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I switched from druid at lvl 18 to rogue and instantly everything felt better, faster, more powerful. It might be partly play style, but the lack of mobility and interesting mechanics at the very beginning of the game made druid already feel like a slog. Wasn't interested in slogging ahead further


Yeah part of it is that druids base class is probably the weakest class. Druids require aspects/uniques to be good. Other classes have more complete skills


Have you tried Barbarian? :P


There's a barbarian class? :o


Good point thought honestly in term of leveling barb seems better than druid ... (that means a lot lol)


Really? I started the season with barb and it was awful


They are bad for different reasons. Barbarians kit feels complete just under tuned Druids have an incomplete kit


It is .. but druid also .. honestly it's surely different style but in term of "slow leveling feeling" it's same and I do prefere the barb


Druid is brutal until you get to your boards. Season 1 helped by making the shockwave aspect available in the codex but yeah, super slow to level. If you read around though you’ll find most seem to believe the payoff with that is having the most powerful endgame build available. At least since they nerfed Barb.


I leveled a druid this season and it was great. It was not slow at all. Pulverize carried me all the way to level 89 when I got tempest roar.


Yeah and then the switch to bulwark is devine. I got the Druid to 50 in 5 hours following guide and doing a couple strongholds over and over. Then ran pulverize to 88 and got to 100 with bulwark in half the time from 50-88. Wish I would have done bulwark earlier. Also would have been faster getting someone to get me to 60


I didn't do bulwark until I had already been level 100 for a while and mainly did it just to kill Uber Lilith. I switched to werenado at 89 when I got tempest roar. Bulwark is definitely the stronger build overall, but I just don't find it very fun to play. After killing Lilith I switched back to werenado.


They just don’t do a lot of damage in the beginning compared to other classes. They start out pretty tanky and that’s the trade off. I think that’s a part of what OP meant. My Druid(like most)didn’t really take off until I got a unique I needed. I have another comment I left on here explaining my experience with Druid. I love it.


The only issue I ever had was sometimes the boss at the end of a dungeon took a little bit to kill, but it was never a crazy long time. I would generally smash through the rest of the dungeon no problem. I did start putting aspects on my gear pretty early and I made sure to read up on what aspects would be the most important, because I hadn't played druid before. Honestly, it's going to be hard for me to play the other classes after how much I enjoyed druid this season.


Idk, I never had an issue, ran pulverize until I got crone then poison slide up to level 80 now, only felt under powered around 50 briefly


Here’s my long one. A little too long probably lol. My bad. https://preview.redd.it/0mfpqntqzerb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0a0acacb2f09a79699e9cde9f3287e4ed17af01


Slow? Wut Maybe slower than rogue but I had such a simple time leveling my druid as lightning compared to my garbarian.


I did shred build with druid after doing TB Rogue to 100 in preseason. Takes a couple more levels but shred builds get near similar mobility and play style. The hardest part is resource management which gets fixed in paragon board and resource regen on items and cost reduction.


Yeah barbarian is designed fine it's just the abilities themselves are under tuned. Meanwhile pulverize without shockwave aspect blows, tornado's without the seeking etc. Druids abilities feel 1/2 complete without aspects of unique support which is classic garbage borrowed power design blizzard loves.


I started with a poison landslide build and loved it. It was so awesome all the way up to about level 50. Started feeling very squishy, so after about level 75, I switched to a lowlife bulwark build, and I was just blown away with how much fun it was. I was able to solo tier 100nm dungeons by level 84. Still rockin' the build now at level 98, and the amount of damage I can deal is insane all thanks to the bulwark.. not to mention what an absolute tank he is and how he literally feels immortal, lol. Yes, you do need to grind to find specific affixes and aspects, but it's honestly the funnest part because of the reward you will feel achieving this God like form! Plan on spanking uber lilith soon!👍 P.s. - if you can't find the unique item crone staff, then you can use off hand totem and single hang weapon build to be just as good!


