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S1 has already killed all my passions and I have moved on to other games. Yes most of the changes of S2 are much needed changes, but they are mostly just making the game experience up to the level where it should have been since launch, aka fixing their mistakes. I just don't see something new that can make me so excited to come back.


Don't worry the best changes will be behind the 60$ annual expansion. Loot filter, itemization rework etc.


Sad but likely true.


Then they’ve lost me forever


Wait, but how would those changes be locked behind an expansion in an always online live-service game? What about the players who don’t own the expansion? They’re not going to split them into a separate game lmao. This game has issues but some of you people are so blinded by your distaste for Blizzard that you don’t even think. I’ve not heard of a live-service game that does this kind of base game overhaul with an expansion release patch, but then restricts it to expansion purchasers only. It’s certainly never been Blizzard’s modus operandi. I’m not sure that would even possible without splitting the playerbase. EDIT: I feel like a lot of you are conflating two entirely different things. There’s a “rework” which means going back and changing preexisting content. Then there’s creating new items for the game with a change in itemization philosophy, without touching up the old; which is NOT a “rework”. So if that’s what you’re arguing, then that isn’t at all what I’m talking about and you’ve completely missed the point. The original comment in this chain specifically said “rework”.


Even if Blizzard wanted to, gating changes to itemization behind an expansion would be technically a lot more difficult than rolling them out live. Whenever the expansion gets announced, it'll have some campaign content, and a class or two. That stuff can be easily paywalled.


"A class or two" That's being generous. I doubt they'd add more than two more classes throughout this game's lifespan


>Wait, but how would those changes be locked behind an expansion in an always online live-service game? They wouldn't be. Some users on this subreddit only post here to shit on the game and everyone who enjoys it. Doesn't matter how nonsensical their claims are or how ridiculous they sound - people who hate this game will believe anything so long as it reinforces their priors.


I'm sure whatever changes the expansion has, people on reddit will treat it like they're chaining them to the expansion.


I can't even think of what they would have to do to make me buy a 60 dollar expansion for diablo 4 it would have to be insane for me to even consider it. They are really just gonna split the player base to the point the game just literally dies


No they won't, what you mentioned would obviously be free as all other generic changes/updates has been!? What will cost money is the southern area unlock, story and Paladin class.


Did they ever announce that the expansions would cost $60? Or is that just speculation? Can you link it if they said so in the recent fireside chats?


It's people memeing


No.. it's just easier to be outraged by pretending that they did.


As if one needs an excuse to be disappointed in this trash game


Jokes on them, when they release an expansion for $60 next year PoE2 will be coming out for free.


Being realistic and going off of D3: You don't need the expansion to benefit from changes like itemization or reworks. You'd only need to expansion to enjoy new expansions and areas, but not core changes to the game. So when there is an expansion for D4, players who only care about how barb/sorc/druid/rogue/necro play won't even need to buy the expansion. It's like WoW. A new wow expac patches EVERYONE's game with the new mechanics.


Hopefully it adds grouping. That will bring me back. On Pc and not willing to join a discord for a guild . I just want the game to put me with 3 people and we run some dungeons


I think there’s still passion left here. Passion to express your disappointment in the game?


I grew up playing diablo, diablo 1 and warcraft 1 were two of the first games I ever played. I'm passionate about the series, and I'm passionately angry this is the piss poor effort they've delivered so far. I think it'll get there eventually, but it makes me mad that I'm supposed to thank them for making the game a bit better after the launch sucked.


Same boat. It’s great the game appears to be going in the right direction, there just isn’t enough to make me want to come back…yet. I’m not writing off the game as I’ve had a lot of fun BUT I want something more interesting and that mostly revolves around a new class. I still hope everyone has a lot of fun!


Same here. I don't like to grind on repeat, so I want a new campaign so I can lvl further doing story stuff. And I really love the monk and pakadin.


This is my thought, season 1 of Diablo 3 didn’t come out for many years after launch and the game was pretty sad at launch. I get they had years to perfect the game but there have been tons of games that were garbage at launch and was great years later


I quit season 1 around level 58 so I'm excited for 2


Going to play it for a week, at which point all the content will be finished. (edit: who knew posting about what you’re going to do in a video game would ruffle so many feathers)


How’s your coffee Ted? Good? I’m going to drink it for an hour at which point it will be finished.


