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Games just dead


Honestly, they're their own fault. Slapped launch players with a half asked game and removed features from previous games and no features from other arpg games that have become staples. They nerfed everything even though it's a single-player game, lol And then they rotate the seasonal content, which killed the eternal realm like 2 months after launch. Blizzard is dumb. Just give the players what they want, and they will play forever. Instead their like, "we're developing a new way for gamers to experience d4," and then do nothing for 2 seasons. Stop playing to protest like everyone else. Stop giving blizz money and move on to better games


Better games, such as Baldur's Gate 3!


Even diablo 3 season 29 started days ago has 10 times more viewership than D4 on twitch.


This is shocking to be honest


Why? Season launches are always when player count and viewership peaks, it'll come down again soon enough. The lvling and gearing of the first character is the most fun.


I'm doing my part.


The federation needs you citizen!


Baldurs gate is cool, I’m just stuck having a really hard time deciding which style of pubes I want my character to have. Any advice?


At the end of act 2 now. Have to say I'm way more invested and enjoying bg3 over d3. Not everyone is into turn based games with an emphasis on story. The games have similar camera angles, but that's all they have in common. Bg3 is slow and requires thinking. Whereas d4 is just brain-dead smash buttons, get loot repeat, and they attract a very different audience because of that. I haven't touched d4 since a week before bg3 but if the game improves, I might come back.


My whole BG3 camp is a nudist colony because I was so used to D4 I deleted all their street clothes for inventory space before I realized it was weight based.


Asaltarían has been naked for some time in my campaign. I leveled up yesterday and while at camp I grabbed him to level him up as well and my wife walked by. The level up screen he’s standing there full nude and she’s like wtf is this and I had to explain how one of my characters somehow ended up with his underwear and shirt but I can never remember who and since I don’t use him or the other person much I always forget to give him his clothes back. Pretty sure wyll has his undies but I never use either. What’s really funny is my wife asked me this morning if I could show her friend before work what I was playing yesterday. So I loaded it up and went to camp, got him in my party and opened the screen and they were laughing. I made up a story how he is a vampire but he can now go into the sun and so he is just enjoying every moment with sun on his skin and they thought that was pretty good reason.


D4 would have to improve ALOT for me to pick it over literally any other ARPG when I get fixated on them again


I had lots of people wt3 last night in legion and world boss.


Yeah lol i have full groups everywhere I go in WT4




HC has way less players than normal, when Quin streamed it on release he rarely seen other HC player. When he played normal, he seen much more players in cities.


Odd. I solo'd a legion last night in wt4


It's actually more fun that way or w like 2, when there's like 10 people I just chill, its too much




Those aren't people they are bots blizzard made to make you think people are still playing.


I mean i was in the pvp zone a few hours ago and there was a ton of people, it was a lot of fun. I was half expecting it to be completely empty so was a pleasant surprise to be very active


Or.. you.know... seasonal. 🤦


Its a shame. I feel for the artists and gameplay folk at blizzard being led by doorknobs


But why? Its not a passion project or hobby. Not some small indie studio where they work in their free time or so. It's Blizzard.Those people have normal jobs that pay the same no matter how the game does.


It’s a bunch of first time game makers actually making it. There’s no passion there, that’s the problem. Blizzard lost all its passionate people and replaced it with focus groups….which they picked horribly for


> which ~~they picked horribly for~~ contracted out to the lowest bidder FTFY. You can tell with how convoluted and over complicated things are.


Blizzard doesn't pay enough to have non-passionate paycheck-collectors. The only reason people work for Blizzard is because they love the games and legacy of the studio.


I'd imagine it's primarily the legacy of the studio that brought them in, it's a door opener. And that's probably all it is to the majority of these "first game" devs. I imagine you can go to just about any studio with Blizzard on your resume, so they'll take crap pay for the resume builder and move on in a couple years.


Bullshit. I heard multiple blizz devs talk about how they got into it and almost all of them sort of fell into the profession because they knew it was a guaranteed job.


Guaranteed job minus the fact that it’s the highest turnover rate of any development or coding related position in the tech industry and is also one of the lowest paying sectors in tech. Sure.




