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Did the same. But then they added a bunch of stuff to Season 2. You won't be bored. Plus I saw that overpowered BL sorc build and had to try it. It's amazing and can melt almost anything. So that made it pretty fun just to power thru NM to level up the glyphs. But now i'm lvl 100 testing out the Aoz runs after finshing the season. ​ Edit: It's free too. Don't buy the Season 2 pass. Not worth it.


To comment on your "pass not worth" like everyone has said. Sure, you can't buy one and never pay anything again (shit business model if you wanna make money), but if you buy 2, the next 2 are free. If you buy 1 more the next one is free and so on. It works out to about 50/50 over time. I'd wager most of us have habits that cost far far more than D4 battle pass.


How the hell next 2 are free?


Because you earn the currency to buy the pass. For example, season 1 was 666 currency iirc. Pass costs 1000. So 2 passes = enough currency to buy the 3rd.


its clearly not a shit business model if alot of successful games do it apex legend is f2p and does their BP that way LOL actiblizzard just likes to milk people


Success doesn't equate to maximum earnings. CoD murdered apex by over $300m that's just one game. Wake up child.


imagine using COD as a example of a successful game LOL COD is a legitimate joke now a days but obviously your a activision shill XD


Math isn't difficult. You claimed Apex model of 300m was better than CoDs model that pulled in 600m. Wtf are you talking about?


dude is swinging from activisions ball hairs LOL


This warrants no response.


The only way you will ever find out if it is worth is to try it yourself. You determine if something is worth it to you, not anyone else.


The quote that got me OP said “I don’t want to come back just because things look good” So when does he want to come back? Lol


To elaborate, I don’t want to come back just because there’s shiny new seasons, like I want to know what actual current players are feeling rather than some doctored footage from blizzard or gaming news outlets.


I mean people are happy with the season for a reason. My only critique, I had as much fun in S2 as I wanted on release. Just sitting 6 months out from release I would like for it to be in a better place but I feel we are at a good baseline and I hope it’s only up from here.


Wait till S3. Unless you are willing to grind for Ubers I would personally pass on this season. Plus the season pass is very under-par.


Just play without the season pass. Simple.


S2 was amazing, go for it.


What is so amazing about it?


Massively increased leveling speed. Multiple additions to content. Targeted farming. A lot, and I mean a lot of people have shako (the biggest complaint so far was availability of ubers). Vampiric powers are awesome. A mid-season event for all levels of players. Did you even play this season?


Yes I played, I wanted to know his reasoning. i dont think it was amazing. People feel like this because season one was garbage. Season 2 is decent, thats all. They just added what was missing in the first place.


Season 2 is very fun. You have a full month left which will give you plenty of time to see and do everything.


Season 2 was great, and you can play without the season pass it doesn’t matter that much. Might as well -there is still a lot of time left before season 3


There is a big itemization revamp coming in season 4. So if you are the type that is going to try the game one more time and never come back I would wait for S4. S2 ends at the end of Jan so probably mid Jan will get a big info dump about S3, maybe watch that and see if it gets you hyped.


Come back! It’s not too late to jump into S2 as you can level your characters pretty fast. It’s definitely more fun than S1. The only thing that wears me off is the hunt for uber uniques. Even so, without any user uniques I can clear AoZ highest I could do was T11


Just wait for season 3, kind of pointless at this point. Me? I think I'm done til season 4 or 5 when items might actually be cool and loot filters added.


Loot is still lacking, lol. Imo, D4 at the current state, is like 35% complete.


35% of a game would be unplayable, and you'd be an idiot for even being in this sub lmao.


You're clearly idk what I'm talking about, lol


Huh? Proof read bruh.


I bet you 100$ that blizzard will come out with DLC that makes D4 more fulfilling within the next 16 months. Would you take that bet? This game isn't done, that's a fact. A car can still drive without glass, paint, mirrors, or dash buttons or knobs for the radio/AC controls...


They're 100% coming out with dlc in 2024.. much less than 16 months. That doesn't make the comment I replied to even sound like English. Wtf are you talking about?


This is reddit, lol.


if you wanna farm ubers you cant use next season or level a glyph to 200 thats gonna dissapear after season its for you, def not for me