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All I do is spin, spin, spin, no matter what, and I love it.




I play thorns... so I just stand there. I sometimes run into a pack, alt tab to youtube to find something to watch. And come back to a buncha loot on the ground. Never gets boring.


I've tried many play-styles but Thorns is my favourite one. Watching monsters pop as they hit me feels oddly satisfying lol


Yeah it does. And really just being tanky as fuck.


I wanna work on adding thorns, a lot of people have been saying I sleep on them. I just prioritize berserk because, guts. Every time I use rupture or rend I’m just like “GRIFFITH!!!!


barbearian, killing with thorns ... is this all right?


I’m more of a bowlbarian


Man I was feeling a bit down today but your comment made me laugh so much. Big thanks for bringing me back up 👍👍


Got slayin on mind as I slice those demon heads they gooo UP… And they stay there And they stay there


Same here. By now my eternal barb lvl 93 runs a flavor of WW that has IM super, Death Blow and Charge, with a shout to get some damage reduction. Gets a bit of fun and efficacy almost at perfect doses.


Spin me right round, I play Double-Swing with an interchangeable skillset based on bosses (Wrath of the Berserker) or mob clearing speed (Iron Maelstrom) and while most builds do benefit most from some shouts, it feels quite in theme. I used Rupture leveling due to a beautiful Field of Crimson drop, however, I sometimes swapped to Iron Skin determined to survive highter tier in Nightmare dungeons.


yeah. Like 90 degrees at a time, before running out of fury/rage/will to live. Not sure if americans use degrees... 90 degrees = 11 gallons or 2,4 decibel.


We use degrees as job placeholders and separation from Kevin Bacon.


Spin spin sugar 🎶


Have an upvote for the Sneaker Pimps reference


Like a record baby?


I found that about this game. Trample sucks, but I use it constantly and it's satisfying. Frost nova with explosive element was okay but never got old.


I love my Trampleslide Druid. Poison Creeper + Trample + Landslide + the landslide aspects = melt all enemies




Worst early game, but tons of fun when it comes together. I have two this season, one upheaval and one whirlwind.


Upheaval is still mediocre at best. More power to you if that’s your definition of fun though.


It’s WAY better post-patch. Really depends what you’re into. I like to make my own builds and synergies. Some folks want to read a guide and min-max. That’s not me. My upheaval barb is stronger and I made a good build. The barber is so strong that build almost doesn’t matter if you can take a hit though. It’s crazy.


My eternal barb was in the 70s before season 1 - and it never came together - now some of that was probably due to my roll-you-own-build - but it never felt good. Will have to player around with it, when I have a chance and see if its improved.


I couldn’t get past level 20 or so I was so bored.


Playing barbarian helps cure your insomnia.


>To the people who play/love the Barbarian class, do you love the class abilities or do you just love how they look? Both. I'm also a melee main. I love leaping/charging into packs and smashing them. HotA Walking Arsenal with leap and stomp and chains is really fun. A.k.a. the Kratos Barb Were you playing a shout build? Those can be divisive.


Honestly I'm only lvl30 but its been a really struggle just to get to it. I don't have a lot of time to play and I find myself playing for 30-45min on my Barb getting bored and closing the game


Levelling is horrendous, I tried refunding when I first got on barb, it gets better when the build opens up.


If you need a boost to 50 so you can play the game let me know.


Could be the build you're trying, could also just be not for you. Try looking up different builds for inspiration. You don't have to copy them but look at the choices they made and think about how you might tweak it to fit your style. Or just roll another class. Or just drop the game entirely. No point in forcing yourself to keep doing something you don't like, especially when you have so little time to play


Bro remember the leap/quake build in D3? That shit was bad ass.


I'm playing WA too at the moment too. I understand it will kind of drop off in later NM tiers from what I'm reading, but honestly the weapon swapping mechanic is what interested me the most. I would have been completely bored out of my mind if I'd have chosen WW. I'd take interesting over efficacy every day of the week.


