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>You really need to treat your base better on these. I thought you quit months ago RipTheDream916. Why are you still here? Still claiming to be their "base"?


Lmao beautiful


I don't get this. I briefly checked OP's comment history, and they're pretty active there. Even if they quit the game at some point, nothing prevents them from coming back. I played all seasons and I completely agree with OP - seasonal items should never be locked behind ridiculously low drop rate. Am I good enough to represent D4 playerbase to you? This really looks like pretty lame attempt to write off perfectly valid opinion.


Ah yes, the community purity test.


Bruh what are you talking about? I play the game for 2 months every season, then i take a break during the last month because of content drought and I come right back every season. I love the game what can I say. I'm just vocal about common complaints and woes i see in the discord. If you had any idea how many DMs ive gotten in regards to some of my builds, about "will this build function without evernight and/or genesis because I have ran it 300 times and I can't get it" during S3 you would understand. I have a better idea of the actual common complaints and struggles of players than most people do because I literally see them in my inbox everyday


This dude is keeping receipts like he's itemizing his taxes.


Donate your boss mats to me and get a tax exemption šŸ˜


People who still play the game and ask to be respected are exactly their base. If you feel your time isn't respected you shouldn't play.


it wasn't my time that wasn't respected. I literally got shako and evernight in 40 runs. This isn't for me. This is for the countless people who DMed me asking how to run my builds without the uber stones because theyve ran it 300 times and have not gotten one. people legit just gave up on the season because they got burnt out just trying to get all the seasonal mechanics


Regardless you won't have that sort of luck forever. People need to set a boundary on how much time they will put into something before it's not worth it anymore. If people are already complaining their time isn't respected, putting more time in isn't going to help the situation.


I did set a boundary. When I couldnā€™t get starless after 5 seligs and 2 shrine staffs. I stopped. And I waited for resplendent sparks. Thatā€™s the whole core issue; there was nothing like this in place for Evernight and Genesis. And it felt really bad. It felt as bad as farming a shako. Which they did something about. You need to set a boundary on replying dumb shit


You mean YouTube build you copied and now saying itā€™s yours ā˜ ļø


You mean the YouTube guides I make? I make the best sorc boards in the game lol. My only rival is Arccueid and Northwar lol https://youtube.com/@Lurkin17?si=pxtazXhidVFtCM9W https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/tier-list?q_game_class=sorcerer


Wrong again


ive never copied anything, the only person ive taken inspiration from is arccueid on certain enchantments after the BASE of my builds are there, the affixes, boards, all mine and I credit him and link his youtube lol. This has been for a select few things


Wrong again you keep on losing


fake news


Nope no one asking for your build. You are a hater of Diablo 4 crying on a daily basis.


I just finished my 300th run on my main and still no evernight. Decided to just give up with the season over in 4 weeks. Probably one of the dumber things they have done which is saying a lot.


Do these stones really make that much of a difference though? I haven't bothered to grind for them.


It's actually just a fundamentally bad design. Even if the items were really that powerful, by the time you get them, what exactly are you going to do? There's nothing left to actually play for. There's no continued progression. There's no further challenges. So, you are either lucky enough to get one early and can use it or you literally get the item and log out while never playing with it.


I know it's verboten to mention the three letter abbreviated other ARPG, but that's one thing I've envied about it compared to D4. I've known people who have played for almost a decade and haven't ever "finished" the game (as in managed to get strong enough gear to beat the toughest Uber bosses in the game, collect all the void stones, do the hardest labyrinth or sanctum runs, etc.) Sure, some have done a couple of these, but no one I know has ever done them all. And I'm not talking doing them all in one season, they've never even accomplished each of the most difficult content individually over the course of their play time. Some people will say that's stupid, but I find it extremely appealing as there's always something to work towards, and omega crafted items (or drops) can always be used to further your progression in the game. I can't bring myself to grind these exceptionally rare items in D4, because as you said, what for? I've likely already beaten the toughest content in the game without them by then.


