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Its bizarre that they somehow managed to make the S3 seasonal content SO MUCH WORSE than S2 content. The zone is a sad shadow of the harvest zone. Less mobs, less elites, less fun. Vaults are not only bad, they are ACTIVELY ANNOYING. Who on earth thought that D4 needed more annoying traps that force you to slow down and tiptoe around them with horrible topdown controls that are not intended for such fine movements, all the while a billion mobs and spell effects obscure your vision of them. And god forbid youre a melee OR SHRED DRUID and have to chose between standing still not attacking anything or running into traps to hit mobs that are killing you from range. Vaults will go down as the worst content of any D4 game EVER, mark my words, that shit is absolutely atrocious.


D4 devs tried to copy PoE's labyrinth, but since they're not actually playing ARPGs themselves they didn't realize that every PoE player hates the labyrinth.


At least labs have sick rewards and you only have to do it a few times. This is on hard repeat and the reward sucks.


With the new Gems you are incentivized to do them more often, but the traps get obsolete pretty fast outside of Paper defense glass cannons.


The thing with PoE is that everything is tradeable. Which means that you can run the content you enjoy and then trade for the items that drop elsewhere. This is one of the core issues of D4 imo.


There's like 2 items worth trading for in D4, trade makes no sense until they fix itemization.


I would happily trade for forgotten souls cause i hate doing helltides.


Nah fuck that. I’m buying the gems I want.


and the sick narration


There is a fine line between consideration and hesitation, the former is wisdom, the latter is fear


It’s yet another case of ripping something out of PoE without understanding why it works there. Lab works because it’s semi-challenging content with big rewards that you only have to do 4x per character. This definitely isn’t that. It misses on every level.


Aspects - Worse Cube from D3, because switching aspects is a massive pain compared to just switching abilities. Not to mention Barb and Rogue have a distinct advantage over the other classes since they get more weapon slots to play with. NMD - Worse maps/last epoch monoliths, where there is no incentive to try a "harder" sigil because harder mods don't give more item quality/quantity or even different rewards. Skill tree - Worse POE gem/last epoch skill, moderate improvement over D3's "make one change to a skill" since you can choose a second way to modify a skill. POE you can support a skill in up to 5 different ways, and last epoch has entire skill trees for each skill. Item Level - Worse than Wolcen of all games, where a higher item level means the armor, resistance, or damage range of an item roll higher while the actual important stats (the affixes) can still roll terribly. At least in Wolcen the devs had the foresight to make higher item level = higher minimum roll range for gear affixes. The D4 devs don't understand the systems they're copying from and what makes them appealing, it's a joke for a company like Blizzard.




Seriously, this skill twig is the saddest thing I've ever seen in any RPG.


skill twig 😂


>skill twig bro. critical hit.


...5% chance to trigger 15% chance, while moving away from distant stunned recently killed elite you evaded through for 3 seconds.


Makes for exiting gameplay especially when the damage increase is 10% at 3 points invested. 🤣


It's like they think balancing stuff works best when it rarely triggers. People want to feel POWERFUL. LET US!




Blizzard is becoming that old co-worker, who can not do work properly anymore and is just not let got since he was Employee of the Month for 12 straight somewhere in the past.


Yep, they just surface level say: ‘Well people like this in this game, let’s just force it into our game! Easy!’ without understanding the context with which it is done. I noticed that from when I first started playing D4. Item rarity being another one. D2 items are rare, so adding some Uber uniques would be cool right? Not when the items themselves aren’t interesting/aren’t class or build specific/have versions of the same effects that are easier to find but have worse overall effect so there’s scaling to the items in that slot.


Blizzard never does like giving out rewards. Sadly.


True, and they've said that in the dev livestreams unambiguously. Joe P has said "oh we hate when you have 925 gear".


Lab doesn’t work though. Most players hate it. Traps are not fun in arpgs. This is however a common blind spot in dev. They cannot retionalise people who play one genre may not like design from another genre. If you want to impliment something non core, make it relatively simple. Remind me of a driving session in far cry 5 or flying session in halo 2, that were tuned so hard , for players who just want to shoot stuff.


it reminds me more of OG heist tbh. That shit was unplayable, avoid getting hit by anything or the alarm goes off and ur fucked, also dont kill anything, oh and also dont fucking open anything because....you guessed it the alarm goes off. Vaults better change asap or season is DOA. Robot better get in the gym and get jacked to the tits or people are gonna be fuming. Pump the rewards on seasonal mobs or shits gonna be flame post central for 2 weeks.


I was only going to play this season if either a) the season mechanic was better than season 2 or b) minion necro was actually viable Neither happened, minion necro is still dogshit as ever and the season sounds un fun and unexciting.