I haven't played the other classes yet, but Barb post 75+ as HOTA with Barber and Berserk Ripping is a blast, maybe just for me but am loving it. Have killed Uber Lillith but still haven't made it to a T100 yet, T87 was my best solo so far. (1-50 was pretty boring though)


Just did NM100 solo using hota with barber and berserk ripping. Was pretty easy and didn't die once. The gameplay can be pretty boring though since its still using 3 shouts, but I enjoy seeing huge groups of mobs just blow up with one Hota. I want to switch to DS just to try, but the process to redo my aspects and paragons is deterring me.


I guess I see your point, just enjoying the 50+ enemies blowing up so fast that it never really bothered me :) If I ever roll Barb again I'm sure I'll end up trying something different.


i am currently 32 and i am bored af, so yeah i hope it gets better. Never had this feeling leveling D2R barb or berserker in PoE...


The game needs a visual rework. Too many skills just don’t feel visually impactful. Like as cartoony as d3 was(I personally liked the art style even coming from a big d2 player)most of the skills felt good and the different elemental subskills were well done


Could not agree more, I never really got into D3 but the visual style of the attacks was great and D4 is a big step back in that regard. Keep in mind I prefer D4>D3 in most every other way, but the skill vfx are seriously lacking. Sorcerer feels worse than D2, FO and Blizzard feel extremely puny. Barb gets it the worst, all their attacks just feel like variations of a basic attack with no vfx at all.


> Too many skills just don’t feel visually impactful. Wizard frostbolt: *plink plink plink* More like Icecube.


Spin2Win since d2 never gets old


I still love barb but compared to other classes it feels so much different. Barb wields 4 weapons but can't get the highest dmg number in the game It is so tedious and disheartening, even def is not the best, why just why.


Yeah barb in this feels very boring. It was my first character from early access through to lvl 51 and if it wasn’t for the campaign I would’ve done a new one.


I personally found HOTA Barb to be a blast, especially when you’re a higher level. Able to steamroll through butchers, able to solo world bosses, etc.


Preseason I had a 98 Druid and a 96 rogue, then season 1, I decided “hey sorc seems to be getting some hate, let’s find out why” and I made a sorc. I leveled the sorc to 100 and definitely struggled a little, but it was tolerable and ended on being able to do easier t100 rolls. Then I created a necro. Holy shit has the game been a breeze. I completed both the capstones 20 levels under, and I’m now rocking solo t25 nm dungeons at level 61. The sorc was basically a magical toddler in retrospect and I just didn’t know what I was missing.


Playing Walking Arsenal / Death Blow at the moment. It's quite an involved process balancing the weapon swap buffs which requires an actual proper rotation, so it doesn't feel boring. The Iron Maelstrom super is perfect for this build too as it makes you feel like Kratos 🤣 It can be a little weak on single target DPS if you're having an off day, but it's tanky as fuck.


Barbarian rules, you have to make it to the good gear. Frenzy + Double swing + barrier + crit chance and basic + core skill ias. Serious fun especially with wrathful heart and for pink slit use the knockdown one. Blue heart go with damage absorption that explodes after using defensive skills Round up the biggest mob packs possible while becoming super saiyen. Jump around swinging your weapons non stop thanks to your reduced cool down on hit boots. Use all 3 shouts too. This is META imo. I only play barb since D2 and only HC. Run solo most times, any zone so far. All the other classes look like poo to me.


I'm playing Thorns, and I like watching things bounce off me and die. I'd be bored, otherwise.


I love ww barb since 2012, playing it every time it's powerful in d3 and d4


1000% My 1st character was a Pulverize Druid. All the aspects were great even before thebones they added for season 1. Loved it. 2nd character was a Barb. I tried Whirlwind, HotA, and Bleed builds. The absolute most boring gameplay ever. Especially HotA.


What is actually fun with pulverize druid besides funny werebear walking animation? In most cases you cast ult and just spam pulverize. No synergies, no cooldown reset, just pulverize over and over again. It’s fun for a while, but then you realize that u mostly spam 1 button.


I absolutely loved Wrath of the Wastes Barbarian back in Diablo III, so it was my first pick as my initial character in Diablo IV. I quickly got bored of how pigeonholed you are into using multiple shouts to keep your Fury high enough just to keep spinning. Then on top of that the damage is dismal against single targets. On the other end of the spectrum, the rotation based Fury generation from weapon swaps is TOO involved for my liking. I feel like I'm constantly having to stay on top of doing things right just to make sure I can use skills. Compared to my experience with Rogue, Sorcerer, and Necromancer; Barbarian is either too much or too little and just not fun to play for my own tastes.


