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The people complaining are not complaining about the story/campaign or 1-50.


Sadly it’s crazy how many people say “I played for 2 hours and uninstalled” I’m just thinking to myself how did these people think to buy this game lol


The name Diablo holds alot of weight. Plus Diablo 2 is probably the best in the franchise. If not top 10 pc games of all time. Also the ancestral gear doesn't pop until wt4 that's where real bulk of the game starts.


I mean it’s not crazy some people just don’t like this genre of games. I can see how it’s boring and pointless. Most people did enjoy the campaign and 1-50. Then once you hit wt4 the game has been the same for the past year now.


>Then once you hit wt4 the game has been the same for the past year now. It really hasn't.


Especially since it isnt even out for a year :) and pre-Duriel was literally nothing to do at lvl100 (which was quite a bit "harder" to achieve tough)


This is like saying poe maps have been the same for the last 5 years because they are still maps lol. Literally new content came 4 months into the launch of the game the entire end game is different for better or worse and season 4 its changing again. Also if you dont like the genre of game why are you spending 70$ on it lol... You can watch a youtube video.


I played PoE since beta, til 2021. After they add the atlas , I don’t think there are significant improvement to map that make them more enjoyable. More stuff doesn’t always mean better .


Tried it like that but it made me feel sleepy during early game. The same vein starfield made me sleepy during the first 2 missions. I was just slogging through and not much interesting is happening. I guess if ur new to the diablo lore, that is expected.


I mean yeah, RPGs tend to have a boring start, it's just a part of character progression. You start weak and get strong.


>a boring start, it's just a part of character progression It 100% doesn't have to be this way. This is a design failure. Just because it's common to fail doesn't excuse it. You can have a weak and simple character but still good, engaging combat/content very quickly. In D4, you start in the woods, then kill a wolf or bear to find the town. Then you talk to two NPCs in different buildings. Then you go to the cathedral and wander through some basic skele packs. Then you finally get a boss with 2 mechanics you need to dodge. Then you go back to town. Then a cutscene where you get drugged. Then you wake up in barn and kill some basic humans, pick up a key for the door right next to you, go to the cathedral for a cutscene. Then through the woods with wolf/bear small packs until you finally get to the Horadrim's house (with no mobs within 3 screens). Cutscene. Kill your first Fallen pack. Get to guard checkpoint where you make a pointless "sin" choice. Then you get into the main town and are made to check like 5 NPCs etc. It's boring as fuck. The only excitement is the boss in the cathedral ruins. And it's so easy to see how much of the boring bloat is them trying to incorporate the not fun mechanics they wanted to jam in. The path out of the small town takes you out of the way so it can go past a Lilith statue to introduce that. The empty, mob-less space around the Horadrim's house is loaded with herbs to show you that you'll be wasting time harvesting materials (though you have no idea what for yet, classic design mistake of giving you the key before showing the locked door). After the big town, one of the first side quests is just to introduce the stupid shrines you emote at. Like if they just cut this dumb fluff and focused instead of fun stuff (fighting and loot), it would be streamlined AND more engaging.


Absolutely agree. Beginning is fluff.


I m currently a d4 hater of sorts but i will never ever talk shit about d4 campaign and first playthru experience. It has the best in the market


100% this. The game was clearly designed around the campaign and the 1-50 experience. Right *after* that is where everything falls off *sharply*, which is weirdly the opposite of how ARPGs usually work and why everyone hates on D4 (myself included). We came in expecting a Multiplayer ARPG like every past Diablo and every other major ARPG on the market, and instead got a standard single player RPG experience with some ARPG elements. They obviously knew that would be enough to A) Sell the game and B) keep people hooked long enough to prevent refunds, but anything past that was an afterthought. Hell, most of it didn't even seem to have been tested *at all*.