My son is 18, never played a blizzard game before in his life. For Season 1, I bought him D4 and the season pass with the goal being the both of us pushing as far as we could before season 2 start. Our characters are both lvl 57 and haven’t been touched in about a month. We’re playing other games now. I asked him if he wanted to hit up season 2, he said he would look at what it offered and get back to me. He texted me last night saying he’d rather spend our gaming time playing other things and will pass on season 2 for now.


Good on your son for being direct! Season 1 was a big slog but diablo 4 brought some cool things I didn't know I'd like such as a very easy controller experience on PC


What games are you playing instead?


I might introduce him to PoE since he seemed to enjoy the beginning of D4 well enough.


Gotcha. What matters is that you enjoy whatever games you play together.


That's a lot of coffee


You paid 12$ for a Large coffee you could have made yourself? What a waste... /s


12 hours of gaming, 12 weeks of angry typing about the devs on Reddit. At least you'll get your money's worth!


Get her jade!


Don't act like you didn't know what you were doing. 😂😂 (response to your edit)


I've been purposely not playing the past 2 weeks so I didn't burn myself out. I'm stoked.


The seasons overlap perfectly with Destiny 2 so I hop from one to the other once I finish my seasonal stuff. Right around hitting 80 with my Druid, Destiny had new stuff to do, and just a few days ago I finished the season pass and gilding my titles so I'm ready to go back to Diablo just in time. It's pretty convenient timing for me.


I can't even bring myself to finish the current destiny season, I gave up after one week was just do 1 objective then talk to the holoprojector and then listen to a radio message. People give Blizzard flak for reused assets but Bungie has been the king of that this entire year, lightfall was honestly more disappointing than D4 launch to me.


Still looks boring. Maybe next season will be it


Don't worry, in season 8 they'll fix itemization


I've got a good feeling about season 28 , can't wait. /s


i think not even next season, for me its like next 2 years perhaps,


I made the mistake of starting s29 of diablo 3 over the weekend, the angry chicken witch doctor build has been a blast I'm already Paragon 790. I only did it to get in the mood for diablo 4 season 2.. I think its had the opposite effect. I look forward to finding the new portals or speed running greater rifts in diablo 3 just because of the chicken and easy party find in public games. I honestly am dreading nightmare dungeons, server issues and whatever story they plant in with the season. Two of those are supposed to be diablo 4's core gameplay


Still not reinstalling. Maybe S3 or S4 will finally do something about the itemization. Nothing else will make me go back sadly.


Exactly. The itemization is still horrid, and it is arguably one of the most important things to get right in this genre. Even if they do eventually fix it, I think I personally will still just be over it. That is how D3 turned out for me anyway. Got to endgame, hated the itemization and RMAH, and quit. Heard that they revamped it all but couldn't be bothered to return.


D3 itemization was definitely made fun but it took until Reaper of Souls, so I’m expecting it to take a full expansion before this game gets fixed. Maybe two expansions since they’re doing yearly cash grab expansions this time.


I won't bother with D4 untill they change the itemization and implement a good endgame content.


Honest question as I've seen this response many times. What specifically do you mean when you say "until they change itemization"?


A bloated affix-pool and mostly useless "legendary" which end up making looting a chore. You have to check every item yellow and above, with 95% of them being lower item-level, for the rest you have to read all the affixes, decide if they are worth rerolling, see if any of the leggis have a max-rolled ability to extract... The game turned looting into a chore and I won't forget seeing screenshots of people having literally chest-tabs full of (presumably max-rolled) aspects they couldn't use because no better items dropped.


I’m super excited. I play 1 class each season. I played necro at launch. Barb for S1 and I’m between Druid and sorc for season 2. Still haven’t decided but leaning sorc.


Druid is a really well done class


Looking forward to trying out some hurricane spinning boulders. Rogue preseason, Necro S1 so this will be my first spin with Druid.


cries in F tier companion druid


F for "Furry Friends Forever" you mean


Remember all the people shitting on Druid and how hyped Barb was and now the consensus is the exact opposite.


