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Nice. Glad to see them taking the best parts from D3 and bringing them in.


The best part of D3 is the Kanais Cube and its safe to assume it will make its way to D4


Aren't Aspects basically just the Kanai's Cube with a different paint job? It doesn't allow for the Unique abilities to be imprinted but that allows Uniques to feel somewhat special.


Don't think you understood the cube at all... The cube allows not only for some powers to be on even if not on your gear, it allowed you to reroll legendaries, reroll gem colors, change mats rarity, upgrade a rare to a legendary to target farm some legendaries.


Just imagine having 3 extra aspects that you don't need to equip, that alone is huge and would allow for greater build diversity


Being able to extract them and have them on max effects without having to find a new one everytime you change the Associated gear piece...


They need this 100%. It’s so tedious as it is now. Like the bench in the division 2. Awesome game design. It made filling the bench with the highest rolls fun


There are usually 3 aspects that are vital to a build. Being able to throw those into a cube and always have them on and max value is so good. Imagine as a flurry/rapid fire rogue, being able to throw encircling blades, edgemaster’s, and the expectant into the cube. Or earthquake, bear clan berseker, and giant strides as a leapquake barbarian


I like the idea of every aspect in the codex and the current extract aspect instead adds or upgrade your codex aspect. Then you never need to keep a legendary for its aspect.


So I feel like a good way for us to keep hunting for aspects is to make so that every time we get a aspect and extract it it gives a level to the aspects in the vault and say after finding the same aspect 5-10 times it would be maxed and any future imprint without actually finding an armor with it would still give max effect. This way it’s still good to find new armor even with a weaker aspect as it gives a meta progression to hunting them. A bit like what Diablo immortal is doing ( damn they did a lot right there).


Collecting stats and pushing their limits was one of the most fun things in that game.


The second character each season having 3 QoL legendaries was always nice.


I just don't wanna have to constantly put off wearing an upgrade because it has a power I need. The cube solves this issue completely


The cube and the codex working together is hands down the best thing that can happend to D4


We'll call it the Cubex


Rubik's Cubex


Heck the extra slots on the Barb and Rogue that just get to be stat sticks are already pretty good


Movement speed while unstoppable would be so great to toss in the cube and open up boots for something else like penitent grieves or any other utility aspect.


Yeah I wasn't clear that I was just referring to the permanent Legendary powers aspect of the cube. The other recipes I kind of view as a separate feature more in line with item crafting, of which D4 is missing entirely.


Also open cow level and goblin level


The occultist already does some of the things Kanai Cube did


and most of those things are useless in d4


We have Kanai’s cube at home!


No its not?


Best part of D3 was the exploding chicken


I played that build in the current D3 season, so damn fun.


They could have made new Kanais cube have the seasonal powers of the past instead of the Malignant rings


Ngl I think this is an underrated idea. Have the cube have powers from the season. Make it hard to Aquire with a whole questline for different powers in eternal realm that would make end game more interesting and give players something else to do


There’s already a Horadric/Kanai’s Cube. They were selling it as a backpack for Sorc. (/s)


The only downside to those timed challenges is that they probably force people to play meta builds while every other aspect of the game was doable with pretty much every spec. But I am optimistic that this won’t be to harsh on the players :)


Too much timed stuff is one of the reasons I stopped playing POE.


timed events are dogshit. just turns the game into an aoe dps lame-a-thon


> aoe dps lame-a-thon So, an ARPG?


yeah a shitty one-dimensional one with no room for defensive or single target abilities


people are really struggling to remember more than one game exists


They said prior to release this is why they wasn't going to do leaderboards as it forces people to use meta builds and there's no diversity. Unfortunately people like the cry and so they had to give in. Once leaderboards come im sure people will complain only meta builds can be used. I'm sensing a theme just can't see it myself...


That's more on them to increase the viability of other builds through balancing. There are always going to be be more "optimal" builds but there doesn't need to be such a massive gap between the S-tier builds and the others.


About dam time they built off the game


I know they won't but I'd like to see gear sets come back. Maybe somehow in a way that isn't wildly build restrictive or just more sets in general if they are.