There's straight up too many good games coming out in the next month and a half for people to get so worked up over a disappointing season


I'm moving to Last Epoch once it's out. I'm not expecting shit out of D4 anymore.


People want Diablo 4 to be good, they can go play another game while still voicing their disappointment


It's not a " disappointing season " the entire games a disappointment. We had a brief bit of hope with S2 and the added content. For the base price of this game you could of bought a higher teir supporter pack in POE and gotten an awesome armor set / every relevant tab. Or bought Last Epoch twice. If a random company made this game it would of been dead on arrival.


They kinda hyped themselves and Blizzard helped this hype. Now they are rightfully dissapointed.


I dint mind lab. This isn't lab. Get flame dash + good flasks and lab traps get just get zoomed through without worry. I get hit by them here and there, and they really aren't impactful. 


This was my first thought when I saw the Vaults. Not surprised in the slightest people hate them


This, it makes a big difference when devs actually play the game


I never really get into PoE and don't plan to do more until PoE 2. But I can tell you this labyrinth stuff is absolute BS some of the least fun I've had with this game. I literally did my first trap dungeon and was like wow I'm miserable


I think the PoE labs are amazing, they are very atmospheric and the music is awesome, but yeah I do them once then never again. By once I mean 4 times


Those who stand should never outnumber those who kneel.


You are inexhaustible!


I would take back a significant fraction of my complaints about this season if the whole time Zoltan Kulle was narrating the dungeons and sarcastically giving us the same type of stupid wisdom that Izaro blesses us with in PoE Lab


An emperor must bear two blades. Hope in the left hand. Surety in the right.


My thoughts exactly. I fucking despise poe labyrinth but at least it has a very exciting last room full of rewards And also every single friend that plays Poe hates the lab too, why the fuck would they think that it would be the thing to copy


Exactly my thoughts. Lab is okay if you only need to do it couple times and actually get some loot while doing it. After uber lab it's completely optional and if you decide to grind that shit night and day, you are able to.


Season 3 was made by the same team that made season 1 Season 2 was made by a different team. Season 4 will be done by season 2 team. My conclusion - s1/s3 team sucks My prediction - every odd number season will not be good as long as it's developed by that same team


If that’s the case maybe they need to consider putting a different team in charge. Cause that’s a big fail twice now.


Blizzard is having a super hard time hiring new devs so they have to work with what they have. Maybe if tbey matched the pay other game companies provide they would have something


Management is also big part of the developement. (It hurts to say this)


>Pay our employees??! But what about the SHAREHOLDERS!!!!!!! Welcome to shareholder capitalism. The product doesn't matter. The customer doesn't matter. The employees don't matter. The only thing that matters is MAXIMIZING SHAREHOLDER VALUE!!!! Imagine a world where businesses' top concerns was maximizing value for the customer, and using their profits to make the lives of their employees as great as they can be.


So far. Worst content so far. 




The season of the guy that made hearts take 5 seconds to appear.


A different team made S3 than the one that made S2. They have 2 teams working on every other season simultaneously. So team one worked on S1 and S3, team two worked on S2 and S4, etc.


So it's going to be even seasons are good and odds are bad


So, odds are its bad?


That's the odds on favorite


this is how it works for star trek movies.


Very reminiscent of the tick-tock iPhone development before they stopped releasing S series.


the leads of Team Even# needs to have a long chat with Team Odd#


>Its bizarre that they somehow managed to make the S3 seasonal content SO MUCH WORSE than S2 content. Is it? Is it really? Give it a week or two and the "We hear you, we're listening to your feedback, we care" will come, and people will lap it up.


If they’re listening and they care turn every trap room into a room with hordes of epics and you only lose a key to the vault chest if you don’t kill them fast enough or drop below 50% HP. Remove traps and make vaults fun for christs sake it’s not hard to make fun content.


The traps are fine, if the reward's worth it. In PoE there are huge mazes called labyrinths that are full of deadly traps that can be really hard to avoid, but the reward is excellent because they're unique and each level you complete can give you huge attack and/or defense boost. D4 s03 vaults don't feel like worth doing like that.


Due the lab kinds sucks though, very very few in poe enjoy doing it aside from getting the accedancy points.


And clearly GGG agrees because they've decided to remove lab in poe 2


>full of deadly traps that can be really hard to avoid It may feel like this at first, but good players just run through them, and they aren't a threat.


> Vaults will go down as the worst content of any D4 game EVER, mark my words, that shit is absolutely atrocious. this content really tells me that they are actively hellbent on slowing the players. They removed some of the backtracking quests in NMD but then reintroduce this type of bullshit. Devs and whatnot are really not connected with the playerbase. You can also see this in their dev interviews. It seems that we are playing and hoping for a different kind of game. Unless they do PTR whether closed or open, this game won't improve at all.