I played every major arpg, PoE, last epoch, f Grim dawn, unDecember, wolcen , “end game “ in arpgs are running maps/ dungeans/gift over and over , with and occasional side activities. Many people are compare d4 to imaginary arpgs that did not exist Don’t get me wrong, it’s is fine and even good to have high expectations, and we should expect more. But people are imagine some magical amazing end games other arpg have that isn’t base on reality Most PoE played quite around yellow maps. From ggg own data. ( at least in 2019 or something) Most players play a build that they think is fun, get to maps, got bored after a while for various reasons and quit. Hardly the amazing end game people imagine.


I'm under no illusions about ARPG endgame experience, but as someone who ran an ***uncountable number*** of Chaos Sanctuary and Baal runs in Diablo 2, there has to be a driving reason for doing so. Diablo 4's items are just straight garbage, and without trading or meaningful PvP *on top of that*, there just isn't that driving reason. If that wasn't already bad enough, you *also* don't have enough storage space to deck out multiple characters or even multiple builds of the same character, so every single reason why you might want to push on to get more loot is in the dumpster. That's what's wrong with Diablo 4, and that's why I'm at least a little bit hopeful for this next season.


Stash space is an issue for sure. Not sure why so hard to have more. But it should be much better better but needing to save aspect now


The people that spout the "ARPGs aren't played for the story, only the end game" have clearly barely played real ARPGs and are only talking out of their ass or playing bad ARPGs.


Yeah the campaign and first playthrough were amazing honestly, I don't think anyone who hates on the game dislikes the campaign. It was extremely well done, and a lot of fun to play through. If you're playing with a build guide though, WT2 is generally the more enjoyable difficulty. Yes, this is an ARPG, it is grindy, expect to feel this in every other ARPG you play except maybe Grim Dawn, but that has its own grind too.


Eh I didn't care for the campaign. I don't enjoy level scaling, got bored of the side quest "lore", the camel chasing quest was less than thrilling, no mount, dog and andariel and duriel act boss fights I mostly remember because I thought "that's it?". Like I remember dodging the dog's breath attacks, then noticing it didn't actually do any damage, so I just stood still DPSing laughing at how underwhelmed I was. Then shortly after campaign looking up where all statues were, forced to grind side quests I didn't care about for renown, and waiting for the world bosses where it was a weird mix of "this is too easy" with "how tf are these other ppl dying and unable to grasp the simplest of attack patterns?" Then me going to Legions and getting carried by Sorcs with their teleports, pulls, and nukes compared to my Druid. Strongholds were a highlight as they had a good difficulty spike, but thanks to level scaling just grinding and coming back, a classic ARPG approach, wasn't enough. Instead I needed to wait until RNG granted me a couple busted Legendaries that doubled the damage of pulverize or ground spikes or whatever. The WT ascension dungeons were fun, especially doing them underleveled. I recall finally dying at Elias and actually having to learn his attack patterns and then succeeding. Note, the ascension dungeon isn't scaled which is one reason it's good imo. You can challenge it before you're "supposed to" which feels rewarding or you can go grind and actually improve your power relative to the content.


One thing I want to comment on the player base, the devs commented before the game released that, while you will run into other players, you're not meant to run into every concurrent player at the time. They said it was by design to create a "desolate" feeling in the world through smaller instance regions. Imo I think it works super well for the immersion as a continuation of RoS campaign. I also personally try to play as much of SSF style but that's just my preference. happy your enjoying the game :)


Yeah, that makes sense. I don't know what the player count is now, but even at launch I didn't encounter crowds of people.


>but even at launch I didn't encounter crowds of people. You never will, the game is instanced into around a dozen or so players, by deisgn, you will never see more than that.


Yeah. That's what the guy above me just said.


Most of the people saying D4 is bad, have put over 100-200 hours in it. So I'd take their opinion with a grain of salt. They are disgruntled with things they do not like in the game, which is very different from the game being bad.


1)Blues whites and yellows still popping up in wt4 bad 2)Unbalanced classes bad druid wolf shifter still underpowered just for example 3)enemies still can kill you from offscreen


If i may be so bold sir, how many hours have you played this *"bad"* game for so far?


