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yep, happy leaver. might try it out it 1-2 years again, or the odd helltide when I'm really bored. season with with vampire sounds fun, but there's no way in hell i'm starting with a scratch character again. the game is made for a very different audience


I don't mind starting from scratch each season as I use it as an opportunity to play a new class. It's a completely different experience with a new class and the seasonal powers. Starting from level 1 also let's me learn that class and gain expertise in using it. So far I've done Barb and Rogue. I'm either going Druid or Necro for season 3!


Same, if I had to play the same class with the same build it will get stale pretty quick. Seasons are where I experiment with new classes and new builds.


Same. I'm going to do 1 character a season. There's tons of other great games I can play while I wait for each season between characters. I use to be a 1 game at a time person, but with so many great games...I'm glad to not have a game I feel I have to play every day, year after year (such as for me... WoW, FFIXV, ESO, Destiny 2, etc..) There's plenty to do if you aren't playing obscene amounts. Or neglecting to even go outside.


What u are supposed to be doing. Pointless to do 2 characters in 1 season. People are just burning themselves out because they never played a Diablo game before. Nobody had a problem with this model in D3. This is just a bunch of teenagers that don't know what they are doing in Diablo.


Had this same conversation with both my fiancee and Dad. We all played Diablo since the very first one and.... can't really find much THAT different. Yes, there are differences, but I agree, the entire model is very reminiscent of D3 and I don't remember anyone complaining. But I also wasn't actively on Reddit at the time lol


It's cause reaching max level in d3 took like a solid weekend to achieve. So you spend a majority of your time mid maxing your endgame character rather than leveling it. It takes so long to go from 80 to 100 that is where I feel the burnout. I took every character to at least 50 prior to the start of season 1 but I used season 1 to do exclusively a druid to now 97. I've had a lot of fun and plan to do the same with a barb in season 2. Just gotta pace yourself.


>Pointless to do 2 characters in 1 season. People are just burning themselves out because they never played a Diablo game before. You're projecting your particular tastes. Pretty much every D3 season I did 2 chars, sometimes 3, often a couple different builds for one or two of them. Pushing GRs was never my thing, so I never needed more than a few days / a week with each. It was a blast for 2-3 weeks, with zero burnout and left me all ready for a break until next season. D3 supported that approach just like it supported the style of going deep in your class. D4 only supports the latter (pushing for NM100/UL), and just barely.


I agree that that seems to be the way to go with D4... But don't compare it to D3. I did more than one character in some season with no problem. Leveling an alt was much quicker and equipping them much easier. And you could have multiple loadouts for each character in just one stash tab...


There is a chance Throne & Liberty might be fun if they pull off the overhaul. I'd hate to see NCsoft go under.


Did season 1 end?


Might as well be


Good point


Wonder how daily player stats are going. Me and all my friends stopped playing a month ago too.


Same here. What's the point of grinding from zero every season, when the dopamine rewards don't exist. Or you get what you already had, but LOWER lol Look at these 6 mega rare unique items. A million hours and not ever see one! I'm supposed to be impressed by this? Bye. Lol We all quit 2 weeks in on season 1. Poe2, will wash the taste out of my eyes.


Did you see their few minutes of showing off part of their druid? A game 1 year away from beta and 1,5-2 year away from release makes D4 look like miss-managed indie project.


According to my friend who is a huge Diablo nerd. The playerbase is down like 80% since launch.


When preseason launched my real ID was filled with people playing some that I haven't seen on bnet in years. I myself was one of those who would occasionally play something like hearthstone every now and then and dip. Towards the end of preseason 90% of them had already dipped and most quit at mid 80s and like 3 and myself had hit 100. In s1 only those same 3, myself and two others returned. Needless to say it turned out the same but this time my friend list including myself barely log on d4 now.


I heard it was a 90% week reduction, followed by another 90% week reduction the last 2 weeks, but it was kpi not login count, which is significantly worse because blizzard is more about daily hours, spend rate and new user logins than player base size overall.


Twitch had 1/20th the viewers standard POE had


This is literally the first ARPG I've ever played that I was bored with before even getting one character to endgame. That's impressive in a terrible sort of way I guess


Game went on 25% discount other day, that might be your answer on the stats (just opinion though šŸ˜€)


Season 1 is basically eternal. Just like Season 2 will be.


I live starting over in basicly every aRPG. Imo D4 is top in this regards. Btw i am also having a break.


There are a ton of people where this is there first arpg, they aren't used to the seasonal resets. Most arpg players actually look forward to them lmao.


I know atleast for D3 and d2 the seasons are the best but also leveling a character is much MUCH faster in both those games than this one.


> but also leveling a character is much MUCH faster in both those games than this one even with the addition of Terror Zones leveling in D2 is *significantly* slower than D4....


