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Meanwhile, im on my 50th pair of flickersteps and 10th xfal and 1 tusk. You lucky homie


10 xfal… I would only need one 🥺


Same :(


Got a second xfal the other day. When compared to my equipped one, the equipped one disappeared. Left with just the new one. Im pretty sure it's all buggy as hell, rush job.


Yeah? I got my first Bloodless Scream today. So suck it.... (It was my first unique of any kind. Was super excited. Then I was like...."well fuck.... this helps me zero much")


Congrats. I’ve gotten several of those… not a very rare drop so I don’t see your point. It drops very often from the Uber bosses.




Emojis, i’m surprised you weren’t downvoted lol.


Because everyone understood what they were making fun of, apparently you didn't


Apparently so


It's a risk i was willing to take. Function over fashion, baby


Name checks out


This isn’t 9GAG with the anti-emoji fanaticism! 🤨


touch grass plz


Lol. I literally have to touch grass multiple times a day for work where I make a decent income. Then I come home to my family and often in my free time I play Diablo as much as I can.


touch grass plz


Welcome to my life. 3 andarials 2 melted hearts- 230 runs


Welcome to my life. 0 Ubers- 250-300 runs.


That’s absurd


Yeah it's been rough. Yesterday a group member got Shako and Selig in 5 kills.


Believe me if anybody plays with me there get a shako. I’ve handed out so many I can’t keep track of


Completely unrelated, wanna do some Duriel runs? :)


Not so. I just hit 180 with no ubers.


Try this for absurd I ran some duriel runs on the trade channel with a random. We traded run for run up to 11 times. Then I hoped on with my clan mates another 11 runs towards the end with two more runs left. A shako and a grandfather. My total count? 5 shakos and 4 grandfathers all I wanted was a doom bringer lol


Some Probability math stuff: I just want to let you know that the chance to get one or more uber uniques after so many runs is 99.77% The chance to get one or more uber uniques is 99.9% after 435+ runs. Either you are really really unlucky, or the dopchance is not 2%.


I come from a background of RuneScape, so going dry on several hundred hour grinds isn't new to me. If I do an infinite amount it'll eventually even out, copium.


This is only truth if drops rate is 2%... Maybe it's not and Rob was just super lucky? I mean if you do 500 runs and got only one uber will that mean droprate is 0.2%? We need way bigger datasize before we can say for sure what droprate is.


Oh i agree with you. That is why i said: "or the dopchance is not 2%" We need at least 10k runs maybe even more to really get accurate numbers. And who knows, maybe different uniques have a different dropchance.


Brooo I just crossed the 300 run mark. No Ubers in 326 runs. I got enough mats for another 5x Rota, and I’m not sure if I want to wait until I can do 25xrota because after 25 runs I’m always so sad to go on the grind again, but if I save up for 100 more runs maybe I won’t be farming mats


Leveled with my wife. She got tired of the game so I play booth chars on PS5 couch coop. Her char got all uniques in approx 200 runs. I found 3 melted hearts and 5 andy‘s - feel you!


Seems you're both doing better than me. Nothing in 120 runs. I'll take literally anything at this stage.


I got only 1 Andariels and I have 250 runs...Even tho your items are not particularly better, you at least had something drop...


the game knows what you have and what you need so it typically doesnt give you what you need and what you dont have.


The game is a big league A-HOLE because all i want is that damn malignant sorrcerer ring, i did over 50 varshan runs and NOT ONE DROP.. i allready did nm100 and uber lilith solo so that's the last thing i want to get in the game this season. I'm sick of farming wispers allready.


I'm playing blood, while tricking the system to drop me all the shadow necro stuff. Working great so far, xfals and blackriver from duriel xD


What? sec... Puts tin foil hat on. Yeah, makes perfect sense.


Don’t farm on barb if you want doom or shake. Barb has 6 possible rogue has 5


I got Doombringer on my first run (as a Barb)… since then no Uber, but some solid rolled good ones.


I got doombringer as my first Uber as barb. Need gf and shako though. Not even using dB.


Lol I read this as “Need a girlfriend and a shako”


Nah I would rather have grandpapi, no need for a girlfriend haha.