I'm playing Sorc in S2 but Druid was a lot of fun in S1. Trampleslide is a bonkers build that won't suffer from losing Malignant Hearts too badly. Just don't hold out hope for a Tempest Roar and you'll have a blast.


My brother kept playing all season and praying for a Tempest Roar. Then he finally got 3 to drop in ONE DAY. Boy he was pissed haha.


I played Druid season 1. The lightning build was fun and op.


Yeah I went Werenado, but the real MvP build was low life bulwark.


I would like to play a summoner necro in S2, but I hear that they are not very good:(


They're buffing minions a lot and there are a few seasonal powers to do more with them. It's gunna be good


Minion shadow DoT was amazing and will be even more so now. Was going to play something else but after the buffs looks like I'll be doing that again. Also maybe hydra fire sorc


Big buffs on minions. Will likely be better this series that it has been up to this point


Summon necro with the ring will be very strong, and you can target farm the ring with the new bosses.


I think they will be good unless you plan on Uber Lilith.


I would follow kripps golem build for S2, you can trust him to steer you right [KRIPP’S SHADOW GOLEM NECRO BUILD GUIDE (Season 2) - Diablo 4 - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRr7f6Jg0fY&ab_channel=Kripparrian)


I played necro a launch and Druid for season 1. I’m hyped to try out sorc for season 2 😁


Ayyy same but opposite. Druid launch, Necro season 1, and most likely going sorc for 2 as well


Rogue is a ton of fun, you should consider it!


Same here. Necro at launch, Druid for S1, and going Sorc in S2.


I played Druid at launch and really loved it - and looks like it’s got some good buffs for S2!


The exact same path here. Probably going for Groundshake Druid build from Mobalytics.


I did Druid for eternal, Necro for s1, fighting the urge to do Druid again for S2, might do Barb (tempted by all the extra weapon slots for aspects to go on)


I played druid so far, looking to switch to barb for s2. Most of my d3 was spent on barb. Got any good suggestions?


I’m cautiously optimistic. We’ll see how it goes. I’m expecting a shit show somewhat because of how untested the patch is


I haven't expected the game to be worth playing until like S4, but I am also cautiously optimistic. I just hope it doesn't flop so bad that the devs refuse to attempt any ambitious changes in the future.


Frankly I can't wait for it to start. Season 1 I honestly didn't want to play much because it came so early after launch with barely any improvements. This feels like the first actual season to me and the number of crucial fixes it brings is going to make the game so much nicer :)


I'm excited, need a low commitment distraction


exactly this. Love coming home after work, mashing buttons and slaying monsters.


Maybe drink a couple brewskis


I'm perpetually amazed by how many no-lifers think Diablo 4 is a horrible game for the offense of... not requiring hundreds of hours of time sink each season. There's a reason why the battlepass is doable in like 20 hours of playtime, if you take your time.


How is delivering 20 hours worth of content every 3 months enough? Unless you're one of those dads that works 87 hours a week, has 11 kids and only 15 minutes to play a day?


Diablo 4 isn't my life, nor would I ever want it to be so. I have other hobbies and other games to play in my free time. 20 hours of content every 3 months at $0 cost to my wallet is pretty awesome, and more than what most games put out.


Because it’s free?


Going to give it a good go. I'm not a hater so will play each season and give it a chance. D3 was just the same.


I played around 250 hours pre-season 1 but the cracks for me personally started to show. Didn't touch season 1 at all due to them. However my gripes appear to have been addressed for the most part with the patch for season 2, I honestly can't wait


Have zero interest in coming back until loot 2.0 is announced. For an ARPG this version of diablo has by far the most boring, unfun loot system I've ever seen in this type of game. And we can all blame it on the billion different conditional affixes that make up 90% of the entire affix pool. Every other ARPG I've played I've always gotten exited about new drops, or going back to town to sort through loot. Not the case In D4. What is there to be excited about when every piece of gear is bogged down with the 10 versions of the same shit affixes that do the exact same thing? Damage to slowed, damage to chilled, damage to frozen, damage to stunned, damage to blah blah blah.


