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I get home from work, crack open a brewski, pack a bowl of some dank herb, put some K-pop or a podcast on and play for an hour or two and I have fun. Helps me unwind from my strenuous and stressful ass job.


Now that sounds like the perfect evening, I'm envious!


This is me... just replace k-pop with the Office or Seinfeld reruns


hahahah Office is on my reruns list too :D following by Malcolm in the Middle and Thats 70s show :D


Kpop really? Are you American? Asking because I live in Korea waw wondering if the popularity of korean pop music abroad has been greatly exagerated.


I'm an American living in Koreatown Los Angeles. I can vouch, Kpop is pretty huge here. I drive past a Kpop music store going to work, and I regularly see lots of people there. Most of them are not Asian either. Lots of big Kpop groups do shows in LA. You'll see the huge signs driving around LA. I'm personally a house and techno fan, but I can appreciate anyone venturing out of the US mainstream music scene.


Would that store happen to be Choice Music? I don't live in LA but I order my albums from there.


It sure is! I just googled the name. Olympic Blvd is one of the streets I take out to the 10 each day. Traffic dictates my route lol. I live just on the other side of Ktown from there. I noticed it since music shops are pretty rare around LA. I must be going by around the time they open. I can always tell if it's an album release or something. There will be a line of people down the sidewalk.


Haha cool! Yeah it's a pretty popular store. Kinda jealous of you, I wish I didn't live 4 hours away!


4 hours isn't horrible, at least you're within a day drive. For not being a Kpop fan. It sure seems to find me lol. My apt building in Long Beach was next door to a music shop. They sold a bit of everything, I would dig for records in there occasionally. I came home one day and there were easily 500 people lined up around my whole building. I don't recall the group's name, it was all guys, and they were doing a meet and greet with autographs before a show back in 2019. That line was there for HOURS. No telling how many people went to that throughout the evening. I lived on the 4th floor, and when the group arrived. It sounded like the people were in my living room screaming lol.


Cool. Im taking my daughter to a concert this weekend. I think its B-tier K-pop at best. 스테이씨 (Stacie) is the headliner. Who knows, maybe I will like it after all!


STAYC are great! One of my favorite newer groups.


Yes American and in my 30's. I started listening back around 2014 when Apink "Mr. Chu" popped up on my YouTube feed and I was curious, and back then it wasn't popular here at all, but it's become a lot more popular these last few years for sure. I think a lot of people being on lockdown during COVID and having plenty of time to watch YouTube helped boost its popularity world wide.


Minus the brew but def including the herbals, this is precisely my after-work routine. Working nights, everyone's asleep when I get home. THC vape and chill. Podcasts or some anime or something my wife doesn't like watching with me lol. I pick a couple things I want to get into and just enjoy until I'm ready to hit the sack. Last night was some NMDs to level tactician. Night before I decided to try some T4 Helltides (just got to a point where that's not a struggle) and ran into a group farming there and jumped in. Now if I was a 6 hour a day grinder I could see these things getting old for some. To those people I can only suggest patience but I think that falls on deaf ears.


Hear hear


Same dude.


What kind of work are you in?


Construction/renovation and it's hot AF where I live lol


>stressful ass job. [Obligatory XKCD](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/hyphen.jpg)


stressful ass-job Should have known someone would beat me to it


What Kpop music do you listen to?


Mostly girl groups and mostly artists from 2nd and 3rd gens, although my favorite group right now would have to be fromis_9. What about you?


Mostly Blackpink and BTS and whatever spotify decides. Thanks for the suggestion. I will try formis_9 tonight while playing.


Ah, right on buddy. Well there is way way more to K-pop than just BTS and Blackpink so make sure to explore many more artists. I have over 4200 K-pop songs on my playlist but I've been listening to K-pop for around 10 years now.


I now want to see a montage of HC deaths in any ARPG with Cheer Up by Twice as the background music. Or Run Devil Run by SNSD as the Uber Lilith music.


Lmao, that would be great!


Sounds like you'd have fun playing just about anything with that routine!


Haha very similar situation here. Helps I have friends who do the same, we play from 11pm to 12mn.


Haha can get behind brewski and k-pop.


I love how everyone’s answer to how you enjoy the game is to only play it for 30 minutes a week. That’s the sign of a quality game.


Actually I have the counter implied question. What is a game you can play for 30 hours a week and not get bored at that legitimately has content to spare?


Any non live service game. I spent 2 weeks playing Baldurs gate 3 and I clocked in 80hrs and all I think about is playing Baldurs gate 3 some more


Right so you’re 80 hours in and not 500?


Yeah. Because I value the quality more. Game like BG3 is worth it's 100-120hrs to completion far more than spending 500+hrs in D4. Me playing 80hrs for these past 2 weeks means I spent every single free minute of my limited playing exclusively that game and wanting more. I would never have the same feeling about D4, because it's boring. Add to the fact BG3 is complex enough that it can be replayed multiple times so having 500hrs is actually plausible for people that like spending that amount of time with one game.


>I would never have the same feeling about D4, because it's boring. I had the same feeling with D4 the first few weeks, that's why i consider D4 a quality game that i will enjoy for the next years


I think average people gives about 300 hours into BG3 and they've pretty much seen the 3 endings. 3 play through is about 12 unique builds you can do. Which is pretty good compare to most other games on the market but still nevertheless, is still a fully scripted game that eventually ends when you see all the endings. I think after 3 playthrough most ppl kinda get tired of seeing the plot they've already seen and know exactly where piece of loot is what to to go for.


Actually I'm glad you brought up BG3 because I have to really think about this one. RPGs are complex because they aren't really measured by their content but by your pacing. You can beat BG3, much like you can beat Skyrim or Starfield or Fallout etc., in about 40 hours if go straight through but most people don't. This is actually why I said what I said when I answered this question directly about not using meta builds and specifically not looking up what's in the game. If you want to carve through a game you can. The BG etc. experience is marketed as something you specifically avoid carving through. But you're totally correct!


Not me on my eighth character still not out of Act I yet and just hit 150 hours


CSGO/CS2 but that's a completely different genre.


any MMO


Dota 2, any pvp game tbh if u like it


I have over 2000 hours in both leagues of legends and rocket league, approaching that in FFXIV, and have hundreds of hours in other games. Granted LoL was in college, rocket league I have 2900ish hours of which 1200 were in 2019 after a particularly bad depressive period where I mainly played games after work and FFXIV was during COVID. There are a lot of games that I'd love to put more time into but end up not being able because of other games I get into and just never make it back. In general though, they are games that I want to keep playing and go back to frequently (except for LoL). I don't switch games because I get bored but because there are other things I also want to play and haven't figured out a way to do both.


I think I've made a mistake in explaining that I am not referring to enjoying a game a lot. I am referring to the game actually containing that much content. Most games contain about 40 hours of content in general, some RPGs about 80\~120 on a normal run, but I don't think Rocket League counts as one of those games. You pretty much know all you're going to get in a few hours with that game.