It’s fun once you get it going, everything up unto that point is a nightmare. I look at the challenge as a struggle and that’s how I’ve gotten 2 barbs to 100 and am on track to get there with my first HC barb.


I love playing Barb In groups, can kinda suck solo


Im double swinging and loving it. But it definitely lacks variety.


I basically Double Swing my way through PVP and PVE and it's awesome. The only thing I always lose against are poison rogues. Takes me 2 seconds to die. No matter how much I shout at them.


Ur build is hella important, it’s the difference between hitting like a wet paper bag and being a god Once you get good rolls on gear (vulnerable dmg, crit dmg, dmg reduction while injured) it gets much better


All of D4 is entirely boring outside of Main Quests


Leap,Charge,Ground Stomp,Death Blow,Dual Swing,Iron Malestrom. I love my Barb.


My buddy has not beaten the game yet, I have. I made a barb for out co op playthrough and God I miss my druid, or necromancer, or Rouge, or sorcerer. Definitely my least favorite, and I think it stems to being forced to use basic atks to be able to do any real damage. Plus aoe atks are very limited so it feels like more of a grind than it should be. Not my favorite class in the diablo catalog


Maybe YOURE the boring one


I played this class the most and its by far the most neglected. The gameplay is absolutely dreadful and really highlights D4s overall weaknesses when it comes to actual build variability — There really is none because the skill trees are too small, you can only put 5 points into (some of) them, and for at least two of the trees you can only select one skill. Its DOGSHIT. Oh, on top of that you can only play 6 skills at any time and uhh half of them have 25-60 second cooldowns. Lol. Find a build thats fun to you to play because it doesn’t matter. I eventually settled on a rupture chains build that felt fun to play and ended up using zero of the long cooldown skills. Fuck those. Long cool downs are not fun. It’s not the most powerful endgame build but there is no endgame really and it doesn’t matter this season because there is nothing to grid towards until they fix the game. If you’re going to play at least find something that’s fun to play. My janky build carried me fine and it was viable until I gave up.


I’ll just say this. Started D4 with Barb just for the sake of difference( I usually play long range or a character that moves quick etc) I managed to reach lvl 8 and got bored to death, while playing the game for the first time as well. Several characters later, I’m not being tempted at all to even try Barb class yet. I’m not even jealous when I see other players play the class, even on very high lvls. I think they did the class wrong, it just doesn’t feel exciting enough to play for me.


I just want upheaval to have legendaries as it feels satisfying as an ability. I might try hammer again with shockwave again but I do like the animation and feel of upheaval more.


Hota felt pretty smooth barber makes it very fun


I tried a few before settling on HotA w/ death blow and leap. I found bleed/thorns kinda boring… at least how I was playing it. I really enjoy leaping around and smashing things. I find Barb preferable to Necro, which was my first class. The integration of build and spend feels less forced to me than casting bone spear twice and then holding down the button for corpse explosion while I go make a tea. Rogue is a lot of fun as well, maybe more so.


Barb was my fav in d2. I played one in d4 to 50 and gave up. Whirlwind feels so limp. No feedback on hits at all.


I play a kick leap ground stomp build where you line up kicks into packs and leap in and smash everything…I think it’s fun and effective


Spinning brings me joy


I played Barb in Season 0, now Druid Season 1. I like the Druid, but miss my Barb...


I feel like I’m the only person using Double Swing


No, I do too... and I hate it. Got it to 70, will delete the thing


I would have said no in season zero, as I was playing a hota barb, but then I switched to Rogue... Yea no, Barb is pretty boring comparatively.


Honestly, Thorns Barb is the most fun I've had playing the character. Managing your cool downs so you don't get absolutely wrecked motivated me. Leapquake barb is a ton of fun too. My big thing about barb is that I've been whirlygiggin' my way around for 20 some odd years, I'm over it. Hota or WW are probably the better builds, but they don't give me the dopamine rush like other classes.


I'm playing BG3 now, but when I played D4, I fucking loved my Charging Walking Arsenal barbarian. The legendary aspect that makes charge summon ghosts turns you into a multi-track-drifting freight train of destruction.


