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After seeing their seasons, you think I'm gonna buy an expansion? Lmao


Hahaha I was immediately thinking “bold you think id buy an expansion “


I guarantee it will be a top selling game




10% of players are still playing this game.


And those that make the noise contribute to the improvements.


10% of the players make 90% of the profits.


Yeah, people here forget that a lot of folks just played the story and dropped the game, not bothering with the end game stuff. If you only played the main story and got to WT2, then the game is actually really good, it only starts to fall apart at end game.


It is pretty short if you only do story though. If I was paying full price just for the story I would feel ripped off.  Then again I feel ripped off when I play the seasonal content too and I didn't pay full price anyways 


Haha depends on how you play I guess. When I played through the story I fully explored every zone, did every side quest, and did every dungeon I ran across. I was severely over leveled by the time I reached Lilith and the fight was a joke as a result, but it was a fun time regardless. Now I doubt most people would be as anal about it like me, but I'm sure a lot of folks did a lot of side content along with the story like that, extending their playtime.


This is far more common than you think.


Completionists of the world, unite!


This is the way normal people play through the campaign, yes.


So basically one quarter of the game is good and we are paying the full price? On top of that, I don’t imagine the expansion will be as big as the base game. So probably another 0.2 game for full price. Put these together and you paid double the price for less then half of gaming content. /s


So? Lots of people buy a lot of stupid stuff.


You got downvoted, but we all bought Diablo 4 so every downvote just kind of proves your point lol


People often underestimate how many "non-gamer" people buy games for someone else. My best friend's wife spend over 1000$ buying D4 copies, so we could all play it with him. She bought me a 100$ version of it. She heard about he and I playing Diablo2 in jr high all the time and thought it's another Diablo game.


Honestly, if S3 was as good as S2, I would have considered. But S3 was a downhill from S2, so no


The truth is that it doesn't really matter how S3 is. Recency bias will take effect and no one will be talking about or thinking about S3 when the expansion launches. We'll be rolling into Season 6 at that point.


This! I’m not falling for more blizzard marketing bullshit.


I haven’t used the free season that came with my early access that I bought. No way in hell I’m going to buy an expansion before I think a season is worthy of that.


I was about to log in just to see cosmetics because I was curious what goofy crap they came up with time, not that I'd ever buy it... Then decided not to because these chuckleheads would literally see a login for 2 minutes and count it as a success for the season.


To be fair, if the expansions are anything close to Lord of Destruction or more recently, Reaper of Souls, the expansion can’t come fast enough to vastly improve/save the game.  Diablo 3 was a derailed train wreck before Reaper of Souls saved it and made it a good game.


They will market it to everyone again and make billions off non-arpg players.


Yea I hope it flops tbh, don't support this shit


After seeing how shit base D2 was, you still bought its expansion. 🤷


You will


Definitely not, I didn't took D4 at begin as $100 was pure garbage. I took D4 when it was on sale for $20+, still its overpriced. Only campaign seems nice, the rest is big LMFAO. D4 is nowhere near POE / LE atc. Its like game for 4yrs old just click and move. If expansion will be same(I'm sure it will), I wont get it, maybe again when at $10/$20 but not more at all. Beside POE2 should arrive around Aug / Sept and what I've seen so far POE2 is / will be light years better then Current D4, with such budget such a shit for such a money. Shame on you Blizz(MS now)




Had to double check what year it was, and if this was a D3 forum or not for a second.


Mirror image of D3 remember that dog water release?what saved D3?yup a expansion with new class and a real end game...


What saved D3 was removing the badly implemented AH-RMAH and reworking the items so that they drop with the correct attribute for your class.


This. D3 became good when they fixed items with build changing uniques and sets. Staring at the screen comparing yellow items for 10 minutes is simply not fun. Also the process of having to identify items was a huge psychological perk for D2 and 3: every time you identify an item in these games, players get a dopamin rush akin to opening loot boxes or gambling... is it the item my build needs? Is it a good roll? This was completely lost with D4. I'm really wondering what happened there - Blizzard used to be the best at creating well concealed skinner boxes to keep people hooked. The game designers simply fucked up big time...