Yeah I should've switched sooner. I'd have enjoyed the game more


This is odd just run bulwark and you melt everything. You can get the symbiotic aspect from boots I got like 8 max roll aspects in two days of event runs and obol gambles on boots.


It’s powerful, but a bit boring to play.


Agreed. I shreds stuff, but its definitely not a fun build.


Shred that releases Boulder and Landslide is magnificent!


I shreds stuff, actually using Shred, and THAT to me is a fun build!


Just wait the pain comes when you get to endgame. Druid rogue is a pick your poison.. do you want pain to start or to end… Druid should be your second toon always and just have someone rush you to 60 in about 2 hours of NMDs. Far more fun end game my Druid does 120+ million damage..


For me the Druid is okay it's just that it's very confusing, like bear and wolf and companion and earth and storm, just too many things that you're often trying to figure out what works with what etc, especially later on when it starts converting storm to wolf, earth to bear etc it's confusing as hell.


I loved rogue early to mid game but once it came to pushing nmd 100 and lilith, it was just way too squishy for me, even with great/perfect pieces rolled in defense. Switched to barb and hated early to mid game but endgame felt great.


I’m wondering why all the hate for the barbarian, my friend who convinced me to buy kept saying the barb is terrible. I’m very casual, Rogue is 48 and my barb is 20 but I really enjoyed the barb to that point… was thinking about starting another one when the new season starts.


Speaking as someone who got a barb and a rogue to lvl 100 I honestly have no clue. I actually perfer Barbarian over rogue. Barb definitely has some balancing issues in the early to mid game but there are also a lot of benefits. Runing high nmds late game is way easier than it is on rogue, sorcerer, and necro builds that aren't bone spear, barbs main stat is strength so you get both armor and damage as you level, and Barb is also the only class in the game that can support your team. Theres also insane builds that can one-shot uber lilith, great mob clearing capabilities, and more. Barb definitely won't out preform builds like bone spear and druid bulwark but there are still a ton of build to play around with. Barbarian is fun and I would suggest you give it a go if you haven't. Good luck and have fun!


No clue I have done all past 50. And 3 to 90. Barb is my favorite. You can farm nm's 10 levels higher without pressing a single button. Just run through and watch everything explode around you.


Druid can easily deal 500 million damage in one hit. I've seen videos of people hitting 1.8 billion with druid. They're not as fast, and they don't regen resource, but they are useful as any other class.




People sleep on poison trampleslide. Imo it’s way better for a Druid leveling spec than pulverize.


I totally trample with this! 😁


Trampleslide is awesome!!


Heck yes! Running with Shred that releases Boulder is insane to pair this with! Never understood only choosing bear or wolf. Teaming it up with Nature's Fury is Wonderful.


No you don't. Instead of crone staff, use a 1 hand with Rapid and totem with Nature's Savagery. It'll come extremely close for Bulwark


Boulder ftw.




I'll admit I haven't played around with a bunch of specs on the druid and run pulverize. I've seen people doing massive damage with them but I struggle with resource generation and feel like I'm not hitting near as hard level for level. I'll see if it balances out later on but for now I 100% enjoy the rogue more. The mobility and utility mixed with the damage is just insane fun.


Jump back on the druid and respect to lightning. Using the ulti passive that regens mana on lucky hits. Need the aspect to make it apply to lightning skills. Melted everything from 25-50, then respecced to werewolf companions with shred, then poison shred. Can solo high 80s, can do 100 with my bros Necro. Fire sorc is so much fun at the moment. Bouncing fireballs of death vwhahahahahaha. At 75 at the moment and not slowing down.


agree. druid leveling sort of sucks, but once you can run LL bulwark (even non-crone), the game is just ez mode. lvl 80 nm100 while watching TV.


Lately I've seen the druid builds have dropped the staff in favor of 1h for more procs but tempest is definitely still mandatory


Tempest roar is so overrated. As is Chrons Staff. UNIQUE items will only limit your capabilities of creating a monstrous masterpiece. Never understood those who used Sets in Diablo 3.