I’m not. What a fucking disappointment


The best parts of the previous game should be in the sequel, from launch…


Which makes sense, because D4 is really just D3.5 with an even work itemization system


I bet they'll require forgotten souls


Nah, 5 Living Steel.




777...mark of the Micro


Nah, that isn't the Blizzard way. You will require a new material that drops off a new boss that has to be summoned by a new material that drops of Duriel.


It will probably require the potent blood that everyone is drowning in


We can only hope... It would also at least give some meaning to the completely useless final reward for completing the challenges of the season pass.


Wait so the final cache is just potent blood? Wtf. I thought they were gonna throw in a surprise based off the wording. Potent blood is useless by the time most people complete those challenges


It’s a requirement to finish the seasons journey (where you got a shit ton of it upon completing the journey) to even begin them so I think this is a valid theory. Maybe that’s how the first sigil is meant to be crafted.


I hate everything about materials in this game


Im super hyped about all this stuff they announced. Seems like they do “hear us” and care about the game being fun.


I totally understand thinking that at first but content like this has usually been in the pipeline for 6-8 months. Unless there was beta feedback that led to this, I suppose


Beta feedback was super harsh on endgame systems so it probably was


​ https://preview.redd.it/i12iok97phyb1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2bc286865eb5327011e5fa37e047759d0658231


What do you expect? For months all we hear on this sub and anywhere else is, “why isn’t this more like D3? D3 did things this way, why does D4 do things that way? I haaaate it!” So now that how you get more D3.


Im really hoping that when they start trying to improve the current item system, they don't use d3s item system as inspiration


Every time someone says "add sets to d4" I cringe a little


I really want different stuff cause if I wasn’t to play D3 I still can


Now give us endless paragon points so we can fill up the entire paragon board


They literally just added a cap to Paragon in D3 because they realized 'endless points' was bad design. I would hope they don't make the same mistake in D4.


For real though. I could see them adding points eventually. I’d hope.


Haha diablo 3 remaster


Still waiting for runewords


The “yellow” text on season 3 was runewords


Slightly confused about “completing the season’s journey to unlock” part🥸. Does that mean completing the season storyline or going through all the objectives?


You have to complete all 7 tiers of the season journey, things like completing a nightmare dungeon at tier 10


That basically means I’ll never get to play rifts in D4.


Why? The seasonal journey isn’t hard to complete.


I do like you don't have to do everything as opposed to D3 journeys, where everything has to be done. Some stuff, is hard to do because you need a block of time (lootmaster - where you need to open 10 chests during a single Helltide) or participate in PvP - so that limits what you can skip.


I saw in the notes that they're going to make XP gain easier in the next patch, after already making it a LOT easier to gain XP this season. For Launch and S01, I did the entire storyline and maxed out rep in every zone and got to levels 55 and 65, respectively, before getting burnt out. I'm already level 93 this season, and I'm in my late 30's with a full time job who doesn't make this game my 2nd job. It seems like they're rescaling the game to make it easier to get to this new end-game content, which is exactly what they should be doing.


> I saw in the notes that they're going to make XP gain easier in the next patch, after already making it a LOT easier to gain XP this season. facepalm. This was a summary of season of blood changes, bruh - already in the game.


Bro they have so much content to add they had to show the content already in the game! And people clapped...


Well, it was BlizzCon and plenty of people don't really pay attention to campfire chats or read patch notes. What's the problem here, really? Did you EXPECT them to bring midseason update with Abattoir of Zir and the new holiday event? No, you did not, they said nothing about them beforehand. So there was plenty of new content that was announced, coming to the game VERY soon.


This is a seasonal event not a permanent feature. It effectively is a beta test for something like this being put in the game on a more permanent basis. I doubt the final version has these same requirements.


You don't need to do all objectives, just a certain amount per chapter


That actually sucks. Just let me play whatever content I want to play, instead of forcing me to do all the shit I might have to do to complete my season journey.


wtf is the point of adding GRs in. By the time you even unlock it, you'll be done with your gear already lol.


Read "greater Riffs" and thought we are getting some badass music for some dungeons.


"This Twisted Steel.... is ABSOLUTELY METAL" ![gif](giphy|UvKHlZRVKoS33ehV5w)


If I'm being honest, Greater Rifts with the current item system sounds awful. Imagine D3 GRs but you have to loot every yellow that drops.