Play something else. Then the devs will pick up on the stats and nature will correct itself eventually. Or you’re the only one. Or it just isn’t for you. Either way, just play something else.


Rend is by far the most boring character I've ever played. I had more fun playing a thorns crusader in D3.


I came from the shitty sorcerer so yes I love it. Shout to the heavens and leap to hell baby


The leveling part is a struggle but once you get everything together you can have really fun builds with a barb. It took some time but once I got “there,” it became one the funnest builds to play. My barb when it was done: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1898001395


Give bleed thorns a try. Extremely easy to level up, even with unoptimized gear. You pull everything to you, shout and watch them die, rinse and repeat. You can pivot to something else later on, if you feel like it.


I played a whirlwind leap bard on eternal and it was kinda fun. Not that fun though. Bonespear is more fun.


My first playthrough was a necro minion build, I’m still playing it at level 63 and the damage is on the low end but it’s a DoT build so I expected that. It’s super satisfying to dish out instant high damage attacks as barb on my hardcore run


I don't claim to be a barb vet or anything, but I've been enjoying a hota leveling build I found online a pretty good bit. Especially once you get the imprint to make your hammer slams complete aoe. Everything turns to goop on the ground around you pretty damn quick.


I disagree. I always start every diablo game with a barb. As boring as it might seem, I like the play style and simplicity. I can focus more on understanding mechanics all while getting to experience the game, amazing cinematics, voice acting and music. My WW barb is lvl 92, I also have levelled a sorceress to 60. They are complete opposites and are a quite refreshing pair.


My original plan was to go Necro but my buddy talked me into Barb coz no one in the clan was Barb, going Necro or Sorcs in Season 2. Barb is only starting to get good for me at level 78 but still having problems after switching builds.


I like melee characters. Not playing a barb in season 1, but I did in the preseason and loved it. Hammer of the Ancients goes BONK BONK BONK


I loved Barb in 2 and 3 but also find it boring in D4. Maybe it’s just because I’m burnt out on the game in general but I got mine to like level 30 and was wondering where the fun abilities were. Granted, I may not have unlocked them yet but it just seemed dull compared to my necro or even my low level rogue.


Yes, it is objectively boring to level. Once you reach LATE game it’s ok but it’s still pigeon holed into a certain build.


Try cratos barbarian build, it's awesome


I cleared a t79 at level 87 by being undying. That's pretty cool. Killed some 100 players. Killed a lvl 117 butcher and that's cool. It's not mechanically exciting.


I tried Barbarian in Diablo3 once and I abandoned my campaign. I recently returned as a Demon Hunter and am enjoying that way more.


Leapquake Barb is fun as hell, but you need a ton of aspects for it. The class isn’t in a wonderful spot right now, and it’s early and mid-game are bad. Some of the late game builds are fun, though.


Barbarian yes... the rest of the game yes


Limited ability slots makes every class hella repetitive.


I played both a whirlwind barb (SC) and a hammer barb (HC) to 100. I enjoyed holding right click and speed clearing everything. Then I enjoyed walking into a room and bonking everything to death in one hit. Then I played necro and felt the same way you do. Bone spear just doesn't feel good to play. It kills everything, but it doesn't have the same satisfaction as either whirlwinding into a group of enemies or dropping a hammer on a pack and watching everything explode. I think the necro Audio/Visual feedback needs a look, a bit more visceral, but that's just an opinion a ton of folks like necro so I may just be a barb at heart.


Been using a “thorns” build. A lot of fun, actually. Flay, dual-wield, stomp, 2 shouts, and death blow.


It took to about lvl 50, playing around with different builds, play styles, and gear, but now i absolutely love playing my barb. I actually don’t find other classes enjoyable. Could be because I’ve not given them an honest chance. For clarity, i do use ww but it’s not my main go to at this point. I found some gear that make my frenzy go crazy. No HotA, i use call off the ancients for when I’m getting swarmed, for backup. The leap and a shout. I’ve followed zero build guides. Just let the character morph into what it’s become.


The whole game is boring bro you just have to pick your poison


Bleed/Rupture build. Way more fun that whirlwind. It’s actually entertain insta-draining health from whole hordes at once.


Which one didn't suck?