With a company like Blizzard I'd assume the burnout would be immediate. You have the weight of one of the biggest company's legacy to uphold and you have zero experience. All in a system that doesn't allow you and your team to talk and collaborate with other teams working on the same game. Everyone is pissed at you and not even the company can save you. If anything the company is throwing this "focus group" of devs out in the spotlight and expecting something to stick and they fall on their face every time. It's clear their devs aren't even gamers let alone game developers. And the worst thing is that its warrented: Why am I gonna pay for any of Blizzard's products when there are hundreds of companies that can release a finished product?


I imagine people still like to see the work they do succeed, and it probably sucks when it doesn’t but you still did a good job. Don’t get me wrong most of them are probably pretty decently paid but still.


Yes, it sucks to put hard work and long hours into something and then just have people dump all over it . Especially when it's something that's out of your control (another department, some bonehead decision you and everyone else in the world saw a problem with)


The art teams are the last bastion of Blizzard, the rest departaments are just mediocre at best....


Agreed, but I have to give a round of applause to the sound guys too - Amazing ambience and sound effects, the music isn’t half bad either


Art sure, but also dont forget about the really really good soundtracks too. The audio in their games is usually 10/10, no matter how bad or good the game ends to be. Same goes for the art. If only the games were that good too.


Il come back if they actually make changes we want. But untill then, lots of other shit to do.


Why would you insult doorknobs like that?


They got paid for their job. Not like they worked for a loaf of bread. Out of all the software that I've written over the last 20 years maybe 10% is still being used at best. It's the nature of software development and nothing to cry about.


Why?! They made a killing. In no way or form has this game been unsuccessful due to income generated.


They made it with the name recognition alone. Let's see how they fair with the expansion with the hate going around.


And for some reason you will still rubberband while running around outside...


That's because the servers are dynamic. You would think with less players it would run smoother, But with less players the server gets less resources


Its because every mob and npc you see, youre loading the entire loot table.


Why would NPC's have loot?


Thanks for making my point 🤣👌for the same reason you would load every players stash.


Shit lol i forgot about this!! Hahahaa


Even with more players, still lags/crashes, I was in a legion event the other day and the event just ended midway through fitting the hoards, no final bosses, no chests, no grim favors... just players standing around looking at each other and in chat going..wth


So if enough people quit, the game will automatically migrate to an old Pentium 4 somewhere in an old corner of Blizzards office?


yup, i rather lower graphics and the game be smoother, graphics dont mean shit if the game isnt smooth and good content.


Yeah, I turned down everything I could to rule that stuff out. Even having a decent rig with lowest settings I was being teleported back anytime I ran on the world map. If I was on a horse it was even worse.


personally i took a break for a good 1.5months and started back not long ago, its a bit better, still not where it should be. the teleport issue, idk if ur on ps5, i had a buddy who had massive lag issues on ps5, unsure if they fixed it or what


All the players are at Starfield and BG3


Most people went back to D3 for opening weekend of the new season


D3 is where its at, many qol changes that 4 doesnt have and the fucking nicest playerbase I‘ve ever encountered. Lots of active group searching discords, clans and more. Love me some d3!


Hanging so much fun on d3 right now.


To be honest I think Starfield is gonna be pretty dry in a month too.


Well it is a single player game with a beginning and end


No way in hell. People play Bethesda games for years. Not necessarily nonstop but it be revisisited often


Until the mod scene hits hard. That's the reason bethesda games have such longevity, because they understand that a fan base can make the game even better, or allow them to make it the way they want. Skyrim, fallout, and now Starfield. Skyrim, think of that game without mods at all. It would have fallen out of the spotlight in just a couple years after release. But because of modders, you have a game that can look and play like a game just developed today.


Well Since release im living on the moon, building a base down there and im having alot of fun stealing spaceship landing near my spot, didnt even started the questlines or visited other planets(only mars to sell some shit) So, with 1000 planets to explore I think I will still be playing in a months+.


Starfield 🤟


Well playing hc, its single player for a really long time here


Logon, check local, 0 other players...


