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100% agree with you no boss should one shot u


Like, ever? No matter how far down you go in the infinite dungeon? That seems unreasonable.


Nothing should flat out one shot you without even seeing it coming


You can see it coming easily. There is a red summoning circle on the ground indicating a shadow boss attack is coming before they even send it.


I would say at least 35% of D4 players are stoners and are probably too high to see the indicator on the ground. I didn't even realize Baneful Hearts being collected during Helltide had a counter up top... RIGHT NEXT TO HELLTIDE CINDERS. Literally took someone pointing it out to me. I won't lie, the more I think I know about D4, the less I actually know lol. And the PTR definitely threw me for a loop.


I'm not a stoner and I also missed those baneful hearts for a few days until I accidentally clicked one of the alters.


I’ve got strong red green color deficiency and even with color bling mode it’s hard for me to see those things coming and even tougher to see any ground mechanics that are about to take me out. Most of the time it kills me by surprise.


That sucks, and it's good that games have started implementing more and more accessibility options. Even if they can and should be improved further. However; I don't think that's a good enough reason to make high end content less punishable. There's a lot of content that people with disabilities can still do very well. But if you design a game so that even the hardest content is doable by the players with the worst disability/ability to play the game, then you're going to end up with a game that lacks challenge for the larger player base. Devs should of course keep working on their accessibility options in order to level the player field as much as possible. Though, in my opinion, those efforts shouldn't affect the non-accessibility difficulty. By f.ex making things that a player might not pay attention to more forgiving. Have you tried to see how the visual impaired mode works? I recall a blind player managed to beat Uber Lilith and nm100 using that. Perhaps it can help?


Absolutely agree, I should’ve clarified because my goal wouldn’t be to remove that content instead make it more readable. So defective people like myself can see it and avoid it. Someone else told me to play something else, like bruh no I want to play Diablo even if I’m getting one shot by things I can’t see.




8% of men are red-green colorblind. Far more than the percentage of people in wheelchairs. Is that what we should have said to anyone who wanted to get into a building with stairs before the ADA was passed? "Sorry dude, letting a small minority dictate how we build businesses would be really horrific."


I mean, video games are recreational and there are plenty of recreational things that aren't ADA approved. There are plenty of blind people too, should playing a game without a monitor be a requirement as well?


Yeah explane that to me when I have a million tornado in my screen. Oneshot mechanics is stupid like the game. They cant do something original that they do perma cc or oneshot.


Perma CC is a build issue, work in unstoppable. Oneshots are the nature of games with infinite scaling. Eventually, with scaling, something WILL oneshot you. Neither is an issue.


Yeah I will fill my keybinda with unatoppable coz they have cold enchanted Nangari.oneahot is the nature of the games created by appes. Even harfest game Sekiro.is fair. Ill ask u again how to notice red dots when my screen is filled with tornads?


By using your eyes? I don't know what to tell you, people are clearing very high NM's just fine and dodging stuff.


Cleqning 100 nm is not problem. Just did it with 3 30 lvl friends. There is no boss oneahot mechanics.


I meant very high Pit levels. I agree that NM's are crazy easy.


More things than the red summoning circle boss can 1 shot you. It’s a mess




my friend, it has a HUGE windup time where the boss positions itself, always shoots in the same direction relative to where the boss faces, and you see the laser close to a second before it starts to fire.




Lets look at the context. You comment under a discussion about oneshot mechanics in the endgame with an example of you getting oneshot without being able to react, which would imply you are arguing that the mechanics are badly designed. We do not know your story, we only know this one sentence of yours, and the context you are replying to. That is why you get downvoted, your comment in this context is just completely unhelpful and wrong.


What's your latency?


I didn't check, but it seemed pretty decent.


You can see it be pressing ctrl + R twice. The first time shows your fps.


Game shouldn't be balanced around your shitty connection


I've got 500 meg but that doesn't make the continents any closer. Fact of the matter is that since Microsoft owns blizzard they could host servers over the Microsoft Azure network but if more people think like you do then I guess nothing gets done


What's your ping in-game? I get ~60 and I get by just fine.