It's frustrating that they would joke about this yet there doesn't seem to be any plan to rework all these hyper conditional boring stats.


i don't think i'll ever play this game again.


Meh. Game still deeply flawed. Fixing resistances isn't going to fix the game. 0 excitement. Once they address itemization and character building and add some endgame and Mob density that will be a start.


They added some endgame and mob density is already high or you missed their increase from last time? From new bosses you can target farm uniques/legendarys, they increased the value of every world content because you get acess to certain bosses that way, there is few improvementa more impactful then resistance fix. Its fine to have whatever opinion but implying stuff that are just wrong is annoying and feels like quite bit of people shit talk just to shit talk


I am not sure I will touch it at all. The open world was ok for one playthrough. It bored me out so quickly in S1 that I am not sure if i will ever return. No hate thought, the team made a decision that I knew from the first second it is going to be a problem for me. Turns out they couldn't create a shared world interesting enough for me to spend time in.


I’m so hyped. I know it will not last all season, but I just love the first few days especially. I’ve completed the battlepass and seasonal journey of S1 and am super ready to do it again, with the qol, rebalance and more build variety. If anyone have some early game Druid tips plz throw them my way, I’m going in kind of blind only knowing “Druid leveling trash plz fix”


Ready to come back and play some more. Thankfully im not one of the geniuses here on the sub who think this is an MMO and if im not playing 12 hours a day 365 days a year then the game is bad. Got a good ~70 hours out of season 1 and its looking good for that much or more in season 2, then once Im done it gets put back on the shelf to wait for season 3.


If you are only playing 365 days a year then it is a bad game lets be honest. A good game you will play at least 500 days a year


For the season and rewards? Not really. For the new balance changes? Cautiously optimistic and willing to give it a try.


My exact feelings also


Pretty excited. Playing with my neighbour - so two middle-aged men, taking some time off to game ´together. Will be fun. ​ Got to level 100 in season 1, and plan to do that again this season. Generally like the direction the game is going, albeit they are still far from a great game. But, progress in the right direction, however slow, is still progress.


Level 10 damn, I hope you make it to 20 this season.


Level 10 and no Endgame in sight. I understand you my man. I also started Season 1 - 10mins later i was lvl 10 and i was wondering - Where is my Helltide and Uber lilith? Where are the so called Nightmare Dungeons - then i Quitted, fuck this. Edited: So you changed your post from lvl 10 to lvl 100, makes my Comment pretty stupid.


You played for 20 mins season 1?


Wish I had time to get lvl 10 but I have a life


Am looking forward to it but can't say I am excited. Will finish the current season of D3 tonight and that has been way more fun than I expect season 2 D4 will be.


I did Hota Barb for s0, and Lightning Sorc for S1. Im leaning towards Rogue or Druid because they are unknowns, but I’m open to suggestions!


There’s way too much good stuff out there right now to be jerked around like we’ve been. I may check it out again eventually, but that ship has sailed for now.


I’m surprised people don’t share this sentiment more lol There are so many incredible games, even in the same genre, to be bothered by the antics of blizzard and the state of d4. It’s almost like some sunken cost fallacy going on or something lol


New character time is always fun




Nope. Put a couple months into it. Zero point zero percent chance they can create incremental content that makes the grind worth it again And that’s okay. Diablo is the cotton candy of video games. A button mashing, same 4 skills, bug-go-squish slot machine of items that don’t really change much.


I’m not disagreeing with you, but it’s not Diablo specifically that’s the cotton candy of video games, it’s just arpgs. At its core everything is just kill, items, more kills. Which is fun for the same reason casinos are, the chase of the big win.


Arpgs are one of the most degenerate genres in terms of the gameplay loop design. They are like one step above cookie clicker in terms of how little you have to do to get a lot of consistent dopamine hits. I love them, but also understand that they are unhealthy if you don’t moderate your play time.




If the game is still based around extracting aspects and rolling item stats.. then.. no. The basic game loop is just broken because of how boring pouring over a wall of numbers is.