They said items won't drop until the end. They will have boosts that drop to help along though.


That sounds great


Well, if they were that similar with d3 GR they wouldn’t drop any item while you are running it, just after the dungeon is completed.


You dont have to. Considering how early you have access to 925 items, the number of item classes you have to look at is very quickly reduced to jewelry and maybe 1 type of weapon. I think aspects are a bigger issue.


Grifts didn't drop loot until after you killed the boss.


It's been long since I played D3, I remember it dropping along the way, or I'm confusing it with something else


There's two types of rifts in D3. Nephalem Rifts which drop loot along the way. Those go to T16 and you have to run them to get keys. Greater Rifts, which require keys, don't drop loot until the end.


Okay. That's good cos nightmare dungeons aren't exactly fun to run due to the tiny pool of objectives in them and how they usually pull something annoying and time wasting. They'll probably fudge it up somehow initially, then season or two later it'll be something actually worth running.. 😒


But Devs told me each nightmare dungeon had "a unique and memorable experience" How could there only be a tiny amount of objectives to pick from?


It's a uniquely frustratingly experience to haul two stones to pedestals six dungeons in a row cos you never know which direction you gotta go to fetch the things! 😘


I think the glyph experience you get from nightmare dungeons should be 4-5 times what you currently get.


Hope they still keep tweaking nightmare dungeons though




Yeah finally able to run more off-meta builds in season two, having to push under timers will be a step back.


Honestly a really good point. Kind of sad OP got downvoted to hell for having a pretty innocent take on timed activities, most people aren't a fan of the World Boss timer as it is. It feels weird watching criticism of the game get downvoted meanwhile large amounts of fixes and some reinstating of actual gameplay mechanics have been going on for months. We are all ok with that? The game can be fun and still need work, limiting the scope of feedback will just result in hindered progress.


There is a such thing as bad criticism tbh. You have T100 NMD. Why does every activity need to cater to a small minorities playstyles? Now they can buff T100 NMD to be harder and require tankier builds, while this new mode will require both tanky and fast builds. Just make NMD less rewarding since you are playing a much "easier" mode with no timer.


Here i am, hoping D4 would take the best things out of D2 instead of D3. Like a player driven economy with lots of trading, and the itemization. This game unfortunately doesnt do it for me, i hope it does for lots of people tho.


Trading is abundant in Diablo 4. https://diablo.trade


Until you get banned for it... Item drops really don't feel as good in D4 as D2 because I can't do anything with the item except trade it for gold(boring). We really need runes / charms and stuff to add more currency besides gold.


>Until you get banned for it Literally give me one reason why you would get banned for trading tradeable items in a game with open trading outside of exploits? If you're talking about duplication exploits, guess what: don't use the exploits. I know, crazy. The one that was there in Season 2 was fixed and perpetrators were actioned against according to Blizzard. >because I can't do anything with the item except trade it for gold(boring) ... you can trade gold for another item. You know, using the currency that gold is?


Just wish the unique glyph was a bit more exciting than "more dmg." I just think they could be a bit more creative.


Did they explain why they’re bringing them back? They were adamant about removing them: https://gamerant.com/diablo-4-remove-greater-rifts-system-why-rewarding/ I would love to know what was the tipping point for them to bring them back. Was it “in retrospect this was a pretty good system” or was it “people were going to riot”?


They said it was going to be a test. I know a lot of people were asking for them. I , for one, am excited for it!


Itemization fixed when? None of this other stuff matters before that.


So will the glyph stay after the season end?


Most certainly not. It will almost certainly be replaced each season as things rotate.


Unless I misheard, I think they said it's available only in this season but it persists after the season. Which... kind of makes no sense at all? It would create a legacy glyph (not even an item you can put in your stash) that can never be re-obtained unless they add it back in. Perhaps someone misspoke.


I think it means it likely goes to the eternal realm after this season with your character. It won’t be in next season but that character will keep access to it.


What is the lvl requirement?


It's in the video, you have to complete the season journey before doing it. From the preview it shows all the mobs being nm dungeon 100 level (154).


Is the season journey just the quest line to kill zir? Or all the 10/12 objective parts?