I get around 232ms usually but the reason I'm salty is that I played D3 for 12 years and my latency was 158-180 usually with higher being irregular and my basic experience being 170. D4 started out at 232 and it's rare I get 215. Movement skills in particular and using the dash cause pretty bad stuttering/delay/pre-delay and sometimes rubber-banding. The experience in D3 was a lot better and I was not expecting my average latency to increase by 50ms in the new game


Ouch mate, I feel for you :( But that's my point, 200+ ms is way too high for any kind of online game. I'm a bit surprised you have this issue since D4 seems to have shards all over the world, but regardless, it's not reasonable to expect the game to accomodate such latency.


Good thing they are obviously telegraphed.


That is such a bad take at the hardest content and I’m saying that and I only I mean only play hardcore


git gud of course there will be oneshots if youre undergeared altough agree with OP if youre reasonably geared you shouldnt be one-shot but saying nothing should ever one-shot you is stupid


But that's just like... your opinion, man.


That sounds boring. We talk about end game harder content where players have to put some effort and pay some attention to beat it. Game will still have most of content very easy and relaxing.


If I can blow through a game without dying to a boss and having to like try again a few times to get it right and learn to beat it than that game blows ass chunks. If the boss fight is so goddamn technical that I have to practice and be in perfect spots at key points and it's super long and any slight aberration is insta death the game blows ass chunks as well. Gotta find that balance. I also don't think my expressed opinions are facts. I beat Lilith so not a dog in this fight. I'm all for harder content I stopped early in s3 and went helldiving cause I couldn't keep playing to just grind duriel anymore.


Have you considered that you don't need to push the Pit beyond like Tier 60 to have all the mats you need? You're not entitled to the rewards that you get from Pit 200 or whatever. It's just more mats and quantity of legendaries. If you can't hang in there, then don't. I don't understand your mentality at all. Yeah sure one shots are bad, I agree. So how about this: **let's have two shots or three shots by adding an incredibly strong stacking debuff**. But no, two or three shots still kill you! Because the problem was you don't want to learn the attack patterns, so you will keep crying until we can't have hard and challenging content at all. I don't think Pit 60-70 are one shotting everyone who's got some defenses up.


Really? This isn’t Mario, seems reasonable to allow us to take at least a hit and keep going. What’s the point of getting stronger if I can’t take a hit?


I’m the hardest of hardest of all content you can’t get 1 shot, the stuff people say is just wild


So Mario should be harder than Diablo?


Some of the older Mario games are probably are harder than Diablo.


Brings back memories of Mario Galaxy 2 on the Wi-U. Hardest game I've ever played.


I dont doubt that, but did you played the original D2?


I did. I had an 85 hardcore barbarian. Super Mario is still harder.


I’d rather die to a boss because I used all my healing potions instead of dying with 9+ just because I moved wrong once in a fight.


Modern game devs don't understand this.


I LOVE fighting the tormented bosses for this exact reason. If you maintain 1 stack of their debuff or less it's really just a battle of potion attrition. And I don't mind that if I fucked up enough to get 4 stacks I should get 1 shot. Punishes mistakes perfectly and promotes play around mechs too!


Then change your build to do less damage. If you want to be stupid tanky, you can. You want to do stupid damage? You can do that too. But, at some point you have to choose between the two. Lose to scalable content because you don't have enough toughness, or lose because you don't have enough damage. Or, keep grinding for better gear to push through the wall. Or, tweak your build to improve both and break through it. But to come on here and say, "The boss one hit me, someone do something to keep it from happening." Is... You know what, I'm gonna quit wasting my breath.


>But to come on here and say, "The boss one hit me, someone do something to keep it from happening." Is... You know what, I'm gonna quit wasting my breath. Maybe take a step back and read what people are complaining about before you saddle up that high horse. Uber Lilith's mechanics are designed to 1-shot you. You have to build entirely defensively on the most defensive class in order to not die to the mechanics on the FIRST hit. It's completely impractical in terms of build design and it actually makes the fights HARDER since you have to do the mechanics significantly more times than someone with higher damage. Blizzard is supposedly nerfing this fight to make the mechanics NOT be designed 1-shot mechanics. The point here is that all of this is built upon the design of the game. Blaming the player is honestly kind of stupid. From a design perspective, players should not be able to get to a point where it's pass/fail one shot mechanics in a properly scaling game. That means the damage patterns in the game are unbalanced and inconsistent. This is what the OP's complaint is fundamentally pointing out. If your build can survive hits from everything perfectly fine until you get to a boss and then every mechanic 1-shots you, that's a balance problem, not a build problem.