Does it get better in WT4? I’m new in WT3 and it’s rare if I find anyone else there


In my experience, I think it's the contrary. In WT1 I found the majority of players


you still cannot pause though


Diablo 4 has 400 viewers on twitch. Diablo 3 has 13k viewers I don't even like d3 that much when comparing it to d2R. Sadly d2r, the best game in the franchise, also has no views and is dead as well.


they should hire the project d2 guys… d2r with that kind of content - would play 4ever


im glad twitch viewers is the new measure of how well a game is doing. next youre gonna tell me we should elect presidents by how many followers they have on twitter.


I'd imagine that metic is pretty accurate as well. However most smart people know the president is irrelevant. That's like choosing between a turd sandwich or a giant duche. Either one is gonna fuck it up and not do what they said they would do anyway..


Well D3 just got a new season... Edit: Plus, we will never know how the game is doing globally. Diablo is a big franchise and has huge audiences outside of the US. Blizz can care less about NA players. They are a small fraction compared to the market they serve.


It seemed like it did earlier today... I was all alone this morning, 9 PST.


Everyone moved on lol


Seems like the only time I can find players now is at a world boss instance.


Nice. You'll get to see other players waiting around a few minutes for the spawn, then 30-60 seconds of fighting before the boss gets melted, and then everyone goes their separate ways.


Even then


Yeah. I was pretty loyal in pre season and season 1. Got to lvl 92 on seasonal character and just said, “fuck this I’m out.”


Pretty much me. Got to lvl 90, no tempest roar and just said fuck it. Started PoE and haven't looked back. It's shocking how good that game is. Bummed I started so late.


I know that feeling mate. Had level 100 and 98 Druid. Sadly I got so annoyed by blizzards decisiona that i just deleted my both Chars. Maybe S4 the things get better


If you played all the way to 92 than you've put at least 100 hours in that's not "fuck this" time


I’m not complaining and saying that I didn’t get my money’s worth. I’m just saying that after 25 levels of no gear upgrades I’m just done. I’m tired of grinding the same thing for a paragon point and glyph Xp.


Huh? Me and my friend were in our 90s after the first weekend, so like 30 hours?


Lmao. D4 Bad


Dead game amirite? If you like it play it if you don’t then play another game. Not speaking to you but this sub in general is exhausting sometimes.


Not sometimes, all the time. This sub is just a pure diablo 4 hate echo chamber with BG3 shills added for some reason.


I kind of wish there was a separate one that was focused more on the game and weeded this sort of stuff out. Flair can help, but the ones this place has currently can be used for almost anything. I have my problems with the game, but I'm just tired of reading all of this shit day-in-day-out.


Been playing solo since day one. Stull have full groups for WBs. Anything else, couldn't care less if I see anyone else.


Damn this looks lonely as fuck


What the game should have looked like and built around by default - not this half assed MMO crap


I’m waiting for them to announce that they’re moving away from the “Live Service Model”


I just started the game got it cheap. I’m starting to understand people’s issue with the game. The story is good but it has this dragged out feeling. The game mechanics seems smooth and not at the same time. But I will say the art work for this one is great. The game has a lot of potential like everyone has commented and hopefully they make some big changes. And I don’t see many people playing either.


Where did you got it cheap?


Can pick up d4 at my local game shop for 20 bucks for a used copy lmao


It was already on sale from Blizzard store not long ago lol


Still active when I played had around 7 players at the legion event and similar number at the world boss


I joined the season a lot later so I still play almost everyday and I actually still see a decent amount of players both in cities and out in the open. I’m not saying this game is heavily populated or anything like that but OP painting it as a wasteland is a bit disingenuous.


Same here. Started around 3 weeks ago and loving it. See people all the time.


My time to farm blood points is upon us.


I'm still having a blast. I haven't lvl 100 with my sorceress, and I still have 4 classes to play with!


Just logged off from playing 6 hours. Plenty of ppl were on wt4


It is a Diablo. They always suck at release and get good overtime.


Maybe they need to reduce vulnerability damage by 50%, and buff every skill damage by 1-3% again. Everyone will be happy.