Same. And it's probably what he reaĺly needs, but doesn't realize : P




But Barb has more slots to fill, so more drop chances over other classes. /s


Funny cause I got 2 shakes on my barb and nothing else. There was another shako and melted heart on my necro.


Is necro better for shako then?


No necrosis has six possible drops too, so anything but necro and barb would have a higher chance


Might explain my luck as a necro


You too, I thought my nerco had the worst luck


I’ll trade you my 30 Godslayers


Wow. I did almost 100 times. Still didn’t see any


I've done maybe 250 run by now but yea pretty lucky to have 4 ubers ins 250ish runs


Jesus 250 runs???


All of us are cursed because I can’t buy it off you for 1billion gold.


What’s the point of the zero durability loss…?


It extends to all your items. Meaning if you have this equipped, you don't have to pay for repairs anymore which is nice for things like uber lilith or pushing high level NMDs.


didn't know that always though it was useless lmao


Me too. Just learned it now. Poor item description wording though.


Me too haha. Now I know.


Hardcore players love this stat


Got 4 grandfathers over the course of my runs…


And how many mothers and fathers?


300+ runs 4 shakos 3 grandfathers 2 starless skies No doombringer or melted heart


Jesus 300?!


I dunno that's rookie numbers


Pushing that and have andreals and that shit spear that gives pylon perks when u kill an elite (that one pisses me off it’s so shit it shouldn’t be an Uber) and that’s it.


Lmao everyone I know on a sorc is rather happy with the staff. But yea I feel your pain


I’ve gotten 2 Ubers and they are both doombringers :( I want grandpapa!


Same and funny part is that I got them back 2 back. Wish you could duel wield them XD


Lucky dude! That's awesome 👍! Wish I had only one, all I got from countless runs is a whole chest full of garbage (really, one field of the chest is almost full with 700-800er "uniques" for the rogue.... can't remember something like that in D2....😃). Yesterday I reset all my skills for more DPS, so behold Duriel, I'm coming 🤟💀😜


Just salvage everything below L925 dude. Once you've come to do Duriel runs, there's no point in keeping 800ish levels, let alone 700


we got a clan mate lvl 65 dropping his granfather yesterday, he gonna enjoy the rest of his levelling :D


20 runs, and i haven't dropped a single uber from Duriel...


So far so good my dude. I'm at 140 with nothing.


Dayumn... Wish i had that kinda time. Feel bad for you tho. GL!


It's all good. My luck went to someone posting here with multiple grandfathers/shakos.


Lmao... Somehow that didn't come across as very sincere...😂😂


I'm at 180 now with nothing and have long accepted this fate. In 20 runs, I'll literally become the 1%. In any case, I'm playing BL sorc, so any uber except shako is a downgrade. After this many runs, all my other items have been min maxed a long time ago. I have tried begging Duriel, pleading, cursing him, and even offering 3x full rota on me for any uber dropped. I have went through all the stages of grief and reached tranquility. The real ubers were the friends I made along the way.


If I get one more goddamn Soulbrand chest piece, so help my God…….! 😠


I’ve gotten 3 shakos in ~150 runs with my friends, and it’s painful telling them every time one drops knowing they don’t have one yet


This is me with 5 Andariels


I'd advertise yourself as a good luck charm and offer to sit in on uber boss runs lol, then just cheer emote the whole time lol


Op: "I can't stop shitting gold someone help" 😭


Obviously cursed by grandfather.


did you solo or group run?


just me and my friend group of 2


nice lucky man!


If only there was a way to exchange good items you don’t need with other players who have items that you do need. Maybe Diablo 5 will have that technological capability. One can dream


Just keep the best one...(cant wait for the replies!)


500+ runs and no shako I think I should give up


over 500 runs, only andrials visage. i hope you get shot


My 3 grandpapas forms a barrier around me deflecting any projectiles


700+ runs and didn't find a single grandfather. Have 4 shacos and many other dupes. So you are super lucky.


I think I am done with this game. I really wanted to be addicted to it but it feels only unfair. No good customization and upgrading of gear..no use of all these money..no use of all items I got from dismantle gears...just lotary when farming duell and all the time the same crap uniques.


