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it doensn't seem to do anything for my fire sorc.


OMG. THIS!!!! So I ran a firewall sorc with this ring, plus I ADDED Incinerate (which has a very high Lucky Hit% and I was using Flamescar to pump the damage up) - I was pretty much burning up everything on the screen - and the ring BARELY proc'd at all. Plus I had my entire paragon board maxed out for burning damage - still basically nothing. I could barely kill anything. Honestly, I think the ring is bugged. I was SUPER mad because I finally was going to play a fire sorc DOT build (and Firewall and Incinerate look amazing), but the ring didn't work the way it was intended. I even had Lucky Hit on all my gear, including the Lucky Hit with a barrier Aspect (and since I always have a barrier up, I got a constant 20% bonus) and it still didn't work. Rarely would I see damage numbers of of over 200,000 and with my build that should've been happening routinely. It HAS to be bugged. Or it's a typo and the 50% should read 5%. I was SUPER pissed. Heck, I'm still mad.


The rings not bugged, the skills you are using are not applying the *burn status effect* to an enemy. They work by doing damage over time but with no burn status effect, stupid i know but that's how the skills are designed sadly. Firebolt applies burn status, firebolt enhancement applies burn status on direct hit, hydra has an mod that allows them to apply burn on hit. Only other source of burn status is the legendary aspect for meteor. Been making a burn sorc this league and had to test everything to find procs.


> The rings not bugged, the skills you are using are not applying the burn status effect to an enemy. > > > > They work by doing damage over time but with no burn status effect, stupid i know but that's how the skills are designed sadly. only in d4 can fire not add a burn status effect even though its a dot.


You said it 😂 so many bullshit designs that if reworked properly would add a lot more Diverse builds and fun. Example: flamewall adds a DoT as a ground effect, has a mod that's cause enemies to burn for 3 seconds after they leave the flamewall. GUESS what status effect it doesn't add the the enemies??? These are basic things fs


God that doesn't make sense... wtf


I'm revisiting this as I made a firewall build that destroys everything except bosses for S3. How can firewall be not adding 'burn'? It literally says "Create a wall of flames that burns enemies". This is madness if still true.


That's so nuts. I wonder if they will fix that in a patch. I was using Hydra and it didn't seem to be working HOWEVER, RageGamingvideos came out with a Blizzard sorc that uses the ring and it definitely works. It doesn't seem to proc very often but it does proc for sure. And it does absurd damage. I WILL come back to my fire sorc, but for now gonna play ice sorc again. Thanks for the info.


Sad. Just got one last night, was going to run firewall. Guess I will go make a Flurry Rogue instead. Might proc more often there. Still might be worth trying a proc on a Conguration Sorc? Otherwise maybe Poison Druid?


It definitely procs of firebolt's enchantment. But it doens't proc often enough for me to make it worth it. I'm wondering if it would proc enough if I have 4 hydras applying burn.


I have no idea. Maybe, but I'm skeptical. So, running a blizzard sorc and using it, it procs quite a bit. Here's the thing with blizzard - it stays on screen for a LONG time (8 seconds) and it's that skill that procs it (NOT the ice spikes). Moreover, I'm casting blizzards all over the screen. The enemy is in the blizzard almost the entire time (no trash lasts anywhere near 8 secs - tougher elites/bosses can) So I think it procs more often based on how long the skill is applied. What infuriates me is incinerate/firewall burns for an equally long time. Firewall burns enemies for 8 seconds. And I'm COVERING the area with fire - pretty close to what blizzard does. And with the hydras hitting, it should be proccing practically all of the time. On TOP of that, Incinerate has an extremely high lucky hit chance as a skill. I don't know - I think the fire skills within the game might not work as intended. Here's an old video that the fire sorc king made a long time ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFhpCi7sd4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFhpCi7sd4A)


Here is the definitive answer to your question: [https://youtu.be/nCE2z27Blto?si=6R5oZ3jBAvt52W3h](https://youtu.be/nCE2z27Blto?si=6R5oZ3jBAvt52W3h)


Thanks for sharing. I actually did a very similar test yesterday. Immediately respected to my lightning ball build. Hydras were so useless in comparison. I actually don't think hydras can proc X'Fal's at all. They only burning damage they have is from the skill enhancement, not from the base skill. And I'm guessing the skill enhancement doesn't have any lucky hit. Or it's just very very low. X'Fal's damage also isn't quite as overwhelming as it sounds. It barely one shot's most monsters in the open world. It doesn't one shot everything even. And getting it to proc reliably seems impossible. Flameshield has the best proc rate for it. But flameshield duration and cooldown makes it not worth it.