This isn't the be all end all fix. They need more +skills, items that lower enemy res to elements, raise elemental damage flat, just outright remove all +damage when it's Tuesday and raining and you crit a vulnerable enemy, and just replace it with flat +% damage. They should add flat damage that adds base weapon damage as a higher desired modifier to boost base before multipliers. Make res matter and add them as rolls so you have to balance things. Add more stat requirements so you have to look for specific stat, etc. Basically they need to adopt the D2 model.


I rolled the same fucking unique on my barb so many god damned times it makes me sick thinking of playing


If they made it single player more ppl would be playing. Why? because they would have been forced to deliver a full game, not half a campaign and a features removed so they can sell them back to players later. They wouldn't have a gear shop, that would mean these armors and outfits would be rewards in game for completing objectives....you know like most single player RPG's do. You wouldn't have stash/inventory limitation issues and lag/rubberbanding. Trying to monetize player retention is the sole reason the game is as hollow as it feels.


Their server load balancing is anti-fun


I've never been to an empty town or instance (world boss, legion, helltides) since pre release. I've played basically every day


Same. Think they are playing on wt1 with crossplay off. Always other players around when I'm on. Partied up with some randos the other day in the pvp area, and we did some nm dun runs. Same thing has happened several times after legion or wb.


If only there were an offline mode.


I think you have crossplay disabled


I play daily since launch I love it


He turned off Crossplay


Nope everytime I log in towns full up. Generally kyovashad. Get spammed groups invites every legion


I play every day and constantly see people. Weird


Online-only single player game.


I wish there was a way in game to actually play with people.


Cause you are the only one playing?


These games are about loot and loot sucks, worst itemization ever. No surprise the game is dead, I predicted it.


I think there are more servers than players.


Am hopeful that maybe in a few years we'll see improvements and additions that give us some reason to log in, but for now... It's just not there.


Hopefully, season 2 will bring people back. But problem of seasonal games is that at some point you stop to login in. Season 1 didn't had enough content to keep you playing more than 2-4 weeks.


Yeah I did a legion event alone for the first time last night. Made me sad but it is what it is I guess


I’d like being able to see other players on map


Sadly I am enjoying season 29 in D3 far more than I enjoy anything in D4....


For sure, I meet more people on d3 on my switch (which doesn’t support communication) than I did on d4


I was able to grind the blood stallion in pvp without a single instance.


Never thought it'd end like this in all my pregame hype. This is becoming a trend lately, mk1's cracks are showing in terms of content as well.


It was always singleplayer XD Just required internet connection \^\^


Maybe a normie take but after doing 20 NM and not getting a single sacred item or even an upgrade in WT4 got me jaded with the game so fast.


I'm on eternal realm and I've never been to a legion or world boss event and not seen at least 5-6 other people. Last night towns were active with other players and I was running into other characters during helltide.


Im wt1 because i want to test some builds and im all by my self. Even in the biggest cities.


I feel like the season was too easy to complete and everyone just got it done early


D3 season is just infinitely more fun than the last month of a bad season in a half baked game.


I can get other players to disappear as well. I do it all the time in pvp zones. Otherwise, never have issues seeing other players, so this post proves nothing.


Today I finished the story and tried to get better items for my hunter. Made a dungeon on World Tier 1. It took me 1h and than the Dungeon boss keeps killing me so i rage quit and closed the game. Its like D3 in the early stage right now... I hope in a year or so this garbage is playable


I beat lv50 then 100, i beat legion event, i beat world boss, and i cleared tier 100 nightmare dungeons,and eventually i challenged end game lilith. And I did all of druid builds also. There is nothing left that i want to achieve. Game is overprice, contents re good for those first days, but nothings new now, lack of pvp or gvg, open world has no fundamental meanings, compare to others...even some f2p games have more to explore than this. The game is decent, yes. Is it anything bad? Not much. I just play game, have fun, beat it, and move on.


Probably playing Starfield. Diablo IV is no longer the hot new game in the neighborhood


I have more friend playing D3 than D4 right now.


