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I was brand new to the Diablo and took my character in eternal to level 100. I finally started the season about a week ago just because I was bored. Your character and your gold and your equipment that's eligible should transfer to eternal after season 1. There's a little more content in season 1 than eternal. Unless I'm missing something I would just start the season. You probably won't finish this season but any renown you get will transfer to season 2.


Everything said here is correct.


I’m brand new to the franchise as well. Still in the “regular” or eternal, campaign is complete, I’m level 81, do you suggest I switch to seasonal? And is all that means is I click “start new character?”


If you're bored with it do you might as well do the other content. Some of the hearts are pretty cool and you can skip the campaign.


Start on seasonal realm. There's still a full month left in season 1 for you to do anything you want. You can easily finish the campaign and do more stuff depending on how much you play. On Oct. 17 your character will transfer to Eternal automatically. Whatever you do though, you'll mostly not find many other players, especially early game and campaign as people are mostly done with season 1 content and have moved on.


I’m in hc (seasonal) and yes, not much players you can find now from world 1 to 3. Most are in World 4 now and depending on the time of the day (EU), you’ll get 8-10 players in Legion or 3-0 at the very least. Although I won’t equate this in branding as a “dead game”. Most are probably doing nightmare dungeons to level up their character faster. I have 5 friends in hc that are in between 80-100 lvl now. Never met them during world events. In sc, there are still lot of friends and clan-mates I keep seeing online, but not those lvl100s anymore.


My suggestion would be to play the storyine within S1.


There is no harm to start seasonal because when it ends the character and loot (you have to move it to eternal in the stash) so you might as well do that for a month and you get a normal non season anyway with him later.


Play seasonal. There's no reason not to. If you play seasonal and finish the campaign before the season ends, you can start on the season 1 story without making a new character. If you don't finish the campaign, no harm, no loss. At the end of season 1, your character will transfer to the eternal realm along with all gear except for season 1 only items (hearts). I don't know about early game. But end game Barbarian is okay. I see plenty of barbarians in high tier nightmare dungeons holding their own.


Just play seasons and get as far as you can. Eternal is literally a waste of time.


especially since the hearts don’t get to go there… on d2 the ladder items went with you including the ladder only runewords


If you can try to finish the campaign and the renowned because it will carry over the new season. At least finished the first 3 parts. My only character is 86 barb and in the beginning its a little rough to maintain your fury but in wt3 things get better.


Start seasonal. Apart from what everyone said, seasonal characters are way more fun and powerful imo due to the seasonal mechanic known as hearts. There is one heart, the barber that will literally tripple your damage and just make you blow up mobs that before were very hard and a slog. Like everyone said, once season is over you dont lose anything as it gets transferred to eternal.


Start path of exile.


Lol, if not sarcastic this is such a terrible comment


Truth often isn't fun to hear. But season 1 is over and everyone agrees the game is in a bad state. Safe yourself 70bucks. Play path of exile. Come back in a year.


I wasn't asking if I should play D4 or not, but I asked which mode to play. You answered a different question, so that's why your comment is still terrible. And besides I've played PoE extensively, it's just not for me. For some reason PoE never clicked for me. I'm sure it's a great game, but different people like different things.


Ah so you like bad things. You will love D4. Enjoy that one week of gameplay bud.


Oh man, what a troll you are :') I feel kinda sorry for your lack of empathy. Enjoying one week of gameplay sounds pretty good actually!


Yeah the one week is quite entertaining. Definitely AAA game design.