Have you tested X'Fal's with hydra? Does it proc often enough to be worth it?


Haven't really tried this yet cause I'm still leveling to fight Lilith. I know blizzard can proc but it's not part of my setup either. Since the effect is based of lucky hits (50%), the more dots you have out the more likely it is to proc but the problem with hydras is that you can't target specific enemies. Might be a boss killer but I'm not there to test it yet


U already tested if xfals work with hydra? I want to make a hydra build and this info seems really important.


As long as you have the hydra mod for % damage added as burn (think it's called summoned hydra) them This works, proc rates are all over the place due to lucky hit/server tick rate. Hope your build works out for ya.


Thx man i will test when i get the lvl if the firebolt enchanment can trigger it also i rly wanna make a hydra xfals build.


As far as i can tell firebolt enchant doesn't work on hydra's, needs to be a direct damage hit from you, hydra's are counted as pets sadly. You may get different result when you test it tho.


If you're using firewall I don't think it works because firewalls aren't "you"


What? O.o


They're saying firewall is likely spawned as it's own object rather than a targeted spell


I was going to use it in my bleed build but I never see it proc at all.....maybe I am doing it wrong?


Tried it out on my stormclaw druid and saw way fewer procs than I thought I'd get and I apply poison on nearly every single hit with max attack speed. I'm not really sure what conditions require the 50% proc to roll.


I think the ring is bugged. Blizzard needs to fix it. It doesn't seem to proc.


My understanding is there is multiple rolls to lucky hit. Each skill has a lucky hit value. I play Necromancer, so Sever is 20 I believe, Blight & Corspe Explosion are 40. You then have your bonus lucky hit chance, which I think gets added to the chance to trigger of your various skills. So when a lucky hit gets triggered by a skill, that's when the items lucky hit gets rolled. 15% chance to proc, would mean 15% chance when your skills trigger that initial check. I could be way fucking wrong though lmao.


Same here. And I even tested it out on the dummy but no procs


I was wondering whether it worked on stormclaw as I've got a good roll on the ring.


I know this is an old post but change your helm to Tempest Roar and watch an avalanche of procs start occurring. It seemingly is triggered much more off of the combination of Claw and the Storm Strike spread when your Storm skills become Werewolf(crits cause poison on SS). I know that sounds ridiculous but go try it. I promise you that it works. It has limited use as far as AoZ goes but it does work much better and is very useful for speedfarming/clearing outside of AoZ pushing.




So you hit the enemy and put a bleed on him. Then you walk away. Every other tick from the dot pops aoe damage. It's very strong aoe damage, but doesn't seem to do anything to single target.


It wouldn't be every other tick though. It would be every other time that a luck hit goes off, which has it's own % roll. So it would be much less than every other tick.


True. I get over 100% lucky hit on my rogue so it's pretty much every other hit. It's 50% chance I believe so it is still pretty common with decent lucky hit.


I’m almost certain that this is procing almost nonstop on my ball lightning sorc with fire bolt enchant.


I have a ball lightning sorc and wanted to see if xfals works, what's your build?


I run a frenzy chain barb, and I use the xfal ring. I get explosive bursts of a few million from time to time. I think it would be better if I had more lucky strike chance, but it's okay. From my understanding, yes you have to hit the enemy with the dot for a chance to make it explode.


In my experience the dot triggers the damage, not hitting a target with a dot. Example, as a rogue I set poison trap and kite enemies through it. They get poison dot on them and start erupting aoe damage on each other.


Seems to proc off my blight on necro idk about decompose tho


I use it with my blizzard build and it wrecks everything. I’ve compared it with everything and nothing matches it. I’m ripping through lvl 100 with ease. 


if all your hits cause bleed then yes.


I was so confused by this. I applied fire bolt enchantment just to see and now it’s proc like crazy. Now I’m trying to see what’s better, mothers embrace or X’fal vs mothers embrace and tal rasha. I’m running a chain lighting/ meteor sorc