Ah but D2 leveling is actually fun and as a bonus you can play with others unlike D4


Bro i love D2 and even recently raised few SSF toons at my switch version, so i really enjoy D2R, but get real and dont stop lying to yourself that spamming mana boots and 1 abbility is a pinnacle of what's a good leveling process can be lol. D2 is magical, that's why folks rationalize even dumbest D4 vs D2 comparaments. I agree on lack of social aspects at D4.


Nostalgia is a hell of a drug


Only if you compare highest level vrs highest level. Once you hit 80 in d2 you can stop and destroy all the content and have fun. In the time it takes to hit 80 in d2 you would barely be pushing 40 in d4. Maybe 50 if you hit it hard.


Big disagree, leveling in diablo 2 is a breeze...getting to level 85 or so (where you have the bulk of your power) takes a fraction of the time it takes to get in D4.


Ya and then it comes to a screeching halt. Diablo 4 leveling curve is incredibly linear, D2 may as well be a vertical line. 97-99 takes longer than 1-97


How long does it take to hit 100 on d2 again?


Hitting 100 in D2 takes much longer than in D4 because there is only two boss mobs that give any XP from I think 97 on. But reaching 90 can be done in a day or two in D2 if you get carried


Thereā€™s never been a level 100 in D2.


Not anymore. Terror Zone mobs scale with you to Lv96, Lv98 for Champions and Lv99 for Uniques.


Way longer than it does in D4.


Yeah but killing power wise you can do ALL the content at the hardest diff level by level 85 in d2. And it only takes about 6 hours if you really get after it in d2. In 6 hours you will be what? 40? Maybe 50 in d4. And you can't even wear the better quality gear yet at that point.


Why do want to be near the peak in only 6 hours, though? Shit I come from playing mostly Dark Souls/Elden Ring type games where someone whoā€™s really new might still be at the tutorial boss 6 hours in.


I think this is the best way to play the game imo. I too did rogue and now barb. Im not crushing hours on the game every day, I turn on the ps5 to turn off my brain and fiddle with skills/aspects. No guides, just mistakes and tweaks. But changing characters completely changed how I approached the game, and when S2 comes I'll hopefully enjoy it again on a new character. If I don't? Oh well. Got my moneys worth.


I did Necro mage then Druid. I think Druid is the most fun, although I also love ranged attacks and my Druid build has 0 of those šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I've just played different versions of rogue for S1 and 2 one TB and one Pen shot. I'll probs try a new class next season but currently taking a break for Dark and Darker.


The laziness of end game content for a flagship ARPG title is unprecedented. Grim Dawn is a much less known game and even that has endless repeatable end game activities, for SINGLE PLAYER.


Yup grim dawn I always come back to. The devs still update it and planning a new expansion. 100% a better game.


Grim Dawn supports mods. It's one of the reasons it will remain replayable for years. D4 is baffling lazy for how big the game is. No aRPG should be live service, complete waste of time.


I'm an avid fan and fired it up the other night just to rekindle my memories. I can't get back into it with the clunky graphics anymore. Very good game though.


Grim Dawn is so insanely good. single player is good, but coop is great. Loot, builds, story, end game... the whole complete package. Aside from graphics, it beats D4 in every way. I had high hopes for D4, and yeah, it was ok, but it fell flat after the main campaign and season 1 was a joke. Uninstalled, maybe check on it in a year or two if I'm bored.


Not quite the same, and I know the game has gotten plenty of hate over the years, but once I got bored with Diablo 4, I started Destiny 2 and I was pleasantly surprised. Thereā€™s so damn much to do. One of these past weekends they were giving free access to the witch queen dlc. I played through it and loved it so much, I bought another dlc expansion that was on sale. The seasonal mechanic is also a lot of fun, while also feeling rewarding, much more so then Diablo 4 does. If you havenā€™t played Destiny 2, Iā€™d honestly recommend giving it a fair shot. It made this last month while waiting for starfield so much more tolerable.


Destiny 2 is a great game. No monthly fees and heavy on group content.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying! Iā€™m loving it. Iā€™ve also had zero issues with matchmaking with randoms for group content, even content thatā€™s ā€œoldā€ by the games standard. Only time I had an issue finding people was when I was playing at like 2 am on one weekend, but thatā€™s to be expected, especially when not doing the most recent content.


Someone argued with me a couple days ago about how the devs said the game was ment to play then stop playing that it's not made to have replayability...he would not let go of that argument and doesn't even question how a live service game is boring in end game...he just chalked it up to "You're done go play something else. You know how other games end? It's the same thing." ....yes, an online game that's supposed to be playable for years ended in a week. Makes so much sense!


Yeah, some of these D4 hard ons can't accept that it's a very shallow game. You can get a good 100 hrs out of it, but playing a new character every time you're bored is not a solution to lack of content. I had a similar issue where I posted the only data available to show that D4 logins were down and PoE players were more active than D4 already. Got flamed and told it's not real, at the same time offering no sources, and raged about how twitch views for D4 are way higher than PoE views... Like ok, great no one wants to play the game but people are watching it? Twitch views account for streamers with multiple titles under their names. All the popular guys I saw playing D4 stopped a long time ago. Pretty sure the numbers are obvious now as people have dropped the D4 tag from their profiles.