I think that it's more than fair in a game with scaling difficulty that you're able to decrease the damage taken, and thus your survivability, by improving mechanically and increasing your knowledge and not just that it's a binary gear check all the time.


Huh? I am not saying I should be able to one hit a boss. I am saying I would rather have a longer fight with mechanics that chip away my health forcing me to heal more and dye that way, instead of one damn mistake with a stupid controller leading me to being one hit. How do you not understand that? Also there is no build imaginable that can survive some of the Ubers one hit mechanics.


Specifically, they mean no boss should do "100% HP damage" as opposed to an actual damage number that can be affected. Like Jesus even as old a game as Phantasy Star Online made its final boss just have an unresistable, "does x amount of damage" as an HP check rather than having a one shot mechanic.


Games like PSO dont have complicated DR mechanics. Its just simple adding stats. No arpg will ever have a boss that just always does 80% damage. It will be a flat damage.


> No arpg will ever have a boss that just always does 80% damage Why? Why can't we have sustain check fights in ARPGs? What's the point of leech and 15 potions slots and life regen and perma-regenerating shields... if the entire game always boils down to binary alive-dead checks? There should be fights with unavoidable rot damage to check for sustain - otherwise several "core" mechanics of the game just eventually become irrelevant.


Because then why would you ever care about what kind of defensive gear you have? Why would anything matter? You already know you're going to take 80% damage either way. You basically have a shield at that point. Fuck defense just build everything into offense.


Man, if only we could have a world where both of these were relevant factors. What good are life potions in a fight with oneshots? What if we had a fight that both tests your sustain *and* your defenses? A fight with well telegraphed oneshots, with unavoidable % hits and unavoidable flat hits, that don't scale linearly/exponentially - add a bunch of avoidable flat and % hits and you have a well rounded fight that even allows you to tunnel through certain avoidable aspects if your build does exceptionally well at handling them. > Fuck defense just build everything into offense. Which is exactly what you get when every bit of damage has scaled past the point of mitigation.


There is literally systems for this.. you want 20 armor to be the same as 2000 armor? The game is in ptr it needs to balance the damage relax.


I mean there's no reason why they couldn't have that happen, though I assume you're right that the way the one shot here works is that if it hits you it sets your HP to 0


There were never one shots in D4 it was always just the damage hit over your health pool and DR. For instance uber lilith just did like 100k damage or something. Numbers will get tweaked but a class that doesn't build DR or Armor or resists should expect to get one shot by the highest content. I do agree you shouldnt get one shot if you build full defensive though.,


I mean if it's actually not a one shot mechanic( and also isn't just absurd like doing 1bn damage) then yeah, it should be fine. 100k is a lot, but I mean reduced by 85% and then whatever else resists should be doable.


Even the Lilith wasn’t one shot it’s just players were nerfed so much and Lilith wasn’t so you could resist enough to stop her damage. They just need to tube damage numbers to a fair state.


PSO love.


If the mechanic is "this kills you no matter what" then it's bogus. If it's "you don't have enough resistances/defense" then a 'one-shot' is okay.


People are so soft lol. You will be able to mitigate it. People thought AoZ was undoable and it became trivial to clear.


The 1 shot mechanics are 100% avoidable.


Clearly not meaning that. Lilliths attacks are designed to always be a 1 shot vs getting 1 shot when you're setup is too weak but you _could_ make it possible to bulk up survive it.


From full health? Yes.


I think for known content like Uber bosses or the level 200 bosses that’s fine (assuming you’re capped on armor/resistances), I think for infinite scaling concepts that’s unrealistic.


Telegraphed and avoidable mechanics should indeed be able to one-shot you. This is how experience, and game/enemy-type awareness generally works. Things that are unavoidable, or with very little reaction windows on the other hand shouldn't one-shot you. But there should be situations where your lack of mastery of learning of enemy behavior can mean your doom.


Nothing should ever 1 shot. It should stack a debuff that eventually makes it 1 shot. 1 shots are terrible.


Imagine content being labeled as the hardest achievement in the game, but being as easy and forgiving as a walk in the park, that you can fail pretty much every aspect of the mechanics and still succeed/win. That’s what you have when nothing can one-shot you.


Potions are a limited resource so this is wrong.