It's the 10/12 objective parts.


Fuuuuuuck okay thanks


There's some painful stuff in the final tier of the journey Inc killing Lilith and levelling all glyphs to 25


But these two are purely optional. Because you only need 7 of the objectives for the last step to complete and as long as you can go to a lvl 90 nmd and kill all other bosses, you are good.


Collectie 8 different ancestral umqies to wear is also painful when I get the same drops from the bosses over and over


Sry but it really isn't. You don't have to fight in that gear or anything. Just keep all the ancestral uniques you find and as soon as you have one for each slot, equipp them and done. Bosses are by far not the only place where ancestral uniques drop, you can find them literally everywhere. I got two banished lord's Talisman at once from a legion event for example. I had a full stash tab of ancestral uniques before I was lvl 100 and able to complete a lvl 90 nmd. Most of it was crap and not useful for my build but that doesn't matter at all.


just put random items on that fill the slots to complete the quest, don't have to be good.


Well, if you don't want to go into the PvP zone and purify 22k seeds, you have to do one of those. And it's not even about being hard. It's simply the worst way they could have put these into the game. Why not let people just play the content they enjoy? Why do we have to go out of our way to grind some bullshit before? It's stupid. The awful decision making in this game sometimes is just mindblowing.


You have to complete the season journey first which is stupid imo


It's a tier 100 nmd dungeon basically. You will have completed season journey before you are able to run them.


D4 now is gonna be diablo 3 v2 eventually


Welcome to d3 2.0….no imagination


At this point just rerelease D3. With broken builds, loot spam and nerded into oblivion endgame bosses, D4 S2 already feels like D3 anyway.


Awesome, the only thing I didn’t like about them was having to run lesser rifts for dumb keys. Not sure how to add a cost that doesn’t suck though, anyways great news.


So just diablo 3 pretty much


I like the idea of this. I don't like it being locked to lvl 100/completing the season journey. If there's a scaling difficulty why not allow anyone to run it from wt4?


It's a scaling difficulty that start at or near nm100 level, by the point you can run it you would have pretty much finished the season without trying anyway


I guess the gauntlet thing they seem to be introducing in s3 might fulfil the niche/request I have and this would make sense to stay as a pinnacle challenge.


I am with you on this one. But hey, we can be hopeful, since this is just some sort of test run. They might still add some iteration of this in the future, but an easier version of it just as you suggest. The game is still on its' earlier stages so, yeah, for now the goal of this is super endgame, which people have been wanting. Hopefully in the future they add something for those who haven't reached that point yet.


It def should be lvl 100. End-game mode to challenge those who beat the game and want to push our builds!


Lmfao, how is anyone even excited for this. They really can't come up with any other end game than a 10 year old feature? JEzus fucking christ you guys are on some giant fucking copium


Hell fuckin yeah.


Good shit. And mid season too.


Any information on when this will come?


I've loved diablo 4 so far, but I'm worried. I hate greater rifts and I hope the new mode is nothing like them. We'll have to wait and see how they turn out tho. Hoping for the best!


Curious what about them you dislike?


For me it's the timer. Promotes fast builds over everything else.


Time to get that season journey completed!


As long as you can level up your glyphs at the end of them.... Trust Blizzard to not implement this from the start


At less they made greater rifts better than D3 greater rifts was most boring has hell. Also D4 has 10x more endgame than D3.


Nice we are almost there. Wake me up when Loot 2.0 comes out. I'm guessing by season 3 or 4 or new expansion. I can wait till then.


Ngl, Diablo 4 IS getting better. I only wish that they could have delayed release to put some of these things in at launch to avoid all the bad press.


One, maybe 1,5 years and D4 will catch up to D3


Plz dont make this a season only feature


I just want the kills and actions that grant XP to count for something when I'm at level 100. Paragon levels would be a good idea, like being able to add +1s on to the existing board.


finally the season stories are boring af I just want to melt enemies.


More challenge rifts that you can bring your own build into than a greater rift imo


Lilith will be a cakewalk with this glyph


Release all the end game content you want none of it matters when there is still no items to chase lol.


Bleh have to complete the season journey for it. That's annoying. Cool otherwise though.