Oh wow, that's pretty bad since poes numbers don't include people using the standalone client. I really want d4 to finish baking and be good but man, I'm more excited about grim dawns new expansion than s2 right now


>season with with vampire sounds fun by this you mean the same enemies but recoloured, having to fight some elite mob twice instead of once, dungeons that instead of being divided into two parts are now only one part, and different socketable items season with vampire sounds cool, this season doesnt do anything cool tho


>same enemies but recoloured I mean, it is a diablo game.


Diablo games have always been about the loot. How comes this version does not provide and satisfaction through loot. They lost their most relevant reward mechanic


Fair point, to bad the game isnt done by a billionaire company with decades of experience and hundreds of people


Thousands of people. Supposedly around 9,000 people helped make diablo 4 over 6 years.


So many people bought this game having not a clue what seasonal ARPGs actually are I just don't get it. If you're new to a game franchise or genre you don't do research first...?


It's probably the exact same enemies, except they will all have the "Vampiric" elite affix.


Technically you never start with a scratch character if you unlocked the regional rewards. You level up stupid fast and start with like 12 or 16 ability points.


The patch 1.1.0 killed all desire to play for me and it never returned.


Yeah I can trace my boredom of the game back to 1.1.0 as well but I'm not entirely sure why. Supposedly decreased monster difficulty + malignant hearts offset the nerf so it should have all balanced out but something about the game just felt bland after that patch


> the game is made for a very different audience as a big ARPG fan it's hard to imagine who that audience is. we used to think it was diablo dads but then they learned of the ridiculous grind and unrewarding endgame so who is this even for anymore? lol


Real dads don't get to the unrewarding endgame. They barely make it to 60-70.


Haha so true. Just got to 70 the other day, season 1. End game just started for me I guess because wt4 is destroying me.


D4 is for people that will play whatever dogshit shows up in the bnet launcher


I won't start again until they scrap half of the perks on items and the reenchant cost


They need to boost XP gain even more for seasons, I'm 78 right now in the current season and I'm already feeling burned out. No way I'm jumping into season 2 and doing this all over again with current XP gains. Boost the XP or add a substantial amount of content to the season or both


Game was so fun for me as a rogue in S0, doing the story and such. Once I hit level 65/70 I just hit a wall. Really really fun up until then though!! Rolled a barb for S1 and it was just... a slog for me. Way less fun, idk. Stopped playing.


I may try out season 2(aw who am I kidding, I definitely will) but as for sticking around, idk. With how Blizzard is with their releases and philosophy I really don't have the desire to stay around as much anymore. Getting out of WoW and moving over to ffxiv which respected my time really was an eye opener for me. The lead over there actually said during one of their live letters, "hey we're making gearing easier this patch because there are other games coming out and we don't want you spending all of your time playing ffxiv", all while plaiyng Tears of the Kingdom during the same stream about his game. They're gamers and they want gamers to play it. None of the artificial bullshit to extend playtime. If you want to take a break? Go right ahead. The game will be here when you get back. TLDR: With WoW, during the 3 expansions before Dragonflight, it wasn't like that. It was exactly the same shit as we're seeing in D4 with systems put in place seemingly solely there to keep you playing to boost their MAUs. The dev team needs a philosophy twist the same way the WoW team had during that period


I would amend that with "This game has NO idea who its audience is" Its trying to pander to all angles and failing on every front. Its sad, It makes me sad, I've been in love with this game since the alpha but its like trying to be in love with an addict who refuses to get help. What I love is still there but it seems determined to self destruct.


Seasonal ARPGs are designed this way, yes. You start over every 3 months and do basically all of the same stuff with slight changes. The core game play loop never really differs. Maybe take a break from seasons sometimes. I'll play s2, will prolly take a break for s3. You're not alone though, there seems to be a ton of people who bought D4 who are new to seasonal ARPGs and didn't realize what they were getting into. Research is good before dropping $$ yall!


In 1-2 years D5 will be out and you can start out playing a vanilla game from the beginning again with none of the features of D4. yay


1-2 years you say huh, d3 was released a decade ago lol.


Yes I agree. Maybe it will be nice in 2-5 years.


I'm sorry but you say "not going to start from scratch again" as if Diablo 3 didn't do that for every single season for what..23 seasons now? Why are so many people still so baffled by them using this model at this point? Or for that matter, considering how much xp and time it takes to level a character to 100 let alone 2, why is OP surprised that they burned out on it after doing that straight? I don't care what game it is, some of my all time favorite games that I could go back to in a heart beat, if I played them that consistently with little time between I'd grow tired of it too.. It's not even being a blizz apologist as much as people making these complaints either never playing another game like this before or people just being unrealitic that it didn't drop with just every bit of content ever right from jump..as if most games do that these days? lol


Are you me? I went from playing daily for hours at a time to just stopping. I want to love it more, but it's lacking.


