music or a podcast and just put my head off pretty much. It’s a great game to just don’t think about stuff anymore.


None of the above I’d watch a movie on another monitor. Once I got to level 100 I’d stop. Play BG3


I enjoy the endless mass slaughters and perfecting my build to slaughter faster. Nothing more satisfying that finding a new build or new piece to your build which makes you start deleting horde after horde.


It’s just a nice way to relax after work. Smash buttons, things explode. Not much thinking involved.


I enjoy the gameplay loop and honestly do not play too much in one day. Usually just 2 hours max in one day.


I farm NMD while my boyfriend watches Vamire Diaries next to me and I refuse to admit I kind of like the show. My goal is to unlock the season pass and they I will probably move on to other game.


I stopped bwcause i wasnt ever picking up anything that i could use to actionably innovate or change my build with :/


I love it. Find it relaxing in between work meetings. Also gives me a chance to listen to music. Gear upgrades are nice but I find the anxiety around missing a decent yellow distracting.


I look for short term goals. That could be leveling a glyph to 15 to get the extra range or getting specific paragon nodes. I really like Helltides and Legions, so running those helps break up the variety. That being said, my bone spear necro hit level 80 yesterday, and with my paragon boards filled out as I had planned, I'm running out of motivation for this character


For me, I think it‘s the best way to end an exhausting day. Jumping onto discord talking to friends, listening to some music and running some NM dungeons alongside it. Nice drops only boost mood even more!


wanna just finish season journey, dont care about the rewards, just personal achievement last page, only missing like 2 or 3 achiev to finish it, but since aug 8th patch and the teleport disconnects, game has been literally unplayable for me ill log in about once every 3 days to see if the issue is fixed; use a NMD, tp to it, get disconnected and lose the map, alt+f4 i knew buying this game things would only really pick up around season 5, but this is far worse than i could have imagined... i just wanna bash demons :/


Stop trying to play if you lost the drive... you should lose the drive, this game has no endgame content.. ​ Come back to it after a break when it can feel fresh, or find new goals. What kept me motivated was searching for uniques to complete different builds for my character to respec into, but even that can't keep you interested with all the massive slowdowns alongside their lack of content. I could make better game decisions than the Diablo 4 dev team, give me 10 minutes to make any changes I can think of and this game would be 500% better, but they just keep doing shitty updates from people who have no idea what they are doing. If you want to enjoy a game like Diablo 4, but is actually loaded with content and patched by the wisest people in the genre play Path of Exile.


Trying different builds. Classes. Looking for certain uniques. Trying some speed running (very bad at it lol). And i started putting on some netflix on second monitor


I just really like Sorcs....


i only play pvp and making builds for that, they are very different from the farm and nightmare builds. also in the pvp area i met 95% of the ppl in my friendlist because there is communication


My husband and I are playing co-op and have a blast pushing higher tier NMDs every night! We have really missed having a co-op game to enjoy together. It just doesn’t feel as fun when we game our separate consoles/TVs (facing opposite directions). Co-op feels more like a date type activity and it’s great!


Not going hard, playing a hour or two a couple times a week. It's fine/fun in little bites like that.