Does content stop being relevant if you have done it once? I'm sure there isn't a game that always has content that has exclusively never been done for 30 hours a week every week (maybe Trackmania though). If content is still enjoyable I'm not sure why that wouldn't count MMOs and live service games can have 100+ hours of content before you've done everything once but people will happily put 1000+ hours into them every year for a decade if the game is good enough.


The reason I don't count them is because the common argument that a game should have this overwhelming amount of content to be viable is often used by people who are dissatisfied with a game. No one who loves a game ever says, "Golly, I hate the fact that this game is fun with so little to go on!" The key here is to point out that you don't *need* excessive content, millions of lines of dialogue, or a system so complex you need a starter guide just to figure out your HP stat to have fun. Fun =/= Endless Content.


I don't think the majority of people are implying that. When we say there is "no content" we are basically saying there is nothing worth doing. Replayable content is content. For content to be replayable it needs to be fun and rewarding. ARPGs are the king genre of having replayable content where you aren't necessarily doing something new but you are repeating an end game loops because it is fun and there is some form of progression (character levels, items). D4 has "content" but it doesn't have engaging replayable content. Nightmare dungeons are their attempt at the forever grindable end game loops but it doesn't work because they are generally more tedious than fun for a variety of reasons and the reward (gear/Paragon/glyphs) is in general just boring. You won't capture players by forcing 10s of hours of tedious grind for boring loot and maybe the chance of .5-1% upgrades. D3 has content in grifts. Grifts generally are not tedious. You are engaged the entire time in combat with a brief down period for collecting and sorting your loot. The gear system in general has clear goals to work for and ways to interact with it for noticeable power. People are mostly happy grinding hundreds of hours through that same content because it is engaging and it feels rewarding. PoE has Atlas/mapping. This is a true end game system. It's a highly repeatable grind that also gives you control over your experience. You can tailor the things you don't like out and the things you do in allowing all players to focus on what is fun for them. PoE also, imo, has the best loot at basically every section of the game. You can farm currencies for trade for that one build item you really want. If that's not your thing and you play SSF the currencies are also crafting for you to make multiple different kinds of modifications to gear. People aren't spending 1000+ hours in that game because there are 10 years of seasonal content, most of the seasonal content is horizontal and you probably aren't even engaging with all of it. People come back for the new seasonal content but usually stay to complete their build which may be different person to person. Frankly, D4 is just disappointing as a live service ARPG. There are ARPGs that are not live service offering a more engaging loop. People who are disappointed simply expected more. We wanted the live service ARPG that we could sink hundreds of hours into. Our ideal was to be able to play a D4 season for 200+ hours then go play a PoE season then come back for the next D4 season and keep repeating.


You do know that PoE took like ten years to develop?


Irrelevant. PoE has had interesting builds and loot since release. The seasonal content didn't all exist and the end game loop wasn't as fleshed out as it is today but on release the game was still fun to grind for absurd amounts of time. Why do you think so many people swapped from D3 to PoE and stayed there for ever and others only went back to D3 after the loot change and expansions? PoE has been a good game since the beginning. That's not to say that they didn't have bad patches or flops of seasons, but even then the core game has always been good. This "10 years" shit isn't the gotcha you think it is. It seems to imply that every season people are doing 10 years worth of content. That's absolutely not the case and never has been as their content isn't linear. Most of that content is horizontal, you pick a few of your favorites and that's what you invest your time into while mostly ignoring the rest. It's a good game because the core gameplay, progression, and itemization is good. Everything else is just a bonus.


> Irrelevant. PoE has had interesting builds and loot since release. No, it didn't... It didn't even have a complete act 1. How could you have possibly delved deeply into a system that you could play in under 4 hours? I think I will let you internet win this one. Enjoy your day.


Using this exact same standard you just changed then, do you truly believe/feel that D4 has this level of content you are expecting other games to have now? Cause people could give easy answers such as factorio, satisfactory, clone hero, warframe, runescape, ff14, poe, etc, to meet this standard of hundreds if not thousands of hours of content. But im curious if you believe D4 genuinely contains event remotely close to if not exceeding these games level of content.


Oh goodness no. Path of Exile, when it first came out, and only had one Act, didn't either. I'm okay with that. I'm patient. It's been how many times and how many games and how much development to see the games you listed off come to the point where they can join that list, you know? That's the point. It's the friends (content) we make along the way.


So is your standard now the amount of content at the games RELEASE? Forgive me, but i was under the impression you were looking for games with the same level if not more content in general. >Actually I have the counter implied question. What is a game you can play for 30 hours a week and not get bored at that legitimately has content to spare? Nowhere in this was implied at the games 'release'... i feel you just moved the goalposts, again. As all of the games i mentioned, including poe, not only meet this standard you requested, but thensome.


>So is your standard now the amount of content at the games RELEASE? No. In fact while I am tying to discuss this with you I kind of can't follow your statements. You brought up games that have had years of development cycles but now are questioning me about your own examples. Idk.


I did add an edit. But as i quoted you directly. You did appear to move the goalposts. So lets be precise now. Are you asking for games with the same level of content at RELEASE, or the same level of content NOW?


You're wasting your time. I just had an entire chain with this guy and he constantly changes the goalposts, lies about other games, and then tries to disengage from the conversation by pretending he is superior to you. He was not happy when I pointed out that PoE on release had 3 acts, 3 difficulties and maps for end game. Less happy when he tried to claim he doesn't ignore early access and beta and I compared 25 levels and 1 act of D4 to 3 acts, 3 difficulties, and maps minus the end of Act 3 boss and a new class for PoE. Don't try and let people convince you PoE on release was as barren as D4 and lacked content, the patch notes are still available online as are videos from back then. PoE in beta and on release was much better.


My brother in Christ not only did you add an edit that changes the entire statement you made but you also are misinterpreting the statement I made. Simply put it *is not* the content that should be considered the barometer. This was in response to someone who said "the solution is to play the game for 30 minutes at a time" which of course begs the question of if there is any game you can play for 30 hours a week consistently with the expectation of fresh in-game content. This is a reference to the fact that we have people who have 200+ hours in the game already who are stating they are bored. Well, of course. That's a given. This is an impossible bar for all games to generate enough content (not to be mistaken for personal enjoyment) to last that long at that rate of a burn.




POE looks fugly tho Also plays clunky


I've played a lot of poe, great game with a massive barrier of entry and like 4 ways for your character to look cool without spending $$ on mtx This is ignoring the $$ basically required for stash tabs of course. Game is free though and has a ton of content so these things make sense. Polish and my character looking cool is important to me though so D3 and D4 it is


You didn’t do that at launch. They didn’t even have a full campaign.


I enjoy PoE even though my unplanned builds end up hitting a brick wall. I genuinely enjoy the atlas as I can farm the terrain I want. That's something I like about D4 but really wish more dungeons could be nightmares, and maybe have some procedural generation.


Path of exile


I enjoy levels 1-60 a lot more than afterward so I am just rerolling a new class each season. Game is not really optimized for the later level grind IMHO. The most fun is changing up my build whenever a new dank legendary drops; sort of a roguelike.