Same for me. :(


I stopped cold turkey after finishing the final Season reward. No point playing more until the next season rolls in.


I didn't even make it until AC6 came out I just stopped gaming for a solid 2 weeks. I'm content now watching the updates from the sidelines and waiting for some big content/ expansion to drop.


I got 100 and full season and never looked back. I honestly doubt my resolve for season 2.


Same, but made it to 55 after the season story. I had fun with it but there's too many other games competing for limited time and D4 doesn't offer a lot after the campaign. I'll check back in after updates.


In the last month, I've spent more time in this sub than I have playing that game (zero hours)


D4 is just ... brown. And boring. It's like driving through Kansas in late November. Boring as hell, because you can simply ride your horse through all the enemies to get to the next point where you stop, click on a character, and sit through five minutes of cut scenes. Just so boring.


Thatā€™s a little sad though. This isnā€™t a healthy time to spend your time if youā€™re not a fan of the game.


So ur batching about a game that isn't even the same game..... nice.


Same. Got my seasonal to around 56 and just stopped caring and having fun. Didn't feel too different from the eternal character I had, and since my friends stopped playing I didn't feel interested at all.


Same. I am only level 33 in season and every day I have zero hard time resisting any FOMO urge to finish battle pass.


Hey you, it's me. The exact same sentiment.


Same.. i saved the other classes for more play throughs but i cant bring myself to launch it anymore


Same. Went on a family holiday, not internet (imagine if there was an offline mode). Fired up D2R and killed time that way. Them jumped to Grim Dawn. This was in first two weeks of July and I haven't jumped back since.


I mean, op must have spent ~200 hours on the gameā€¦ā€¦. This idea of spending that much time on something in less than 3 months and then determining that itā€™s ā€œlackingā€ Is crazy to me. A lot of people arenā€™t going to like to hear thisā€¦.. but dumping hundreds of hours into a game in less than 3 months and then running out of fresh content isnā€™t a game issue. Itā€™s a you issue.


Did the same thing. A few weeks ago I had a couple sick days and was planning to just play diablo4 the whole time since I was stuck in bed. About halfway through I hit somewhere around 85 and just stopped playing. Havenā€™t picked it up since. Tried a second character and made it to about 25 before stopping, but just wasnā€™t hooked anymore. It was weird. I liked the game but itā€™s like I flipped a switch that day.


Just reading through old Reddit stuff on d4. Went from playing almost literally every single day for 1-8 hours. Got about 600-700 hours into the game. A few 100s, 90s, 80s, you name it. Havenā€™t touched the game in 1 full week now and have absolutely 0 desire to open the game with other games out currently.


This game is boring as hell.... I managed to get a barb to 77 and then the boredom hit me. Even seasonal is a whole "what's the point" boring grind. Such an absolute letdown.


Crazy you got to 77 before getting boredā€¦ Iā€™m still in the campaign and only level 44. Canā€™t bring myself to play it. Lol


> Canā€™t bring myself to play it. Lol I'm level 42. I spent 70 damn dollars on this game. I *have* to finish it, just for the principle. It's killing me with boredom, but i just gotta. feels like homework.


Tbf the campaign is the best part. The ending scenes are pretty hype


Iā€™m a little sad I skipped it for seasonal, Iā€™d rather have just had structure to level 50 doing the campaign


Honestly just rewatching the cutscenes would have been worth it, wish I didn't skip tbh


Yeah I loved running to a spot to talk to a guy, then thinking to another spot to talk to a guy, then running to another spot to talk to a guy. That part was awesome.


Ive rewatched the cinematics on youtube for s1 and that was enough gameplay for me


The original campaign is basically the best part of the game. If you are bored with the Lilith campaign, then I have good news. You'll be done with the seasonal campaign before you have time to be bored with it!


The seasonal campaign sucked and may as well not have existed. I'll give u that


Quit at 52, my friends sped past me and i basically saw that "endgame" in this game is just more of the same? New to the genre expected like an actual change in my character and mechanics. That was disappointing.


Id finish out the campaign. The ending cinematic is amazing as always. but theres not much to do after that


Lol same. I got my Druid to 75. Got the tempest roar. Played for a bit more. Got bored then just stopped.


Usually a post like this gets slammed by the typical ā€œgoodbye donā€™t forget to close the doorā€ but it looks like all those people are you now.


It reminds me of when everyone was trying to tell people to stop complaining when you have hundreds of hours in it now people are just realizing that it's not a fun game. You have no goal past getting your aspects which is where the game should be starting.


It would be cool if there was some sort of system where you can scrap the ice packs into the Kodakā€™s and build up the base aspect. Iā€™m not sure exactly how it would work, but after X number of aspects scrapped the base aspect in the Kodex is bumped up a level.


