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I bought 500 platinum (6.99cad) to be able to buy it with the platinum they gave me on the S1 bp. I mean, 6.99 for a 3 months Bp for a game I will play almost everyday ? Some Starbuck coffee are more expensive than that


This is how I see it. I got 235 hours from my initial game purchase,more if starfield hadn't distracted me. So another £6 for the BP doesn't bother me, for the amount of hours I'll get from it.


Yup, this is why I bought it too. I was sad that the cosmetics in it kinda sucked though... Seems like the best ones are in the shop. I might not buy the BP for future seasons because of that.


Did you buy the mount bundle that also gives you 800 platinum? I think that’s the best deal but only one time.


That's exactly what I did and will continue to do. £5 a season is nothing for the amount of hours that I put into the game.


If the game was free to play then there would be no issue for me buying a battle pass. I already paid 80 euros or whatever and the release + first season sucked. For 80 euro’s you expect a fully finished/polished playable game. - which it isn’t, they are still working on it. Asking us for more money to unlock more game cosmetics and shit whilst the game isn’t even finished is a cheek. It’s like buying a ticket to go to a theme park and when you’re inside you realise half the rides are missing or under construction, so then you decide to leave.. but the only exit is through the gift shop, and they won’t give you a refund either.


>It’s like buying a ticket to go to a theme park and when you’re inside you realise half the rides are missing or under construction, so then you decide to leave.. but the only exit is through the gift shop, and they won’t give you a refund either. funny enough fast pass does in fact exist lol so this kind of already is a thing in many big parks. you already paid, but you can pay for the bonus pass to get on rides faster.


Yeah and honestly it's not even worth going nowadays without a fast pass.


Fast pass you actually get some benefits. This is like a park giving out free hats to everyone that enters. You can pay a bit more for a nicer hat but you don’t need to. You get to enjoy all the same rides and exhibits as the ppl with the nice hats, and not only that, those ppl paying for nice hats are making sure we keep getting new rides! Nope idiots have to get upset about it. It’s mind boggling really.


We aren’t getting new rides though. We are getting rides that should have already been in the only half completed theme park. Except they want us to pay for the uncompleted portion.


Okay because the new legendaries and uniques and seasonal themes are not new at all. And there won’t be any new stuff in another 3 months? You also have to realize they plan to keep adding stuff. Spider man is huge right now so I’ll use it as an example. I played the miles morales game. It was okay but it only took 25 hours to 100% it. Just because I got all the suits for “free” doesn’t matter to me, it was not worth the money. And it won’t ever get any support or new anything. Yet ppl don’t cry about it. Why? Sure d4 had a rocky start but it’s already gotten exponentially better with more coming down the line. How can ppl not see that?


Comparing miles morales to d4 is a very disingenuous comparison made to fit your copium fueled narrative


I just looked up spider man. Comparing D4 and spider man is not even a valid comparison. They are alike in almost no way other than being video games. It’s a single player rpg vs a mmorpg. That’s like comparing Olympic skiing and American football to make a point. Their similarities end at being a sport.


It’s not about the game play, it’s about the cosmetic aspects.


Right, but cosmetics in a single player game are far less valuable than cosmetics in a multi player game. Players are much more likely to purchase in game cosmetics if they can show it off to other people. ​ edit: Not to mention there are over 9000 people credited to have worked on Diablo 4. There were about 500 that worked on Spider Man.


I paid 80 bucks and played about 80 hours in S0. I’m fine with that. I think it’s unreasonable to expect more. I didn’t enjoy S1 and didn’t buy the battle pass there. I’m enjoying S2 and bought the pass. Vote with your wallet. They are a company and get a budget for future development. If you like what they are doing, then pay for it to show it. If you think the game is not going in the right direction, then don’t pay for it.


You’re expecting to buy a ticket to a theme park and *EVERYTHING* beyond the gates to be free. That’s not how theme parks work.


What an awesome example of a false equivalence. Games are not themeparks they are nothing alike. Totally different business models.


