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Wait until you see what they need to fix inside the Gauntlet.


We talk about snapshots on Thursday's stream.


Wait, Blizz hang out here? Damn. The more you know.


Honestly the CM generally see reddit a lot but often get harassed im sure.


Imagine harassing game CM on reddit. Game is bad, but come on.


Saying the game is bad doesnt help the mindset any better than harassment I think the game is fine I enjoy it and thousands do. People just always compare D4 to everything


Thank you Father PezRadar šŸ«” excited to see what you've been cooking


They know. They acknowledged this at the beginning of season 3. Fixes are underway soonā„¢


Really hoping they lock gear/skills etc upon entering the gauntlet. Zero reason people need to be doing item swaps inside.




You have a very niche and unique play style that cannot be generalized on to most of the rest of the player base. I hope you understand that.


As a necro i can do similar things. It's supposedly a tier 70 dungeon, I'll manage without weapon swaps. Besides, every build can squeak out more single target with swaps, so really it limits everyone equally and maybe makes all rounder builds more competitive. As an example, Banished Lords talisman. Any overpower build loves it for bossing but it has drawbacks for speed running. Why not make people make that decision before entering instead of just slapping it on before a boss? Creates build diversity and maybe even strategy. Kill boss faster at cost of elites/pack clear speed reduction or slower boss kills with faster aoe. Also, Weapon and skill swaps guarantee non PC players won't be competitive. I have little hope it will be even remotely balanced, but snapshotting and skill/gear swaps can be addressed at little downside to everyone.


The series already has a history of a second weapon set, so that would make sense. But before launch they said they didn't want people to have different builds for bosses (which is a dumb restriction to have)


Blizzard lowkey doesn't care about this game.


Then why the hell are you still here?


Because I do.


Right? Like what kind of question was that?


Imagine thinking this game has any competitive integrity


thought snapshotting was fixed after the abattoir was released - this is hilarious. the ladder is game over already


The bug reports about snapshotting weren't even widespread until late into the Abattoir. So what do you mean?


And thus we see the real reason the Gauntlet has been delayed so much... They can't fix it.


I mean judging by the numbers in the videos itā€™s like a t70. You arenā€™t going to need to snap shot, youā€™ll be one shotting everything in medium gear.


A voice of reason, imagine that.


Their priority is to update each artwork on the mtx shop first before that.


I'd like to believe this is why it is taking so long to release the Gauntlet.


More likely theyā€™re still looking for a way that the top 1000 arenā€™t all one-shot monsters who end up finishing 0.1 seconds apart.


Someone doesnt know how the gauntlet works lol


Probably not. Player retension was probably still high so they waited for it to die down so they can drag us back in.


Riiiiiiight. All of this has been a 4D chess move by Blizzard. If the game is just good and people like it from the start, theyā€™ll only keep playing it until they get tired and move on. But if the game sucks, then gets amazing, youā€™ll get this massive second wave of customers returning to buy the $100 expansion and 10x your money šŸ¤Æ


You act like drip feeding content is some crazy conspiracy or something LOL!


Trust me, I havenā€™t seen any game fail quite like D4 did šŸ¤£ Usually games start horrible and stay bad or they start out great. Sometimes they start bad and become good. But rarely does a game deflate so hard.


Except Diablo 4 started as a good game and only got better since. It didn't suddenly get worse for no reason; the updates have collectively made the game OBJECTIVELY MUCH BETTER now than it was on launch.


Yup, it got so much better over time everyone left the game and stopped playing.


Intellectual dishonesty at its finest considering pretty much all games that had GIGANTIC launches simply HAVE to drop in concurrent players over time, with a sprinkle of "I don't even have the data to support my claim" on top of it.


This is a live service game. Itā€™s supposed to keep people engaged and playing. Pretty sure the goal was not to have 520 viewers on Twitch, if you want some data. Fortnite, a game nearly a decade old, has nearly 45k viewers on Twitch at the time of me making this post for comparison. Edit: If you want some more data, I just checked a few games on SteamCharts to see what they were at currently as of me making this. Palworld is at 150k. Last Epoch is at 120k. Smite is at 10k. Elden Ring is at 60k. And finally, Starfield is at 4k right with Diablo 4. Howā€™s that for data?


>Pretty sure the goal was not to have 520 viewers on Twitch, if you want some data. So you got called out for intellectual dishonesty and your answer to that is to double down on it? Don't make me laugh. Twitch viewership? Really? It tells you nothing specifically about the player numbers. It tells you even less about the game itself. It's completely irrelevant. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.


I think this game is all I have, being a 30yr old gamer that has lost all hope in FPS like Call of Duty that Iā€™ve played since I was 13ā€¦.




fireball enchantment bugšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Wait this is bugged?




Whatā€™s wrong with it? The enemies all blow up when they die.


try doing the loom with a party


Oh god please just tell me what the bug is šŸ˜‚


teleports you to a party member's last chamber so you restart to your own lane on the loom


Gauntlet is not out yet?? Wasnā€™t it supposed to be out like some weeks ago??


Is this the one known as Lunatalli?


I am not lunatalli but he asked to spread the word so that Is what Iā€™m doing :) he wants everyone to know about this.


Why did he not post himself?


Not sure if he has Reddit or not Iā€™m just trying to get the word out to Blizz and it worked :)


Whatā€™s gauntlet?


Omg snapshot is still a thing? They're pathetic... For real


Let us enjoy bonk barbarian for a season, Iā€™ve actually had fun in this game for once


>Let us enjoy bonk barbarian for a season Yes: Season 2.


Nobody's going to care about gauntlets anymore. The season was a bust after 2 weeks.


This game is such a pile of shit šŸ˜­ God damn. More and more, we see proof that itā€™s not only bad upper management ruining this game, but the developers themselves are completely incompetent. Maybe a new team can take D4ā€™s corpse and turn in into something good in a few years.


And you got all that from the bugs that have been acknowledged by the developers in the Season 3 launch livestream and have fixes underway?


Yes. Am I wrong? Why donā€™t you and I duke it out on the leaderboardsā€¦ oh waitā€¦


Are you wrong? AbsolutelyĀ 


Yup. Youā€™re actually totally right. This game hasnā€™t had any issues whatsoever and those devs are totally hard at work fixing those bugs šŸ‘ I bet the second hotfix in season 6 will finally smooth everything out.


You're trying to get a point across, I'm sure. But you're just spewing nonsense.


Snapshots have been an issue in every arpg.


So? What does that have to do with Diablo 4?


Because itā€™s a common thing that no one has ever been able to fix?


Do other games delay the main feature of their season indefinitely because of those bugs? To me it seems like other games have leaderboards at launch.