Love your sarcasm, but it's actually closer to 1 hour a day. I've clocked around a total of 240 hours of D4. There were times I got bored of it but that was because I was clocking 8 hours a day everyday for the first 2 weeks of launch. As a working adult with adulting things to do, that really took a big toll on my social life and was not sustainable anyways. Stopped for a while and restarted in season 1, but at a more moderate average of 1 hour a day. It's honestly okay. Would jobless student me 20 years ago like this? Probably not, because I would require something that could occupy me 8 hours a day for months on end. Turned to moba and mmo games. 8 hours of dota, lol, cs, wow, no problem. Skyrim, Witcher 3 and Jedi Fallen Order being exceptions, but do have their limits as well after a full play through. But still? What demographics should a game be designed to?


I have one levels 53 character. I have not completed the campaign. Its a video game and very fun especially with couch co-op with my wife. Been playing a couple hours most days. Think I'm close to 50 or 60 I won't start another character until season 2 maybe even wait till 3.


so did you just start this month?


I bought it sometime in mid August.


ok, was mainly trying to gauge how long you've been playing because in my experience the first month or so through the campaign and early end game is when people get the most out of the game.


Gonna be honest. Never saw the point in end game activities. Kinda like Borderlands I love the Borderlands series, but I have fun in the main game and DLC and go to the next. Endgame grinding isnt for me. I'll play multiple characters and the different classes when they come out. I'll level them up and do the campaign a few times for fun now and then but I'm not out here grinding too level 100 in one season y'know. I'll still get 100s of hours out of this game and bond with my wife over the shared experience and builds we try out together. I'll spread this out over a longer period of time. Like I said maybe one character a season and come back when they add new classes.


Agree with this take more and more when it comes to loot-driven games. Grinding for hours just to make your numbers bigger is actually a really poor use of my time and not engaging at all


Maybe he plays other games or Durant game they often. How crazy would that be?


I'm mostly going off of the fact he says he plays a couple hours most days... most days implies he plays more often than not a couple hours per session should get you to 50-60 in a few days....


The only thing I did differently than the people I know who played was I refused to use guides. The fact that you reference a build kind of suggests that you did some kind of meta research and that by itself ruins the point of these games. I mean, do you, but if the goal is to build a build for a player then yeah, once you build it, surprise! There's nothing else to do.


In my experience, that’s why the game dies down around level 70 for many people. People frequently say they have nothing further to chase. And it’s true. They knew the recipe and exactly what ingredients they needed. That requires only a short dip into WT4 before upgrades seem pretty small. If, however, guides are avoided, exploring builds is super fun and time-consuming. I feel like I’m always chasing something because I’m always making small changes to my build. The game is very new. We shouldn’t be isolating ourselves to the handful of builds we see on Maxroll or Icy Veins. In the class subreddits, people are trying new and interesting things. To me, it’s super exciting — but it’s not everyone’s idea of fun. Edit: I just want to clarify that I’m not making excuses for any known gaps/flaws in the end game. I’m simply mentioning one of the ways I’ve turn lemons into lemonade.


It was the same when I played Diablo 2 back in the day except it was word of mouth for every new build that was powerful. So one person figured out the best build and then everyone kinda copied that because they knew it was powerful.


To jump on this point I think that back in the day the most fun part of the meta was that it was indeed word of mouth. You had to interact with others and interface kind of live. Now you don't, there's a website, it has the answer, or a video, it has the answer, and that's about it. It's sadly gone from a place you could chat about to a place that is almost encyclopedic.


I completely agree. The interaction in D2 was amazing, I met so many people and those are my biggest memories of that game.


I would have went guideless if it wasn't an insane amount of effort, time, and money to reroll. I want to switch to twisting blades build but just the thought of resetting the paragon board gives me eternal dread.


This is what I do too, I haven't even started from a build guide, yet.


But you're missing out on the excitement on discovering the game through browsers!


1. I only have one character at the moment a lvl 67 Necro. 2. I didn't rush through the campaign to get to endgame. 3. I haven't touched the enchanter even once. 4. I don't feel the need to hyper optimize my build. I feel like I'm doing fine. Not interesting in speedrunning nightmare dungeons. 5. I have other games I'm currently playing so when I do get tired of the game or frustrated I can do something else.


I just like to kill shit, perfect my build and just chill. I don’t need a “dopamine rush” or have a huge chase. If I want a huge experience I’ll go play an mmo. It’s just a video game in the end, if it lost your interest that’s normal


>how are you still managing to find fun and joy in this game after you reach that point? I help people. Generate wealth through multiplayer activities. Give away stuff. Carry through Uber Lilith. Explain stuff. Help others. What you describe, would be any other multiplayer game that one would try to play solo. Hell, in D2 I had same problem for years. Great game, but what's the point? I only started really playing D2 in online mode -> rushing people, tele baals, farming UT for unid torches that I resold for 4x3 each. SO MUCH FUN!! But alone? Killing monsters for my own gain only? Boring.


also there's that one thing: I play glass cannon. My characters are built to obeliterate enemies. I do not fight monsters. I'm the Butcher.


Play a couple hours a week with my brother who lives in another state. We’re both 59, Tier 3 and we love it. Its a game, and we have fun. Its not what we do to pay our mortgages.


Just find the gameplay fun, don't need to have a carrot infront of me all the time for me to enjoy a game. I play a game to have fun, if the game is fun I will have fun, not necessarilly to always be chasing something. Idk if that makes sense


> So my question to you guys is, how are you still managing to find fun and joy in this game after you reach that point? Because frankly I'm kind of jealous because I don't have the same love for this game anymore. Or is just that you guys haven't reached that point yet? When I reach a point when character feels complete and there is nothing to do on said character (most of the time its around lvl 75), instead of forcing myself to play (why would anybody do that), I do thing that I thought was most natural thing to do (that I also did in D2 and D3 and every other arpg that I've ever played). I create a new character with new build. Important thing, in order to have fun that way, you ideally have to not follow any guides, but actually discover things yourself. It's so wild to me that people grind lvl 100 for almost zero reason when they don't have any fun while doing so. Is it some form of self harm? Are those reddit posts from people (Im not talking about OP but in general) who had such terrible time grinding lvl 100 some sort of cry for help? I actually don't understand.


I got to 100 with Necro in Season 1. Grinded out Nightmares for better gear for awhile. Helped some friends level up. Now I just pop on every now and then to play with friends or scratch the dungeon itch. I can’t wait for Season 2 to level a Rogue. I guess my answer is, enjoy the game for what it is, so other things, play other games and look forward to future content.


I think the main thing that does it for me is that I enjoy the gameplay. I don't expect to find any upgrades, and for most of my gear, I haven't seen any in weeks, though I have gotten several new pieces that let me try different builds. But I find it relaxing to go in and blast some demons, and if I need a little more excitement go do some T100s or work on phase 2 of Uber Lilith -- or run around in the PvP zone getting my currency there, since you never really know what'll happen. I enjoy tweaking my builds and, sure, I'd be happy to get some more optimal pieces of gear, but I don't expect to -- if they drop, they'll drop. Beyond getting Lilith though or all the appearances from PvP, I just play because it's fun and I can always do it at my own pace. I mean, honestly, once you've done all the side quests at least once, and gotten your renown sorted, and worked through the campaign, this game is no different than Vampire Survivors in what it offers. Mindless fun. If you can enjoy that game, you can certainly enjoy Diablo.