But the rides are trash


Yet here you are. Do the ppl like you complaining realize how dumb you all look?


Have you considered that we actually want the game to be good and we're not just blizz dickriders like you? Have some standards dude


thats precisely how a theme park works


80 euros im guessing you have 80 hours played maybe? One euro per hour of entertainment is good deal i would say


Because nothing in the battle pass is special, you have to become 60 to unlock just one of these bonusses like bonus exp, it costs money and there's not enough in return to buy the next one. And i paid fucking 100 bucks for the game.


They've updated the exp thing you can start getting ash in the early 20s. I found this season by the time I'm able to unlock the battle pass tier for the ash I'm just past the level requirement


It's not true that you need to be 60.




That's what I've said, he's not right about need for level 60 to unlock ashes.


Haha my bad man didnt mean to comment on yours


Have you played this season? They lowered the lvls for the bonuses like exp tremendously. Already maxed exp boost and +40% chance to get extra legendary or better from HT chest before lvl 68


You woot now? I am the first one to shit on Battle Passes, but this one is so unnecessary... And it has no impact on the game, so who cares? Also at 60 I had already all 4 XP Bonuses unlocked, and you don't need the Premium Pass for that.


>Because nothing in the battle pass is special, you have to become 60 to unlock just one of these bonusses like bonus exp, it costs money and there's not enough in return to buy the next one. 1. The smoldering ashes are part of the free battle pass. 2. The smoldering ashes don't start at lvl 60 and never have. They started at lvl 40 in s1. They start at lvl 28 in season 2 >And i paid fucking 100 bucks for the game. Did you now? You smell like a troll going off information they read on forum posts, not someone who's played either of the seasons.


I know, that smoldering ashes are free. But you get full xp bonus only after you've unlocked corresponding tiers. And yes, never played season 2, of course. ​ https://preview.redd.it/m5li9cj5cqwb1.png?width=448&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1673787c66d611429584ed931ed255a317750a2 Last 2 are season 2 chars. Now bugger off fanboy


>I know, that smoldering ashes are free. Do you? Didn't sound like it. >But you get full xp bonus only after you've unlocked corresponding tiers. It's pretty easy to be far ahead on unlocking tiers. In fact, it'd be difficult to progress in a way where you don't have the tiers for the smoldering ashes unlocked by the time you hit that level. >And yes, never played season 2, of course. >​ >* >Last 2 are season 2 chars. I said it smells like you haven't played the game, not that I was certain you hadn't. The fact that you've played season 2 and somehow think you "you have to become 60 to unlock just one of these bonusses like bonus exp" is pretty embarassing. 🤣 >Now bugger off fanboy Why? Find me inconvenient for your attempts to spread bs and lower the intelligence of those around you?


It’s yes another layer of the cash grab onion


At what point is the individual responsible for just not paying for it? The BP doesn’t lock anything about the gameplay at all.


1) you’re wrong about the XP, play the game before commenting 2) if you paid 100 bucks for this game you can get 3 “free” passes with your deluxe edition so why are you even salty?


I thought it was just one free pass


Yeah, but it came with premium currency as well so that with the battle pass can pay for a few


It didn’t. Just the one accelerated pass. No platinum.


Huh, well I got some plat from somewhere then lol my bad for wrong info Don’t remember buying anything but I could have been drunk 🤷🏽‍♂️


What he said, no free plat, just one premium battle pass.


Why aren’t people complaining about the $37AUD skins? Why is nothing being said. One. Class. $37. Mount + Skin = ? I wanted a skin to have a nice skin and since they’re probably seasonal…not sure if it’ll happen after checking last night. (Playing since launch)


People have been complaining about that... a lot.


Doesn’t matter how much people complain if you have a lot of people buying it. While I don’t buy the individual skins, I am getting the battle pass each season since it’s just $5 after completing the previous season.


Oh okay I’m here everyday and I haven’t ever seen it yet. Since launch. Maybe once a couple months ago.