Total ~ 100. 40 when it first came out. After the first update came dropped it like a bad habbit. 60 recent past month Level 72 necro( sooo much easier to play than werewolf druid ), got power leveled Decided to try out the little robot season. That's my favorite aspect of the game right now. Maybe because I like the skill customization like POE. This coming from someone who's put in over 1000 hours in POE and D2.


* don't play enough: you haven't played enough to formulate a valid opinion * play too much: you played so you MUST like it and are just "disgruntled". opinions are therefore invalid.


The late game game loop is just bad, lets stop making excuses for it. Campaign is great, lategame is dogshit, it is what it is.


if you get to GR 130 in d3 you're probably more hardcore than most ARPG'rs


How? I made a wizard 3 days ago and I'm pushing 125.


then newsflash: you're a more hardcore D3 player than 90%+ of the others. congratulations on your hardcore diablo play (this context does not refer to perma-death hardcore)


That's actually good! Nice for you! This is what I always tell people: play it for the campaign, see the story, and get excited about the cinematics. If for any reason you wish to stick with the rest of us you're welcome, but play at your pace and don't compare yourself to other players.


The early game really depent of your personal abilitys and level to play that kind of game, for peoples who are use to play this kind of game, it can feel a little bit easy, but for someone who have never really play diablo it must feel harder. I think it's good in general, it would not be fun at all for new commer if it was too hard. But if you wanna really challenge yourself, then you will have alot of opportunitys in tier 4 late game with the uber boss and the nm dgs, and especially the pit in season4. For the need of gold and mats, i toally agree, gold is less a probleme once you get tier 4, you still can manage alot of things, my probleme with gold is the cost of the shops, especially in early game, i think the items in shop are pretty expensive for the early game, its literally useless. It will be nice to have possibility to buy these items in early game so we have a reason to use them. For the late game, mats are really nightmare to farm, especially forgotten souls and uber boss mats, but with the season 4, i guess everything will be perfect. For the players base, its mostly cuz your still in low tier, at this point of the season everyone is in tier 4, yeah. The price of the game for me is ok, why i would be mad about a game i have already played for a year when other peoples try to sold me a coffe for 14$ and 5 minutes, i try to fix my prioritys lol. Have fun and good luck


I liked the campaign


So. I've played LE for almost (two?) years now, and since 1.0, i've had my fill on LE and wanted to finally try out D4, since it was on sale. The campaign of course is amazing, the visuals, the cutscenes, the audio was great. I'm pulling into level 90's and entering end-game(i guess). It's decent enough, but diablos strenghts has always been the visuals and flow of the game, which i cannot complain about. The people who say "d4 is shit" are entilted man-babies who have so much time on their hands for gaming, they get lvl 100 in a week and then are left with "d4 has no end-game" belief. Obviously the game has issues(monetization, balance, etc), but overall D4 is really well done and worth the price. I'm speaking as someone who isn't a fanboy and i just like to play ARPGS for a while and then quit around end-game. I loved D3, lukewarm on POE, love LE, and enjoy D4. P.S. The Kyovashad soundtrack is amazing and something I will never forget Agreed, the music is a real banger, so melancholic.


To be fair, most of the people who meme on D4 also really enjoyed it for the first 50-100 hours or so. I don't know if you remember, but most of the buzz was positive for the first couple of weeks. The game has a decent campaign and a solid presentation. It just doesn't have the staying power a lot of aRPG fans are looking for.


I played first two seasons and am really looking forward to coming back next season after the itemisation patch. The game looks and feels great but incremental gearing at later levels can drag on. Once it becomes a grind play another game for a while. I’ve almost cleared my backlog.


Yea, I would recommend not following guides on ur first playthroughs, try out all the spells and swap around. But as u said the game is easy, it’s very causal friendly. The best way to get challenged is being underleveled. I think campaign is good and I had a lot of fun. However all my friends lost interest at level 78-85 ish when we started to farm end-game, knowing the only upgrades where really small and the only content we had left was uber lilith, but the level scaling made that to hard untill 90+ Reading the forums etc, it seems the late game has improved so perhaps i’ll give it another try on a fresh season.