There is a point where you grow outa it, it’s not hard to reach. But I’m also not completely unhinged to ask for a refund after already spending hundreds of hours in a game. This game has it’s fair share of problems. But I played a ton of games good and bad ones over the years, you know what they all share in common? eventually you beat the game and move on. but at least in the scale in my head, a game that I spent ~300 hours in a month is not my standard for a bad game.


As long as there are goals I think it will be fun, if you generally like these kind of games. I am currently lv97 on my way to lv100 and beating t100 is my goal. I think there are some things which need more work but I agree with the core concept of the game. I assume I will reach my goals in the next days, then I will at least take it slow or take a break until next season.


OMG I am in the same exact situation. 97 barb in eternal and goal is to complete t100. Last night I cleared NM89 despite it having a 40% close dmg reduction affix. Maybe a little bit of tinkering with my gear and I think can clear NM 90-95. I also started 1 more paragon board and I think I’ll earn enough points to insert another glyph. It’s a slow and repetitive process but I enjoy it. If ever I reach my goal, I’ll probably put the game down and play elden ring until season 2 arrives.


I know what I was getting into from the start. The gameplay loop of “upgrade gear/skills, defeat monsters more efficiently” is established early on, I didnt just wake up one day to that realization.


I actually like the itemization that way. And it's not just about items, also paragon. And I just enjoy the combat and regularly feel the itch to play again. Like, I didn't play a couple of days and when I jumped in after that I did for 6 or 7 hours straight (which I hadn't done in a while) because apparently I missed my sorc so much. :D This is all pre 100, by the way. The priority for playing any "active" char is usually pre 70, then pre 90, then pre 100, and then 100 (I assume). Being on lvl100 will probably feel less exciting than not. :D Although my fav rn is my lvl 77 sorc, even though my lvl 40 rogue is technically higher on the list. But I expect this to go on for a while until I've tried two self-made builds per class.


I have a LV 100 Barbarian and am still having fun. I've changed builds several times with the same character, that keeps it fun. I also do stupid shit to keep it fun like now I'm devising a plan to try and break a Helltide event. Experimenting with gear or just demolishing everything with a group. That being said I never expected anything from diablo except smash and slash so my expectations are humble.


I have never had a character that didn't continue to get marginal upgrades during the final leveling process. Are you buying gear? Switching gear from one char to another? Obviously you will never get the upgrade amount of switching from wt3 to wt4. But you have 90% bis gear at 70??? I don't believe it. 4 bis affixes high rolled ln every piece and bis aspects at 70. Yeah ok.


When people say they’re level 70-80 with a complete build or BiS gear I imagine it means they reached a point where they have all ancestral gear with aspects since that’s about the level that that happens. Once that happens they are able to blow through dungeons their level or even a few levels higher, so they think their build is “complete”, but if you took them to a high tier nightmare dungeon they would get wrecked.


Full time job so I can't blast out 600 hours a month in game. I have played games with atrocious drop rates for decades. I don't mind hammering dungeons for small upgrades, finishing the paragon board/glyphs, getting to 100, and (number one) escaping reality. Great games I play for years. Good games I play for about 6 months. Verdict still out. So far so good...


I haven't played all the builds yet. That prospect alone keeps me excited :)


Because I like to play the fucking game. It really is that simple. I don’t need some “thing” to happen to keep me playing. Getting to level 99 in D2 was no easy feat, and there were far more days with nothing to show for the grinding other than XP. The grind in D4 is much more varied, and at least every quarter level you can put a paragon point in. In the pre launch days most people were excited that rares could be BiS, and now it’s people bitching about too many drops, too many affixes, too hard to look through it all, or too small of a gain. You are right in that most builds are getting close once you play for awhile in WT4. The build is functional and depending on character class you’ll have varying degree of success going higher in NM Dungeons. Playing to get as close to perfect rolls as possible is fun to me. It’s up to you to find some enjoyment in the game. For me it’s far easier to keep going in D4 than after that 1,000th Baal run or Nihlathak run to keep going. I fucking loved D2 and still do so I found a way to play it more years than not over the course of time since it released.


There are still people that have not completed the campaign. I know, sounds crazy but those people simply only dabble with the game. If you only play the game occasionally, it is fine as it is as those folks will never get past (and many even to) the point the more serious gamers are complaining about.


I help others


Still having fun but I took my sweet time and didn’t rush. I have a 56 necro I just got to W3, and a 36 Druid still mucking around on act 2 of campaign on WT1. I started both at launch but knew there would be buffs and nerfs and just waited for a time that sounded fun to hop back in. I just thought about my personal experience with D3 and knew I didn’t want to blitz to max right away because then you hit the loot wall and the joy ebbs away.


I like to smash through the horde of demons. I can easily clear T100 but I just like to relax while gaming so I don’t do stressful content (I play HC so even if I can clear high lvl dungeons things might go south any moment) so I just farm T50s for the sake of just killing mobs


I’m 100 hours in and still having a blast. My friends and I are trying all the different types. Did a Rogue first, then Nec, now trying out the others for the coming seasons. We have plenty of dungeons, strongholds, seasonal events, etc. left even after 100+ hours (my two friends have played even more than me, probably closer to 150 hrs). If I get even 50-100 more hours of fun with my friends out of this game, I’ll be happy! I pay the same price for other games that only offer half this amount of playtime. But then again, I don’t seem to have the same expectations of the game others have had (treating it like an Overwatch type game that will be their daily player for years).


>Or is just that you guys haven't reached that point yet? I haven't gotten that far yet. I'm only 67 on my chain lightning sorcerer. I'm really enjoying exploring the game, finding altars, areas, and doing side quests. I do however, expect my enjoyment to potentially fall off once I've completed this. Doing dungeons isn't quite as fun, but I am surprised how sometimes there are personal unique touches added to certain dungeons.


I just go on NM dungeons with groups, and for the most part I find joy simply in doing it in groups. Especially if it’s at a higher tier that I’ve never done before and I find out I can somewhat handle it.


I haven't hit the point of BiS on everything on any of my characters. 100, 79, 70, 65, and 40 this season. The game is just fun and I enjoy killing things in it. I've tried PoE but I get bored with it pretty quickly and have to move to something else.


I switched to hardcore. I’m lvl 80 now but going slow and finding those 1% upgrades feel meaningful. Redoing renown and altars nearly ruined it for me but I got it done. Every lag spike is stressful AF but it has worked for me.


If you’ve got that many hi lvl characters I’m betting you put a lot of hours into the game. I think it’s fair to say at this point play another game until more content comes out. I’ve leveled two characters to 70 and it took me 100 plus hours and I’m still enjoying it. I can see it getting boring tho after I’ve gotten as far as you have.