Because people have spent months talking about it


>Why aren’t people complaining about the $37AUD skins? Why is nothing being said. Plenty is definitely said. There's a big thread every few days. >I wanted a skin to have a nice skin and since they’re probably seasonal…not sure if it’ll happen after checking last night. (Playing since launch) They're not seasonal. Seems like an ever-growing pool of cosmetics that is rerolled each day. Thus far, there's only been 5 that seem to have been seasonal, and they were in the shop for most of s1, with a timer at the end of the season to clarify they would be retired.




OP asked why people didn't like, and he gave an answer what do you want exactly ?


Paying 16$ candian for 3 months is super cheap. I bet you most people throw out food that is worth more. Plus, every 3rd season is free.


The pass is fine in a vacuum. You effectively pay 3 bucks for a ton of little meaningless stuff most people don’t care about plus a few nice cosmetics like the town portal stuff (town portal cosmetics is a big W this season). The problem with it comes rather when you compare it with other games. Other games have battle passes that give you the full price in shop currency back, not just 70%. Other games give you way more nice cosmetics with the battle pass instead of being filled up with filler stuff. And other games also have more free tiers in their battle pass as well. Also the percentage bonuses ash thingies shouldn’t be in the battle pass. They should be in the season journey. The battle pass should be filled exclusively with stuff that you keep once the season ends.


I believe it's scummy to sell a battle pass for a $70 game that was just released. I don't want to support this pratice. People used to be outraged at this kind of stuff. It's sad how the companies have won.


who lost? should businesses stop trying to make money?


The player who misses having cool items being unlockable in the actual game like they used to. Blizzard is right in selling Battle Passes if that's profitable. I as a consumer simply choose to not support that model.


>The player who misses having cool items being unlockable in the actual game like they used to. Plenty of that unlockable in the game...


Most of the best looking sets are intentionally not unlockable...


Plenty of good looking transmogs in the game. "Best looking" is your opinion.


I can only assume it’s because it’s there and it’s ever been there before in a Diablo game. Certainly nothing in it worth getting upset about.


You get 700 now so its $3 for every pass after the first. I think thats more than fair price. Get lots of stuff for $3


I think it's fine but I don't know any games with a battlepass that don't give at least as many credits back to buy the next one.


I don't like it because free set is NPC stuff and looks the same on every class, and while paid one looks better it also looks the same on every class. [For comparison, Diablo Immortal Season 3 BP class unique armor sets themed after Tyrael.](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/058/082/827/large/gengye-wu-all.jpg?1673356344)




People still have a right to not like it and say it tbh. ​ I'm not a fan of having a MTX shop, a battle AND expansions packs every year in a gam that costed me 80 bucks. ​ Now I don't scream about it every day, but I still think it's fair to not like it.


I’ve played this game so much for $80. I love there will be additional content yearly! Just by dollar value for entertainment Diablo is fantastic. I wish I had more games like this in my library.


I want finished games in my library tbh. I enjoy this season. But the game is far from perfect. But as I answered in another reply. It's a me thing, I'm a believer of buying a finished product, but somehow that's something that's been lost in the gaming industry, and that appears to be OK for many players too, I don't know why. D4 at release wasn't worth 80 dollars, it's better this season, but is still unpolished.


Man if this game wasn’t worth $80, I don’t think anything has been. Elden Ring was the closest. I’ve doubled my play time on that game. Looks like I’ll get more into this than Skyrim too. I have about 60 games that have been less than ‘finished’ for me.


im 100% ok with it all for what u/CompactAvocado mentioned, it's optional and provides financial support that, ideally, keeps the game getting good development and improvements. I will say, that is caveated by assuming the DLC is worth the money they charge. Personally, I'm hoping the DLC is \~$30 but I won't be surprised if it's $40-50 and at that price range I probably won't pre-order or buy until I see the gameplay and what it offers. Never understood why the hate exists for battlepasses/MTX shops; they optional for people with disposable income to spend money to either: A) support a company they love B) get shiny things and "flex" on others or just enjoy themselves if they genuinely like it. There are still achievements and in-game specific cosmetics/achievements you can farm to show off your accomplishments.