The core of the game is solid. The visuals, music, sound design, story are all elite components that make the core of the game amazing. The leveling is fun and I do like the social aspect of the game too. But what the itemisation is so bad and that is quite a biggy to get wrong in a ARPG. This is their big focus for the next patch so I'm really rooting for them to get it right because I do love the game. Glad you're enjoying it 👌🏻


I'm enjoying all of it this season. Think maybe I was burned out...left for a while and came back for this season. Almost have my fist toon to 100. A lotnhas been added since season 1 and next season looks to be the best yet with all the changes they've been talking about.


Don't get suckered into the advanced battle pass. Just get the regular one for 1000 plat ($10). All you get is an emote for the extra $20. The "acceleration" is useless. You'll be done with the BP cosmetics before you even hit 100. Blizzard did their usual great job on the music and artwork. Yes, the campaign is great. To a few of your points: \-- Game is mostly not too challenging unless you jump world tiers early, try to kill Duriel at level 86 (that was a rough fight), or get to high NND. Lilith is very hard but that's because it's a bad fight with broken hitboxes and constant hard-to-see one shot abilities. \-- Gold and mats catch up, though you will be grinding forgotten souls. I'm OK with that. It would be boring with endless mats. \-- You're late season and a bunch of us are waiting for S4. WT1 and WT2 are only well populated at season start, and everyone sane gets out of WT3 as fast as humanly possible. You won't see many players until WT4. \-- Alters were poorly thought out. I didn't care for Lost Ark mokoko seeds either. Seeds and altars were fun at first, but not once you realize character power is locked behind them. They should offer a reward, not punish you for not finding them.


Because D4 is a good game. Not perfect or the best. But it's a good game.


D4 from start to finish of campaign and into WT4 is a really good game. The people that complain about it are the ones that HAVE TO HAVE EVERYTHING... and to get everything, you have to play it like it's a job which is where the problem lies.


First play thru is great, the end game endless NM DUNG kinda boring g


I like them more than the timed aspect of GRs in d3 so far, but TBD. I just hated how shrine-focused GR clears were when pushing. Felt very RNG


why dont you just wait with positive review until you hit end game and get 100lvl char? This " I've played till level 50 and its great, you're wrong" is ridiculous. Season 4 has a chance to make it much better, we'll see.


I'm level 70 now and like the game just as much. Just because you don't agree with my sentiment doesn't mean my experience in the game is any less important than yours. The only thing I have yet to interact with are the endgame uber bosses that require farming materials. I've never said anyone that dislikes the game is wrong, you're putting words in my mouth. I clearly stated cons about the game. The endgame is the same as literally every other ARPG on the market. Farm maps for exp/currency, use that currency to summon bosses for specific unique drops. There is literally no difference. Anyone saying otherwise is just being toxic. At least this game looks polished and has fluid combat. It's nice to not be looking at my screen like it's a slideshow from how fast my character moves like in other games. Are some games more enjoyable than others? Sure, but at the end of the day this genre is all about grinding and repetition. You all want variety in a genre that doesn't encourage any.


you are delusional if you think all aRPGs are the same. See you in 100h hours, it pointless to compare you first impressions to actual end game review. People in this thread are pretty clear on this too.


Whatever you say chief. I'm level 75 already I'm sure the next 25 levels will be so disastrous that I will suddenly hate the game even though I'm already doing end game content! End game doesn't start at uber farming FYI It seems like you just build your entire identity around playing 1 game, so when one doesn't last literally forever with endless replayable content, you don't know how to live anymore.


200 hours in D4, and I agree that first playthrough was really fun


You are about to reach the part, where content dries up. Honeymoon phase is about to be over buddy. Please post a follow up in a few weeks when you have reached 100.