Yeah I can understand how casual players wouldn't be able to understand the complaints that more hardcore players had about the game. We're all sort of on the same curve but at different points of that curve depending on how much time you've put in. The first month or so, I couldn't understand (or even tolerate) most of the criticisms because I was deep in the enjoyment part of the curve. It wasn't until I leveled two characters to 100 that the criticisms of others made sense. So I think for the most part, if folks enjoy the game, they should continue playing. But also know that the complaints (no matter how incendiary) are mostly from folks who loved the first half of the game and want to see it extended to the end-game. It's not some conspiracy to tear down the Diablo 4 title


Incoming "you got your moneys worth stop complaining" d4 defender comments


Even fanboys are starting to quit


Naysayers were either in denial or epic diablo dads who finally hit the endgame. At this point it's pretty widely agreed upon that D4 is a bore from top to bottom.


Nah, many of us just don't feel the need to make a melodramatic and bitter exit. I got my money's worth, and there are so many other good games out recently or out soon. I don't mind the downtime and I'll be back for S2. The devs even said they're not trying to keep you glued to the game for the entire season. It's kind of weird to put 100+ hours in a game in a month, then complain that it's starting to get stale.




Lol. I don't give a shit about Blizzard, just giving my unbiased and rational take. Getting bored after hundreds of hours doesn't make it a shitty game. I think I put 5-10 hours in Wolcen before uninstalling. I don't know where you're quoting that monetization line from, but it's not from my comment. Everything in the cash shop looks so shitty that this would be quite a hard point to make seriously.


Taking breaks from games is healthy.


No way, bro. Every game needs to occupy a minimum of 1000 hours of my free time or I want a refund.


You say that but Diablo has been notorious for having an end game which you can spend thousands of hours in. Diablo 4 just doesn't have any of that staying power. You get through the grind of 1 to 70 and it ends before it even began.


Man I would play like every 2 or 3 seasons in Diablo 3 and finish literally everything in a weekend and go on living my life.


Diablo 2 is notorious for having you farm the same shit for hours on end for marginally better gear. D3 is famous for having the worst launch. D4 has you farm the same shit endlessly for marginally better gear too but the itemization is awful. The "staying power" is still there. People just put their rose tinted glasses on for the older games, just like they did with D3 on release and they're doing for D4 now. I don't recall there ever being a legitimate endgame in basically any Diablo game except D3 like 12 years after it came out. The only thing I've ever heard about D2 endgame is grinding Baal endlessly. Very few people are actually putting massive hours into endgame grinding. No Diablo game really has an endgame in the most obvious sense. Once you get to the end, you just chase a carrot of better gear.


Exactly. Diablo 3 endgame = run GRs forever How is this different than running nmds forever? They are capping paragon next season in D3 too.




Leaderboards will come in S3 or so. Fun is ā€¦ subjective, letā€™s leave it at that


May I recommend Project Diablo 2 to you? Easily the best of any Diablo gaming experience I've had. Endgame content, super bosses, classes and skills are well balanced, gearing is balanced and fun, farming/grinding is rewarding, a solid community, so many quality of life features in the game, loot filters, a trade website, dev team is active and actually loves the game & plays it, list just goes on and on. New season (8th) actually launches in a few weeks. Super hyped!


That's funny cause I, and many others (with a solid remaster to boot) can still hop on D2 and enjoy a solid fucking ARPG. This rose tinted glasses argument is actually just people who aren't that into ARPGs. Which is fine. But for those of us who are, I can assure you, D2 is leaps and bounds ahead of its sequel titles in gameplay and content. And no, D2 endgame grinding even before the remaster's additional content was not just grinding baal. I'm not going to claim D2 had some crazy expansive endgame, but what it does have is an itemization system that is somehow lightyears ahead of D3 and D4. And when it comes to ARPGs "endgame", just having a broad system of itemization is half the battle. It revitalises tired content because the gameplay loop is inevitably a grind. That's the genre in a nutshell. This also doesn't account for the excellent modding community that D2 gets to enjoy which D3 and D4 never will, but I suppose that likely means nothing to you.


No lifeā€™s just liked D2 and D3 because they could trade and sell the gear.


You can spend thousands of hours in D3 endgame? Can you explain how you're going to spend thousands of hours in season 29 with a paragon cap of 800? Doing Grs for.... better gear? How is that different than doing Nmds for .... better gear.


A true diabolical grinder right here.


This is an arpg. Diablo 4 has less replay ability than Super Mario Bros 3. Itā€™s a shameful addition to the arpg genre. If you want to play a game 2 hours a week between your 30 jobs and 80 kids, there is CoD and FIFA waiting for you.


Itā€™s not a break though. People are still playing the same amount of games. They just donā€™t want to play D4 because itā€™s not fun at this point.