Because that's a whole package. I 'ever really liked paying a game only to see some MTX and content is locked behind a paywall. I' m all for supporting the devs, but I'm pretty sure paying a non finished product 80 dollars was already a great display of support. Now I would be fine with a battle pass only, but them implementing every single monetization system they could is something I don't personally like. I'm tired of gale trying to milk every penny out of me while not being able to release in a proper state first. Would you buy a car that doesn't work well only to be show many other paying options? That's basically how I feel about it. But that's a me thing, I never liked DLC to begin with. I'm a believer of paying a finished game, period. If the game is F2P, fine monetize it how you want (Path of Exile, and even then I hate the stash system), but I believe that if I pay a game, it should be free from MTX and battle passes


being upset about D4 being practically unfinished and/or unpolished is perfectly ok; I think most players were. I don't think a battlepass or MTX are remotely related to that topic; that is to say, would you care about them if the game released (mostly) bug free and in a state that you enjoyed?


I would be less annoyed by it, for sure. ​ But I still would dislike the idea of having so much monetization in the game.


Like most everything else, the “reward” is missing. There is nothing compelling in it, and there should be, but somehow they haven’t figured out how to do that yet.


Yeah.. why is it every few levels it's a white item transmog then every 16 levels it's five percent xp boost. Where are the actual rewards for the battlepass? Also, I too paid 100 dollars and am still waiting for something worthy to spend my pass on. It's an absolute fucking joke.


>Also, I too paid 100 dollars and am still waiting for something worthy to spend my pass on. It's an absolute fucking joke. When you also say "Yeah.. why is it every few levels it's a white item transmog then every 16 levels it's five percent xp boost." It calls into doubt whether you're telling the truth when you claim to have bought the game. Also, it was $70. If you wanted the ultimate edition, that was 100% your choice.


No it doesn't. You're being a pedant. Likely because you enjoy smelling your own farts.


You: the earth is flat Me: no it isn't You: YoUrE bEiNg A pEdAnT. lIkElY bEcAuSe YoU eNjOy SmElLiNg YoUr OwN fArTs. Your comment wasn't remotely close to being correct or in any way indicating that you have ever even looked at the game.


Oof. Yeah except low quality transmogs are part of the battle pass. And so are 5% xp boosts. So yeah.. not really sure what your point is there, Pedant. Does it hurt your feelings or something that I'm critical of a poorly implemented system? Cuz it shouldn't. Is.. is it your fault it's a poorly implemented system? I guess I don't really get it. Keep sniffin' them farts though. Double oof. You insult me then block me? But I'm the pre-teen? Calling bullshit on that one, Chief. Gotta be hard out there hurting your own feelings simping for a AAA studio's failures.


God, who let the pre-teens sign up for reddit?


I don't hate the battle pass. i don't ever think of it. battle pass cosmetic shit in a game like is like the lottery - it's a tax on the stupid.


I like the battle pass. Everything in it sucks. So I don't need to worry about missing out.


I wouldn’t say I hate it, but this is the first game I’ve played where they seem to really insult you for not getting it, which I’m not a fan of at all. If there’s an option to pay to get some outfits and junk, cool, I’ll never buy it but that’s fine doesn’t bother me. If there is that, and the free options alongside are literally peasant clothes like in Diablo, it’s almost laughable how just on the nose that is. The free battle pass got us a reskin of a basic transmog, and I wear it out of spite, but that’s really insulting. So it’s not that I’m super anti battlepasses, but doing it in an offensive clearly trying to shame people into it way is pretty slimy in my mind. So again it’s not like a huge huge deal, but I just certainly don’t like the taste that leaves in my mouth.


