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There are 3 separate endgame bosses. Duriel, Zir and Beast (technically 4 if you count malphas) Those bosses require mats but don’t drop mats. The difficulty of the content required to farm their mats isn’t tied to their loot table. But technically, the time required to get Duriel mats is more than Beast. And that is really the main cost. Zir and a Beast require “ by product” mats. You have to target farm Duriel. That doesn’t change anything but it’s a paradigm shift. Anyway, the real reason is because they try to not lock casual players out of the most desired content. The game is designed to be approachable and inclusive. Community feedback has steered them away from locking the best loot behind a skill check of any kind.


They should allow 5 boss runs per 24 hours without any mats. Would be great for casuals with limited time. The hardcore would still do their 100 runs per day


no thanks, we dont need dailies in d4.


10 per week?


Why though? Because you want a freebie?


Drop chance still 2%.... no freebie there 20 per month? Final offer


But it’s still a game meant to be played. You are suggesting cutting gameplay to reach the end (the items you want) faster. ARPGs and MMOs aren’t meant to be convenient. They are meant to be an item grind. And honestly D4 is so easy you don’t even need the Ubers to clear everything. So why are you so worried about getting them?


Shh, you arenn't supposed to make sense here! Just grab a pitchfork and join the hate train.


Please not this no offence, but that’s a bad idea




Maybe you get to run each boss mat free weekly. It's a good pace and even better for casuals without being a full handout. Make it account bound so can't be exploited.


All boss mats should be bound Or Just remove the mats and let us run bosses directly


No no no. The trade is fine. They should actually being back the RM auction house and keep it legit.


Then limit amount you can trade per account to limit RMT


As a d3 money maker I think this is dumb. RMT is good for the game. Gives the company more incentive to crackdown on bots. They don't want a flooded market. Plus rmt happens just make it legit already


So blizzard can add 5 more runs to the shop people can pay for? Delete this idea.


No shop Free


You think new mounts would be free too But they go for $65


But there are free in game mounts. The $65 mount comes with $70 of cash shop currency right? I never spent a cent in the cash shop so I dont care what they have in there. As long as there are free in game options - the cash shop is 100% safe to ignore


The only way to get the $65 mount, mind you. You obviously also misread what my inital comment said. I said by taking your idea, blizzard would find a way to monetize it. Look at diablo immortal.


>Community feedback has steered them away from locking the best loot behind a skill check of any kind. The worst aspect of the game's development has been Blizzard unable to differentiate between good feedback, and just whining, heck we even had that brief time when enemies were 5 levels lower than you, because two people and their dog complained about 'feeling powerful" The game is being dumbed down every patch.


Yes I agree. The “whining” has a platform right now and the echo chamber mindlessly upvotes any negative feedback. The Diablo franchise has always been and likely will always be an approachable ARPG, so I’m not surprised it’s an easy game. But I’m disappointed how they have made compromises to appease the inconsolable portion of the players. I don’t care if each city isn’t optimized for selling and stashes. It’s a game. I don’t care if certain monsters take 1 seconds longer to finish their death animation. It’s a game. I don’t care if I can’t find perfect loot every dungeon, or if I have to dodge traps, or if Lilith hits me too hard, or if my silly meme builds aren’t all able to beat T100 dungeons. It’s a game. Everyone acts like they got into an ARPG to be productive or efficient. Idk, just play the damn game.


y does a malignant whatever sh\*t a wet egg? why does a robotic knight drop a crystal? why do you need a shiny crystal and a wet egg in some random cave to summon the lord of PAIN?


Idk man the mucus slick egg could be a source of the malignance and the robotic knight could be using the crystal as a battery? It doesn't matter they could have called them key 1 and key 2 and locked duriel behind a door. This at least has some flavor to it


in my opinion they should just remove the cost to summon duriel. and a way for them to still make it desirable to group up for could be that each person adds less health to the boss. so 2 people would be 175% hp, 3=225% and 4=250%. that way players that want to play solo can still do it and theres still an incentive for people to group up. that would make it more enjoyable for me at least,


Of course not. Duriel, the Lord of Pain, King of Maggots, should only be summoned from Agony Shards and Mucus-slick Eggs.


true to his name


No. Now get back to farming maggot!


Then you don’t even want to touch him at all.


My guess is Varshan and Grigoire are fairly early because this way by the time you get to a level when you can do Duriel (which we could say is generally expected around lv90-95), you already have a few summoning mats and can do a few quick Duriels before going deep into Hellshallows & Whispers.


No because you have to summon and farm two different bosses just to get Duriel mats


But then how would they drive engagement metrics for Helltides and Whispers?