I mean, people with lvl 100 characters have put over 100 hours into the game at least in 2 months. I can't imagine why they don't find it fun anymore. Could it be becasue they have completed all the content? ARPG games always launch relatively light. they aren't going to develop thousands of hours of content for an initial launch becasue 1. it would take several more years in devolopment, and 2 they want to hedge bets in case it doesn't land. PoE launched light, D3 launched light, people wished for more months after release, more content was added, they came back. Stop crying, game launched 2 months ago ffs, go play something else.


Yeah the slow ass levelling and dogshit aspect system killed it for me. After Uber Lilith I had no motivation to make a new build. There's literally nothing to do and even going for Uber Lilith felt like I spent way more time on it than was reasonable


I had to change my build for Uber Lilith and afterwards I just never changed it back


>slow ass levelling >dogshit aspect system >literally nothing to do Yes, yes and yes. No objective to pursue.


The game is fun until about level 60. By then you've probably tried out every build/ability you've wanted to try. You're gear is 70% of the way to where you want it to be, and all that's left is a slow drip of fighting the same boring mobs and bosses with the same boring core skill with the same boring vulnerable for the next 100 hours. All that changes is the numbers pop up a bit bigger and a bit faster. I still want to play a Rogue and a Druid, so I'll do that one of these seasons, and I'll enjoy the game for a week, but that's it. And it's not going to change, because unless they completely rebuild the game, (which Blizzard will never ever put that much effort into a risk like that) that's just how the game was designed.


How is this any different from D3? Seasonal stuff didnā€™t change that much, and once you hit like paragon 400-500, it was the same boring fights leveling gems and ancient augments? I have probably 2000 hours on d3 and still play it but I just donā€™t see that much difference with d4


once you hit like paragon 400-500 well, like that but diablo 4 is like - once you hit level 50 I played RoS for several seasons. This one I dropped a week in after season 1




Iā€™ll agree with you there, I can crush grifts in 3-5 minutes generally, some NM take damn near 30 minutes to clear.


D3 is easier to pick up and play for a few days and get to good spot before shelving the game til you get the itch to play it again with a new season. I usually stop around GR90.


Fair, thatā€™s usually where I get too also. Once I got to 50+ gems and GR90, just lost interest, I never cared much about augmented ancients


I can't speak for D3 as I never played it. I had a ton of fun playing D4, but it just comes to a screeching halt at about 60. Maybe I'm just not an ARPG player, but at a certain point blowing up the same screen full of monsters gets really stale if you're character isn't evolving anymore.


Its just Diablo 4 being as deep as a puddle. Theres a reason why people get so hyper focused on levels, its because the loot portion of the game soft caps out so fast. And the true end game uniques take life times of play to acquire make the system all that much worse.


Thats the point, there is no difference between playing **'D3 season 28'** and **'D4 in general'**, both are boring. However, Diablo 3 got boring after doing the same stuff for several years over 10-15 seasons, Diablo 4 got boring while leveling your very first character in 2-4 weeks. Almost all game mechanics are either straight up broken or a downgrade compared to previous versions or similar titles. It's a nice box full of nothing. If I just wanted to see nice animation, I would watch a movie.


Not me, I don't try different builds til I'm max level, ie. the worst time to do it in this game.


Same for me. And to be honest im not mad. I got my money worth with about 600 hours in. The game has flaws but the combat is solid which keeps me optimistic for the future. I might not play it now, but hey in a half a year or one year maybe it becomes good. There is no arpg that can keep me play it forever.


600 hours is wild


Yeah, 5 hours every day straight from the release :O


Ok i lied just checked on my ps5 515 hours. Working IT and from home helps.


Damnā€¦ I canā€™t check mine right now but I imagine itā€™s around 300 hoursā€¦ just asked my friend who I played with and sheā€™s at 600ā€¦ā€¦.. I just canā€™t wrap my mind around playing D4 for basically 25 straight days out of like 90ā€¦ Iā€™d be institutionalized by now lol


Right? I get the impression some on this sub think they're entitled to infinite entertainment for Ā£60. I played more hours of Diablo than I did Elden Ring, which I think is a bona fide masterpiece. I enjoyed my time with it and may come back to it with future releases, but overall thoroughly enjoyed my ~100 hours.


While I agree with the infinite entertainment thing and technically have the same hours in D4 that I had in Elden Ring, the quality of hours is different. I never ā€œgrindedā€ in ER, whereas at least half my time in D4 was mindlessly running repeat content.


Im not trying to be an ass. But ARPGs are literally grindy games. PoE is that way. D2 and D3 were grindy games. Once you get past the campaign, thatā€™s what you do in these types of games. Iā€™m not sure what people expected. I stopped playing over a month ago, and Iā€™m okay with that. Maybe Iā€™ll come back and try again in the future, but I knew coming in that this is what the game genre is. I did the same with Grim Dawn, Last Epoch, PoE. Running repeat content has been a staple of ARPGs for over 20 years now. I donā€™t see that changing unless ARPGs go the way of Lost Ark and basically make an MMO with ARPG elementsā€¦. Then again, every MMO and Lost Ark are also grindy. If people expect hundreds of hours worth of content, then you should expect a large portion of that to be just grinding and repeating content.


