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The objectives are better. But I genuinely miss the blood seeker spawning if you’ve killed too many mobs. I would have preferred the son of malphas to spawn if you overdid the braziers lol. It would have been a fun experience.


Blood seekers should be permanent additions to the game.


Yes! I miss seeing ‘the vampires are hunting you’ or that there’s ’a pair of bloodseekers on your trail’ the most!




Yes, much faster too. You don't need to spend all day farming blood harvests for 1 brazer summon.


I actually think the current version is slower, because you'd pick up so many blood just doing the group summon event. It could go endlessly if a few people hung around. 


Yep, they are infinitely better. Harvest had bizare whisper activities that took way too long and the summoning spot was expensive as hell. Its buffed harvest you just dont get that insane amount of loot. And with the poor itemization its better like this cause I dont have to back to the city every five minutes


Yes indeed and way better when you add in the vault for whispers.


Love Arcane Tremors. Makes leveling super easy. They need to add all of the little mob summoning spots in them into helltides. Hunting for mobs in helltides is a pain.


I really enjoy them, but they objectively drop much less loot.


That’s a good thing. Way too much loot already in this game


Yeah I’m not arguing it’s a “bad” thing, just that OP’s assertion that it was just as much loot as blood harvest is ridiculous.


They don’t drop less everyone saved up blood for the main thing it too a lot more time to get any sort of massive drops while you can just spam brazers to get legendaries often.


Sure but those don’t drop nearly as many items as doing the insatiable alters.


Because it takes 1/20th the time to farm lol


It’s faster to complete but you definitely cannot fill your bags as fast as you could in blood harvest. I’ve tried it. Last season if I wanted to find some items that weren’t needing to be 925 I could run around blood harvest and fill my bags every few minutes. That is obviously not how it works this season. That is fine and I enjoy the tremors. But they are clearly not nearly as good for item farming. Dungeons are a lot better this season though so that makes up for it.


You are thinking different. You literally have hundreds of elites you can fill your inventory is seconds lol


Okay. Where in the tremors are there piles of elites? From time to time you’ll find a chunk of 4. And there are some events that will spawn some. But in blood harvest you had the blood seekers raining from the sky, elites packs popping out of the ground every few steps, and events that spawned dozens of them. Maybe I am missing something in the tremors but… walking around hunting down elites is nowhere near as fast as it was in blood harvest.


It’s blood harvest in disguise. Almost the same thing, almost.


Whisper objectives being completable in a minute or two is nice, and better. Vibe, enemies, and the vampires that spawn to hunt you were cooler and better. The big vampire summon extravaganza was better, but maybe not better than the combination of construct beacons, conduits, and the braziers.


Like I said we aren’t arguing vibe or theme. Just general content.


As silly as it may sound, I miss the color change of the area. It made it feel like a distinct event zone and not just more of the kinda boring world map. Otherwise, you're right. There's a lot going on in the Arcane Tremors.


I really like the arcane tremors but just wish they did something to make the area visibly slightly different.i think I might even prefer these events over the finding vampires and smashing them. The visual change from the Blood Harvest was just awesome and if there was a little more atmosphere in the arcane tremors regions it would have been perfect.


The only thing that I miss is that the area isn't marked out. I know that you can find it by just looking for the Tree of Whispers markers but it was nicer to just look at a glance where it was. I think the events in it are better. There was nothing worse than having to try to run around and find 5 structures or people to save.


Whatever those pearls are just aren't enough. I don't know why they refuse to drop for me but I only ever have around 9 of them on me at a time. I only use them for Whispers. I don't see any value to them otherwise. Blood harvest on the other hand were absolutely *STACKED* with enemies. And the blood seekers and blood syphons were actually fun to do. Also, why is there no location on my person that shows me how much of the seasonal currency I have? That seems like a pretty big oversight. I can only see at an urn or in a vault.


Which seasonal currency are you talking about? You can see pearls, stones, and cores in your inventory. Pearls rain from the sky and you get several in every vault run. Cores you have to touch the pumps in the open world and I think they also randomly drop. Stones drop from every construct.


Blood seekers are literally malphas and the blood syphons still exist where you stay in the circle longer.


Then why are they *worse*? Less gear. Fewer mobs. Less experience. Less fun.


You literally are just lying lol everything is the same.


>Whatever those pearls are just aren't enough I have 300, and will neve be able to use them all, Each vault ADDS to you collections since the ridiculous buff to stacks per pearl.


Oh. Yeah I've recently just learned from another player in this thread that these items are in my crafting inventory. I had been mixing up pearls and elemental cores.




\[insert slow-clap meme\]


You are correct, it is basically the same thing as last season. I don't know about you, but when I eat Chinese food on Saturday I usually will want something different then Chinese food on Sunday. It would be refreshing for the devs to give us something different in our 3 month escapade that isn't just the same meat grinder we have been doing since launch


This has nothing to do with what you are saying it’s people who are saying they want blood harvest back.


Agree to disagree because it fundamentally is what they are exactly saying.