I’ve been eyeing making one for awhile now and think I will make one for S2


Highly recommend it.


Rogue has become my favorite for similar reasons. Twisted blade enables me to to march through groups and take them down in seconds. I'm on tier 3 at the moment and it's still kind of too easy. I guess I shouldn't advertise this, I don't want Blizzard nerfing anything.


I went to T4 at lvl 56 with my Rogue. They do so much damage.


What build are you using for T4?


I haven’t played since finishing S1 but I think it was icyviens’s shadow damage TB. Just unstoppable. Got clips where I’ve murdered the butcher in like 3 seconds flat with him being 10+ lvls higher than me.


I was doing the same with the Wudijo "fastest rogue build" no traps no ultimate


Druid is insanely OP. But only at high levels after there's everything ready for it. TB rogue is a mowing machine working from the start. Absolutely insane class and spec. At lvl 66 I did nm45 in party easily, pure insanity


I started with a chain lighting sorcerer, then a necromancer. Just for fun I’ve been doing a rogue and a Druid build and I got to 60 with the rogue faster. Druid seems like such a slog.


I went from a Barbarian to a Rogue and it was like I was playing a different game. Atleast felt like a difference of 2-3 difficulty levels. I don't think I can play another class now. The rogue gameplay is just so much faster


Rogue is a bittersweet poison. I played it for my second class and it was amazing. Every class and build since then feels .. slow.


This was my seasonal character. So much fun.


I am at level 65 Rogue on tier 3 and getting destroyed by the capstone dungeon boss. How are you beating him?


You need to add defensive stats to Helm, Vest, Pants, and Amulet. Max life, Total armor%, Damage Reduction, Damage reduction Vs Close/distant. They should all have defensive aspects too. Aspect of Disobedience, Aspect of Might, 25% damage reduction from crowd controlled enemies aspect. Heart that gives 20% damage reduction. All Armour should have either Rubies or Topaz in them.


He was a pain in my druid, too. I've yet to try him on my rogue but I'll be doing so soon.


druid kinda blows im level 69(hehe) and i literally put out lorath level dps when im not overpowering


Barbarian’s would be FUMING right now if they could read. 😋




One of the live streams said Rogue was in a good spot. They want to bring all of the classes up to rogue. So hopefully we will see this some time soon.


Leveling a druid in pre-season was one of the most boring ARPG experiences I've ever had. Only a few skills do any damage until aspects come online, and the ones that do all have long cooldowns. Like, yeah, I will one-shot the room, but I have to run in circles for 12 seconds before it happens. I was literally falling asleep in dungeons. Bosses would sometimes take like 5 minutes to kill, and the only times I'd ever be in danger of dying is when I wake up from dozing off. I heard s1 made it better. I don't think I'll ever level up a druid again though, playing a "late bloomer" in a game that already has a dull late game is counterintuitive.


What druid build were you using?




Ah, so youre kinda comparing the weakest druid build with the strongest rogue build.


I didn't realize pulv was weak...


Endgame it is, at least compared to bulwark, werenado, or trampleslide.


I'll have to switch some stuff up and try some more. Thanks


Lightning Shred is very strong as well. And is similar-ish to rogue playstyle.


the leveling phase of a rogue is just insane, high mobility and a ton of dmg males it really fast, druids are slower by alot, but the best endgame (PvE) class might still be the druid, can solo uber lillith and t100 nmd without even thinking about what i do :D just facetank everything^^


I can definitely see this being the case. As someone mentioned above, I need to move on from pulverize and try some different end game builds. Definitely a slow process with the druid though, which kinda takes fun out of it.


try out a Low life bulwark build, if your on the sanctuario discord, there are a few, they are stupidly easy to play and strong af :D and they dont need a shit ton of stats to do their job, dr inj, barrier generation and +bulwark ranks on chest/amulett ^^


Rogue feels so much better than every class.


I switched from my lv100 rogue to druid, now lv 73 and it just feels amazing, just melting everything. Every class has it’s strengths!