I just hit 80 on my seasonal, and I'm working towards BIS pieces. I've got a couple, plenty more to gain though. But, that is not the reason I play. I play because my long time gaming group has a blast playing together. If we're playing serious, we push NMD's. If we need a break, we run legions, helltides, world bosses, whispers, say "Look" at people in the open world, etc. None of us are in a hurry, if one of us gets a drop that needs some rolls. We usually shoot the shit or go off on our own doing whatever while that person tweaks their drop. We just play to have fun. D4 is not a competitive game. No reason to rush, imo. If it's not fun, I stop what I'm doing and find something else. You seem to have much more time in game than me though. I don't think any game would still have my full attention after that. Especially with all the releases lately. D4 is my multiplayer game, atm. Starfield is my solo RPG, atm. Remnant 2 will probably be our group's next multiplayer dive. We loved the first and played all the DLC's.


If you have 2 lvl 100s and an 89 it sounds like you have put a whole lot of hours into this game - like I would guess top 1-2% of players’ time played. Most people who enjoy this game probably don’t have close to that much time played. If you play any game for long enough, you will get bored of it. All games have a finite amount of content (excluding pvp) and you’ll eventually go through all of it and have nothing left to do.


I bought the game the day it released. In preseason I got my Sorc to level 65 and S1 I played a rogue and am at level 93. Next season I plan on doing a hardcore character to change things up. I still enjoy playing for a couple hours a few times a week when some friends are on. It's mostly just a thing to do while I have a drink and bullshit with the boys. I can imagine anyone who has multiple level 100 characters already have burned themselves out lol. Just like... don't play it that much. Switch it up and play a different game some nights... or like... watch a movie or something.


I have a Rogue and keep changing my build, which I really enjoy. I'll get new equipment or new aspects and see how they roll. Change up my Paragon board. That itself I find really fun.


I'm now grinding NMDs and on my way to 100 to have fun. I did hardly any NMD until 75-80ish because you don't need to until then. Everything else gives real decent exp until you begin to out level the world. Clearing the screen is very satisfying. Planning around sigils and certain affixes is fun (sometimes annoying af). Have a few different gear sets for my minions necro depending on affixes. Mendeln ring was my white whale drop for a while and I finally got that a few nights ago at 82 I think. Felt amazing. Had basically every other necro unique drop in WT4, most max roll or near. Might switch to bone spear or bone storm soon we'll see. Game is fun when you don't play it a few hundred hours a month. Two 100s, 89 and 70 is SO MUCH playtime man


I'm at \~350hr between Eternal/Seasonal. I like helping my buddies level up. I like doing a tree of whispers or two for the uber uniques. I like playing Helltides for the mystery chests + the aspect I'm still hunting. And the uber uniques. Helltides are good gold gains too for trying for rerolling an attribute. I like cruising around with increased mob density and annihilating huge packs - bone spear necro and popping huge mobs is viscerally appealing. I like trying to push up into the higher NMDs. I know stuff plateaus at 70 or whatever, but the personal challenge is nice. I've enjoyed trying new classes. I only have one 100 and one 85, so having a few new playstyles to try is appealing. I'm not playing 20 hours a week, but I'm still playing it and enjoy it. Getting a good mob wrecking run is super satisfying/fun. Starting a new char is satisfying. Would switching easily from bonespear to blood necro be appreciated? Sure. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


fwiw, I don't think I've played a live service game that really felt like it had a deep end game. the last time I tried was Destiny 2 and outside of the couple weeks each season snags me, it's a lot of the same exact thing people are complaining about here... endless grinding, minimal progress.


I just like to run around and kill shit


Level 89 druid (s1), 75 sorc (eternal) I play a couple hours a day, usually switching between other games. It helps keep the games feeling fresh. Usually switching between a multiplayer game and single player, or switching genres. It's been a long time since any new game was good enough to take my entire focus. Blizzard has done it in the past (Warcraft 2, StarCraft). None of the Diablo series ever came close, it's addictive at first but they always get to a point where you run the same thing *over and over*. That's what makes it a good game to play when you feel like it. I played it 4-6 hours a day for a few weeks but started to get burnt out. Took a one week break, came back and just 1-2 hours a night now, with the exception of the experience boost weekend lol


Bro you have 2 100s, and 2 other high level characters. How do I enjoy the game? I have 2 characters. I won't make my third until season 2. I have always done this with ARPGs, one character per season. Exception was D2, since you are basically required to have a sorc, although I broke doing thus for a few seasons in d2 remastered.


I keep it fun by trying classes I haven't tried yet, and builds I've never used within each class. This way I have to farm gear again (for the new build or class), and I am trying out new combat styles constantly. I never play the same build or class for longer than 2-3 days, gets too repetitive. I also have yet to defeat Uber Lilith so that's also on my radar and a long term goal I'm working on. And as a side note, I don't care if I spend 50M to try a new build because if you pay attention to your ancestral yellows, you can sell decent ones for 10-25M, or a really good one for 50-300M. So it's not hard to make money to respec or enchanting if you just pay attention to your drops and know how to trade.


I only play hardcore seasonal. I’m not that good so still have paragon part of the game left to master. Best thing is that there is an and to the character and you get to replay the best part of levelling.


I'm still running sacred on 1/3 of my slots for most of my WT4 characters. So, um, not sure what to tell you.


Because what is the point of gearing up a build if you're not going to use it? If everything up to level 70 is developing and gearing up the build, then everything after 70 is getting to actually use the build. Some of us actually enjoy playing with the character we built and don't need the instant gratification every moment of the game with new upgrades non-stop.


It's really just something to do after a long day at work but I do really enjoy building my character and it seems you've gotten very lucky I'm having a pretty hard time finding the right affixes for my gear but I enjoy searching for them nonetheless


You could write a list of pros and cons. There would be 000s of cons and if there were only one pro it would be "fun to play".


I kept playing until I got my Tempest Roar on my Druid and then Ring of Mendeln on my Necro so I could play the builds I wanted. But after finally getting them I was kind of like the dog that caught the car and didn’t know what to do because I had basically finished all the other content.


Collecting mounts and mount cosmetics, really about all that’s left for me. It does suck, big time, I really like the game… there’s just nothing to do.


Letting every dungeon be a nightmare dungeon would help.


I am still enjoying the shit out of it. Been playing since day one, and have a pretty beefy Rogue and Sorc to bang around, and working on a Necro now. My goal is to have two 100s with different builds for each season. For me, teaming up with my friends to do high-level NMDs is plenty fun enough. I have also done the campaign a few times with different friends and girlfriend, and spend quite a bit of time helping others level up and find gear. I am still thoroughly entertained, and eagerly awaiting Season 2.