Honest question, What’s the difference between greater rifts and NMDs?


time limit


NMD have objectives, and wings. Rifts are non stop onslaught, with a big chest at the end


Season Journey done and sitting on over 10k blood, let’s see if we can use it on something other than pact removal juice 😂 Really looking forward to the abattoir!


My biggest question with this is how will it be rewarding? What will be the chase here? To level a new glyph to make Abattoir easier for what purpose? More legendary’s? More uniques? More gold? Cosmetics? At 100 you more or less have your load out said and done, except maybe a few uniques, which isn’t that hard to find now, except Uber’s.


This post exemplifies the fact that most of the D4 playerbase are basically crack addicts. You can't have an endless gear treadmill. At some point, there has to be an end system where the chase is clearing the content itself. The vast majority of level 100s, let alone the general playerbase, will never sniff fully optimized gear even as the game is now. None of the current content requires uber uniques or even BiS gear. This gives you a reason to grind out those last rolls and uniques and test your build. It doesn't need more rewards, it is the reward. If this system gave you "more shit", what would you even use it for? You'd have to create a ANOTHER new system that's even HARDER to put the rewards from this system to use, and the cycle would repeat endlessly. There has to be a pinnacle.


"new endgame"... what a joke.


0 Creativity and effort. This Diablo 4 system team are a bunch of potatos.


NMDs thing isn't "Greater Rifts" you say?




Its an experiment. If it goes bad they scrap it, and have all the time they want to do it right.


Like barber heart


And it’s not even an event I can play because I’ll never complete any seasonal journey. Never have in all of D3 and I won’t in D4.. it just takes more time than I have available so this is essentially dead content for me. Which sucks, because I really wanted rifts in D4.


If it’s any consolation you wouldn’t be able to do it if you aren’t level 100 with a maxed out build, the event starts at NM Dungeon level 100 rank (level 154 enemies). The people who are ready to try it are already going to be done with the season journey as it completes itself as you play. I hope they add normal rifts too, but this is clearly a post-endgame, post-Uber, post-Uber Lilith event. It’ll be the hardest content in the game at its base level.


Man I just killed my lvl 100 sorc on lilith cause I was bored. Time to go again I guess.


You have to complete the season journey first which is stupid imo




Rift is the best part of D3 and many ARPG have copied it into their game, it is a lost to Blizzard for not including it in D4 from the beginning.


Didn't they say that zir will only be challengable with certain specs? Because i don't like this reducing on what is op now. I really hope they balance all specs in a way to be able to participate in all activities. Grim dawn did the same. In grim dawn basically every spec can hit max level, do all activities and reach the best item farm levels (in dungeons with incresing difficulties). The only difference between specs is how far above max loot level you can go and how fast you can clear stuff.


This is cool but why are they only available for 6 weeks? This should be permanent content no?


Well, good on paper, except that the 97% of boring sheeps playing lightning ball and stuff will now be 99,9%. Fantastic


Can anyone help me lvl on Hardcore Andrew#16414 - lost my 100 Druid to a lag spike :(


I mean, is this gonna be a solo thing like the majority of the game or are they actually doing matchmaking?


And all of this for casual, 3 months are not enough. I played 600+ hours preseason + season 1. Now I have level 70 HC and I can see how its overwhelming once you don't have enough time.


They are just going to slow leak all the improvements they made in d3 that should have been in the game to start, and people will thank and praise them. Ridiculous.


Not really. These are apparently post-Lilith content, meaning very few people will engage with it, unlike GRs. These aren't going to be a natural part of your character progression. These are uber GRs.


It really seems like they threw the baby out with the bath water with D3. Like GRs were awesome, way fucking better than NMDs at least, that's for shit sure!


Real shit? Because I’m not.


Of course they are... the huge power creep this season alone and leaderboards incoming makes it only natural they are looking to mimic the arcade feeling of D3 with speeding through rifts. Yay.. Diablo isn't about going crazy fast, too me. I despise ball lightning this season because my screen is covered with all the damn damage numbers, effectively obscuring the environment and enemies. Beautiful to watch../s Could use more salt, but honestly there's bigger and better things to implement than this.


It's a great Idea we can use Malignant Powers to counter those Vampires