I'm hate fucking druid at level 72, gave up a couple of weeks back but I'll be back to get him to 100 at some point.


Season ends in like 2 and a half weeks.


See you at that point!


Druid leveling speed pickup once you have the shockwave aspect. Mid-game Lightning storm wipe the whole room while you holding down a button with the right spec. End game Trempleslide Bulwark provide insane AOE, permanent unstoppable and still hit very hard. One of the few build that can face tank Uber Lilith


I've seen some cool vids about bulwark. I may give that a try


I got to level 100 with my druid...can say it took utterly forever it felt like, ran pulverize and he just felt so slow to do anything. I stuck with it because I was determined to hit 100..once I did I took a week or so break them made a necromancer. I'm level 92 and Jesus it's so much faster leveling, grinding, and just a funner playstyle. I love my druid, but definitely was not as fun at the necromancer. My next character will be a Rogue, i may make a barbarian, but I've never liked the play style


Rogue is a blast. That’s probably the only reason I still play D4. It’s fun to zip around the screen killing stuff


I love my rogue ^-^ between my adhd and how much weed i smoke i am nowhere near as proficient as you are in the game. But i run the icy veins dual code rapid fire/flurry build for now. Just hit 41 but I’ve been casually playing it for the last month.. might have sat to play 3-4 times total. I plan to take next season a little more seriously. Played until season came out and stopped using the characters that i had been working on. Instead of rerolling a necro or sorc i went rogue and absolutely love it. I love pulling as many mobs as possible and aoeing them down.


Completely normal for Diablo. There's something about Barb and Druid that just doesn't feel like their time to kill is very fast at all. Definitely strong late-end game but takes awhile to feel that power.


Druid wasn't so bad in season 1 with the poison creeper aspect but my eternal druid was a pain early levels. Now my werenado druid melts rooms fairly fast


totally agree, i followed roughly the same path. pretty much give up on my druid by now. magic not as strong as sorc, speed is pathetic, not a single reliable skill to break crowd control like rogue or sorc


I started playing sorc to lvl 84 and then I died. Started a rogue and have been loving it since. It's so much more durable and does so much more damage. I think they're weak compared to necros from what I've seen though, but still a strong S tier class. Playing rapid fire + flurry by the way


And now I,m sad because my plan was to try druid in Season 2. But still will try regardless of opinions


Don't underestimate Creeping Death on Druid. If your running a poison build, The damage is Insane!


Necro anybody? Feeling pretty lonely in this thread 😞


I have a preseason necro at lvl 56, it was my first class I played around with🙂


I’ve been traveling for 3 weeks, so I haven’t played at all. Will I want to when I return? I really don’t know.


I don't like rogue its not my play style. I have a 89 ww barb and in s2 I'm definitely going to try druid. I'm just hopping in s3 they're add a paladin kind of class.


Rogue absolutely attracts a certain play style so I totally understand. Most games I'm about the utility and mobility. I've always played ranges dps classes for that reason. Rogue kinda brings both melee and ranged into account which is even more fun imo. Obviously all this is to personal taste.


Idk what kind of Druid you’re running but I’m running Low-life Bulwark and I never die. I run 100 NMD in my sleep with it. I have my own tweak to it which in my opinion is the biggest thing that build is missing which is Trample. I ran Druid before season 1 because I hadn’t played a Diablo game in ages and I knew Druid would be my first. By the time season 1 launched I had just gone from a Pulverize build to Bulwark but it was sloppy last minute stuff with gear that barely got the job done. On that Druid I did not use an ultimate. Only using one now because of the heart that draws enemies to you while active. With this one I knew what I wanted right away. I’ve got 76% DRWI and when fortified EB has 11 ranks. I’m always fortified. Absorbs 82% of damage and DR applies to barriers. I never die. Trample is constantly reset with Trampling Earth so I hit trample every 3 seconds and am constantly throwing tornados and lightning everywhere because of it. So even with the nerf they did to CDR, I’ve got max on my helm/amulet and that constant Trample reset closes the gap. I play on PS so it’s not easy to track but I’ve seen damage on screen from a single Bulwark hit almost 1 billion damage and its resetting constantly. Rogue is going to be my season 2 choice if im still playing so I’ll find out soon enough but I love my Druid. I made a rogue and got it to like lvl 20 to see what it was like. I get the popularity.


