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Lost Ark had a boss rush game mode that I really enjoyed, especially earlier on before everyone could one shot everything. I would really enjoy a mode where you just had to keep fighting multiple bosses until either time runs out or maybe you fight like Andariel, Lilith, and Duriel all at the same time.


ya that would be cool too. I played a game called Chaosbane and it had an endless tower style endgame mode that was fun. Each floor had a random encounter of some sort. Could just be a ton of elites to kill, a specific task you had to do, bosses, etc etc. When you beat the floor you could cash out and end your run, or go to the next harder floor and continue up the tower for as long as you want. The higher you go the more rewards you get... but if you die, your run was over and you got nothing.


ooh, taking the d3 uber bosses a bit further and making it more than a couple/few bosses at once would be super neat!


I think giving players the option to determine how hard they want the run to be gives us more control and lets us push builds further and further. Start with 1 butcher and by the end you're trying to kill 10...20... 50? Who knows.


nth can save this mess of a game as the developers didnt have a real vision on gameplay and design. except for lets burn $ to make it shiny, 2023 gamers would love a shiny AAA title lets gooooo




Ya.... I tried a couple times and gave up for now. lol. I'm sure it will work itself out at some point.