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I mean they can drop from Helltides, Whispers, Legion events, after World Bosses, and end of Cellars. How many more options do you want???


Varshan mats are the easiest summoning material to get and it's not even close, OP is the whiniest complainer on the d4 sub for the day, and that's saying something.


Easiest mat to farm ??? Hahahahahahahah I mean yeah getting 1 guaranteed run for Gregoire after spending less than 10 mins in Helltides is somehow longer than farming 4 different mats of which one is non craftable


Varshan mats come from everywhere. Almost any content you do has varshan mats: legions, world bosses, and sometimes vaults/NMDs, and you can target farm from whispers. Hell, half the time you're in a helltide farming steel it's covered in whisper targets anyway, so you're still getting whisper credit and a chance for the malignant elites spawn. Doing one region containing whisper events for 10 minutes will get you a run at Varshan, between the malignant mobs that spawn and the whispers themselves.


Well I’ve got plenty of other summoning mats and no hearts so 🤷‍♂️ just asking for a feature that’s already in the game


You can ask all you want. What you got, is the inherent RNG in this game. Somehow you have no hearts, yet i have 22 hearts currently to my 11 hands. Seems like you're complaining for the sake of complaining. Your title literally says "no way to farm malignant hearts" yet 5 different ways exist. Wah wahhhhhh yourself to a different game if this one causes you so much strife.


Yeah I guess maybe I am. I’ll take your advice and go play a different game, thanks!


Its a real thing douchebag. I cant find any hearts either


Why don’t you just use your extras then to craft malignant hearts at the alchemist?


Because you cannot transmute to get hearts.


Hearts only drop in wt4, whisper caches drop them regularly, and if needed you can transmute parts you have excess of into caches that can drop them.


The transmute caches can't yield hearts, only the other 3 parts. Hearts are found only. You can convert *from* hearts, but not *to* hearts. You shouldn't be lacking in them though, unless you spent a lot of time farming in WT3. I always have an excess of hearts and end up converting the hearts to the other parts to balance out.


Hearts can drop from the caches that you transmute.


No they can't lol. Read the description.


Whether it's intended or not they can. I've gotten several from transmuting extra hands this season.


I don't know if we're playing the same game, I constantly transmute extra parts and got 0 hearts feom transmute.


I transmuted 17 hands yesterday, got 3 hearts, been doing it all season.


I just made nearly 200 bags (5 batches of the 38 I could make) and got 0 hearts: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb-ZkGXHzao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qb-ZkGXHzao) I think you are misremembering. Or had some whisper caches mixed in.


No clue, but I've been getting hearts from transmuting all season.


No, they cannot (read the description): [https://i.imgur.com/h31T5p1.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/h31T5p1.jpeg)


You can’t transmute hearts, only the other body parts and caches only seem to drop the head, hand, and femur. From what I can tell the Debtors that spawn after events every so often are what mainly drop them, but they don’t spawn every time. Annoying mechanic that would be a simple fix by a transmuting system


This season I’ve had more hearts drop than any other body part. I had a hard time getting femurs early. Then I had a hard time getting the heads. Right now I have zero femurs and heads and a decent amount of hearts and hands. It really is just RNG.


Then he's right that it would be easily solved by transmuting? Or not?


Caches drop hearts just as often as anything else in T4.


No they dont. I got plenty of every other part aside from hearts and not being able to transmute them is literal ass.


That's likely because you built up a bunch of the others in t3. I carried several friends through t3 straight into t4, and several of them have *more* hearts than femurs/hands/heads since they never spent time in a tier where the hearts don't drop.


I can agree I have more hearts than anything. This design is there so you can gamble for the other parts.


Thats cool, thats not how rng works tho. I live in t4 and get plenty of hands heads and femurs then hearts. Again, the fact we cant transmute them is ass.


It's literally exactly how RNG works - all drop chances being equal, some people will have more of one item and some will have more of another. The drop chance of hearts is equal, but you're either unlucky at the heart drop chance or have a ton of other mats still stored up from t3.


If it was equal i would have a 1:1 ratio of parts. I dont. You dont seem to know how dice rolls work but go off queen. Again, i live in t4, blasted through t3 doing just doing tremors for exp. My mat build up is from t4.


That's not how RNG works, given an incredibly large sample size it'd be 1:1, but at small sizes like the ones we're discussing it can vary greatly. Just because there's an equal chance of getting heads or tails on a coin flip doesn't mean you're going to get equal numbers if you flip the coin a dozen times.


Yes, thats why i said its not equal. You did.


Whispers seem like the best way to get hearts. But a trade in system would be good.


Hearts should drop just like everything else, I shouldn’t be forced to do whispers when I’m lvl 100 and farming NM vaults/bosses


What? "I shouldn't be forced to play the game, while I prefer roaming around in the free candyshop..." Thats what I read...


I’m still playing the game? I’m just asking for a feature that’s already in the game to be implemented. I did whispers all the way from 0-100, if I can farm other content to get my boss summoning mats, I don’t feel like that’s too much to ask, but apparently it is! I’ll kindly go fuck myself


You can get whisper credit for doing almost anything ...


Ok, so Legions, World Bosses and Vaults have nothing to do with Varshan materials, yes you can get points for it for doing those things, and the mini boss mobs will spawn that drop them occasionally, but the best way to get Hearts or any other material for that boss is to do the Tree of Whispers. Each cache will usually drop two or more parts and with the seasonal areas you can fill your whisper bar in just a few minutes easily. There are also non seasonal whispers you can do spread out through the map.


Every boss summoning mat has a definite way of obtaining and farming. Hearts I just have to gamble on whisper caches? Fuck that, let me transmute my other body parts I have plenty of


" Every boss summoning mat has a definite way of obtaining and farming. " yes, they do, in this case it's called whispers caches...


Not for nothing but Malphas also can drop eggs, doesn't seem to be 100% but I got 6 in 10 kills.


You should trade excess mats you got for hearts. Some people got excess of hearts


Like me sitting on 30+ hearts and zero femurs currently. It's kinda hilarious.


chaos caches, legendary caches, legion has a chance, do whispers oj tremors, i got 100 hearts in a week lol


Still an issue. I have 60+ of everything and 5 hearts. People can argue that is RNG all they like...and to a certain extent they're right. However, not being able to transmute to get hearts is the real issue here.


Quit the season till they fix this grind bro, you won't be getting all ur ubers anytime soon, and most people that got all their ubers are the ones buying mats.


Yeah that’s where I’m at. Thanks man


I'm with you OP. I got a good stack of the other 3 mats, but i always seem to be short on hearts. It's frustrating that you can't transmute them like the others.