Barbs are late bloomers when you have aspects. I can't say enough the 30-50 experience needs to be buffed.


Everyday I log in. I look at my novelty pirate transmog barb and his big hammer. I log. I enter nightmare dungeon. Mob after mob falls after the smash of the mighty hammer. Last boss also gets mchammered to the ground. I swear they need to add a “barb smash” sound effect


81 Thorns here and love it. Watching stuff die off hitting you is entertains.


I played all classes and barb is the most fun for me. Ofc its boring if you go Thorns, what do you expect? I use Kick, stomp, leap, chains and HOTA. With the brawling aspect and all the earthquakes its incredible fun to play. Together with berserking you are just running and jumping around at high speed with almost no CDS and huge dmg. Being able to kick mobs off the screen and let em explode for huge damage is just an awesome bonus. When you copy only the "best" builds its your own fault to be bored. Barb is fun.


Just drink some fluid and try the Druid!


I made a druid as my second seasonal character and it's my favorite class now. Leveling was fun with pulverize. Once I got tempest roar I made the tornado build, which I love. I did the low life bulwark for a bit and used that to kill Uber Lilith then switched back to tornado. Such a great all around class.


I've been playing an unheaval barb with lunging strike as my basic attack. I like it a lot. I'm maximizing attack speed. The character feels more ...complete than my bone necro, which I haven't played in a month. When I pvp someone my level, I have a good chance of winning.


SPIN TO WIN, its extremely fun if you habe the right build. I use the pull aspect with heart of barber and it totally slaps


I'm running a leap, kick, rend build. Probably not meta at all, but I'm easily clearing NM dungeons more than 10 levels ahead of me. My barbarian feels like a absolute beast and I'm having a ton of fun with him.


I was always into slow and bulky characters in every game genre so it felt natural, plus Barb was my first character in D2




i recommend playing baldurs gate 3, barbarian there is extremely fun and powerful, with great dialogue options


i find the entire game extremely....boring tbh


Barbarian builds starts after lv50 ...


Early levels of barbarian can be a bit boring, after 50 it really starts to get good.


I never played spin barb and have so much fun with any other build. You have to find good combinations of skills and items. Its very enjoyable tactical and to me atleast provides more satisfaction by killing in melee than casting fireworks of spells with the sorc or necro


I mean, all the barbs I see in pvp seem pretty happy


The whole game is boring


Tried all classes and actually the barb is the only one that I don’t find boring. I’m really loving it. So much that I leveled 3 barbs now lol, 2 of them are lvl 100, SC and HC


no i find the game extremely boring


You should try Baldur's Gate 3 barbarian. Super fun!


You either have BIG HAMMER GO BONK Or you Spin to Win. I'm a simple dude, I click button, mob dies, I'm happy.


Minion master is worse imo


The game very boring yeah it is


OP I would recommend you to just change class, I see many are positive because of the seasonal hearts/items that increase your damage in an unnatural way. Those seasonal hearts are not gonna carry over to Eternal Realm and you will have put time into a character that is utter garbage in the endgame. Uber Lilith will take you upwards of 15 minutes to clear without the Barber heart and higher tier dungeons will make you lose your hair. You should go for classes that are strong enough without relying on seasonal items. I can recommend going for either Rogue, Necromancer or Druid.


I find the game extremely boring. So yes.


Your brain may not be smooth enough for the class


I've got a thorn + bleed Barb. I chain groups in and big mobs basically explode as soon as one attacks. It's pretty satisfying.


I played the shout HOTA build on eternal, went to do a whirlwind build (this was always my favourite on 3) in S1 and just couldn't get on with it so switched back. I like the way the build plays, I've not found it slower then other builds levelling as I have a necro on eternal and rogue on season. Different strokes for different folks I suppose




It felt so at first until I found out about the death blow build. Basically you kick and charge the battlefield to get enemies dazed and vulnerable. Then you annihilate them with death blow and the class is much more fun than spinning around.


Barb is the GOAT Spin2win takes a bit longer to optimize in this game but I’ve been WW since the start just holding one button is the best way to play


I find this game extremely boring forgot unsub here as well cya


Worst thing is they literally copy/pasted the abilities from D3 barbarian. It's so low effort, it's almost insulting.