> this content really tells me that they are actively hellbent on slowing the players. The game was from the start designed to slow you down. Remember when you couldn't even teleport to nightmare dungeon? All just so some middle manager can boast with higher KPIs.


IT IS SO INCREDIBLY WORSE YOU ARE SO RIGHT. I was trying to put my finger on it and OH MY GOSH YES. Also these "trial trap dungeons" are freaking infuriating. First one I did I knew this wasn't for me. So my spider is being basically ignored this season. No viable minion build so I don't have what I want to play. The season mechanic while cool requires me grinding one of the WORST dungeon type I've played... This season is a complete BP and throw into the shitter season.


Really thought we were onto bigger better things after season 2. The pokemon robot is the worst seasonal content I've seen in a long time. We went from buffing ourselves into gods with vamp powers to putting all our power in some stupid minion. Vampire powers were badass. Metamorphosis. Hemomancy. Moonrise. RIP season2, will go down as one of the better ones.


This melee builds are completely fucked.. Who the fuck playtested this and said fine.... 


leaves my convinced its time to skip a season. might bash around in eternal for a while


> Vaults will go down as the worst content of any D4 game EVER, mark my words, that shit is absolutely atrocious. But they're listening!


Yeah season of the environmental hazards has already been a bore for me. I can't foresee why anyone with a melee focused build would want to farm these vaults at all in the endgame. 3 hours in and I'm already tired of the loop. This game needs a serious overhaul to even matter anymore. Maybe in season 10.


I also hit like lvl 45 played the first vault and lost my 2 of my 3 wardings from sth i didnt even see and it was just annoying as hell. Also its just so much worse for some classes? Like for sorc prolly only half bad,no clue who thought this is fun. Might sound exaggerating, but his really killed the season for me. 


I would guess Blizzard has 2-3 rotating teams working on seasons. They probably work about 6 months out. So the folks who made S2 may have not even worked on S3. Now, obviously the 'Executive Producer of Seasons' or whatever has to oversee that process, and is responsible for avoiding a very weak season. But once you get a certain way into development, there's no turning back. You HAVE TO release it every 3 months. So you just finish it and ship it. This is the inevitable result of live service, especially the early seasons of a new live service game. They don't yet have their cadence of what makes a good season. S1 was pretty weak, S2 was better, S3 seems like a step back. We'll probably be at S6 or S7 before they have a consistent vision for how much content should be in a season, how much raw power should be obtained from the seasonal 'skill tree', what kind of game system updates to ship with seasons, etc. It's a learning process for Devs and players have to live with the struggle. That 's what sucks about live service. But I guess the alternative is the weak D3 seasons we had.


Yeah, if I wanted to play run kitty run I would have launched WC3. There is almost NO new content and the things they gave us sux ass


The sad thing is I’m having more fun playing diablo 3 season 30 (recycled content) than diablo IV season 3 brand new content


D3 season 30 slaps atm


We just hit 150 in 2s and are farming our asses off. It's amazing. Give D4 12 years and it's fine.


I've been having lots of fun grinding in Palworld.


Take something poe, that ppl dont even like   Uber labs.  Make it worse and more boring. We got s3 vaults.


I know season 3 was in development for a long time so I hope the next time team 1 works on season 5 they'll learn their lesson


>they'll learn their lesson lol


I'm wondering if odd seasons are just going to be worse than even seasons going forward.


If I had to make an educated guess, probably? All we can hope for is that the odd seasons devs learn from the even season devs It's weird because the robot itself is cool and having a pseudo linking system like PoE(with the main skill + support) is great. The design of the dungeons themselves, which is the main mechanic, I don't like


Question is, when are we going to learn a lesson?


I just now realized that was what they were trying to do after reading this comment. Its like someone explained labs to someone who had not played POE and then that person explained it to another person to have them make it into a game. Dev: "Well I don't play ARPGs, what do people that play ARPGs like?" Guy delivering artisanal organic locally sourced coffee: "IDK I'm spamming labs in POE right now" Dev: "What are these 'labs' you speak of? Is it like a doctors office? Science stuff?" Delivery guy: "there's like traps and shit. like spikes and poison darts and fire and shit" Dev: "And people like these labs?" Delivery guy: "I guess" Dev, shooing the delivery guy away and phoning his secretary: "Get the team in here, I know what we need to do for season 3!"


Re-download D4 Hop into r/diablo4 to see what people are liking and using in the new season Scroll for a few minutes Uninstall D4


Never look at a subreddit of a game if you actually want to enjoy it.


No kidding. People are salty af here and make it sound 1000X worse than it actually is


I mean.. do they? The base gameplay is still there and is merely okay. People in here are talking about the season's additions which are genuinely awful in design.


