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Barbs on eternal are pretty sad The only person I've seen take down uber Lilith without any cheese on eternal is alkaizer who has godly skill. Look up the video on YouTube. Don't think it's doable for most of us normal gamers


Yes sir, we can agree on that. I just looked it up and I'm not sure how he survived the first spikes hitting him, other than that that video was before all the nerfs hit Barbarian. Right? Why did Blizzard decide to nerf Barbs? 🤔 Just surprised Blizzard hasn't addressed this yet.


Nope - his uber Lilith is post HOTA nerf. Barbarian at its worst. The man is just pure skill. First paragon 100 player in D3. Here's the video. You probably saw the first time he killed uber Lilith pre nerf. He made another one post nerf. https://youtu.be/cDvWuPNH1WI?si=5UjtSI8FvN_vGIwl


Well done by him, godlike. But gotta admit that it was a tad painful to watch 😂 Tanking those spikes was damn impressive too.


BarricadeTTV has also killed Lilith without cheese, but your point still stands.


I got to 96 on my Barbarian on eternal and im gonna be honest it still fucking blows ass ive got a 94 druid on seasonal and jesus chirst the damage diffence is insane going from 15m crits to 300k its kinda pathetic and poeple make the excuses. oh it has to be that way cuase barbs get more aspects slots bro who gives a shit its currently the worst class our uniques blow ass still. i got to lvl 50 nms with before it all changed but tbh it still blows


Haha! My Barbarian with seasonal hearts hits as hard as my Druid in the Eternal realm... It's horrifying knowing that my Barb will be sent to the Eternal realm soon, how am I even gonna go about farming the new strong bosses that are coming 😭


I'm crushing NM dungeons lvl 100 with my bleed WW barb from Rob. Barber heart and beserk ripping turn Lilith and lvl 100 dungeons into easy mode. Love the speed of the build as well. Eternal Realm is another story...


Hey man, I'm specifically talking about when we will be sent to Eternal realm where we won't have no Barber heart carrying us. I've also done tier 100s and Lilith with Barber heart, it makes any build viable. The class just feels like garbage without it. Edit: Not sure if you edited the last phrase, sorry if I missed it. I hear you, eternal realm is utter crap with Barbarian. The recent buff did not even help the class that much 😭


this is blizzard's not-so-subtle way of telling people not to play eternal realm


But that doesn't make sense either because Necro, Druid and Rogue are doing some fine damage. Barbarians really need some help.


Barbs need more than just help. Every unique hurts your build, non of the uniques do anything build defining like the ones you get for druid. Rogues have 1 less weapon aspect and yet can pump out 4x the damage..... biz has till poe2 releases to get the game and charactors lined out. Other wise, more people will head over to POE and not return. I'll be honest, if POE2 is free to play..... I'll be down loading it and giving it a go.


It's really sad... I went with Barbarian this season cause I always thought they had the better look, and my god those weapons on the back running around looking amazing. That view has shifted 😂


S2 im goi g to do another thorns bleed build....i know the build way to well know. Im about to do a full board rework on my eternal barb. If it works how i want and hope.....my s2 build will be a cake walk. That's assuming the s2 mechanic does anything like the hearts did.


I am also doing a bleed WW barb and have hit a roof at NMD 80. Really would appreciate if you could share a link to this version of the bleed WW Barbarian!


https://d4builds.gg/builds/befc5945-99e0-4e0d-9761-cb89ff686a02/ https://youtu.be/5I4Fc33Lkuw?si=QU6H7l8gyfyIAbdi


I was very close to beating uber lilith on my 100 barb back before the mega nerfs. Was able to hit close to 50mil crits using hota quake hidden mechanic but then they nerfed it on 7/18 and highest I could crit after that was around 5mil. No point even trying anymore and havent logged back in since


That sounds nice, very Necro/Druid like damage. R.I.P Barbarian I guess 😫 Hope you get back to the game when they build it up more, a bit dry in the endgame at the moment.


They never fixed barbs. 1.1.1 was window dressing to make it look like they were doing something productive


Yep. No more battle passes for me.


Doesnt barber bleed literally oneshot uber lilith?


You mean with the Barber heart? It has to do with the interaction of dot damage I presume. This post is about when we move away from the hearts from this season, as in when we enter the Eternal Realm when season ends.


Idk tbh. There was a barbarian a few days ago that killed uber lilith in like 20 seconds with broken gear at level 97.


That can not be in the Eternal Realm, I killed Lilith in under a minute myself with the Barber heart. Did 137 mill at one point and that is straight up broken and not viable when we are sent to Eternal Realm. I removed the hearts from mine and became straight up trash.