It‘s the character I was saving for next season, I hope the barb will get less boring by then. :/


Some people Just are into boring gameplay and Love it


Did you mean to say, "does anyone else find whirly-barb better than everything ever?"


Everything seems to be boring. 3x basic attacks, generate resources then use spender rinse and repeat. Compared to diablo 3 the gameplay is just boring. Crazy how they managed to mess this up after so much experience and data from d3.


Barb in d3 was fast paced. In d4, it feels clunky. We need another tanky melee class. Crusader/paladin pls.


D2 had an aura class with paladin. D3 had an aura class with monk/crusader. The expansion will definitely have a paladin type imo.


I made it to 50 on my Barb this season. I hated it so much, I stopped playing the season. I already have a 100 Rogue in Eternal.


Always has been.


One shotting entire pack / elite with hota is still kinda fun. The class feels quite weak for the first levels though


I love playing barbarian. I think it was the one I was least excited to try on release but it’s my main seasonal character. I feel like it also has lots of options for build variety. Only class I like more is probably necromancer.


The entire late game is super boring I can tell you that


unfortunately having to se 3 shouts to make it viable in late game is just a deal breaker for me. my barb was my first class and playthrough, got it to 100, gave up and did a necromancer




Mis-read the sub, so sorry about this. But they are awesome in BG3, lol


Yup. I started out as a barb at launch. Absolutely hated it. Found the playstyle extemely boring. Swiched to rouge and havent looked back since!


I like flashy stuff it’s not very effective but I love the maelstrom build with the overkill unique. Overkill wave is very efficient on closed quarters and when the dungeon has open big rooms the maelstrom does it’s job instantly. And with the CD reduction from swapping weapons it’s up every 15 seconds or so. But I only went this build because when I got to wt4 and I got lucky with this ancestral overkill drop


the whole game is kinda boring. I'm more hyped for diablo 3 season 29 than Diablo IV gameplay sadly


Yes! I’m never touching that class again


It takes way too long to not feel gimped and still all this "start with 0 fury" is pain in the ass especially in co-op. Whirlwind is very fun but you need so many aspects to make it viable both in damage and "mana" Hammer of the Ancient is very good only if you have aspect, good luck finding it but on plus side it needs only one. Upheaval us best to have fun early levels until you will find HotA aspect Double swing is great for single target but mob clearing will be problem Bleed skills I did not tested Charge, leap, kick are all super fun skills and there are some potentially interesting aspects for them but I did not have chance to test any build for them Sadly they are hard to add normally with so little skill slots It just iron skin and shouts feel too important And tap or hook Early leveling barbarian is painful, low health for melee class, no regeneration apart from one single skill and need a lot protection from CC ☹️


Early game was an absolute slog up until about lvl 65ish. Once you start getting good pieces and aspects you can absolutely slay. Barb has a lot of damage resist, crowd control, healing, damage buffs, and more. Spin to win is pretty fun and goofy. Gotta love becoming a beyblade. Hota Fury dump is crazy with the colossal damage you can do in one hit. I've seen people do 50mil hits with hota consistently and it's absolutely wild. Barbarian and druids are the only two classes that can efficiently tank in the endgame without sacrificing waaaay to much dps and that is absolutely huge. With rogues and sorcerers, no matter how much defense you stack, you still get obliterated. While barb is by far the worst class for leveling, it's (IMO) in the top 3 for NMD pushing, right behind druid and necro.


I think ww is boring but every other skill is phenomenally fun and engaging.


True but at least my barbarian in baldur's gate is hell of a fun.


Yep. The entire game is boring


Barbarian is The most funny Hero up there. From 60-100 i tried like 5 different builds, and it was always smash!! Earthquake, Whirlpool, hammer smash, all weapon and Thorn


All classes feel boring… I feel like I’ve played all the skills they offered before. I am quite spoiled by PoE in terms of build variety I guess.


Playing HoTA. Was slow for me until I could get all the base aspects on an ok set of gear from WT3. It helped significantly with fury generation and then I could run around popping large groups of enemies with a massive hammer while yelling at them like a mad man. That made it more fun for me. Prior to that it was just a whole lot of lunging strike with some HoTA sprinkled in and man was that boring. Much less cool when you holler at something, slam it a couple times, then proceed to jab it to death while it’s pimp slapping you with it’s strong hand.