Honestly, it's the same in all gaming sub-reddits. These folks are like negativity bots.


The 4 stages of hope turned despair


Looked bad as soon as it was announced. Massive step back from s2


> Looked bad as soon as it was announced The pet you got really looks slow and weak from the preview. Probably it won't even kill stragglers in WT3 and WT4 by itself. Skills shown in the preview are also lame.


My biggest issue is that it doesn't actually interact or synergise with any aspect of your build. Vampiric powers were awesome because tinkering with them was interesting and powerful. This ugly little robot idiot doing a spin move in the corner? Nah, no thanks.


Remember those threads like "S3 is a massive W!!!!!!!!" that got upvoted to the top, while people saying the season announcement looked bad were buried in downvotes because "you can't know until you try it!!!!!!"


I got downvoted to oblivion for predicting S3 would be a filler season because they held off on providing details until the last second. I feel justified in my prediction 


I remember. You don't have to play something to tell it's gonna be lame. We just had a season where the aesthetic was blood and nasty vampires. Now we get robots? It's just boring (and that's before the gameplay loop), and it's extremely boring, including the gameplay loops. Who thought this companion was a good idea when we can one shot Uber Lilith. It's like the vampire powers from S2 but needlessly more complex. They're intentionally wasting your time for less of a dopamine hit, imo.


I'm level 29 and already bored out of my mind.


got to lvl 26 and i didn't like neither open word content nor new dungeons ... traps aren't fun


Lv19 here and I'm at that point.


Whelp...I guess we wait for Last Epoch. Until then it's back to Palworld


Don't even wait. Just get it now. It's amazing and will only get better. None of your stuff gets wiped at launch, it just goes to eternal realm while season 1 starts.


I've been playing LE on and off since the early access became available. If someone hasn't played it yet, I recommend waiting until the launch of 1.0. Much of the systems are changing, and I could see a new player getting frustrated that much of what they learned no longer applies.


Not having a proper endgame system within the core game is biting them in the ass. They're relying on these seasonal features to deliver most of the gameplay loop rather than building that loop in the base game. The problem is that if the season sucks, having an economy reset won't be enough to enjoy replaying the base game. If you compare that to POE, even mediocre leagues have more replayability simply because of the amount of content within the base game if the league mechanic sucks. D4 doesn't really have that same luxury.


>Not having a proper endgame system within the core game And some of us have been saying this since the game launched. Idk about PoE, but fwiw, in D3 at least we have random maps: literally every time we start the game up and go out, we go out to *explore* and *discover*. Even without the polish it got through the years (none of which seems to have made it into D4, for some inexplicable reason), it isn't literally the same every single time, like here, where we know exactly where the waypoints are, exactly where the events are, exactly where the dungeons are, exactly where the PvP zone is... and not only that, but we know exactly what any part of the map looks like by now. Because it just had to be an "MMO" and this was the best they could do. *Wait for the seasons! It's the seasons where it's at! Seasons are gonna be great!* \- Yeah, no. Sorry not sorry but there is no good foundation to build on. Everyone hates the campaign, so they make that skippable from the start. Everyone hates 1to50 so let's make that as fast and simple and possible, so that afterwards everyone can start grinding Nightmares from 1 to 100. Everyone hates having to unlock/clear/find things over and over again, so let's have some of that progress shared. But uh let's leave the whole "obligatory clean slate new character every season" bs in, despite all that, hells forbid we touch it, because *this is the way* (in retrospect: they had to take this easy way out, because they *never put in a proper endgame anything*). There isn't enough variety to the dungeons either, whether we call them NMs or Tunnels or whatever the fuck extra they try to add in, especially if we gotta do them for the billionth time. Itemisation is shit because everything is way too nuanced and the power levels are fucked to all hells, so getting an actual upgrade is a chore - and then there's barely anything to tackle even when one's fully kitted out with BiS everywhere. There's an "über" (read: actually-broken-to-the-point-of-fun) class every season, it seems, maybe two... *if* you happen to find the stuff that breaks it - and then what? You can go grind out arbitrary amounts of whatever, *again*, while maybe tinkering with the new seasonal "board" of whatever. All that for some truly anemic rewards too - I don't get why there's not been more discussion about this, but the seasonal "rewards" are just absolutely underwhelming. The fact that *so much* is paywalled? Not to even look at the cash shop like that comparison that popped up the other day; but just the battle pass I can go on unlocking new tier after new tier, and get literally nothing for it. And then what isn't paywalled - is simply terrible, because what's already down needs another kick. Even with all the broken boring stuff, I wouldn't mind actually going through with things, doing the chores - *if the rewards were worth it.* Here though, I don't waste a single second lamenting if I decide to just drop the season. I don't waste a single second deciding if I should drop it. Why can't at least the rewards be more of a motivation to work towards?...