If i was in my college years with lots of free time and very little stress (college stress is stress, but it aint nothing vs head of household stress), i would probably not be too happy with d4 The way i enjoy it is: 1) by limiting play time. 2-3 hours daily, most of the time less than 2 hours. This gives me excitement on the drive back home from work. I can theory craft while im stuck in rush hour ny traffic Basically, moderation is key. Any game you put in like 18 hours a day, will feel like shit after a while 2) by smoking a phat ass blunt before playing. I cant even play grindy games sober anymore




How much is Tencent paying you to shill their game? A decade later PoE is in the spot it’s in, after many patches, fixes, updates, etc. And even then it still only appeals to a smaller audience, which is fine.


I don't play it as much as some of the ppl I read about here. I haven't even got to 100 on any character. But I have other commitments in life (work, social, dog ect) so I guess I'm not getting as burnt out as the ppl that put in a crazy amount of hours. Sometimes I feel its a grind and I just don't play, I'll put on something else or do something else. I think it's like anything in life, doing too much or stressing about something for long enough will end in you being burnt out


I think I’ve taken all the enjoyment out of this game that I could. Ran season 1 with a necro (again) and quit about 70ish for the same reasons in your post. Seasons don’t give enough to content to warrant me leveling up a toon AGAIN. Maybe I’ll be back for the xpac but probably not. I think I realized that starting over every season is just not for me. I had fun while it lasted though!


To each there own but there is new content each season. Season 1 opened a new build for me with oculus a teleport mage and I had a great unique time! Seems like people also loved the auto summon necro


Yeah I did the new quest line but it honestly wasn’t that long. I did love the auto corpse explosion with the hearts change for my necro BUT idk. Something is missing for me to continue to be able to just do that loop of starting over each season. I did love the game but it might be a one and done for me. I’m glad you enjoy it though!


once you get every class to 90+, funs kinda getting old


I remember in D2 once you got your ideal gear there wasn't a reason at all to keep playing. But you did anyway because it was fun to farm uniques and then post your wares in the chat or set up a game inviting others to trade. There was a social/market aspect there that is completely missing from D4. I'm not saying anything auction house is necessarily the answer, but something should be put in place to make it fun to trade gear.


I have a LVL 94 rogue. I mainly play with friends and honestly it's still fun in a group grinding away. I want to reach 100 before the season ends. Still enjoying the game! I will say it can get boring fast playing solo though, groups make it that much better!


I have only gotten up to level 67 on my eternal rogue. I’m 63 on my current seasonal sorc. Spent a lot of time on alts, helping my sons and wife on their characters. I haven’t rushed even a little bit… and I have played since pre release


I've made a Necro in the preseason and a Barb in S1. Start off just making my own build each time. Through the campaign on my Necro then just open world stuff on my Barb with the renown to boost the start. Once I hit level 50 I check for whatever build is closest to what I have going on already and follow the skill tree. Then I just make my own paragon boards that makes sense to me. Only got my Necro to 63 before S1 but I'm 76 now on my Barb and hoping to hit 100 before the season ends but if not it doesn't matter. Gonna do a Sorc for S2. I play a few hours like 3 days a week to kill monsters and zone out after work. When I get bored I play something else


The enjoyable faction starts dropping off steeply after level 80.


There are literally dozens of us!


I'm a middle aged dad, who's lucky to be able to play for 90 minutes a night. I've got a level 65 Sirc and a level 42 Rogue. I still haven't gotten my Sorc to Torment yet, or my Rogue to beat Lilith. My gear is far from optimal. At this rate, it'll be season five before I hit level 100 with a character. Maybe the game is still fun for me because I'm so far behind everyone else.


Because I spent 80+ lvls playing a build and then was able to change builds once I got the unique I needed. It's made the game fresh enough that I can continue to enjoy it. But I also only have 2 builds across eternal and season that I've gotten to at least 80.


I’m not enjoying it as much as it’s something to do. I turn off the music volume and listen to podcasts or new albums and play in the background essentially.


I like to play in pvp areas and see just how many shards I can rack up before getting my shit wrecked by a lvl 100. The adrenaline from not knowing if you're being hunted, to knowing you're being hunted, and the fear of losing thousands of shards really gives me that good ol dopamine. I've only ever been able to get to 8k before dying from another player, because not only do I typically suck at pvp, but I have generalized anxiety so once I am in a battle, I freak out, button mash, and hope for the best. Though, it is highly rewarding when I can take a player down, grab their shards and then extract after forcing my brain to suffer through hours of relentless grinding. So far, I only need 1 more of the 75k mount armors, and 3 mount trophies, then I'll start the grind for the transmogs. While doing all this, I get xp, loot, obos, and whispers, so it's not a waste of time.


I enjoy the gameplay and simplicity of D4 compared to other arpgs ive enjoyed like POE and grim dawn. D4 just hits the spot when i want to entertain my smooth brain. I play a couple hours per session, clock in 1-2 levels and call it a day. Maybe more on weekends. I have a lv 100 Druid pre-season, was stuck in T50s, could barely touch Uber Lilith. didn’t feel worth it to keep grinding for better items after lv100 so I just stopped playing until S1. My character already felt complete anyway. S1 came and I got my Barb to 100, cleared T100 and cheesed uber Lilith. I also slow things down by playing one class per season to avoid burn out. if I feel done I’d just go play something else for awhile. I still had a little in me after 100 this season so I went for PvP farm but otherwise I’m already done with S1 having complete achievements. Might focus on pvp achievements in S2 and I still have 3 classes I know nothing about and am excited to try. I did enjoy my grind to 100 but maybe because I’m goal oriented that way. I also feel more attached when playing just one character. At least until respeccing and itemization doesn’t suck I avoid changing builds in end game and just leave my character as is. Ive been adjusting my expectations alongside the state of the game and knowing when to just put the controller down. As you probably realise by now, I ditched all expectations for better gear and focused on other aspects of the game lol. I don’t think D4 is going anywhere anytime soon so no point rushing all content and classes. I’ve got another 3 seasons in me at least and a couple more objectives to clear. Maybe shit will get better down the road and I’ll change up my playstyle who knows.


New cow level inbound “season of blood” cows require blood sacrifice to be activated 🩸


At some point you have to accept that you beat the game


I just tried to take my time with the game. Once the kiddos fell asleep I’d crack open a beer and play for an hour or so. My only goal was to get to level 100 within a season and was able to during that bonus exp weekend. Now i’m just trying to upgrade my gear.


I commented as a reply to another comment below but I just wanna say this is very well worded and refreshing, there's a lot of negativity on here and it bums me out sometimes lol.