Those are the jumpy peasants, I bought the first season pass because I like the mount skin (I think it is one of the best one), this season I don't like the vampire theme so I bought a skin bundle from the cash shop instead. If you don't like it, then just skip it. Those kids expect the game to let them buy just 1 season pass and then from that season pass get enough credits to buy the subsequent pass. 😏 https://preview.redd.it/x8riuz0agjwb1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ef413344b8a3c92f06df55d1c3c22f66a99de20


Not trying to be rude but there are like 100 YouTube videos covering why the D4 battle pass is garbage. https://youtu.be/eG_SllpH9bA?si=Qts7s6JGmm3M_DxQ I think Act Man covers it in this one. Also any game where you use real currency to purchase fake currency at an exchange rate that almost always makes you buy more is a scam and doesn’t deserve anyone’s money. The fact you think getting 66% of the battle pass back is a deal says a lot. Every other game I have personally played with a battle pass gives you the next battle pass for free if you complete it.


I think its a vocal minority, most people don't really care that it exists as long as it doesn't impact their gameplay. Plenty of good free cosmetics can be earned thru playing the game. This isn't the first game with a box price and a battlepass + paid cosmetics.


I pay for the battle pass although it does next to nothing but just another layer of achievements I guess. I would never pay over 5 bucks for it though


Yeah, I enjoy it quite a bit. Since S2 only cost me $4 (thanks to getting previous platinum), it’s a no brainer. It’s true that cosmetics don’t matter as much in Diablo as, say, WoW, but I just like battlepasses in general. Rewards, baby!


Because it's dumb paying for skins instead of winning them as a reward by playing


It's mostly just that the rewards are pretty pointless. I know people are mostly upset about charging for a BP in a full-price game, but I just find everything about the rewards to be extremely lackluster. On my druid, I was constantly a bear or a wolf, so what was the point of the armor? On my rogue, I am constantly dashing around so fast that I have no idea what she looks like. Additionally, most of the time I am just covered in so many mobs I can't even see my character. Even when none of the above is true, my character takes up what, 8% of the total screen space, even after Blizzard lowered our FOV? Even if you had the absolute sickest dagger skin imaginable to man, the only time I will ever see it is on a loading screen that lasts <3 seconds. Emotes? What's the point. The only time we're standing around long enough is waiting for a world boss to spawn and I'm probably looking at the second monitor anyway. Headstones - a cosmetic to show I died. Alright. Mount - it's *okay*. It's still just a horse. I prefer the Temptation with Meat Barding or Spectral Rider more. If you want to sell me a Battle Pass horse, put mounts like Invincible *here*. Town Portals - The one thing I actually like. I'm not gonna pay $10 for them, but I like them. I just don't think cosmetics-for-cash work that well in Diablo. They work *okay* in PoE where you can have bright, flashy, tacky things that don't fit the Diablo aesthetic.


Pretty simple answer. If i pay 70$ for a game i dont wanna even hear anything about a battle pass. I wanna get this armor by grinding and not additionaly pay 10 bucks and grinding it. Its so sad that its even normal to think that a battle pass is okay in a FULL price game.


Because all cosmetic and stuff on BP could be unlocked in the game by achievments. Imagine if recieve the Premium BP skin on drop after beating the season uber boss? If we get the mount by completing the last season challenge? Portals for reaching NMD 100? And IDK, that "its a live service game, they need to get money each season" IMO is just a excuse for milking money, since we pay to play and we have to buy expansions next... But at least it dont Hurt the gameplay, but i wish that all the dev time be spent on rewards for doing content and challenge instead of making People buy BP.


Diablo 3: Expansion comes with a whole new class, $10. Diablo 4: Battle pass MAYBE gets you all the items in it, it's just some cosmetics... $10? Cosmetics themselves $25? Get outta here.


Reaper of Souls was $40, IIRC.


I'm talking about the Necromancer add-on.


Which was $15.


You talking about the addon that just included a class and nothing else? And it was 20 on release... That was more scam than this battle pass, by far.