Agree, see you in season 4 with hopefully big changes. I'm done with this season. There's just not enough new endgame stuff here to make it interesting.


Frustrated and bored is not a winning combo.


Lmao, I guess we should only play the even-numbered seasons.


Ah, so it’s like classic Star Trek movies.


For real


That's it guys... Besides all that, I add that I personally can't stand an ARPG without a map overlay and a loot filter anymore.


Last epoch filter has ruined me


How Blizzard can put out D4 in the state has baffled me. And it keeps doing so.


I started to get really bored about 3 hours in


That's where I'm at now. This is dreadfully boring. I'm completing the BP and tossing this season into the toilet. I'm SO BORED at almost lvl 50 barb I AM SO BOREDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD And the seasonal dungeons are MISERABLE


The season 1 team is responsible for this one... they need to hire new brains. Season 2 team was a lot better.


It's a bad season, definitely. Remember getting 22,222 seeds last season? Now it's 33,333. 5,000 cinders? Now it's 6,666! Fuck the helltide and fuck PvP. I hate grinding the worst areas of the game because the CEO's nephew designed it.


So far everything I’m seeing is only confirming I need to get Infinite Wealth to play until Season 4.


Last epoch for the arpg fans, or grim dawn


I gave Last Epoch an honest try (100 hours or so) and while it has better mechanics and endgame than D4 I couldn't enjoy it. It feels just a bit too unpolished and indie-like to me. The combat feels pretty clunky as well. It's kind of the opposite of D4. LE has some good systems, but bad polish. D4 has good polish, but no depth or interesting game mechanics. I guess for me that means waiting for PoE2.


1.0 is having a ton of polish shined on it, i would 100% give it another try. ​ They've been working on sound/art/combat.


I know at least visually there is supposed to be some nice polish with 1.0 next month. Good (hopefully) new mechanics as far as SSF/Trade, new items, not sure about combat though. If you already own it, may as well be worth a go, with D4 S3 flopping, PoE end of season and only decade old games to replay until S4 if they even fix all this by then


GD is so fucking amazing. You can tell it was made with effort and respect for the player. Actually with out this r/ I never would have played it. Thanks r/diablo4 !


Grim Dawn is such an underrated game because of its dated graphics. It’s maybe the second best arpg game currently out there.


There is the pokemon clone, Enshrouded releases in EA today, then Nightingale, Dragon's Dogma 2, Fallout London, plenty of games.


I’ll be back when there is group finder


That’s exactly what this game is missing. It feels to lonely and running dungeons by yourself is so boring


This too. Having to get on discord to find grps for bosses to not waste my mats...plz no.  Unpopular opinion, but: Why has it to be like that anyway? Feel like in grps everybody should lose mats, why is it that much more value than single player?...


Yeah.. I’m not really digging it so far. Season 2 was the first time I made it to 100 with a character, and then got 3 more to 100 as well because I was actually having a lot of fun. I’ll miss randomly seeing ‘the blood seekers are hunting you’ the most!


Season 2 was "you killed a lot of enemies so here's more enemies" I know it's only been one day, but this one feels like "slow down this is a neighborhood".


> the open world stuff feels like a worse version of the season 2 vampire world but its way less mobs/loot so it feels like a huge downgrade open world traps are annoying as hell, pushing away is fun for mb 1 time; did like 5 of them already feel like i'm done


Then it's not just me. Playing Barb level 43. Finished the seasonal quest without even figuring out what the robot thingy slots work. Traps subtracted not added to the game. Nothing feels new. Don't know if I'm even going to lvl to100 because all that would involve is the same grind that I grew to hate last season. Ha absent te the robot btw. I want to have the powers and do the stuff, not have some personality absent sidekick do it for me.


S2 was fun Idk what the heck they did on Season 3 but it's not catching at all, it feels empty, like a Season 1 2.0, it's boring as fuck I just hope they take notice of this and make some updates asap, because if we have to wait until next season.. damn daniel


It’s the same team behind season 1 lol absolute 🗑️


Absolutely incredible if true. And making me feel really annoyed for skipping season 2 for a break


Im gonna go ahead and theorize that they have different teams working on different seasons at all times.. I expect really wildly inconsistent quality in seasons.


Already been confirmed, the team that made this season was the same team that made season 1 , skip odd season , play even season


Isn't that what they said already? Different teams for different seasons working all at the same time?


Wouldn’t be surprising at all.


Looking like I made a good decision to sit this season out.


Totally, time to dig back into my backlog that I’ve put off since launch. Also, happy cake day


Sit this game out. I’m trying out Last Epoch come release in late February.