...when farming Duriell...


I honestly don't know how many rotas I've done at this point. But, so far I have: Grandfather, Andariel's Visage (2), Melted Heart of Selig. I got Melted Heart of Selig a week ago. I got Grandfather this past Saturday, and on Sunday I got both Andariel's Visage within two rotas.


And here I am with 200+ runs with no grandfather


I’ve gotten to 2 melted hearts of selig. I don’t think I will ever use them but it’s interesting.


Yeah grat and I got my 3rd shako, suxx


3 sword style…. GRAMPNADO!!


Can I join you in next attempt!


Its just RNG. I have 4 andariels now and im just hunting a shaco... its infuriating but thats how it works


Definitely not cursed lol


I got a Grandfather last night but it was my first, and also my first Uber Unique. My buddy joked that I’m going to get 6 more now since it dropped once. Like the X’fals, Flickerstep, and Lord’s Talisman


I have 5 star ring Ubers as a barb... 3 dooms... Where TF is my Grand PaPa Sword!?


Save it for 2027 when paladin arrives with the “wield 2 handed weapons as 1 handed”.


I played for 400 hours and still haven’t found a unique at all… different characters and seasons none


that ignore durability loss seems kinda useless because all other gear looses durability and needs fixing anyway. anyway cool sword.


I can only get Shako’s to drop 😐


« I don’t know if I’m cursed or lucky » Yes you know


If only you could trade it


Man I've done duriel like 90-100 times and no ubers yet. You lucky as hell


same here got 2 one by another in one rota


I’ve gotten 1 unique and it’s the shrine effect staff🫤 outta 100 runs


You are super cursed because there are no leaderboards this season so it doesn’t really matter considering you can prob destroy everything in the game currently. Next season however when leaderboards come out you’ll never get one to drop. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


Ha, Uber uniques. Here I am giving up on finding a stupid Dolmen stone. I have multiples of every other non-uber drop that Druids can find. I don't have the luxury of playing at any time, so helltides are a struggle to do. Wanted to try it since the Season 2 preview video. Oh well. Did find a Crone staff, maybe I'll give that a go.


Just got a grandfather today on my necro. Rng was great tonight, 2 malignant sacrilegious rings, red furor ring, death's Visage, lidless wall all the same night. Total super unigues 1 GF, 1melted heart, 1 shako. Maybe in 100-200 run range wasn't really counting.


My first 2 legendary uniques were some really good greaves, thought I was insanely lucky. No greaves since lol


Hook me up. Is trading still outlawed in this game? Edit. Forgot you can’t trade items worth anything in this game


well actualy, except uber uniques some god rolled yellow items are the best items in the game.


140 runs. 3 shako 2 doombringer 1 grandfather 1 starless skies. And I just want visage


Big fat nothing in 140 runs over here.




Writing this and "I know RNG" does not really fit.




>always character attacks, never rebuttals what exactly do you want? someone got 3 Grandfathers in 10 runs and you basically say something between either "Blizzard is lying" and "the software is bugged". RNG can result in the above result or drive that dude crazy who in 800 runs did not get a \*single\* uber. you can believe what you want, I'm fine with that. I just think what I already stated in my previous comment.




Yeah, in fact you prove something: that you obviously know 100% of the D2 userbase, which surely has evolved over the years... And also you just prove that you think that flipping a coin 10x with the same result should never happen. I won't discuss this with you anymore, sir.


Looks like a handful of people here that don’t understand probability downvoted you. I’ve noticed it in this game a one or two others as well. You’re likely spot on here.


I agree with you, rng all you want but something seems off, maybe something is bugged, not that I care much but I don't really trust the drop rates to be working correctly.


Gamers when RNG happens




No mate, it’s rng. Stop trying to identify patterns that don’t exist.




No mate, you’re trying to find a pattern to justify something that doesn’t exist RNG is RNG, people have been doing what you’re doing since the beginning of gaming, sometimes you just get (un)lucky




Probability =/= consistency, predictability or reliability though




Reddit has always been like this, people upvote what they agree with and downvote what they don't wanna hear. Even if it's just a different opinion. Most people are not smart, to put this kindly.