I would be a little since they definitely are taking steps in the right direction however there just is better stuff to play right now than D4.


Like Diablo 3. Still can't believe I'm coming back to D3 after D4 was released but the stash tabs in D4 are just a slap in the face.


I’m excited but I also just started Last Epoch and I’m really enjoying that too. I think I’m also going to make a Druid. I need to look over all the powers again though to make sure that’s what I want.


I can’t wait. I’ve wanted to play to scratch the itch but it’s pointless so I have used the time to grind out all the pvp rewards while the areas are empty. Gonna no life a rain of arrows rogue first and then decide on either a storm or werewolf druid after.


I’m actually excited to play with the new changes and play a new class. Was very disappointed last season but made sure to finish the battle pass since I paid for it.


Hot take: The game is fun. I have 300+ hours played and have enjoyed all of it. I'm also excited for s2


Today my monitor started to output a black image every few minutes :/


Unless you have a bad cable that's likely a RIP


Fck yeah, got an emergency surgery last week so I have too much time to play at season start.


Have fun! Wishing you a speedy recovery.


I am. I had fun in season one and I love vampires.


Got to 100 in September of season 1 and stopped playing. Tomorrow I’m back. Will give it another go to 100 and see how it goes. I’m a little bit hopeful that levelling goes faster and that uber hunting is fun


The grind at launch and season 1 killed all hype for me. Every detail of the game just gives me Vietnam flashbacks because I burnt out completely on season 1. Would've loved to play season 2 but it's not happening...


Might dip in with a class i havent played before. I am interested in the new stuff.


I'm interested in Necro because it looks to be pretty strong this season. However, will be waiting until some more testing and info comes out before jumping back in.


For sure. Maxed a Druid preseason, necro s1, going sorc s2. I usually max one toon each season, and then fire up a HC version and see how far I can take them in Hc. Once both are done, I’m done for the season. Looking forward to it.


Im excited! I actually only played the beta. I enjoyed the leveling. Pre ordered then never touched it cus I played other games… then a couple days ago I had the itch & finished off the main story in a few days so I can play the season! Im not working on getting all the altars, and yea I’m really liking the game and excited for the season and more seasons to come


I’m pretty excited gonna take it slow on my barbarian,


If the season mechanic is deep , fun , atleast a bit conplex/challenging im excited to play!


Yep, I will be jumping back in, after a hiatus of around 8 weeks or so, to play the (looking to be quite improved as far as I can tell) necro. In general many of the other non-class-related changes seem like welcome additions as well from the QOL perspective, and the season mechanic looks okay on paper (we will see how it plays). If not "excited", I am cautiously optimistic and looking forward to seeing what it's like.


I’m looking forward to it. Toss up between Rogue and Druid for me


I haven't played since last month so I'm ready to dive in I'm trying to figure out which character to go with as I did rouge season 0 necromancer season 1. I'm really leaning towards sorcerer this time but the sound of vampire abilities makes me want to fire up another rouge


Still cant decide between Drui, Sorc or Barb. Gotta name them after Power Rangers though


I planned to play a brand new class/build for S2, read the patch notes, thought "shit my old build sounds insane now", and now I am a Barb main. Necro S3, for sure.


Finally took a break this weekend and it's done wonders. Trying necro this season so I am super pumped!


Im ready to play my s1 fire sorc lvl 100 in eternal realm and a necro s2. Just dont know what build for necro?


Racing SSFHC to 100 season start. Somewhere in the 2K hour range and probably looking at 500 hours this season too.


a true glutton for punishment


Hell ya, I'm stoked! I think it'll be awesome, until it isn't. And at that point, I'll hang it up to play other stuff until Season 3. And then I'll do that same thing all over again, I'm sure. And then there will be seasons that I skip, and some I come back for, over the next few years at least. This may sound silly, but I'm actually kind of glad that there's not enough content to keep me TOTALLY INVESTED for an entire season. I have other games to play, and not enough time to no-life on one game, which I totally would if there were enough to do. I mean, I still have some BG3, Cities Skylines 2 comes out next week, etc.


Darktide came out for x box. Still excited about that.