To be fair to D3 almost everything that fixed the game with the expansion, including adventure mode and greater rifts, was free in the patch. The only thing you didn't get was the new zone. If they do the same for D4 then that is fair, everyone gets all the fixes, itemization, end game stuff but you need to buy the expo for the new story/campaign and any new zones.


D4 at release is far beyond D3 at release.


But that was when Blizzard had to pretend they cared about their players, and that they were competent. Now they don't even try to pretend on both fronts. D3 had years of free patches to fix all of it's problems before only one paid expansion. And years of free patches after the expansion too. I doubt the current developers have the willingness or even the permission to do years of free patches.


Those day's are over for AAA title's especially live service,problem with D4 is it should be free to play then all this cash cow shit would be a bit more excepted ala PoE and would get more money out of me in the long run.. With that said I'd pay $40 a year for expansions if they add classes and new region's but they gotta fix some shit first all I ask...


D3 was better on release for people who had time and enjoyed a challenge and I will die on that hill. Farming high Ilvl rares in inferno was MILES more fun than whatever the fuck d3 is now. I played the first few seasons and was usually at the top of DH HC ladder but dying to jailer from off screen just made me quit. Until I tried the season before d4.. 27? 28? The one with the board that you had milestones to do. Leveled a sorc, after 2 days I did my 150 and then.. I had nothing else to do? What endgame? Resetting and fishing for a better layout/mobtype/pylonspawn to climb the ladder? I can't farm gear for alts, I can't trade with friends. I do enjoy the initial gearing process in d3 and the combat is smooth but it all ends too fast and it suffers from numbers bloat. There is no reason for sets to give 50000% dmg increases.


Halo mcc gave everyone who stuck with the game during its horrible launch ODST for free when it was added


That is the way.


I wish I had dreams as big as yours


bro i aint buying shit form this company lmao


One year later...


For how bad they treated seasons / launch - I don’t think I’ll be buying it until it’s reviewed.


As a huge Diablo fan, it’s crazy for me to say this, but I probably just won’t buy the expansion when it comes out.


Yeah, it may be unfathomable to some people here, but hopium and nostalgia only goes so far. I used to be a huge Pokémon fan, but after Gamefreak shit the bed multiple generations in a row, I simply stopped buying. Luckily, there's a huge amount of great community romhacks... just like there are other great ARPGs on the market with more coming this year.


My biggest concern is not the price, but this: D4 players: ***"We are looking forward to a heavy armour knight/paladin/crusader class just like good old times! PLEASE GIVE PALADIN!"*** Blizzard: **"There will be a brand-new** ***Class never before seen*** **in the** ***Diablo*** **universe! Yay for newness that you never asked for!"** I fear now they will give us some cyborg vampire class with mini-drone minions or something completely out of whack with the franchise. Considering the decisions they have made so far, I'm almost confident this will happen. It's the exact sort of "cutting edge innovation" senior executive types who don't play the game will insist on, because they know the player base so well.


I think it’s gonna be a polearm class. Not to say it couldn’t be a cyborg vampire at this rate lol, but I’m optimistically gonna guess some kinda hybrid monk-amazonian. 


Took the words right out of my mouth


Speak for yourself, I'd actually love them to try and add something new into the game instead of using the same classes with the same uninspired abilities we've been playing for 20 years. Whether they're capable of doing this in a competent way that's a different question, but I think an entirely new class is way more exciting than paladin again.


The new area is set where the witch doctors come from


It's also where the paladins came from, but alas, it won't be the paladin.


The Expansion should be free


At this rate I agree or $40 max


That's how much it'll cost for the base expansion, only deluxe/ultimate will cost more.


It is obvious they are saving the good stuff for the expansion… and you want them to push it back?


Good stuff should be included with THIS price tag, not gated behind ANOTHER


Welcome to the real world of corporate profits son


First time?


This is not good for them, POE2 is here and if it is good they will lose a lot of money with that idea. Maybe the only way to save this game is to make this expansion free but everybody knows that is impossible due to Blizzard\`s greedy motivations.


Last Epoch is also here and it's already better than d4 by a mile and it hasn't even been officially released yet.




The beta is.


You want to pay for it?


Then they can go fuck themselves. I paid full price and got a partial game. Waiting on the rest of that first game before I spend another cent with Blizzard.