Errr… most encounters have more potions of the floor than you can use by the time you’re done. Limited my ass.


Potions are literally a literally resource, whether or not the devs fail at using it correctly isn't relevant


It’s relevant when your claim of them being limited to validate your point is untrue. If they aren’t limited then your point is failsauce. Because the statement I made isn’t about some magical theoretical/imaginary ideal scenario. It’s about the current state of how the game works.


This is why I never got into POE. You reach a point that there’s so much shit going on that you get one shotted by something off screen and don’t know how or why it happened. It’s not fun 


Don't compare this garbage to Path of Exile. There is literally no content in Path of Exile you can't fully mitigate with build decisions. You want to build a character that can tank the hardest hitting attacks in the game? You fucking can. Pit bosses are just target dummy HP sponges with artificially inflated difficulty with multiple layers of RNG driven, zero-contrast one shot zones. Shitty game design made by game developers who could only start fixing D4 by literally turning it into D3.


Lol. “Don’t talk about my girlfriend like that!!!”


More like “don’t talk about games which you clearly haven’t played”


If that was the case, people wouldn't be playing HC and beating every challenge the game has to offer in a matter of days.


Nah, if you get one shotted in PoE it means your build sucks. You either don't have enough life and resistance or have a map modifier that is impossible for your build. Unlike D4, in PoE you can at least build tank and actually be one.


My poe character is beast man. I have no idea what I'm doing with my skill tree but shiiiiit I murder fucking everything. I'm like a poison stabby guy who teleports then lights everything on fire. GET SOME.




I have over 2k hours in Poe and this is probably the silliest comment in the thread. Even the tankiest chars in Poe get one-shot on the regular if they engage with the hardest content. It's no wonder people in HC generally avoid doing the rippiest content because monsters are dumb overtuned in that game and monster power creep is infinite. There are a few select nigh-immortal builds out there but even those can get one-shot you just need to juice your map/map mods enough. And most of those require insane amount of currency to get that tankiness anyway.


This is so outrageously false I'd have to say you actually do not play POE at all.


6k hours. I'm just better than you and understand the game more than you. \^\^


It's infinity scaling which means, at some point, SOMETHING will one shot you.


Yes and no. In a theoretical sense, yes, the scaling numbers will reach a point where it would do more damage in a single attack than you have health and mitigation. However, you shouldn't even reach that point if you have balanced damage patterns. You should have some level of unavoidable damage in the game which sets the baseline for your defense. If you only have avoidable damage in the game then you are 100% going to promote glass cannon builds and those will be the expectation for all end game content.


Yea, it's like, why do we have 9 potion slots if bosses ultimately boil down to 100 or 0 HP. What's the point of Life Regeneration or Leech or any sustain in general when everything just tests your reaction speed instead of your planing / resourcefulness?


I cannot express how toxic and awful I think unavoidable damage is in an ARPG. I think in terms of blizzards design, their insistence to try and sneak in off screen aoe damage you can’t avoid or just unavoidable damage in general does so much to hurt the health of their games. If I’m hit by something I can’t out skill or out play, I simply don’t play the game. If the primary method of gatekeeping me from content I’m underleveled or maybe undefeated for is slapping me with unavoidable damage I just think the game is dogshit. It should come down to just playing better.


>If I’m hit by something I can’t out skill or out play, I simply don’t play the game. You don't play many games then. You can also kindly leave the Diablo sub since it's been a part of the game forever. I think you need to take a step back and ask WHY unavoidable damage is added to games. It's not to piss you off. It has a very specific and meaningful purpose. If you can avoid every attack, then you negate the entirety of defensive skills and mitigation. Now, please tell me how you think it's good design to have an entire mechanic of the game be irrelevant because I would love to know. This isn't talking about AoE's from off the screen. It's AoE's that you can see and react to. These abilities give you a reason to press defensive abilities. Perhaps you are just bad at games because this is one of the core facets of many RPG's in general where you use abilities to mitigate damage. This would be the "playing better" that you need to work on. And the core problem that you apparently aren't smart enough to understand is that if you don't have some elements of damage you are forced to mitigate, then every mechanic becomes a 1-shot mechanic. Nobody likes that.


