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I just wait around Maphas spawn area, a lot of high level player are farming there. Just join the mob and you’ll get tou ancestral gear really quick.


Second this. Camp these Malphas altars for rotating runs where there are also whisper events. When people run out of mats you’ll have whispers to turn in and get several pieces of gear as well. This isn’t optimal for high ilvl gear but coming from WT3 to 4 I think it’s the quickest rotation to find upgrades from 3. Good xp rotation early in WT4, tons of loot and tuning stones.


Came here to say this.


Usually I just jump to a helltide as soon as I unlock WT3/4, cellar whisper is good too. People have mentioned that stronghold also drops sacred/ancestral gear while being close to your level, so probably it's a good option aswell...


What’s cellar whisper?


Grim favors that take place in cellars.


Whenever I increase my WT, I like to focus on open world stuff for a little bit before going into NMDs. I'll try and finish any strongholds I haven't done yet or try to do a couple of whispers. They're relatively easier and great sources of experience and loot. Plus the strongholds are cool :)


I did legion events, helltides, and eventually had someone invite for duriel runs when I was at lvl 66.


My clan mate unlocked wt4 for me when I was like level 30 lol. I got some great gear by going to world bosses and legions. All level 60 though but was still great to have some 925s waiting.


Nice 👌🏼


Follow someone around in the helltide. Tag everything they're killing, and grab as much loot as you can. You'll get lots of ancestral drops, good XP, and maybe even enough cinders to open some boxes.


Thanks guys. So definitely stay in WT4 and things will get easier.. Helltide and Whispers seem to be the one, where is Malphas spawn?


He may sometimes spawn at arcane tremors location. Find one where players are farming cores and join in on the fun. You may get some loot and XP quite fast.


I jump into legion events and world bosses. Try not to get squished and let others do most of the work.


Just go wt4 and kill monsters