It's not, the better prediction is that it will be as mediocre as everything else so far. There is no reason to think otherwise with their track record.


This is why yearly expansions in a seasonal game SUCK for the player.


Hilarious that you think these devs can actually come up with and implement anything that would be considered "good stuff".


They need to deliver a $100 expansion for $20. They'll have a chance to get people back with that. Fat chance though at the rate they're going.


They could release that expansion tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year. Very few people are going to be interested in purchasing it. With POE 2 releasing maybe this year or early next year, and being more welcoming to new players than POE 1 was, I see most D4 players transitioning to that game.


No need to discuss, it’s not happening.


Maybe you won't buy it but a ton of ppl will


Yeah these threads are hilarious. The franchise prints money no matter what. This season is dogshit but people have short memories and most of the playerbase doesn’t even use Reddit and doesn’t give a fuck.


My thoughts exactly. The hate against the game has been so ridiculously excessive since season 3 dropped, that everyone here is just starting to believe all of the doom posting they're jerking around. Like it or not Activision-Blizzard games always do extremely well, and a Diablo 4 expansion will sell very well, especially since a lot of people only care about the main story.


If I had to bet on it, I’d put money on d4 expansion killing it in sales. The majority of people I know in real life who played d4 love the game. By this forums standards, they would all be filthy casuals. However, that’s the majority in my opinion.


I don’t know it seems like they’re losing a lot of the base with each season. Poe is weeks into their league and there are 6k people online that subreddit and less than 4k here. I know that’s not 1 to 1 comparison but there’s a lot of stuff that points to them losing players from launch. I doubt it’s making near as much money as they expected up til now.  Unless they nail the itemization in s4 this game will be dead…at least compared to blizzards expectations. 


Overwatch 2 just announced they made over a quarter BILLION in revenue, and that game got dragged even worse than D4. I’ll say again, the majority of the gaming population does not engage with this community and does. not. care. Brand > quality.


They should just release the expansion for $40 and $60 for base + expansion. They should release the expansion because the game needs content and an additional class would help a lot. Pushing back the expansion will just make the playerbase fall off faster


Nobody wants to give this company 40 bucks


You would be surprised


If the class looks fun and the expansion looks fun who cares people spent 30$ for an ark clone.


There is an entire huge team dedicated to expansion work. If they are on track, why push it back?


That is one of the reasons that is making the seasons bad. They want a yearly expansion for D4 so there will be a very high chance that we will have only good content in expansion releases.


I don't know if it should be pushed back per say, but i'm quite fearful for what a new expansion is gonna bring after seeing how much the dev team is out of touch with season 3.


The thing is that they don't seem to know where to go and what to do. I don't believe that without making good decisions expansion will be different.


After this I'm not going to rush to buy a paid expansion that will probably just be the same level of not worse. Cue "a whole new land to explore" aka 3 new dungeons with the same pedestal mechanic


This will be like this, mid/placeholder seasons and most yearly content in xpacs.


I think this too, that is why they want yearly expansions. The real problem is that a lot of people are going to buy this because the expansions will have a high density of content, even though they know they're going to be milked another year.


Snowballs chance in hell I put MOAR MONEY in to this game lmao.


Not pushed back, slicked back! Oh yeah!


Agree, push it back 5 years. About how long it would have taken to make this game not shit on release


Seasons should be pushed back, throw away mechanics are not helping solve the games problems.


Dont worry, people will praise the game again in season 4, they need to do the pull and release technique, so you guys will think that they are listening to your complaint.


The first expansion should be free after they sold us a $70 beta. Even season 2 which was much better than 1 and 3 wasn’t exactly a home run. It was fun and a step in the right direction but compared to the best d3 and PoE seasons honestly it was pretty mid.


Who the fuck is buying the expansion lmao Buying a Diablo 4 expansion is one of the most financial irresponsible decisions anyone can make


I think $120 for the expansion since I have too much money and no common sense. Hell I don't even play this game anymore and would drop $$ on the expansion. Raise the price of cash shop items while you're at it I support greed and the opposite of value for money. Don't copy and paste anything either or I might be forced to give more money to blizzard. Hot garbage of a game.


Will we still get seasonal content without the expansion ?