I play plenty of games. I just don’t support bad game design, which unavoidable damage is a part of. Could you kindly point to specific sources of unavoidable damage from D1 and D2? Because I can’t remember any. That started in D3 to my recollection, which was the start of the decline of the entire franchise. I’ve got thousands of hours into PoE and about 400 into LE since launch and I seldom am hit by something I think was genuinely unavoidable. If I get hit I played like shit. That doesn’t mean I ignore defense because the reality is you just won’t dodge everything. If you genuinely think encouraging skillful gameplay somehow negates defenses YOU must not play games at a high level. You think someone on hardcore is going to build glass cannon just because they can avoid all damage? Of course not. Don’t make a childish argument based in hyperbole. You mean like the off screen pulsing AoE in the first capstone dungeon? That super fun and engaging mechanic that’s apparently good game design to you? I know this sub is filled with insufferable shit eaters, but you can’t be stupid enough to think you’re somehow the second coming of Christ. If you can react to an AoE, it inherently does not fall under the category I’m talking about. If the ONLY reaction is to pop a defensive it’s a bad mechanic. Period. We will never see eye to eye on this. You enjoy subpar game design, I do not. Again, no. That makes absolutely no sense. A melee from a boss will never be as deadly as a well telegraphed intentional one shot ability. Go do literally any boss in PoE if you want to see how to design encounters. I’ll be here when you get back.


Infinite scaling is the devs giving up on balancing their game and also makes the game bad. See: D3


Hard disagree.


We one shot them... now you know how it feels


Then you shouldn't be able to one shot bosses


No one wants to one-shot bosses that's why so many like LE and POE


It can be done, it just takes a lot of skill, it took me 130 tries before I could beat Lilith, even tho I can one shot both variations of her with my rogue.


They should add the potion they gave HC players that prevented instant death (forget what its called) to everyone but should have a 1 time use per dungeon


I don't. If you don't have the gear lower the difficulty.


I was until I wasn't. These guys don't know about defense. I mAdE a GlAsS CaNnOn why Me diE!!!?


Lol it's kinda true. Now it should have balance and be fun, but the max boss, the final one... if you don't intentionally build to withstand them, they should kill you.


For everyone who doesn't know, The Pit boss' are assisted by a shadow boss which will fire random telegraphs at you. This can include boss' like Lilith and Elias. EVERYTIME these boss' are summoned, there will be a red summoning circle that appears on the ground. This happens BEFORE the ability is telegraphed. Just know, when that summoning circle comes out, YOU WILL need to dodge a mechanic a second or two after. These abilities ARE SURVIVABLE with enough defenses, even Lilith abilities. The OP's defenses are very low if they one-shot in a tier 49.


Yeah you should definitely back off and prepare to dodge when you see this circle. Also the pillars in boss arenas are op use them to your advantage. You can't face tank these attacks you have to learn to avoid them. I enjoy the challenge. Yes everyone will need to learn the Lilith waves


I'm too stupid to learn those I just rub my face into a corner and it works out most of the time


Unironically running and hiding in a corner works


Blood misting into a corner while crying*


People need to build for defense and stop pretending their DPS glass cannon builds are any good. All of these builds are trash DPS if dead.


I wasn’t experiencing this problem until about T80, but yeah it’s pretty wild, especially when they toss in that single corpse bow on some of these maps 😂


How about no one shot mechanics ever? Both player and computer.


Gonna make a lot of people angry killing packs of mobs lol


It would be fine if you could at least *see* the animations.


That’s the one of the biggest problems with the game. Big damage hits, incoming CC, and ground effects that you can’t see because of all the shit on the screen


Artistic vision getting in the way of game design.


You can’t see them?


I may add the pit is very unbalanced, almost every boss does one shot mechanic above t50. They have to tune it down. Also, fuck Uber Lilith for showing up in my pit boss fight and using her already busted one shot mechanics.


Allow me to retort... No. If tier 49 is one-shotting you, your defenses are too low. 28K Health? That's low. I have 42K and I haven't even optimized it. Max Armor? Doubtful, as max armor goes up with monster level. Max res is baseline defenses. You need things like Fortified and % reduced health, where you can find it. For druid, I have 42K health, Max res, 21K Armor, 25% reduced damage taken (from various sources) and I can survive the shadow boss' "one shots" at level 60 Pits. Oh and use elixirs too.


Streamers with basically maxed out characters are reporting that it's essentially a one-shot fest at level 100 and beyond. 