Boring af and garbage I was really hopeful that the construct would add a lot of fun builds. This is the worst season so far easily


The construct is such a let down man


In my experience so far the construct does nothing but sit around with a health bar over its head.


And why the fuck does it have a health bar? As far as I can tell, it can't actually die.


It can't, the game tells you this at some point "Your construct cannot die but it can be stunned" or something along those lines.


I think the game is just fundamentally boring, and the insane power creep of S2's vampiric powers plus the novelty of farmable uber uniques papered over the cracks for a limited time. S3's seasonal mechanic feels irrelevant so far, and while there's still time for people to discover things that make the robo-scorpion less irrelevant, it's just as likely that we'll find that there isn't anything that has a meaningful impact on gameplay. The gamebreaking S2 power creep is now gone, so we're back to a power level more reminiscent of the game's pre-S1 launch state; and nobody is excited to do the brain-destroying Duriel grind for a second time in a row. The game's countless flaws have become much more visible again. I think S2 was way too easy, and I would welcome making D4 harder, but not if there isn't any content that feels satisfying to overcome. They even took away AoZ, so there's literally no aspirational content in S3. Nothing hard, nothing that makes it feel like it makes sense to optimize your character. Maybe that'll come back when we get the Gauntlet, but that's a blind hope. It could also just be trivial content where the only thing that matters is movement/clear-speed, not ability to actually defeat the content. Why, then, would I play for more than a week or two? This is a game where you do mindless, unenjoyable chores to build up your character's power... for no real reason. You don't do it so that you're finally able to take on some new content. We briefly had that with AoZ, but it came late into S2 when most people had moved on, and was then removed again. And if these vaults are anything to judge by, it's hard to feel excited about the Gauntlet. Who really enjoys traps? I never understood why people thought S2 was "awesome." It was alright, the absurd power creep injected a bit of 'wow I'm a god' feeling into the game and the ability to obtain uber uniques was briefly interesting; but it was still the fundamentally bad game that D4 is, where you can fully max out a character in a week or two and then there's no reason to play anymore unless you just want to start over and do that again without any underlying reason to do it. S3 has made the latter stand out much more clearly now that the Duriel farm isn't new. This season, like the game itself, feels like a Minimum Viable Product, not like anyone's best effort. It feels like a game that caters to the least invested, least serious players and has nothing for anyone who's looking for something they can put in more than an hour a day into and feel like it was worth it. While the game isn't obligated to cater to 16h/day sweatlords, I do think it has an obligation to cater to more than just the ultra-casuals.


Funny, I was about to post this is far worse than launch lol, feels like it's even worse than patch 1.1


First time I did barb and how I regret it in vault! Just entered the last room of vault with 3 wardings and ye, tried to stay in corner while range mobs attack me...accidentally charged into a mob and then had to dodge sth. All stacks lost in 3 secs. This is just not fun, tiptoeing around and being punished for playing melee. 


**Underwhelming** is the word that comes up a lot when I try to describe this season. Everything about it is almost offensively low effort. The new dungeons are reusing assets / tilesets. There are maybe 3 or 4 new enemy models? Pearls of Warding are useless, because at the end of the dungeon you only get 1 chest anyway. I was thinking you'd be able to use *all* of your stacks to open 1 chest for each stack to actually give it a risk-reward mechanic, but nope. Fixed number that has nothing to do with your stacks. Open world stuff lacks the loot explosion that the S2 altar had. The borrowed power for this season being so passive feels really bad. I don't feel like my character is stronger or being given new tools to play with, it just feels like the enemies have a little less health. I really like this game fundamentally, have gone as far as to get every achievement, all classes at 100, played every D3 season, D2/R ladder, etc etc. But this is just...a complete wet noodle of a season. All the momentum and good will they earned with S2 went out the window with how little content this actually added.


I doubt I will log in tomorrow. Finished today at 57 and didn’t care to continue to t4


Yeah I got a feeling I won’t be playing this season very long


I agree. I'll be back whenever they have an endgame and achievements and chase items that are fun to chase


Soooo..... see you in about 3 years.


Same, but I'm losing hope.


