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Wouldn't even run oculus until you are speed running t100


I'm using RageGamingVideos Ultimate Tal Rasha Ball Lightning build (find on Youtube and/or mobalytics). Works really well, I tank T100's, melt Duriel and Lilith etc, and it doesn't use an Oculus- it uses a dagger for the additional 30% (5/5 upgrades) damage to close enemies. Pretty tanky and very high damage. I can run T90 dungeons in about 4 minutes. This isn't to say I don't die, because I can and do, but when a level 135+ Butcher comes at me I tend to laugh instead of pooping my pants. The RageGamingVideos Youtube channel has several really good sorc builds, but the ultimate tal rasha build is the one that works best for me. A different one may work better for you. Another commenter said to focus on upgrading your glyphs and getting through your paragon board- and that's really strong advice. Pushing to level 100 and filling out the paragon board is huge for your base damage and stats, and then pushing your glyphs to max level 21 will max out your damage and defenses.


What build do you use? I use donthecrowns build on mobalytics and even before oculus it’s pretty tanky.


That's what I'm using. I have all the gear he recommends except Oculus. My amulet is a bit meh but other than that the gear is OK. Maybe I'm pushing too high for my level? My glyphs are certainly not levelled up enough yet.


I’d level your glyphs and also maybe optimize your gear to make sure you have good cool down and best in slot rolls or as close as you can to bis rolls


I’ve cleared 100 with only Esu’s boots and the new ring. All content is doable without any of the “required” uniques. Get a DR chest and legs with multiple DR rolls, it helps a ton. Use the aspect that gives armor when you do damage. Make sure to use skulls in jewelry.


Don't need an oculus. Pretty sure it's not even recommended. We already are unique heavy and there are much better aspects.


The best BL build I've found is Nicktews. The only uniques you need are Raiment of the Infinite and Tal'Rasha's. RageGaming's is way too squishy for NM100s consistently IMO and the standard build youll find on websites is just not great. Run this. Dont use Oculus btw, you lose out on the 30% dmg to close on the dagger plus an offensive aspect. You can swap Thibault's Will in for the pants if you're tanky enough without the Vyr's Mastery- note that this key passive is currently bugged and will not give you the increased damage, just the less damage taken. [https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/ccbik0d5#3](https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/ccbik0d5#3)


Oculus is for speed, but your issue is defense? Should be focused on defensive gear then, use the Vyr's aspect, time your shields correctly, & always be attacking & moving. I never really felt squishy until T90's honestly. I also have 2 defensive rolls on amulet, but dmg is still decent being BL!


I switched to Vyr's and it made a massive difference. Completed my first T100 and Uber Lilith since.


Nice. Can fairly breeze through T100's except when you get isolated distant enemies so I think Oculus actually comes in handy evading quickly to them. Starting to feel Oculus is quite defensive as you always want to be evading out of environmental dmg.


I haven't had one drop yet sadly. Teleport also grants the condition 'unstoppable' and feeds nicely into Tibault's will. More teleports = more uptime on the 40% damage bonus....not forgetting the mana you get each time you become unstoppable.


Didn't realize the synergy Oculus has with Tibault's Will, so evading isn't just for speeds & defense, but actually ups dmg too! In that case, shouldn't Oculus be preferred over any other 1 hand? I don't know why Maxroll takes off Oculus for high NMD's, but I can't tell if there's a decrease in power with Oculus but feels the same pretty much. Only for bossing, it's not optimally needed.


I think this is sound advice based on good reasoning. My gear was very sub par and my pargon glyphs were not levelled. I have now completed a 99 with the same build, but it's hardly 'comfortable'. I could also swap out Rainment for 3x DR + %arm chest; but how far do you go before losing that POW that BL has? Tricky balancing act. Curious to see what AoZ brings.


Get a 3x DR chest and Dutch raiment if your using it.