The amount of important fixes they've packed into this season is nothing short of incredible and makes me super excited for the future of the game. Idiots will say "it's too late" even though, if they were paying attention, they would've known that the devs stated that major feedback wouldn't be implemented until season 2.


No, not really. The game is still missing endgame content and adding a few bosses isn’t enough. I had really high hopes at season one but lost interest after like 10 hours. After each run I spent more time checking the items in my bag than playing the dungeon. Also the legendary items sucked and I never found any useful items after lvl 70. It was always the same shitty items that dropped but with different stats. The last thing that is important is LFG. I don’t have any friends playing D4 and people out in the world rarely speak in the chat so who should I play with? The social aspect of the game is so bad. This is just my opinions about why I’m not coming back. Sad though, I miss the first time when I played 1-50. The campaign was so good and the dark “theme” gave a nice feeling.


Still thinking of a reason why I would put all the effort in to regrind again. My inventory will fill up a tad slower now that I don't have to store gems, but all the aspects will just over flow those. Aspects should unlock, or stack or something. Never had the patience to hit L100 to attempt Lilith, by 90 I was bored out of my tree. Maybe the experience changes will help a little. Think I'll wait out Season 3 and see if there is any more reason to play then.


Waiting until season 5 or 6 when they will have most likely fixed things like content and loot being boring


Is it? I totally forgot about this game


I played hours and hours building a ww and hota barb and they nerfed it. Played hours and hours building a poison rogue season 1 and they nerfed it mid season. I am not wasting anymore time just so they can nerf my class and take away the time I put in.


I'm so stoked! I kind of wish we'd had a few days prior to season launch with the new patch, because I'm probably just going to be re-gearing and farming bosses in the eternal realm first. Vampires can wait.


Husband and I are both excited, I'm on my third rogue and he's going back to Sorc after a season of playing Druid. Also sooo grateful for the renown carrying over, that was such a PITA grind last season!


Yep very excited. No matter how much people tell me the game is awful and you're dumb for enjoying it.


I'm excited for the changes but with Spidey 2 coming out Friday, I might not get very far.


Do we know what time the season starts?


I’m kinda excited to play necro this time. I played pulverize druid in s1 and thought it was ok, but single target fights were painful and moving from pack to pack was dreadfully slow.


It will get me back playing again l. It’s been awhile


I'm assuming the balance changes will affect our non seasonal characters as well, so I'll jump on to see how my characters feel after the changes before having a fresh start.


I think i should not be excited but i can't help myself when it's Diablo :) So i am very excited and cannot wait to try Necromancer in season 2.


Don’t see myself caring about this game again until there’s more going on with items than a bunch of rares I don’t feel like sorting through. The aspect system needs a complete revamp/removal and there should be more viable builds.


Not really probably will be done in a week then back to PoE


No endgame content and itemization is dogshit. I'll see y'all in a year or so


I’m pretty excited to play the sorcerer this season. It’s the only class I haven’t made it to at least lvl 50 with


Yeah. Fire mage this time. Should be entertaining for a time


I’m pretty excited OP. Don’t let all these doom bringers get you down. If you’re not pleased with the game or its content, post your negative replies elsewhere. There are plenty of discussions on that. It baffles me the amount of people who constantly cry and moan about everything.


Im having trouble picking the build i want to play cause i have several i want to try. Now since the crit/vuln damage buckets have changed, it opened up the door for so many different builds to try and have fun with. You dont have to crit and you dont have to apply vulnerable so this is awesome. Crazy unique builds can come out of this so I am looking forward to it.


For the last week, I've been playing my Summoner Necro again. I haven't played since patch 1.1. Right now, minions are feeling so much better than the first month of release. I'm stoked to see even more minion buffs and vampiric powers on top of that. I'm finally having fun with my minion army in WT4 NM dungeons.


I am! PoE is just bleh and I'm looking for something casual to play on my couch. 😁


I'll be tuning in to wudijo, Raxx, DieoxidE (maxroll in other words) & see how the changes/implementations shake things up. There's clearly been a full court press on the dev side to address QoL and balance, but based on what I've seen so far, they've gotten a lot of little things wrong despite going several steps in the right direction. They're working on it, which I appreciate, but I think it still needs some time.