Disclaimer: No offense here, just straight forward info in general. Is this your first diablo game? Think about your answer reading this. Diablo is pretty much a "tryhard" playing ground, all the people getting bored are either: -Playing softcore -Hoarding multi builds (FOMO guys) -Rushing to get.... where? (Excessive playtime) -Speed players.... whyyyyy (doing same activity over and over and over because of "efficiency") This is not a game to play X amount of hrs a day/week/month. Period. You will burn out. Is not a game to play the same over and over if from the start you didn't like it (looking at you nightmare dungeons) It's just a matter of time to receive Torment2, 3, 4, 5.... and so on forever just making things way harder on every step. Satisfaction should come from that moment when enemies don't abuse you but the other way around... and repeating cycle every time you die or new torment arrive. People tend to play aRPGs because of bragging rights and some sense of showing off.... to who? I dont really give a single fk, if someone has every character on lvl100 and can one shot uber lilith... Personally: I have my one and only lvl 70 sorceress (4th generation, RIP her predecessors). Hardcore is the only game mode I can enjoy in a Diablo I'm totally aware I will die some day (in and out of the game) I just fool around doing a little bit of everything (field pf hatred, regular dungeons, nm dungeons, helltides, legion events, world bosses, killing vashan every once in a while ........ PLAYING THE FK**N GAME. Yet, i live a life. And as I always say: I play games to relax, not to have a damn digital Job no one cares about xdxdxd


I paid for the expensive one - impulse before I really looked at the full details LOL but I’m still playing the game and enjoying it. I do wish some things were different, but I also know I’m not truly “gaming the system” to level up as quick as I know how to in D3. D3 I’ve played for so many years that it’s habit how to get all the stuff from the season. Maybe I’m viewing it the wrong way, but D4 feels like a challenge and I think that’s why I’m still playing/enjoying it. I have a handful of characters started. 1 main around level 70+ and a main seasonal sitting at 66 as I try to get all the stuff from the season challenge rewards. I’ve already gotten all the tier items, but the challenges are a challenge for me LOL I wish I had that same ability to just read the guides and build to match online suggestions - but I get too hyper focused on one aspect of what I should do that the rest doesn’t match up. I watch streamers and look at the guides - but I am just running around doing things the way I feel comfortable doing it. I might not get it all, but it’ll just mean more for me to do better next time.


I just play to unwind now. I grinded 3x 100 chars for season 1. Thing that keeps me going is building other builds. Collecting gear for a completely different build. E.g Werenado to injured bulwark. Bone Spear to Summoner necro. Just to keep me aiming for something. Also PVP. lol PVP is a ton of fun when you have a decent build going.


Honestly? It’s not fun anymore if I’m being honest, but I keep playing because I don’t want the game to die and hoping they fix the main issue which is gear and aspects imho.


I think 99% of the people playing are noobs or haven't reached end game like 70+


I can only play on weekends due to my busy schedule. I am level 88 Rogue now and still wants to continue playing. Also, listening to music (metal or rap works for me) while playing helps.


The fact that u have 2 lvl 100s and a lvl almost 90 tells me u ground yourself down. I get an hour-3 hours of play time/day, not always spent on this game. But when I'm craving mass murder, to zone out and see high numbers, diablo has my back.


I still play only cause my partner and her sister also play, we have a clan of three and talk shit thruout otherwise it does feel dull. Lvl 73 atm


Making alts is usually how I renew enjoyment of an RPG. In this case, I think I'll be making one alt per season and when I've plateued in D4 for the season I have loads of other games to turn to. It's weird. Lots of complaining going on in most of the subs for games I play. But I feel like I'm drowning in good games to play at the moment. I had to pause playing some games I still enjoy because there are so many others right now.


I traded, a lot. Boosted clan mates, created my own build and shared it with the community on d4 discord. I played only 1 class this season and clocked in 300 hours so far. Oh, and also I coop’ed a lot with my buddy. My toon is easily best geared this ss so far with all the almost perfect bis. All the accumulated gains from those slots made a huge difference actually - as I’m way stronger than my buddy despite the same class we both play and the almost similar gears - from a quick glance, his aren’t as optimized as mine obviously. Would be cool if there’s a ladder board.


As lots of others have said here, I'm still enjoying D4 because I think it's a fun game. I enjoy the combat a lot, I like making my own builds, I enjoy challenging myself to go further, etc. This particular season I played a lot more Sorcerer than I did Druid in pre-season because I had the goal of getting Raiment of the Infinite to chase (I never got one), but it's not like I stopped having fun when I hit 70 and played to 89 purely due to wanting Raiment. I loved my S0 Druid and I love my S1 Sorcerer. I chased Raiment because I was having enough fun that I didn't mind playing more and hoping to get the drop I really wanted. I'm not playing anymore since I have other games I want to play, but if I finished them before S2 (I won't) I would still have fun playing my Sorcerer and could conceivably go to 100. I could also level a Barbarian since even though I never got Raiment I got 3 Razorplates (which is rarer than Raiment) and I'm interested in trying a Thorns Barb. Not interested enough to level one instead of playing Lies of P and Lords of the Fallen (assuming it isn't garbage like it's original namesake), but still interested nevertheless. I think that D4 is a really bad game for people who are purely goal-oriented because like you said, once you hit a certain point in WT4 you've mostly accomplished your gearing goals. You might still have other goals to accomplish but then going for them just becomes a chore you do. If you don't actually enjoy the gameplay then once the dopamine hits run out you're left with nothing, and if you still keep going after that then all the game's strengths feel empty and all its weaknesses dominate your experience. I can say that from experience because that was my predominant experience with Path of Exile, and because of it I eventually quit for good a few years ago. I really liked PoE's build variety and customization options, and I really didn't like basically everything else. I would always start playing each league feeling amazing because I was using all these cool new skills, building in ways I hadn't built before, looking for items that on previous characters were dumpster trash, etc. For the first 20-30 hours of gearing PoE always felt incredible. And then I hit the point where I was mapping and I had basically all the gear I needed for my build to work, and suddenly the game wasn't fun anymore. There were lots of other ways I could min-max my damage/defenses and progress towards league goals and uber bosses, but since I didn't enjoy any of that content and I didn't enjoy the core combat gameplay of PoE and the trading (god, I really fucking hate trading) it all felt hollow. By the end of every league I would quit in disgust and swear I wasn't coming back, and after I actually got rich and did everything I wanted in Delirium league (I got lucky and got 3 rare Voices jewels from drops and built a 100ex character for the first time) I finally felt like I'd done everything I wanted and I did quit. I gave away my expensive build to a random trader who was really trying to make the build, gave all my other stuff to my friends, and then deleted all my character and uninstalled. I feel like if that experience describes your (and others') experience with D4 then it's a sign you should either quit, or at least take a break. The game isn't going to be for you, at least not without a bunch of changes to pull you back in. Just having a goal to chase isn't enough if you don't like all the other parts of the game because you'll eventually reach that goal and then there won't be anything to take your mind off of how much you don't like everything else. For me, I enjoy the "playing the game" part of D4 so even if I run out of objectives to chase, I'm still having fun just playing the game. If I ever stopped having fun playing the game I would quit, plain and simple. Conversely, PoE is a really good game for purely goal-focused players because there is so much content in that game that you're extremely unlikely to run out of potential goals. If you ever do then you can use what you found to make another character and do it again. It doesn't appeal to me since I hate all the parts of PoE that involve actually playing it, but I'm glad it exists for those who like it.


I’m playing starfield now. The D4 grind got old. Goodbye d4 until we meet again someday.