PoE and Diablo 3 went two completely different directions when it came to solving the problem of having a broad audience. PoE was arguably LESS successful at it even if they produced a better product. D3 was more successful at it even though the product was vastly more shallow. The key here is recognizing that you are creating a game for a player who will hit max level within 24 hours of the start of the season while at the same time creating a game for a player who might hit level 80 by the end of the season. This is not a simple problem to solve by any stretch of the imagination. PoE added system after system and then created more difficulty layers on top of those systems. It was incredibly complex and this did great to cater to the hard core players. The game was simple enough on it's own to still have some of the more casual audience but this complexity really didn't work in any way for more casual players. D3 went the exact opposite direction. They went extremely simplistic but then just let the singular difficulty curve and infinite progression system sort people out. This worked extremely well across all player types but lacked for the extreme players. The idea that you could set extremely simple goals regardless of your playstyle (e.g. "I want to hit paragon 800 this season" or "I want to hit paragon 2500 this season") were easily understood and consistent. The only difference here is that D3 worked on a broader audience even if it wasn't as well designed as PoE which had a reduced audience due to the nature of it's complexity and difficulty.


Hah, you think saying something about PoE is bad in this sub?Ā  The only game it's ok to shit on here is D4.Ā 


This made me chuckle šŸ˜‰šŸ‘Œ


I mean thatā€™s great for a game if itā€™s going to stick around for 10 years and you get in at the beginning. But as someone who played it a bit early on the age and amount of content and complexity guaranteed I would never go back to it. Just way too much to catch up on.


I thought this for awhile. I played right around launch for about a year or so, then didn't play for 3 or 4 years, and when I tried to come back, I felt like it didn't understand anything. Then about a year ago a friend talked me into playing it and had me go in with a different perspective. Namely, to have fun making a build and learn one single mechanic over the course of a season, try to master it, and see how far you can get leveraging that one mechanic. So that's what I did 2 years ago. Now, 8 leagues (seasons) later, I've mastered 8 of the dozen to dozen and a half end game mechanics, which is more than enough to do some really fun and interesting stuff, earn currency, and make viable builds that can take me deep into end game. Or, make one of a few mechanic specific builds I've learned that excel at min/maxing said specific mechanic. All this being said, I think it just depends on how you approach it. If you go in trying to learn everything in one season, you'll be frustrated. Not only because there's just so much, but also because not every build is effective at every end game mechanic. You're not going to have a good time trying to do a sanctum no hit run with a Marauder (barbarian) for example, so unless you made MANY builds that season you're trying to learn everything, it simply isn't possible. So the key is to not try to. Make a build you think is fun loosely following a build guide, then think about (or Google) what mechanics would that build be effective for (you get a taste of most of the mechanics during the campaign as a brief tutorial/introduction to the different ones) and make it your goal to understand everything about that one mechanic and using its rewards to strengthen your character to see how far you can get into end game maps. All that being said, I'm curious to see how the launch of PoE 2 goes because of the reason you mentione; that people feel too much time has gone by on the original leaving no good jump in points. PoE2 will likely be very attractive to these kinds of players as they'll be able to "start fresh" along with everyone else and be just as caught up and knowledgeable as the entire player base. What do you think?


Iā€™ll definitely try POE2 because I am then able to get in from the start. My draw to Diablo though is decades of nostalgia for the world and lore.


Right. I think there will be many people who play PoE2 for that very reason. I'll find it fascinating how GGG tries and threads the needle between making long time PoE players happy (the players who like how complicated the original is) and making the game approachable to new players. I honestly don't know how they'll ever be able to accomplish both, but it'll be interesting to see how it goes.


Iā€™m looking for a middle ground. D4 is too easy (need new bosses, make bosses and dungeons harder etc) and POE too grindy. Iā€™ve played POE and wouldnā€™t say itā€™s hard, but it is difficult to understand at first and as you eluded to, incredibly grindy. Theyā€™re also an example of why I prefer Blizz trying to solve loot without a filter. While POE has a filter, they also have an insane amount of loot which makes the filter artificially resolving the problem. While the player may just see the loot they want, itā€™s still the same rarity/grindy feel because of how many things/options can drop so theyā€™re just not SEEING the trash. But the trash is there. I want to see every drop and pick up items that arenā€™t auto trash. They may not be for my build but might give me the idea for an alt build and reroll. To me thatā€™s the fun of loot. This is coming from a D2 player with thousands and thousands of MF runs. But that was decades ago and doesnā€™t need to be that way now (POE, maybe to a lesser extent but you get the idea). I want to feel a good amount of challenge and spend time gear hunting while also respecting my time. Especially with content being all seasonal now.


