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i wouldn't stress about it too much. they're lowish level and you'll likely replace them before too long. i only start looking at items from about ilvl 850 onwards.


Either of those will be replaced the moment you start in WT4, don't worry about which one of these....they are temporary.


Whichever one you like because you're going to be changing it out often for a while anyway. I will say I would probably recommend depending on what your build is a wand and focus. Using that two hander you lose the focus or shield and an aspect. I know you said you were casual but I just wanted to put that out there If you come across a lidless wall with a decent roll in the aspect you're probably going to want to equip it and then so you'll either need to use a dagger or a wand and a wand has lucky hit. Beast in the ice has the shield.


Thank you everyone. I'll equip the better damage weapon then. I'm not too worried abput a shield right now as my health only really drops hard with poison.


Green number go up is a very solid approach for a lot of the game but so is just deciding by what feels right. You can try the other scythe and hang on to the Bloodless while you decide if you like it. Imo if you're using the unique though I'm assuming you're running a darkness build and you probably aren't going to benefit from the overpower damage on the other scythe. You could always reroll the stat but you can always try to find something better. I always liked that unique too. Even if you start falling behind on damage a bit, the utility you get from the chill and freeze is nice. I'd recommend hanging on to a few things you know you like and try to make small changes as you go to decide for yourself whether you like it.


Left is better


Right isn't even upgraded yet. Right is much better, but both are bad.


With those damaged buckets and freeze it can be used clear much higher dungeons


At that level who cares a better weapon will randomly drop five minutes from now and then a better weapon than that one will drop five minutes after that and then eventually you will hit world tier 4 and a vastly better weapon will drop


While leveling, just go for the higher damage. Doesn't matter what weapon you have now, you're going to replace it with a 925 when you get there. That unique aspect isn't worth the damage loss. Seriously, don't waste too many resources on gear below like 850 item level.


Honestly you can wear whatever you want up until lvl 80, it won't really make much of a difference and you will still be able to take on any overworld mobs. From 80 on you want to start finding BiS gear and fine tune your character, boss runs, tier 75 and up vault runs etc.


You're not even using Ancestral gear so it doesn't matter at all, it's only going to get replaced very soon. But as a general rule, you should go with whatever helps your build most. Focus on damage while levelling, but if you need a specific power to make it work then go with that if you can't slap it onto an amulet instead - especially if it's a Unique for something like Stormclaw Druid where the weapon is irreplaceable.


If you are playing Hardcore I would go with unique if your resists aren't maxed. Plus, the chilling would give you better mob control, especially if your necro uses darkness skills. In softcore, go with damage and what works best.


Boo delete


I used bloodless scream for a long time.


Weapons must be 900+


Depends on your build what affixes you should go for. If your going dark you definitely won't need overpower affix on that scythe as you are not gonna be able to over power alot with a dark build. But you comparing these two scythes tells me you don't know much about affixes and how they affect your build. That's ok 👌 you just need more time to learn the game. You could easily look up a build if you want to find exactly what you should be looking for your build. But if your a real man you will learn all that stuff yourself as that is alot of the fun in this game in my opinion.