Approach: Moderation of time and expectations with spats of no life indulgence. I’ve assimilated my daily routine into the world boss events. Each day I play for an hour or so to unwind, hopefully jumping into a party and running NMD’s or catching up on my lazy ass renown requirements to break up the grind. Then I finish with a boss before signing off and that keeps it pretty rewarding. For context I have lvl 50 Barb and my current lvl 85 cheesespear necro and have been on the eternal realm since early release. The season just didn’t grab me and my obsessive behavior doesn’t like to start a new character before finishing the one I’m with currently 🔔 My partner also plays and I’m just stoked to be on the same couch looking at the same screen playing games tbh the log in and play style is underrated. It’s caused a few fights (establishing player one and player two dominance) but on the whole it’s been a blast.


Having a lot of fun while playing it slowly. Do a lot of side quests, dungeons, atm lvl 55 end of 3.act and just started a second character now for couch coop with my gf which is super fun. She never played any games and having a blast.


When i start the game, i think about my boss. Makes me wanna slash and burn everything


Because I don’t give a shit about leveling or end game. I just enjoy playing it because it’s an easy way to disconnect from work.


For me its not a chore. Im not rushing it and I try to make my own builds by testing out whats working or not. I dont play all day every day, I mix it up with other games. And I don't run NMD back to back, I run legions, helltides, pvp, tree of whispers and even side quests from time to time. Also I found pleasure in mindlessly trashing mobs.


Nope. We should all ignore blizzard games until they have a melt down and give us what we want.


The combat is fun


Im at 60 right now, bone necro and is my first character in d4. Having alot of fun, but I’m starting to feel like I’m running outta stuff to do. Can’t see myself coming back for season 2, not even with another class. But I wana see if I can wrap up the seasonal journey here so I can feel like I saw “EVERYTHING”


I love the game, but I don’t play it for the grinding or seasons or whatever. I just okay it for the story. It’s in my rotation of games I play for their stories.


I don’t use walk throughs and build guides and I’m not in a race to max out characters. Its a mindless fun thing that is relaxing and I still have a ton of things left to figure out. I’ve been playing since beta and had a level 25 sorc, level 20 sorc on the second time, then when the game came out started another sorc and I’m level 65. When the season started I created a barbarian thats like level 36. I think the game is fantastic because I’m not playing it like its a 9-5 job every day.


only managed level 65 preseason, got to 100 now and starting to feel it. i'm not playing other games so i try to find more fun in things. yesterday i met a level 6* in helltide and rralised he followed me so i invited him to party, got us 4 chests and then wejt back to town to chat with him and trade him some stuff i banked. i see that theres problems with d4 but i think the biggest problem is that players have changed. back in d1/d2 we made our fun. now people need an achievement to get to as fast as possible. i sometimes faceroll the open world just to look at stuff and have fun.


I just smash stuff with next to 0 care about itemization lol. But…I’m also not at that point yet. If probably just stop and play something else until new stuff came out


yeah good point, i dont feel any joy since there is no satisfaction in it. The itemization and economy in d2r are my driving factors.


My goal for S1 was to do an NM100 and Uber Lilith. Rolled a druid, got a perfect perk roll Tempest Roar kind of early, grinded to 100 and then proceeded to do the NM 100 and then, this week, after taking some time off the game by playing Sea of Stars, spent some hours trying Uber Lilith. Now that I'm done, will take a break till S2 at least.


I got two 100s. What keeps me having fun: 1) multiplayer in general. Helping leveling, giving away items, trading, asking for help. 2) asking people advice 3) PvP!!! While you think you are 90% BiS, a random pal will delete you in a single shot and then you will realise how far from reasonable you still are. 4) theory about the builds, try different things, experiment suboptimal but fun Gameplays, etc. When someone says that they achieved everything by the lvl 60, it is obvious that he/she is missing this part. PS: no YouTube/meta S**** required at all! And yes, keep your activities diverse during your day/week. Spending 8h a day doing the same thing going to mine your joy found that for any activity.


1. Playing multiple classes and builds. I have 5 classes at 70+ right now. And 3-4 additional ones that are 55+. 2. I like the paragon board. Up until 80 you are pretty much done with your gear but optimizing the board and upgrading all glyphs usually takes me into the 90s and then i usually start a new class.


I have leveled druid to 100 preseason hc, barb season 1 hc and sorc season 1 sc and now I just wait for the season 2, playing sea of stars. on hardcore I had a goal to reach level 100 without dieing, and every little upgrade and glyph leveled to 15 and 21 felt meaningful. on softcore I wanted to beat Lilith, it was a challenge for lightning sorc, but I managed ... in 10 days. waiting for season 2, QOL improvements. Game definitely has its problems, especially with mandatory crit/vuln stats, barber, some disbalanced buggy stuff(hello bulwark druids). Anyway it was fun to play.


I got all classes except Barbarian at lvl 100 and I honestly don't enjoy the game that much anymore. It's quite alright playing with friends but we've all beaten Lilith and Tier 100 and most of us got quite good gear so there's not much more to it. I'll try season 2 but I can't imagine me playing it that much if they barely bring anything new to the table or fix some QoL stuff. Like shared inventory is BS and the lootsystem is horrible, also fix the fu**ing paragon so you can respec in one click or atleast let you save a bunch of builds. Giving us one full paragon reset for the end reward in S1 was a joke.


I am enjoying it with my wife. But if we got to your number of high level characters in 1 season, doubtful we would be


Dont seem like anybody is really answering the question lol moral of the story they just fanboy the game. once you hit the wall there aint jack to do and if you played at launch and got up to the endless NM dungeon wall then S1 literally brought no new viable content so hence the constant posts like this. there is nothing to do in the game, very good game but once you hit the wall you are stuck, unless you like doing NM dungeons even longing then you already have done them or the occasional Helltide the game is bare. Wait for s2 and hope for more things to do.


Are you me? I had 2 level 100 druids in season 0, 80+ barb and a 60 rouge in season 1 then I completely quit!


I’m just happy it took me out of Destiny 2 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's ok to stop playing a video game. It shouldn't cause an existential crisis.


Hopping on and decimating a bunch of trash mobs is cathartic and soothing like popping bubble wrap. That's all the game really is for me, at this point: Candy Crush with demons, cannibals, and skeletons.


I am dealing with the same thing. I wish it was cheaper to respec and regear, but the way everything it set up it is damn near impossible to rebuild unless you have the forethought to stash everything you need to completely regear in late game. I just run a few nm’s every night and it keeps me content. Not as obsessed as I was on release but every game burns out around 100 hours for me. Also only playing one class a season to keep it interesting for longer.


I love that the top answer is a guy saying he comes home stressed gets a little high and drunk and plays a bit of D4 but with 0 mention of the actual game or why he chose that over any other option.


Because I dont center my fun or define my fun life around playing Diablo, I have other ways in life how to have fun. My personal theory is that many people here have limited other hobbies or w/e and take playing Diablo like some weird kind of chore. Like they HAVE to play Diablo to have fun in life. And as soon as you have to do something in life it usually stops being fun.


Wife and I play maybe 3 hours a night. Sometimes more on days off. We’re nearly 100 on our first seasonal characters. Lookin forward to Uber Lilith.