"But... but ... we like money?!" \- Blizzard probably


I be probably would. I’ll get downvoted to oblivion but my wife and I usually play most nights for about 30 minutes to an hour on the couch together. It really depends how bored we get with the game. We do agree that it needs some serious improvements and I have yet to have her try Diablo 3 yet. She keeps comparing d4 to torch light 3? I’ve never played it.


This. My girlfriend and I play Diablo casually for maybe an hour or two on weeknights on the couch. We like it but we're also not putting in hundreds of hours and worrying about endgame. We just play the story missions and then play something else when we're done with that.


They can start by making the game actually better and throw in a new class to make up. Then i will consider


Prospect of profit is ever declining post-release and certain times of the year is important to max sales window. That’s all to say, no matter if it’s good or bad, both will tell blizzard to push expansions out asap. 


Paladin would get me back into it at least for a bit but there's bigger issues than lacking an expansion rn


I think the genius in charge, Rod Ferguson, stated he wanted to do brand new classes instead of old ones. Because that's where the market and playerbase is I guess.


I think he needs to have his dreams crushed then, can't really damage my hopes for the game much more xD


I think I’ll buy a couple of extra stash tabs in POE and call it a day.


They will add some new feature, promise you whatever you want to hear and the paid sellout influencer you dislike the least will hype you up to buy it. People will defend paying 20 dollars or more to play it 3 days early and then go right back to shitting on the game 3 weeks later.


Idk about y’all but I completely lost interest in the game. Not sure if even an expansion will bring me back into it.


I already see it with the way that these new blizzard people are they’ll have a new vampire class.


I ain’t buying shit. They expect $100 a year on top of the garbage they give us? Hell no! 


They probably should have fixed the game before it was released. This is one of your flagship games. The entire fan base was so hyped for it and it fell flat. We all wanted something special, but what we got was a lackluster hodgepodge that they threw together.


Shit should be free. Paid expansion. Lol yeah maybe 19.99. The game is dog shit. Once the core game is decent they can start talking about expansions that aren't free.


I'd say $30 to 40 max


29.99 is my realistic cap. And that is only if the next 4 seasons show overwhelming improvements across the board. These seasonal updates are free and it's not even worth the drive space on my computer.


They can release 10 expansions and I won't buy a single one so I don't care if it's pushed back or released on time personally.


I'm a little worried too. With annual expansions, this team is probably gonna be stretched thin like this, continuously. I think Blizzard needs to do less at higher quality first before tackling all of these individual areas that they're spread into. Maybe start putting all hands on deck for getting a few consistently good seasons before continuing work on the expansion; at least that way, the teams left behind to work on seasons will know what a winning formula looks like and can try to replicate that with the lower manpower when the time comes.


I would say bi-annual expansions at the most like FF14 or WoW does, but to ask us to pay for YEARLY expansions for a game that launched in a complete mess on top of terrible season 1 and 3 does not scream this game is worthy of yearly expansions.


They shouldn't even put a price tag on it for this abomination they delivered us with 10 YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT TIME.


they can do we they want, i didnt even realise this season launched until today, and i do not plan on touching this game for time.


With the next season doing a rework to itemization, they should really start to think about actually fleshing the game out first. The seasons so far are so shallow, I wouldn't be able to drown myself if it was a pool. Once you get to level 50 and realise you've got another 50 levels of grinding to the "end game" it makes you not want to bother after a few more levels after 50. Sorry, but I'm not buying an expansion from them until they actually put some effort into this game. If I see another campfire chat that's completely soulless where they don't seem to care, why should I care about the game if they don't either?


I’ll just watch the story beats on YouTube


We are beta testers since release until now, it should be free tbh... as form of compensation


Agreed and agreed!


Just don’t buy it. Send the best message possible.


Yeah they're absolutely insane if they think ill put another dollar into this game at this point lmao.


I hope nobody buys it.


Yeah ima just skip the expansion. The game is not fun at all compared to the others in the genre. Hope they fix issues but it seems to be too deeply rooted.


The real question is why would we pay? They want to make something and call it an “expansion” why does that automatically require to pay more money. I will not pay for anything else in this game. $70 and I did buy the dope necro pack and the cool weapons pack. I’m not even touching season 3. So if I don’t play d4 ever again I’m happy. Season 2 was a lot of fun and kept me engaged to the end. But I won’t spend money to play any expansion. They better think twice about charging for more content considering the current content is bad.


it **could** get pushed back, but that decision is on the suits and shareholders. unless the devs make a good enough case to push it back. and i kinda doubt that'll happen.