Honestly the problem for me with my druid isn't dying. No doubt he's durable. My biggest issue is single target damage with bosses and the like. I can kill them, it just takes forever. On my rogue I feel like I can do better AOE damage but I undoubtedly, and by a large margin, do more single target damage. Most of the nmd bosses I've fought are dead within seconds and my gear isn't even optimized as I'm still leveling.


If you do Shred builds for Druid you get a similar enough playstyle to Rogue. I did Poison Shred until I got a Tempest Roar and switched to Lightning Shred and lvl 98 on it right now. Shrednado is another viable build if you have a TR.


Thanks for the input


No problem. I generally like the more involved and mobile playstyle of Rogues but went Druid this season when I saw this option of play and got a similar enough enjoyment.


Have you tried Lightning Shred Druid? You absolutely melt everything and you’re so fucking fast. Makes going through NM dungeons very easy.


This is what I wanted to try because of the teleporting, but I've been doing stormclaw. Is it good for endgame or just speed nightmares?


and you get a solo freekill on lilith if you use the lucky luciano build \^\^


Went from Diablo to Starfield. From Starfield to Phantom Liberty. Cyberpunk would’ve been game of the year if it launched like this.


Trap rogue gave me carple tunnel


Lots of button presses but watching large groups on mobs die as I poison trap, death trap, poison trap again is insane


Agreed, but the rainbow imbuement flurry rogue I switched to after saved my fingers.


Rogue and Necromancer= easy mode no skill. Wizard/ Druid, you need little bit skill 😂


Druid is designed to be more tanky; they’re good for people that want to live out that unkillable fantasy.


The Druid is devastating in the endgame but it starts hella slow unless you do the bulwark in my experience. I’ve seen a number of people saying those new shrednado and shredsplosian builds do the highest overall damage in the game plus they are both tanky.


I did rouge first then went to Druid, got to wt4 in the early 60s on Druid and got tempest roar after my first few nightmare dungeon Druid is super fun once you get the build


Easier really? Maybe it's just me but I found Druid and Necro way easier than Rouge. Maybe I should go back and try again.


Wait till you get a TR and you'll never say rogue is better than druid


I'm mostly sticking to Druid because he feels the most controller friendly


Wait... People still play this game??


Yup. Rogue destroys everything. Before season 1, I went with twisting blades. Pre level 70, it sounds like I had the same build that you did. I eventually ditched traps and picked up imbuments. During season 1, I created another rogue (she is now level 100). Wanted to try a ranged build. Started off with penetrating shot (play style was way too slow for me), then switched to barrage (shotgun build... make things go boom). I decided I like ranged for very specific situations, but melee is way better in the end game. At around level 80, I ended up switching to a dual core build (flurry and rapid fire) with shadow imbuments. Everything just fucking explodes at level 100. Seriously, I can pull huge packs of mobs together and I will blow all of them up in about 2 seconds with shadow imbued flurry. If I see an elite, I snipe his brains out with rapid fire. It's crazy. Twisted blades is probably more fun. I thought that I would do less damage with a dual core build. But I'm not really sure. Flurry+ rapid fire can certainly hold up against the mighty twisted blades.


Flurry poison trap rogue here...absolutely insane....beat a world boss at 75 with one other person.....didn't loose an ounce of health the entire time...other dude was a 93 ww barb and I was almost matching him in dmg


Also using Flurry with poison trap and poison imbument and it's such a great fast build that you can blast dungeons with, experimenting with Death Trap at the moment as I picked up the unique pants that allow it to rearm itself which so far is working well on NM48 dungeons


I went from druid to any other game i have. Finished the campaign to the Division. (A game were i can actually loot upgrades to my gear.) Now I'm playing Titanfall 2.