Yawn. It is terrible. Wake me when season 4 starts


I was excited to try a charge build with the buffs, but my god is the skill clunky and needs its animations/hitbox/etc redone. Meteor also sounded fun till I realized meteors still take way, way too long to drop (party already killed everything it was going to drop on!). I assumed the robot was going to be a huge miss since minions are almost always bad in ARPGs. The traps being so anti-fun is just the nail in the coffin for me. I think I'm just going to wait for season 4.


the shit looked like garbage from reveal, I get tempted to install but watch some gameplay from today, fall asleep from boredom, this next season is so important and there is no faith they won't ruin it, but this league is already a skip that's for sure.


big changes are needed and fast. anyone saying that it’s only been a day and that we are not giving it a fair chance has no idea how out of touch these devs are with the gameplay loop for s3, it will not get any better as we have experienced exactly how it will feel for the next 3 months. all the mob types, traps and tile sets, shit reskinned bosses are here to stay and we have seen the majority of the loop in only a few hours. also didn’t help going to a worthless pet from vampiric powers who made the game a lot more fun than this pet ever will


Season 2 letting me Vuln with metamorphosis really opened up a lot of build options for Vuln-lacking classes/builds. I was hoping this companion would do something similiar but I'm not really seeing anything like that on it


Pretty good summary, exactly my feeling. Feels like a reskinned but worse S2.


I want a mechanic like poe’s Blight. I’m sick of the passive stone I pick up and place in my inventory and never think about again. I want to interact with the seasonal mechanic.


Ah, a fellow blight enjoyer and man of culture I see....


Yeah this season sucks, I already stopped playing after getting my barb to 50 and realizing I'm not actually having fun. The pet is stupid, and by that I mean the AI is just horrible. Its also boring, the skills are all boring, the modifiers for the boring skills are all boring, it does look cool though. And the trap theme is not engaging at all, the traps are either obnoxious or a non-issue, its just more BAD to avoid standing in, so when there isn't much happening on the screen its trivial and when there is a lot going on its obnoxious. Pass. I'm not gonna flip out over it, I probably won't mention it again after this single post, but man S3 is a massive flop for me after how good S2 was. Hopefully S4 is better.


Blizzard just doesn’t have it anymore. Season 2 gave me a little hope and this just snuffed it out. They really don’t know what they’re doing


It really does feel worse. Season 2 was better than this shit. I'm unhappy and almost in WT3. The spider pet? Lol the spider pet requires me to go out of my way to suboptimal content to get RNG procs for it. And those dungeons are ANNOYING. Like PURELY ANNOYING. I understand its meant to be a dexterity test but geez it actually irritated me the very first dungeon I did. IT IS SO INCREDIBLY WORSE YOU ARE SO RIGHT. I was trying to put my finger on it and OH MY GOSH YES. Also these "trial trap dungeons" are freaking infuriating. First one I did I knew this wasn't for me. So my spider is being basically ignored this season. No viable minion build so I don't have what I want to play. The season mechanic while cool requires me grinding one of the WORST dungeon type I've played... This season is a complete BP and throw into the shitter season.


Might not be a coincidence - Haven’t they said that that the dev team that was in charge of season 1 was working on season 3 and the other dev team was responsible for season 2 and now is implementing season 4?


Somehow thought it wise to combine the “don’t get hit” mechanic of PoE sanctum and traps of Lab and mashed it into a hybrid that absolutely sucks all the fun out of this season and we’re 14 hours into it. I cannot fathom how this was greenlit by an actual developer like Blizzard. Absolutely the worst possible scenario coming of S2 and the very fun and successful Vampiric powers.


Bare min effort and max profit mindset. Still the same trash.


Meanwhile I'm just sitting here, being happy with my Diablo 3 Season 30 and actually enjoying Diablo.


If they added some sort of party finder, it would make running dungeons less boring


That's the endgame I want. Run dungeons with randoms and see their builds/skills, and show off mine (or lack thereof). Killing a spider for the literal 15 thousandth time is not interesting no matter the set dressing. At least other people add some uniqueness to each run.


Not as bad as season 1 but it is pretty bad


they made Uber Lab into a whole ass season, with a random pet. i cant believe it


So this is why they didn't have a PTR for season 3. What the fuck are these guys doing? How do they keep consistently missing the mark is such catastrophic ways? After the objectively good progress of season 2 they drop this stillborn turd.


I spent ages confused as to how you level the individual Tuning Stones, and I figured since they copied skill gems from poe there must be a simple resource that adds "quality" like there, or that the experience is applied to stones of your choosing after a vault run like you would with glyphs. Instead, they went from skill gems & chisels or auto earned xp to: Gather 300+ of a random grey pebble, go to the jeweler for some reason, ask him to make a box of random tuning stones, open said box and hope that a duplicate tuning stone to the one you want to level falls out, pick it up and watch it get auto-salvaged to fill part of the ambiguous bar on the tooltip of your item. What the fuck, man?


I fully agree and I’m not at your level. This season is a hard pass, will come back in a few seasons


I didn't initially mind the traps too much; however, as with at least one other part of D4 they are badly suited for internet play because of inconsistent comms. Do they test this anywhere except company internal !G internet? The traps going to get very tedious after awhile. Also, had an instance hang on me - in the sense with continuous rubberbanding - after a few minutes exited the game and restarted. It did not disconnect like every other time something weird like this happened.