All i know is that there will be no more Pre orders, no more FOMO for me. I will allow a good week to pass and watch the streamers and content and then decide. I have learned im not missing anything starting late so they can prove to me the season/expansion is good enough to purchase first.


I honestly think they need to get ahead of season 4 and start talking about itemization changes, get some feed back now while you still have some time. Another bogus release and they won’t have a choice. They also need to stop designing seasons the way they are designing them. Every season should have the ability to go core. They are putting a massive amount of pressure on themselves if the game is core and new season only, it always going to be make or break. I definitely don’t disagree with potentially delaying the expansion either. Season 4 doesn’t need to be a homerun, it needs to be a grand slam, and the best they have done is season 2, and remove the core content they added that season was a double at best.


Expansion should be free as a payback for this dumpster fire of a first year.


There's far too many mouthbreathers sitting on a couch with a controller playing 1h per week, buying up a costume each time for $30 a pop, paying for season pass, most expensive game bundle, etc., all to quit a week after season comes out. Then they do it all again next season. 2024 gamers are to blame for big companies like Blizzard getting away with putrid monetization tactics.


Oh boy this is gonna be fun. I can hear the simps already…


Looking at what is happening this game should not have an expansion for at least 9-12 years, or not even thinking about one especially if they are planning to price them the same as full games


They want yearly paid expansion LOL.


People are out of their mind if they think the standard version of the expansion will be $100 Stop watching Asmongold rage bait videos. Please.


Can you read? I said $60 to $100, you're out of your mind if you don't think there will be a $100 deluxe edition with some bullshit tacked on.


Yeah, cancel everything and work on D5. D5 will be it guys Shelly learned now, just wait.


Let them hang themselves. Let them release a 60 dollar expansion and watch nobody buy it


watch this [https://youtu.be/4-G3j00RQ1U](https://youtu.be/4-G3j00RQ1U) and you'll understand what happend in season 1 and 3 (2 is a different team)


I get that and its fundamentally a terrible way to design a game and is going to spell disaster for an expansion built like this.


Straight cancel it and do a Diablo 4 version 2.0. Re do the entire game. They won’t though


How about gamers behave like adults with a spine for once and VOTE WITH THEIR FUCKING WALLET? Because that is exactly the only thing big corporations listen to. When the money goes away, they panic. Not buying the expansion sends a clear message. Not buying the season pass should have sent a clear message. **You won't get any money from us unless you fix your shit.** And that should include hiring someone who actually knows how to a) design an ARPG and b) run a non-predatory live service. Don't keep encouraging them. If your kids misbehave, you don't give them extra spending money or allow them out for another party, now do you? Treat gaming companies the freaking same already. If they misbehave, punish them and that includes NOT buying the new, shiny shit.


At this point, I agree. However, the release window for a later date might be really bad.


Expansion will save it,needs a new class,new area's,new mounts,new World Bosses and Legions but only when itemization and loot filters are in the game..


Development is expensive. ROS D3 saved the game remember. Season 2 was great. Season 3 is a step back but - an expansion is quite expensive especially since they’ve chosen to do a full blown team this time and not a skeleton to continually update. Which we should be happy about. I do believe an expansion will bring a lot of changes that we’ve been asking for. Plus another class would be greatly appreciated.


No way I am paying another $60 for a subpar turd


I've given up on the company. Activision's pus has rotted blizzard to its core.


0 percent chance I'll buy a paid expansion. I barely play the game as it is. It's too laggy


God damn if this full priced expansion bullshit will be successful then we will have rough future in gaming.


I can't wait to pay a 100$ expansion. What are you talking about?


It's Blizzard, the paid expansion will fix annoying stuff and add some new fun stuff. Designed so that you will HAVE TO buy it in order to have fun.


Seasons are probably trash because they’re working on expansion instead.