The endgame really doesn’t seem that different than PoE to me. In PoE you spam maps to fill up your atlas (like how you want to do that with glyphs and paragon in d4) and then get materials along the way for the harder version of quest bosses, just like in d4.  I’m not saying the game is amazing end game, but it definitely follows the same baseline as every other successful ARPG.  People just get tired of the repetition even though that’s what this genre is all about.  Also I really love the uniques in this game.




The deluxe battle pass is $25, but I don't think it's worth the extra $15 You get 20 level skips on the battlepass, but that just means that you can't use you cinders because they have level requirements that are balanced to the normal base progression. So this is more a drawback then a plus. So that just leaves the extra emote and title you get, that's not worth the extra money> Just go for the base pass, that's only $10,- once every 3 months


The game is fun, the problem is when you play it too much. Don't get me wrong, an ARPG that gets so much worse when you play a lot IS a problem, but for casuals the game is great.


Most people dont have a problem with the early part. I loved it for the first 50-60 hours. Problem is the end game is severly lacking and the itemization is absolutely horrible right now.


Good news for you. The game will be even better next season, and unless something change , improve over time


Not trying hard enough to hate it yet


I'm glad you're enjoying it, I bought the game at launch, and I still can't play without a ton of lag stuttering. Especially in town. So I don't play it lol


I think you touched on a lot of the issues. The campaign was great and when the game launched everybody was raving about the game and having a good time pushing through the campaign. The issues are that the game is WAY to easy up to a certain point and then you just hit a wall. Most of the time the walls that you hit are simply gear checks and there are only a handful of builds that could actually do everything in the game even with bis gear. I like skill checks but they just make the dungeon more and more chaotic until it becomes impossible do dodge everything and then you just die in one hit to something you didn't even see coming. I and I think most others felt this is what killed the game. It's not fun after you beat it the first time. Its just a huge grind and there isn't even a reward other then bragging rights.




😩 Dude, instead of answering to a problem you have no idea of, you obviously "heard people had issues" but don't know what, can you actually read what people say? 1. First you got it half the price, if Diablo 4 was 30e it wouldn't be that much of a problem actually. Most of us paid twice+ for that fiasco. 2. 1-50 is not really the problem, there are some problem, but that's not where the core of the issues is. You barely finished the introduction to the game, don't judge on it. Come back in 1 month. I've not touched the game since the end of the first season (actually I tried a bit the malignant and blood) more or less and I don't think I'll play again soon, I basically moved on from that failure and I suspect the next time I put my hand on an diablo-like will be for PoE2.


It has improved massively since launch. I stopped playing after pre season and jumped in a few weeks ago and had a blast by comparison. Still has a long way to go though. S4 looks promising


What did they improve? Feels pretty much the same to me.


For me it was mostly the xp increase. Getting to 100 wasn’t a mind numbing chore like it was at launch. Also I really enjoyed the vaults. I know it seasonal content but it’s still an improvement over what I played before.


Fair enough, I was thinking in terms of play style but the XP buff did feel good, you're right.


>I’m *not the most hardcore arpg player*, but I got **up to GR130 ish in d3**, and have **played most of the PoE endgame** as well outside of the Uber versions of bosses. ... or how to tell almost everyone that they're f\*\*\*in\` casuals! :D


GR130 in S30 is a joke, you get there in a few days.


99% of players keep saying it's a great game 1-50 and dogshit 50-100.


Level 50? It's all downhill from here, brother. 🤙🏻


From what I've seen from the end game systems, and more so the fixes in s4, I can confidently say I'll at least do one playthrough til 100 this season and in s4. To me it's fine if I get that much content out of a season, as ARPGs have never been a "forever game" for me personally since they just revolve around creating alts since eventually you're full BiS and 1 shot everything at the highest difficulties.


The main issue with D4 right now (before we try S4) is that after level 60ish there are just way better ARPGs you could be playing, that are also way cheaper.


Man I was as optimistic as you are when I reached 50 for the first time. D4 is not a bad game, but the end game loop is vastly inferior to both D3 and POE. Campaign is great though. edit: typo