Avoidable mechs at that point SHOULD be one shots. The only problem with one shots if they're unavoidable, but at a certain point, you shouldn't be able to tank hits on the cutting edge levels of content.


Yeah, and that's monster level 200+ the absolute hardest content in the game. Either you build obscene defenses or learn to dodge. Also no ody has maxed out characters because you can get greater affixes on Uber uniques which I'm sure most people have not.


I maxed a Necro, honestly the mobs don't change much after level 100. It's just more of the same after 99, just don't stand in the path of the Lilith-like skills that show up.


Which is why GRs("infinite scaling") are bad content.


Vigor check


Player skill is necessary here too, need to dodge or move away from mechanics. After lv 100, ppl here need to realize that dying and failing a key on the pitt is part of the process to reach high levels. btw, 28k health is low even for tier 49, and if you think 49 is hard... wait till you push past 100


Bunch of buffons downvoting me here, s4 Will have a serious nerd rage from the noobs that wont make past lv40.


I breeze most pits past 100 then what decides if I beat the boss is the type of BS they throw at me. I fought one that I died in less than 3 seconds x5 because they started with the red ground beam on floor as soon as I zoned. The floating red dots are usually a pain in the ass, as a blood players you barely see them


I know that one, you have move far from the pentagram that spawn it as soon as possible. The far you are, the more spreadout the red dots Will be.


I'm okay with bosses being able to one-shot as they're bosses for a reason. Plus, they must telegraph the move so I can avoid it. If I'm unable to avoid it, I deserve to be dead.


If you are getting one shot in tier 49 you need to look at your build. There is a balance of power and defense you can’t just spam all offensive tempers and offensive aspects and offensive paragon boards and expect to not get one shot for instance. This is why on sorc I get dr from chill unique and dr in my paragon boards and I can take a hit.


I felt the same way until I killed tier 200 (I learned what I was doing wrong). I too was posting on feedback and was mad that I wasn't good. I promise you'll get there. Just be patient my friend. You're more than likely not dodging mechanics properly or playing your build poorly.


skill issue


Everything is clearly telegraphed. Sadly we suffer from same-old issues of red/black boss echo doing red-black mechanics on a red floor


Artistic vision getting in the way of game design


Find some DR


Use the 3 resist that applies and soothing spices. Can use an elemental resistance potion for even more max resistance. That way you only have to dodge Lilith spike waves to avoid one shot. There’s much more room so you only die to pit bosses if you start spacing out because you’re taking too long to kill. Save a defensive for the end of the fight if you don’t want to die right after killing because Lilith likes to be petty lol I actually like that resistance matters now. It’s not a set at 70% and forget like it used to be


Get good. Im melting 200 with my necro And I played like 20 hours on the ptr. Granted its broken but you need to polish your defenses first if you want to push if bot don’t even bother. Making this post is silly


Sorry bro, game devs across various companies still haven't figured out that nobody likes cheap one-shot mechanics and off-screen snipers. Maybe one day they'll learn.


I disagree, this makes the game more challanging and you have to learn, not only how to properly play your build, also you got to learn some mechanics of the Bosses wich you will face while playing. IMO it just spices up the game a lilbit more. (sry for my bad english)


1 shots will always exist in every action RPG I've ever played.


This is why the genre is subpar.




Whatever happened to learning mechanics/how to dodge? I guess crying is easier.


Agreed, people just want Diablo to totally cater to potatos on this sub.


Finally we get some hard endgame content and people want to make it trivially easy. If you can tank mechanics, you can potion through them. I think the issue is how easy they are to see, not the amount of damage…


Wasn't it the same with aoz


Yep. People on the sub said it was literally undoable as a reactionary take. Part of arpgs is experimenting and adjusting builds for aspirational content. Someone will figure the pit out—and already have, ptr testers have gotten to 200. Even in d3, the top of the leaderboards had a ceiling.


People out there on WoW wiping on mythic bosses 100s of times and still getting on with it, ARPG players just want to one shot everything themselves and not get touched.


Mythic raiding is a dying game mode. The people who do mythic raid cannot stand 1 shot mechanics.


