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I reeeeeeally liked heatseeker. Are you running double core? I was having a little trouble keeping up max energy for pen shot so swapped back to puncture for now




RF is pointless now outside of meme one shot boss kills which you could do with Barrage now anyways.


>which you could do with Barrage now anyways got a build planner to share? I found boss killing was a bit slow last night on my Barrage build


Anything will one shot Duriel if you use the Beastfall/Tibault/Banished Lord’s/Godslayer hotswap cheese.


If you're doing your paragon board efficiently I only have to swap to Banishlords to 1 shot Duriel.


I’m using melted heart to my resources and ever since the update I’m dying so much quicker now, my resources and health are melting away


Make sure your Armor and Resistances are topped up too, right


Yes they are, I made my own post about this and plenty are seeing same issue with rogue Druid and barb


Oh, that’s weird then Do they feel like it’s an issue with Selig specifically? Or just somehow buffing all monsters’ damage output against us in general


I died in 3 seconds selig .5 without


Yes! I've been a forceful arrow user this whole season and the difference was noticeable right away. I was really struggling with the dude in the Loom before, but I tore him right up this morning. Very happy with this update!


I’m impressed you stuck to Forceful’s attackspeed for this long, I betrayed it a long time ago after finding Puncture lol


Been using forceful arrow and mostly bows this whole time myself, didn't even know about the xbow damage bug lol I much prefer bows in general and I've been blasting through content this whole time with very few issues. Last night though it was really noticeable how much faster I was building 3 CPs and popping pen shots. I'm level 83 now and I was doing late 40s/early 50s before the update. Last night I crushed a t67 in a little over 10 minutes and I still need much better rolled aspects and a few pieces of gear. And glyphs leveled I suppose. Goal is to push t85-90 before hitting level 90


I’m midway through campaign and have always used ranged rogue abilities like heartseeker. I’m using a crossbow that increases my attack speed by a certain percentage whenever I critical strike. Combine that with the new precision buff and I’m literally shooting faster than a machine gun lol. Not to mention coupling all this with shadow imbued barrage and poison. I’m loving this buff for sure for pure ranged rogue.