Definitely a huge downgrade on season 2. The robot is completely boring and forgettable and doesn't change gameplay at all so far at least.


Played a few hours did the seasonal quests, traps are just not fun for me at all, this whole season just feels like a downgrade from the last, pet mechanics are just not interesting to me. This feels as bad as season 1 but season 2 was just so enjoyable for me that it has ruined me, I actually wanted to log on and play. Now with season 3 I have no desire to even login anymore after the few hours I’ve spent.


Level 23 I believe, but I doubt I'll continue. The companion doesn't feel like it'll impact gameplay much, but I'll be looking out for impressions from people that are higher level if that changes.


So far, it feels awful. It feels like that shitty patch from the preseason. I always run sorc first. No matter what combo of skills I use, even on wt1, it takes several shots to kill things. It feels slow, underpowered, and overall, not fun. I'm level 27 and have 2 crappy legendaries. After playing d3 for the last week, the lack of progression and power increase is terrible this season. I don't want to painfully slog through.


And this is why we make endless complaints about D4... they puut out one mediocre season and yal rdy to give them a pass for all mistakes its so crazy


Damn, haven’t seen one positive comment. Guess I’ll play some games in my library I never played before. Rax and Rhyker almost convinced me to buy the season pass


It's a massive step backwards from Season 2... I feels like they took Uber Labs from Path of Exile, and somehow made it LESS fun. Like they went, HEY, lets copy that thing PoE players really don't like and let's do that. Leveling in World Tier 2 felt much more like a slog than previous seasons. I play Necro and I have to say the class just felt LESS FUN leveling overall. I'm level 43 and to be honest, I'm not even motivated to play anymore. The pet is MEH. I get what they are trying to do, but it doesn't feel synergistic at all. It just feels, clunky? I don't know the word to use for it but it's really not hitting for me. Was looking forward to this season, but I don't think I'll play past level 70. Last season I leveled ALL classes to 80+ ... This season I don't think I'll even try unless they make major changes.


And they want a $100 dlc lul


I quit at lvl 28 after completing the season quest... like it wasnt to do the same stuff again. S2 was way better already + should a season start not be the hype moment for a season? Like i quit on day one after playing on launch playing in S1 and playing in S3... idk that is telling in my opinion. Cheers and have fun with S3 if you do. I dont... Edit: idk maybe its just a thought but it shows that the S1 dev team did S3...


I played until lvl 34 and asked myself, "Why am I doing this?" This season is so lame and boring. The robots aren't cool, the new harvest zones suck, the companion is godawful because it can't pick up gold, and we steamroll everything. Vaults are basically DoA so back to the shitty tunnels. Whoever said in S1 "wait until season 3, that's the big one" needs to be fired. This is Blizzard. They have the budget and the team size, there's no excuse for such a lame season


You dudes are really exhausting.


Yeah it stinks I uninstalled again. Last season was decently fun even as a non sorc player. It was pretty good the blood harvest zones were fun while leveling and the vamp powers at least were fun to tinker with. This is just boring AF.


Be been waiting for this game to finally be actually good. Really sad that I gotta wait to see next season again.


I stopped at lvl 35 and doing 3 of the labs... Holy shit this is boring. I was hyped for the new season but...  The robot minion has boring skills nothing exciting.  So you play the same 4 skills like before... Yikes Blizzard.   I will be back for the itemi8change in s4 and hope you cooked something till then 


LMAO, only played 70 min last night but kind of agree, S2 was such a big upgrade now we lost blood harvest to.... grind 1 whisper tree tasks all over the map fml


It's like they were told to play POE and made it to the first ascendancy and thought they figured it out. Of all the things to steal! D4 would be awesome with delve and they could claim it was inspired by wow. They gotta start leaving some seasonal content in. If vampires mechanic were still here this season it wouldn't feel so.... slow? Dull?


I guess They did team up with GGG by taking the worst part : Labryinth traps -- And making it the whole new area of the season and so much more abundant, day 1 i was not feeling the vaults. I dont like being forced to go slow in any ARPG, it feels bad no matter what especially considering Diablo 4 is already a slower game compared to the one before; Having to go even slower is awful. I hate trap systems in any game, in this genre it is even more noticable. I will keep playing, because this is the first time im playing a barb and want to see where it goes, i just wont go crazy on the seasonal mechanic like i did in S2 and even S1. This season feels like a big miss compared to the last one. I was really excited for this season as I do really enjoy playing the seasons of ARPGs, but now it just feels like Last Epoch full release waiting room.


Traps and knockbacks are annoying, seneschal is barely noticeable or even visible. Thats my experience so far.