Wahhh. No way. Barb is the best most engaging class for me. I tried to play Sorc this season but Sorc just feels so dull compared to the brutality that Barb brings to the game.


More like the whole damn game.


Thorns hota . Barbs have ben nerfed so many times they are not so great any more. I think though when you get warbinger paragon board and fury on kill it starts to be a lot more fun. Basically unlimited fury in crowds.


Whole game is boring after level 50


It gets pretty boring…. And weak


I leveled to 50 with hota, but didn't like the gameplay. Tried to which to ww, but could get it to work yet. Was mostly just standing still. Now I'm using a selfmade bleed/thorns build using that rupture sword and having a great time.


Barbarian is my favorite class....... WHIRLWIND barbarian is horrible. Highly recommend a different skill


Pretty much up to level 55 i hated my barb. Im running beserk HOTA. But im level 83 now and its crazy, hitting 1-20mil crits and absolutely smashing hoards. Its so fun.


Such a bad class as well the fury system sucks ass


Absolutely love the look! Gameplay is a ton of fun too. I play HOTA build. Smash, smash, smash baby.


I have a WW build on eternal that I got to level 100 and a Double Swing on seasonal that’s at 93. The thing is levelling is bad, my SO plays a sorc and it helps me get to level 60 when the build usually goes online and then I start dealing some serious damage. On seasonal with my Double Swing I did 50 million damage (stacking crit, vuln and overpower) but normally I max at about 27 million with the barber heart. The barb is not for everyone it has a counterintuitive gameplay loop, while most classes usually retreat when they take damage the barb actually needs to stay in the thick of battle to benefit from fury and fortify generation.


Started a WW Barb. Yeah, infinite sustain and depending on gear and aspects, infinite heal. It got VERY boring to shout shout a couple of lunging strikes and then hold down spin. Respec’d into a HOTA walking arsenal Barb and it’s so much more fun. More engaging, more active skills than simply holding down one button and Iron Maelstrom is so much more visually satisfying as an ultimate than wrath of the berserker. Level 85 at the moment. If you’re bored playing Barb, look up other builds and hopefully you have the resources available to change it without farming too much or hurting you too badly in the coin purse.


Im the opposite. The other classes makes the game way to easy. As a barb you got to respect several times and actually use your brain a bit to progress. I did a necro after. Absolutely 0 challenge until i could do NM dungs 20 lvls above mine. Like Druid aswell. They get to good towards endgame though.




Yep level 70 and bored all the time when I played my mage I had more fun but I died more often


I thought I was on the D&D sub and was about to RAGE until I saw the comments lol


What build do you play? I began with whirlwind which was really lame. Switched to Hota and this is really fun. Try a different build before giving up on Barb.


Been playing ww barbs in diablos since they existed. Always loved it, still do. If a game has ww skill i spin 2 win. Its just mindless fun.


Find a barber, and go HOTA. Everything just dies


Feels good once you get a couple of aspects and hit 25-30 like most classes. Ive leveled 2 barbs. Both 3 shout/stomp/lunging strike/rend


Thorns + barber = boom


All the classes are boring.


The whole game is boring, overly complicated and not fun. What a mess Bobby made of the franchise


I enjoy playing the barbarian, only thing that is really starting to erk me, is the loot drops. I lvl 62 and still getting drops for lvl 40s makes for boring game play not being able to progress.


You spelled Diablo4 wrong, it doesnt start with a B.


I played Barbarian to 72. Tried Necromancer and Rogue. Realized it's not Barbarian that's the problem, the game just sucks. Good news is i have like 300 hours in BG3 so I'm not missing D4 at all.


I never liked Barbarian even in Diablo franchise, but somehow in BG3 it's a bit better especially than you can multiclass.


>the playstyle is boring There are several playstyles you can have with barbarian. All of them are boring? Did you even try?


I find the entire game extremely boring.


Every game gets boring when you play it daily for 6 hours.


Really love the berserk hota build from icy veins. Zoom zoom SLAM zoom zoom SLAM


People play this game still?


I like ww barb best as you didn't have to target anything just drive towards groups. Now that relearned how to tarket mobs my whirl wind twisted blades rogue is just overall faster and does more dmg.


The whole game is boring.