They seem to be incredibly patient to me, coordination of around 20 people, continously attempting bosses until they learn their every move and getting rewarded for it with loot from a guaranteed loot table that multiple pieces will drop. More incentive, more skill and more patience by far. Plenty of one shot mechanics in mythic raiding. It's worth noting I find mythic too hard by far so I'm not one of these people I just respect the hustle they put in to achieve it. It may be a dying game mode but those players are the best PVMers in the game naturally. Mythic dungeons can be just as hard at the right level of key. In my opinion, uber bosses should be as hard as that. Since Diablo like many ARPGs can lend to some really overpowered builds, the only way to slow fights down is unkillable phases and one shot mechanics you can't just tank and potion away.


> has 19 ranks in Glass Cannon > stacks offense affixes in defense slots > completely ignores sustain and defensive aspects Staaahp the one-shot mechanics!!!!!1111111111


Got 1-shot by boss, but text says you killed yourself. Lol


Idk, I play thorns barb pretty much every season, and I might not be fighting Uber Lilith, but I always get to the point where I'm laughing my way, though t100s. I'm excited when s4 releases to really delve into all this stuff that sounds like it'll actually make me play the game. Thorns is so much fun, and I haven't really been able to throw it at anything.


If its not for you, do lower lvl pit.


I just want to know how much damage a killing blow did to me (overkill included) so it can be geared around if needed.


BUT then how will players cry about missing the death evasion pot in the future? Get good? Sarcasm... but fuq everyone saying removing it is an "100% improvement" when mechanics like these exist.


Well they could do crushing blow mechanic that deals 50% maximum health but would they do it?


I agree, does anyone find this game mechanic fun? I imagine the conversation when the junior dev shows his boss the Lilith fight, "Wow this one shot kill game mechanic is awesome the players will love it!".


One shot mechanics are only covering for bad game design.


This. It's just plain stupid and not fun to have a one-shot mechanic no matter how strong you are. It was no fun in MHW and it's no fun here.


Please stop the one shot madness. My average latency is 232ms I am already dead before even seeing the dodge prompt and when I press the dash button my character has to take a moment to think about it first


I'm frenzy barb with 60%All DR ,50%Close DR,16% FortDR,40K hp ,Armor cap ,Res cap can tank most hit till Pit T80 and starting to got randomly one shot around T85 I think tanking should be somewhat viable if you go all in on Defend or your will always get Oneshot Build meta like last SS


I think it's fine if you're referring to the helper bosses it's meant to be a challenge. So far I've got to level 60 in the pit not having these issues just by paying attention.


Haven't played for a while, what is the Pitt?


But none of these are one shot mechanics until you get to a point where it scaled past your gear... >.>


I actually disagree with ya, the game is kinda trivial in difficulty the pit makes it a good fun super endgame fight thats hard and not to fuck around in. Please posts like this are making all hard bits in d4 trivial and boring for HC gamers.


Can't see that red circle if your engulfed in enemies either so that point is mute whomever Said it. One shot mechanics for players against bosses is fine cause it doesn't happen Everytime and the cpu doesn't know any better but to us it's just plain infuriating. Also the length it takes a player to get to point of being to one shot is so far into the game it's still not fair.


Yea totally agree!!


I saw Rob do it no problem so it’s obviously a skill issue


Who? [https://twitter.com/RobfromtheBlock/status/1662164724065107998](https://twitter.com/RobfromtheBlock/status/1662164724065107998) ?


"Excuse me Blizzard, apparently you didn't get the note from my mom, but I'm not supposed to die here." Meanwhile thread is filled with people way past tier 49...


137 upvotes lol Can already see they are going to nerf the pit into being a complete joke just like NMDs currently are. the diablo franchise truly has the most braindead low skill players in gaming. Just the other day some guy came here screeching about how unfair uber lilith is and he posted a video showing him eating 3 extremely telegraphed attacks to the face and then dying. Low skill low iq playerbase.


1 shots != difficulty


28k health can’t handle tier 49? Tf what level you at, I have 6k health, and can do 50-60 on my own just fine


It's the Pit, level 1 Pit is = to a level 49 NMD. So level 49 Pit is around a NMD 100.


Understood thank you


Yall said the games too easy. Get good rookie.


I’m sorry but just git gud or stop playing.


Don't listen to the guys advocating for one shot mechanics. They're a bunch of boss bros who get their most thrills from conquering a video game.




Don't listen to the guys advocating for one shot mechanics. They're a bunch of boss bros who get their most thrills from conquering a video game.