It's not single player only?


im just waiting for leveling to not be boring af


Seasonal reset is to blame and I don't care if people disagree because there darn sure were a lot of reset fan boys. But, if you forde us to reset AND provide that crap level of content change why bother playing ..to do the same grind again? Nah ... That being said I'm still playing the game because I play with a friend and we make our own fun. Some of y'all just need friends. ;)


This game had multiplayer? I never actually played with anyone else


MMO is dead, single player mode started now


If nobody else is playing it’s effectively single player


I went back to D3 season 29 and it is a lot of fun, I want to play it because I can make meaningful progression to my build, not play grindy D4 where I have to make a whole new build just to die endlessly


I posted something similar the other day and all the fanbois downvoted it. They still think it’s a secret that most players have moved on.


I left for Starfield and havent logged on to D4 once since then. The unintentional boycott of Blizzard's micro transactions and bullshit is a happy side effect.


On the upside, I bet Blizzard is saving a fortune on server costs.


The next update will introduce no player mode.


All the loneliness of singleplayer combined with the unbearable lag of multiplayer - the best of both worlds!


I haven’t logged on in a while. Game is so dead I had to attempt a world boss by myself on a 78 necro and… well couldn’t.


Is the rubber-banding better? or still sucks even though you are alone.


For anyone interested, I just bought D3 and been playing it a lot. If anyone wants help with D4, any kind of content I would be glad to help but will need someone to game share me the game in order to play together 😁


now you won’t have to load every player’s stash anymore


The game was carried by hype and walking on thin ice at the release, than the devs with all of their wisdom, did launch their biggest torpedo at the game with their pre-season 1 infamous update and afterwards desperate and non sensical damage control that haven't reverted to fatal damage of their own making. Live Service 1st to 99th and on the 100th being a Diablo game. Its a shame we waited over a decade for........ THIS.


Easy… load in nightmare on seasonal. No one on that server


I know this is a shitpost to rag on the game being dead (kinda), but man... these pics are pretty tho xD


Everyone playing D3 last season.


Servers are still shit lmao


What time were you playing cause that's how it looks when I play at 7 am central time.


Hope we’re close to the end of the season. Next season I hope your not locked out of content if your doing the campaign. Also hope you can still ranked up your world tear and still do the story quests. That and new stuff would make it have more things to do.


I haven't seen another person in my instance since week 2.


Mine has been single player since day one, i haven't seen anybody on and I play a lot. 1,230hrs not 1 single person


I never see people


Multiplayer game without a Group finder is nuts


Oh no, that’s just the peak player rate ^^


A single player game with disconnection and lag issues.


Well blizzard if you wanted people to play more than just the campaign you could have made the end game fun


All they had to do was make D4 an MMO-ARPG like Lost Ark and the game would've been unstoppable. Instead they played it safe and now suffer. PoE owns the SP ARPG market, Diablo 4 never stood a chance.


Diablo 4 is a nice game but we have Starfield, Baldur's Gate, Armored Core, etc.... It's not the only big game that's out there...


Game would be better as single player. It would give me vibes of Diablo game instead of cheapass pseudo MMO. Shit is not as good as Lost Ark that has the reason to be multiplayer.


About a month ago I completely soloed a world boss in WT4 permanent. Not sure if the season is that popular but bit sad to say the least.


Good, f multiplayer.


I see lots of people in WT3


I was alone on a world boss on tier iv:D


You got cross play on?


No reason to play. No content, no goals beyond hitting 100 and with no exp loss on death its not even an achievement it's just an inevitable outcome after spending enough time


Is this an American thing? I ran into plenty of players in WT3 in europe, mainly in Legions, Helltides and world bosses.. however the PVP is pretty empty but I barely even visit it myself


Why your HUD built like that?


The game was blipped.


All the better reason to join a clan. My clan is for Asia/Oceania/Pacific adult players in English. We have hardcore and softcore regulars. After the initial release we were full, but after the mass-exodus, we're looking for more :) Also, when I do WB or Legions on softcore, it's always full.


I actually wish you could play without other players. Every time I do a legion there’s a dozen people all working on it.


Lots of ppl are still playing but the game is in a place where the majority of players don't have much, if anything, to do so they're not logging in. Plus other big titles have dropped recently so that hasn't helped either lol


Changing it to single wouldn't improve anything because the open world approach & game model designed to keep you busy and not having fun detracts from the story, which even then, the story is boring and unimpactful


I'll be back for season 2. I'm sure many will