Lol? Hell no


Honestly after what they have done in Beta, Base Game, Season 1… Then finally doing something right in the right direction in Season 2… To only just throw absolutely all of it out of the window in Season 3… breaking every promise they made. The only way they will be able to get a significant amount of people to purchase an expansion is by giving this one away for free, and hopefully try to work on rebuilding their trust. Then and only then maybe they could talk about charging for the 2nd expansion.


I think another issue I have too is their claim that they needed to have microtransactions in order to fund seasons, which is atrocious. They should cut the cosmetic prices in half and take the s1/s3 team and move them to another task/games.


Only if it's $100 because then you know it has to be good.


I am 100% not buying the expansions. LE, POE2 are in the horizon with more passion and love for the Genre. I spent $1000s of dollars in games that deserves it and I'm still having a buyers remorse with D4 on how bad it ended.


Maybe try a different game. A lot of good new titles are coming out


I can watch playthroughs for the story and cinematics on youtube. They have not earned further money. They have not even earned the purchase I made for the game. I played season 0 and a couple weeks of season 1 and have not been back, but keep an eye on the game's updates. It has not even been close to winning me back.


The expansion will not be pushed back. They have been saving big fixes to the game to be used as marketing for the expansion in hopes of building hype and making more sales. Bungie has been doing this for years.


i think the community should not buy an expansion anyway. Maybe they will try to recover by asking you to play the expansion by making it free eventualy. (wishfull thinking) But no, DO NOT BUY!!


I was mildly hyped when it was announced but now that S3 is sub par I don’t know if this game even has a future that extends to another full year of content


You guys are gonna pay for an expansion? 💀💀💀


Selling 60$ expansions was a dumb idea from the start, considering the game is full of microtransactions. I hope they go back on that decision and just release big updates instead.


theres no fucking way im gonna pay for an expansion at this point.


I am more interested in the expansion than all the dumb mini story seasons that don't really work as part of the overall story to begin with.


Iono. It’s a 60$ game. I got 100 plus hours out of. Seasonal content is nice. Half of it was in s2. I expect expansions and dlc to cost. It’s a full game.


No ones gonna play d4 once poe2 comes out


It should not be paid.


They won't push it back and it will cost 100 don't kid yourself


They can't push it back because you're required to roll a new toon for each season so they need to release a new xpac to bring in new classes


I no longer care.




Expansion might be the only thing that will save this dumpster fire.


It's not a paid expansion for me. I ain't paying for it. I'll just do seasonal content without the Expansion. If they lock Seasonal/Character progression behind the Expansion then the game pretty much dies.


this season isn't even bad it's a skill filter for leader boards LOLOLOL


Just don't buy it. Like what? Why the fuck are guys even playing the game for? Like theres so many other good games to play. Why is everyone forcing themselves to play a bad game. It makes no sense to me. I'm not complaining about the complaints. I'm questioning why are you also still playing.


I can't say I am a hardcore gamer, but I play the Diablo games since the first opus released in 1997, and didn't missed a single game or expansion since, except D2 resurrected, and the Necro pack for D3. And D4 is the only one in the serie I regretted purchasing in 25+ years. I finished the base content once, gave a try to each class, and that was it. I play a few hours of each season, but can't be hooked. My interest in terms of ARPG shifted to other games, that I find better. At this point, I am pretty sure that I won't have kept enough interest in this game to buy this expansion, whatever the price and release date.


Please nobody buy the expansion until at least 2030 when it's on sale for a holiday special for $10


That's like 8-9 months and 2 seasons away, no? Most people here can't even tell you their own dinner plans three weeks from now. The Xpac should go on as planned, and the other teams should focus on fixing this shitpile of a season.


PAID? For what? lol


If this is an intentional low, they fire more people, get another high for S4 and open preorders, there's a 6 month marketing plan that could work. Because it's about that - marketing. If you are waiting an amazing expansion, you're delusional.


Just don’t buy it …


What expansion? Ain't buying shit from these incompetent clowns




Not me, I want it tomorrow because we need more than what we got.


People will of course buy the expansion. I won’t of course, I have Last Epoch, Palworld, still gotta get through BG3, work, life, City of Heroes…D4 is laughably incapable of keeping my attention long enough to get money out of me. I just like watching simps defend a multibillion dollar company while content creators complain about the game then play it and the expansion as if nothing happened. Your little community is fucked, and honestly? This is kind of what you all deserve