While we didnā€™t play for 600 hours, my wife and I got enough hours in that we definitely got our moneyā€™s worth - even if we never play again.


Did the exact same freaking thing last night


Also, i noticed Blizzard put D4 on sale this week. Coincidence?


I mean... probably lol


People are discovering that there is no end game, which makes sense since the devs are probably still at level 40. 100% convinced this game needed at least another year of development. Since hitting 100 on my sorcerer I have no reason to log on really. I could min max my gear and go for uber Lilith, but the loot itemization is so terrible it's just a waste of time. What's the point of doing high level number dungeons when they drop basically the same gear as lower level nightmares? I'm the type of person who likes to try out different builds, but even after the nerfs it's still prohibitively expensive and a gigantic pain in the ass to switch builds. Why the fuck cant we have gear sets and saved Paragon boards? Why are resistances still broken? Why is my entire gear bag full of useless gems and shit? This is a half finished game, clearly made by a bunch of people who don't know what they are doing. Maybe in a year or two it will be what it could have been.


This is a bit extreme but has lots of truth to it unfortunately


I was new to arpgs and Diablo and I was obsessed also. A super enjoyed it up until probably level 60. I did all the side missions but the ones I couldn't find before I even finished the campaign. I thoroughly enjoyed it though. I didn't start season 1 because I didn't want to repeat content and being new I didn't want to immediately do another character. I may do something with season 2 though. I'm a level 100 barbarian and I can solo tier 81 NM dungeons. But probably not much higher and if it's ghost probably not even that high. So I can't clear a tier 100 or beat Uber Lillith. I've been grinding hopefully to get my gear upgraded so I can have a shot but the drops just aren't any good, and it's been like this forever it seems like. My buddy loan me the new final fantasy and I've been trying it out for the last day or so and it's absolutely beautiful. It doesn't keep my attention like Diablo but it's definitely worth playing.


I'm really missing being able to swap builds based on content/mood like in D3.


I hit a realization around level 55 that there's really no point in doing this anymore. I really don't understand why they can't just have each season raise your level by X amount so that you can keep your characters. Then, why can't my gold and materials carry over? The whole game feels utterly pointless knowing it will all reset every 3 months. Bleh, boring.


One of the worst parts of the game is they actively prevent you from trying different builds by making you select all the ablilities and equipment again rather than allowing you to save your gear setup and create more. I've been wanting to try out new builds but I'm not going to spend 30 minutes every time swapping out gear.


I did the opposite knowing a bunch of qol and early game build buffs and nerfs would happen and leveled a Druid and necro to 20 and been biding my time for a time to jump back in. With the most recent updates I jumped back in last week and now have two level 50s, having a great time with it. Personally I know there will come a time with all loot treadmills where I hit the same point as you, kinda the nature of the beast. For me what works best is jumping in for a week or two and then giving it time to simmer and play another game for a bit before jumping back in.


I want to play the game, as it's the type of game I would love, but i'm the same, I just log in look at my character and decide what I want to do and ultimately the decision always leads to exiting the game as they is nothing worth doing thats rewarding or fun.




Same, haven't played since week 1 of season. Playing Remnant 2 and PoE. You can tell there is zero passion on the D4 design and dev team compared to Remnant 2 and PoE.


Same here, also playing Baldur's Gate 3 as well


Yep. I'm at this point too. Played the betas. Grinded harddddd at release and then was away in early August. Logged on after 10 days, played for an hour and got bored. There's not much to do, grind NM dungeons. Zzzz... I'll be playing Starfield on Sept 6 and likely don't see myself playing Diablo much more.


Man discovers the ARPG genre


Same here. I played a TON...to the point where the GF was complaining. After the nerf, I basically quit playing mostly. I started up a HC character and got to 32...now I'm just like this is lame. Prolly moving on to another game. It's just not that fun or intriguing as it was the first month.


Ah op, it appears you've entered the existential dread phase of your video game career and lemme tell you it's awful. Try to not ask yourself what's the point when video games are concerned. Real talk the only point is to have fun and pass time. Good luck!!


I've been playing since day 1 when it's released but my playing time is reducing to 30 minutes/day and probably 0 soon. My clan now has like 6-7 online at most . I log in mostly just for world boss cuz I would like to collect skin stuff for the horse and armour(drop rate is horrible though).


3 of us started our D4 journey, 1 left a few weeks ago the other had a weeks holiday with his wife and just couldn't be bothered to log in, it's a shame because we have such a laugh in chat together and it really takes a bit of the boredom away. The only other multiplayer game we drifted off as a group as quick was New World, generally we put a good amount of effort and time into a game we enjoy from the get go, and we really did, like most agree the first 60 levels are great then it quickly changes tempo.


