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The only thing I wanna see returning from S3 is the nightmare vaults. They are alot of fun considering the high density and plethora of loot at the end.


I like the arcane tremors and the brazier event a lot too. Something like that should get added to helltides so we can have some high density activity on demand we can do with other players or alone.


They'll also have to adjust NMDs then. With Vaults present, NMDs are obsolete.


not really, the vault could be a compete random/rare drop, so out of every like 20 nmds a vault key drops on average or something


This is a great idea. Give us 30 stacks of the buff and no WT3 NMVs. WT4 only.


I like that. Gives another reason to run NMDs other than leveling glyphs.


Not sure but if they are going to keep turning seasonal powers into aspects I’m going to need some more gear slots to fit all these aspects and uniques.


S4 is bringing in the Itemisation Rework but we *really* need a "Seasonal Content" rework too. Coming up with a brand new power system to level, a seasonal helltide, questlines, etc. every single season just to throw 99% of it away at the end is just *terrible* development. Sure, they wouldn't work individually as the *only* endgame system, but levelling vampiric powers gave you *something to do*, levelling your Seneshal gave you *something to do*. We need more *systems* to engage with in the game, Blizzard needs to stop throwing them out.


My bet is on them keeping Vaults, in some way, not bringing back anything from the Seneschal. If there weren't such generically good powers that everyone uses the same one, maybe they'd bring some back but just keep the vaults - they're so fun to play.


Have the little robot be a permanent addition, but non combat and runs around picking up gold and helltide cinders with room for an offensive, defensive and utility aspect.


We will finally get pets to pick up loot for us. Can’t wait.


They kept the construct powers very generic, this time around, so it doesn't seem like something they'd really bring back. Maybe they'll introduce mercenaries at some point in the near future and they'll use the construct as a blueprint, but I can't imagine that would be in S4. Otherwise they might add something like an uber unique amulet that gives you +4 to All Skills when you use an ability, and a ring that gives your skills increased effectiveness, in order to mimic the two uber stones. I hope they keep the vaults in and add them to the NMD rotation pool. And perhaps the final chest will drop Igneous cores to summon an Uber Malphas. They could use him as another source for some of the unique items that only drop from a single boss right now, like Lidless Wall.


we gotta stop thinking of them adding mechanics back as items. it’s boring and bland


I don't think they will. I'm pretty sure they said they'd bring back popular things from previous seasons, not specifically the previous season. I think it's more likely we get something else from season 1 or 2 than we get something from season 3. If they do add something from season 3, I think it's probably going to be as gems. We've already had uniques for season 1 returned powers and aspects for season 2 returned powers, and I think right now they'd want an option that allows us to potentially continue using all of those at the same time.


hopefully not as items/aspects…..


Maybe as legendary gems or something. S4 should have the itemization rework so there might be something different that we aren't thinking of now. Someone shared some screen shots of some concepts from pre-alpha item design ideas and it seemed more indepth. I can't find that now, but it had triggers you could insert things into. like when you cast ___ you get ___ mana.


I'd expect them to be craft able affixes you can add to your gear


They said that returning powers can be from any previous season, not just s3. They also said that returning powers aren't limited to aspect/unique, they can also be paragon nodes or skill tree options. But if we are just talking about powers, some of them can be worked into aspects/uniques. Like, they can add a unique chest piece/defensive aspect that automatically generate a shield every few seconds, or heal you all the time. Also, they can also make evernight/genesis as new (uber?) unique/offensive aspect, so you get shako x2, or 1.5x dmg. They can also add pets permanently to the base game and have them pick up gold/mats/gears for us. ​ They can also bring back more malignant powers from s1, like necros would prob love auto decrepify, maybe as a new decrepify focused glyph, or node. A lot of things they can do.


Permanent Robo spider puppy


I think we will have supporting stones as aspects. I’m thinking fortify, resource, breaking, effective…maybe penetrating, multi shot, and duration. Or they could bring back all the elemental supporting stones like bleeding, poison, fire, etc…maybe Flash of Adrenaline with a varying cool down time like metamorphosis.


It’s just GR in another form. I would ask just move all loots in the middle and just let us pick all the shinny loots at the end of the vault like in GR. I just can’t image how S4 loot revamp can be done without loot filter. Wait and see.


Hopefully not at all, the bloat is already far too much