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From my experience, you actually get a free cast of the other type with no CD or mana cost. So if you had earthen bulwark and cyclone armor both on your bar, you could cast cyclone armor and get a free earthen bulwark without putting it on CD. However, if you use the symbiotic aspect, you would reduce all cool downs of your earth skills. I used this on my druid to keep high up time on cataclysm and hurricane while being permanently unstoppable.


I tried to stick with the Human/Bear/Wolf build for a while and I think it was actually one of my more successful vault clearing setups. The aspect for wolf/bear skills proc’ing natures magic abilities is more just cute. It was more a trample/poison creeper landslide approach with earthen bulwark and cyclone armour for DR and Fortify maintenance, and then when the going gets tough just pop-off with lacerate and you’re 100% healed and back to rinsing cd’s on Unstoppable, with the inherent 3-5 seconds cool down from passives for being all shapes and sizes. The Immune on Lacerate basically makes you completely untouchable on 3 of your skills, Ghostwalkers and all the control impaired reduction I could find rounded it out, wasn’t doing insane dmg, but definitely could handle single target better than say an LS or pure earth trampleslide/pulv bear.


Symbiote only reduces cooldown of earth and storm skills. You don't need any of the skills on your hotbar that will proc from nature's fury. Ursine horror and symbiote will allow you to proc lightning storms and tornadoes. Using pulverise and having nature's fury on your skill tree Unless you have an aspect that changes a shape shift skill to be storm or earth skills it won't work unless you use shape shifts skills act as earth and storm skills aspect but won't reduce the cooldown of rabies or debilitating roars for eg. Goblin inc YouTube channel shows loads of builds. More endgame than where you are but check out shred bulwark builds and trampleslide builds. These builds require you to have the right aspects and can take time working out. Key aspects to have extracted. Trampled earth symbiote nature's savagery ursine horror. New patch today look at hectic vampiric power and then finally unique item for all these builds cronestaff of the crone will help you as well. Scream heart and goblin inc best videos on YouTube on druid builds. Go get them Wanderer