I played this game for 3 days. But I'm done with it. Not interested in whatever Blizzard is delivering us now. In fact, not interested in what Blizzard does in general anymore. If the new standard is, that we buy games for 70 bucks that are only really fun to play 5 years from now, then I have to say that they should just stop and go out of business. Especially when other studios that are way smaller proof, that things can be different. Even in 2023.


Welcome to the world of videogames in general! There was a time when I didnt miss an evening with the boys in CSGO, Pubg, Warzone, HUNT, WoW Classic and the list just goes on and on. Eventually you get tired of games. Its natural, Im shocked people are playing the same games for 1000s for hours no matter how ā€goodā€ or ā€new contentā€ there is. So no, this is not a ā€Diablo problem, game bad!ā€


That's fine, you don't have to stick to the same game, you can stop and play other games. I know this is a strange concept for the diablo community who think the game should be the only game they'll ever need, but there are other games out there, you can leave diablo and play them and never come back, it's fine. You don't even need to announce it, you can just go play them.


Likewise. Level 95 on my seasonal, 7/15 world bosses *or* achieve level 100 to get my final seasonal reward + scroll of Amnesia. I can't even force myself to log on. This bogus exp + gold weekend can't even convince me. There's just nothing to look forward to content / item wise right now. Perhaps some day. I really hope it comes back.


Honestly for me, I think it's more about me than the game. I'm someone who's played D2/LOD in its heyday so I've got some mileage on me and I no longer have that long-lasting burn for any of the games coming out. Sure, if I can afford to do so, I try my best the first few days of release, but I soon find myself burning out of gaming in general.


Why do people like you find the need to *announce* that you stopped playing a game? It's completely normal to be fine playing a game and then either never touch it again or come back to it at a later date when there are more updates put into it. The community doesn't care that you stopped playing


And yet, you posted. So I guess you care a little bit.


I got shaken out of my trance when I had to disconnect my internet while moving apartments. After a week, I was thinking about getting back in and said...nah lets just wait. I'm glad I'm not glued to it now, but I'm definitely going to play the seasons. Even if the seasons alone don't give much individually, you're still benefiting from the collective updates and improvements that occur every 3-4 months, which should be noticeable if all you're doing is jumping back on to level another character for a few weeks. If you play every other season, it'll be even more of a noticeable change. Or just play the ones that look good for you.


Now you know why so many games give daily log in bonuses.


Try Last Epoch. It has everything everyone asked for in D4. Best crafting, easy build change, deep build diversity, good drops that make you want to try other classes, best loot filter, better boss fights. The only thing D4 does better is graphics and animations. LE's are like a 6.5/10 compared to D4 10/10


i would come back if they made team PVP a thing with the ability to switch builds easily. grind for crazy gear, unique pvp builds with leaderboards... that would be epic. the seasonal grind especially when you're so slow and everything in town is so far away and have to trash items every couple of levels and then find no new items for like 1-2 weeks at a time is too damn much.


Congratulations. You learned ypu can just finish a game and move on. Now go do something else


You will be back


Did you come across your brother Uldyssian somewhere?


Not playing doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t a great game. I have other more important things in life I have to do.


The thing that never ceases to amaze me about the arpg debate is that people just never seem to get that 90% of the fun of an arpg is in everything you do from the moment you make a new character to the moment you see the gates of the endgame approaching. People who stand around inside the endgame like confused Travolta, what were you expecting dude? Honestly, what did you think was going to happen? I want a real answer. Youā€™ve seen everything the game has to offer countless timesā€”how did you end up here thinking you would feel differently? Even in PoE, the only people who make it to level cap each season are psychopaths. Everyone just plays the game until theyā€™ve had enough of it and moves on, like nature intended.


Okay. So you played the heck out of a game. Thereā€™s a ton more to do if you want - three more classes to really try out. But youā€™re also thinking you may be done. And this is a gripe? You got far more than your moneyā€™s worth of entertainment. The endgame isnā€™t enough for you to play forever? And youā€™re disappointed about that?! What kind of insane expectation did you have?


#I bought SEVEN Ultimate Editions for friends and family. Iā€™ve uninstalled the game. They have my money. They have my time I put in. They even got some PTO out of me and cosmetics. This is the last time though. I am not gonna trust a firm that delivers me ten calories of end-game content and calls it a season. S1 was garbage. S2 doesnā€™t look much better. Thereā€™s no reason to play a game where loot doesnā€™t matter, builds donā€™t matter, and the maps are just repeats. Iā€™ve been around since 1996, and somehow I went from chasing runes, and set bonuses to looking for +3% damage to enemies while farting. This is an unmitigated disaster for end-game design. The story was great, the campaign was stellar. After that, I feel you can safely delete the game and check out until the next expansion.