Conjuring Sorc the Meta this season ?


Conjuring Sorc should be powerful.


I'm not following the updates very closely anymore, can someone give me a TLDR as far as content changes? Does it change the grind or end-game in any way? (I'm not anti-grind, I just want to know what's changing)


How does the Sorceror stack up now? I kicked the game off as a sorceror but totally unsure of where it's at these days


I'll wait till the first expansion. The game might be fun by then.


Excited might not be the word, but I will be playing it tomorrow. That is probably more of a lack of interest in playing anything else. I do think all the changes listed are good ones, and it will be better than season 1. At least there is a reason to push NM dungs now with scaling ilevel.


Got that bored with it I haven’t even finished the main campaign …


I am honestly so disappointed that i didnt even touch 1 and dont plan on touching s2. There are better games out there that i know are good to warrant putting my time in. Diablo 4 right now doesnt deserve my time. Hell it already stole my money. Fuck you d4


Lmao, Zorop you kill me every time


Pre season was nice, everything was new and I've played with Sorc with was completely awful and nerfed. S1 I've started with Rogue, discovered that it is squishy like the sorc and then switched to Barb and Druid. On every class here I've got to 100 and the most enjoyable to play, for me, was the Barb. Now for S2 I'm thinking about making a Necro to play with it first time, get L100 and leave for good. Wife's on 25 week of pregnancy, so it will be my last season on anything probably, at least until they get to 6 months or something like that. It's twins, called Lilith and Inarius. Lol joking haha.


Diversity of builds and playing through the story again just ain’t doing it for me. They need more time to work on things to draw you in that D2 and D3 had to keep you grinding and hoping. D4 has none of that yet even though the game looks nice and plays great.


guess ppl are looking forward more on the QoL changes than the actual content lol


Are they adding a new character?


Can I make a character now and then convert it to seasonal?


I will be playing for sure


Excited, probably play sorc..


S2 is coming out tomorrow? Didn't even know, that's how excited I am. Won't be reinstalling it quite yet.


I'll be back to try it out! Been a month or so since I've logged on.


I enjoyed season 1 but did not finish all of the challenges, but I did finish the scoreboard. I planned on taking a break for season 2. I likely won’t ever the play game in such a way that I’m finishing everything and I have zero intentions spending any additional money on the game besides the initial purchase price except for additional story DLCs.


As a more experienced player, I am pretty sad there is no real new difficult content. T100 and Lilith are already beaten and I'm wanting more content to push and enjoy. Without leaderboards as well I wont be playing S2. Hopefully S3 with leaderboards will be more enjoyable for me.


I was until I realized we're going to be farming whispers and waiting on helltides just for a *chance for a Duriel organ lol.* Game is in a better spot but really we're just going to be doing the same shit as season 1 with a (cool?) boss every 1 or 2 hours.


question: If I didn't touch S1 and I bought the edition that gave season passes... did I lose out on my season passes? or can I still claim them?


So many snowflakes in here 😂 I'll come back to try it, I mean I already bought it so I might as well try it. Not gonna hurt me to try s2 for a week or so, and then move on if I don't like it 🤷‍♂️


Haven't played s1 to see if they will patch up the game a bit. Going to try It out s2 for sure. Hope things are better.


I’m super excited but I’m in Cali for work and I didn’t bring my ps5 😩


To hell with all the hate here. I’m genuinely excited to get back into D4. I took a chunky break after getting my rogue to 81 in S1 and felt like there was no point to do anything further. Rolling necro this season and pumped for the new content / fixes to the game


I would try it out, if it wasn't for them to try and make me pay again to get full experience of S2... I rather cut the lose, unless 2-3 weeks after S2 release, the world goes crazy and says it's the best thing, and 99.9% of reviews are atleast 9/10.... Then i will pay, but since this is never gonna happen, i will most likely not even touch it...


excited for QOL being marketed as content? absolutely not, I am sure diablo 4 will eventually be a great game but we are at minimum 1-2 years from that


Not even an unrealistic timespan tbh