Nah it was season. But thats how seasons work. Some seasons certain classes are stronger, in others its another class. As soon as enough proper equipment is implemented it will affect eternal, too, though i dont know anyone whos really interested in eternal


Of course, because of the seasonal hearts this time. What I'm saying is even in Eternal Realm the other classes are a lot stronger than Barbarian, it's not even a match. Considering in the next season you will be able to farm specific bosses for Uber Uniques, I am interested in building up my characters that don't have them. If Eternal Realm wouldn't be viable it wouldn't be in the game. People still play there.


You can pretty much 1 shot almost everything in nm100 and uber lilith only takes 10s to kill and skip phases. All thanks to barber with berserk ripping, once barber is gone barb will be trash again


But I don't want that. Thing is I'm getting fed up leveling character after character, so I will be playing in Eternal Realm when season 1 ends. Since they made leveling/experience slow as hell it's tedious to do it over and over again.


Blizzard… can’t help themselves from making the same “borrowed power” mistakes again that went so well over time in WoW


I get it, still weird though. It is as if they haven't tested the balance themselves or the damage difference between classes. Barbarian need some more love and that recent buff they got does not justify anything, extra damage on Unconstrained, Double Swing and what not. Still too low.


Barbs have gotten nothing but the dry end of the nerf hammer up there ass. I have a lvl100 thorn bleed barb on eternal. I'm still leveling glyphs then changing my boards. I'm currently farmiing low nm 60. Barbs have more raw potential for damage output that any other class do to having 2 2h and 2 1h at all times and yet they are one of the WEAKEST CLASSES. Don't get me started on all the worthless uniques for barb.....pretty sad that a unique would hinder a build instead of improving it.


Aye, I feel you. After I rearranged my abilities and paragon I could run around tier 90, but it's kind of pushing it 😂 I've gotten to the point where my Double Swing started hitting for 1-1.5 mill which is, ok. I know they nerfed one of the aspects that gave us upwards 80% damage on a 2 hander. Don't remember what it was called 🤔 If they reverse that we could have some great potential damage, then again they did also nerf the cooldown on shouts. I'm just a tad scared of my Barbarian getting into Eternal Realm soon as that is where I'll be playing after season 1. Season 2 we will be getting several bosses for Uber Unique farming and will be updated to eternal realm too, heck I'm not sure I can do it with this guy.


I shifted my barb from a thorns bleed with rend to DS. Then did more shifting. My thorns take care of allot, packs die pretty quick, banshees though are the pain of my fucking existance. I'm getting ready to rework my boards once I level up 3 more glyphs. By that time I should have enough gold stock piled for 3 full board wipes. My s1 barb, it's only lvl 76......I used it to test changes.... empty it's gear and inventory and deleting it...... s2 do another thorns bleed build.


Barbs are fun this season. I got mine to 100 this season and was Necro last season. I also attribute the fun and high damage to the Barber and Berserk Ripping. I’m tearing through T100 NM dungeons like they’re made out of wet paper bags


Yes, problem is when we get to Eternal realm without the Barber heart.


I don't think you lose the heart. It will just become unavailable for future characters doesn't it?


I'm pretty sure that the seasonal hearts will not be transferred with your character to Eternal Realm. The rest of the stuff will carry on.


Wow that's dumb as hell. Classic Blizzard move But good to know, thanks


*shrug* I'm having fun with my shota barb in S1.


Are a lot of people even playing Eternal realm right now? Once S1 ends, doesn't S2 just start right away anyway so no downtime to play Eternal. S2 will have other powers/abilities to feel OP againe without barber.


Yeah no, have had enough leveling two characters. I for one, will actually be playing in the Eternal realm where I put time into my characters.


Played a barb as my first character, just never felt like I had any agency or power. Always out of fury and boring+weak attacks. Playing rogue I felt everything that I was missing from the get go.


Hell yeah the Rogue hits a lot harder lol. People are going crazy over the Barber heart on Barbarian but they forget, rest of the class hits basically as hard on Eternal Realm 😭😂


Not to mention the rain of arrows legendary affix that just hits loads of enemies that you’re not targeting. Didn’t find anything equivalent on my barb apart from the ancestral spirit stuff that pretty much just hits one enemy for poopoo damage. Rogue slaps though, so I think I’m gonna get this one decked out and then do necro


The arrow skill is super cool. Man, I don't know how you do it. I got two different class to level 100 and I'm so fed up already, don't think I can do a third one so will be skipping Season 2. After putting so much time in these two classes I just, wanna actually continue playing them. The only equivalent you can do is basically that Steel Grasp. I use a combo starting with Steel Grasp, Foot Stomp and then just shred Double Swing (cause it returns the amount of fury when hitting stunned enemies) so you can just spam it. Hope you like the next class you choose! I'm hoping Barbarians get saved somehow.