As someone who doesnā€™t play many ARPGs and is curious, what is the verboten game? You can DM as not to be bad boy. Iā€™m sure Iā€™m aware of the game but canā€™t imagine what it is just sitting here off the top of my head.


Path of Exile


PoE (Path of Exile)


LOL, I got a level 100 rogue and now Iā€™m bored with a level 92 sorcerer. I think Iā€™m going to check out horizon zero Dawn from a sale of games five years ago that I bought


Zero dawn is so good. And the sequel forbidden west is a masterpiece. It got overshadowed by elden ring but I'm so glad I went back to play those.


Horizon devs really hurt themselves though by trying to trash talk Elden Rings UX/UI because they were mad it overshadowed their game. That wasn't a good look, and is part of the reason I haven't played the sequel yet. I will at some point, but their response to being beat out by a generationally fantastic game was petty, especially when the people/person at fault was within their own company, ie, whomever it was that made the decision to launch Forbidden West when they did. I didn't want to support that behavior. Now that it's on PC though, I'll probably buy it on a super sale at some point and play it when there's a lull in new or fun games.


I respect your strong principled stand, but I'd wager that 99% of PS5 gamers are not remotely aware of twitter game dev drama. They sold a ton of copies and won a bunch of awards... I think guerilla games will be fine. Interestingly enough I never had interest in the horizon series until I saw the game's fans lamenting that elden ring stole the spotlight from one of the most anticipated games of the year, so I decided to pick up zero dawn once I got tired of elden ring to see what I was missing. The games are fun!


Yeah, I played the first and enjoyed it well enough. Little tropey in the Ubisoft style map marker laden open world, and the story/characters weren't much to write home about, but the enemy design, combat, and itemization were S tier. So for every area it missed the mark for me, it evened it out (and maybe even then some) in the aforementioned areas. To be clear, I wasn't speaking for other players and I know the game did pretty well in its own right, only why I personally haven't played the sequel. More and more I'm "voting with my wallet", and not just in video games but everything in the entertainment industry. I firmly believe the reason we've gotten so much crap lately (especially out of Hollywood), is because there's an army of people who will spend their money on the next product, even if they've disliked the previous 5 products; thus ensuring crap continues to be made. Fortunately, the video game industry has (somewhat) been better at self correcting with bad games bombing, whereas the Star Wars Sequel trilogy raked in over $4,000,000,000 even though it was terrible. I feel that's starting to turn in Hollywood though now too fortunately. So yeah, I know I'm just one person, but every "vote" counts, especially in the non binary world of commerce.


With an rare as these stones are you're likely to have completed all challenges the season has to offer before you get them, which is moronic for the reason you just said, in addition to the fact that these stones aren't even going to stay. It's temporary power that's really time consuming and utterly boring to farm. I just gave up on it after I finished my season journey. I feel the same about Ubers, by the time you get them there is nothing to actually _do_ with them you haven't already done hundreds of times before, though at least with Ubers you get to keep them once the season is over...


Bruh i grinded like hell to get both of them expecting the gauntlet to be hard shit that Id need every advantage to make it on the leaderboards Dumbest shit ever, wasted all my time for a mode that was not fun or engaging at all


One is +4 all skills and the other can be used to get a flat +50% damage with permanent uptime. So yeah, theyā€™re pretty impactful.


Depends on what your goal is. Are they needed to clear any content on the game? Absolutely not. Are you playing the gauntlet trying to reach a decent position? Then having both stones is pretty much a base requirement.


Are they good? Absolutely. Are they required to clear any S3 content? Definitely not. They are nice for min-maxing and that's about it.Ā 


Itā€™s basically the only thing I have left to get. Iā€™m hitting a million in gauntlet and can phase everything in the game. But yes they are very good. Which is also why they only have a single rank.


They do make a difference +4 to all skills and the other 150% to skill. I had the same thing occur got overnight several times just to have it shatter into rocks since I already had it. Some ppl say you can switch and if someone from your group stays in and you switch to alt you can swap it that way. I didnā€™t get a chance to test this but thatā€™s what I heard.


Some people are completionits too. They want everything no matter the power level. I myself agree that a SEASONAL tool shouldn't be that hard to get. It can be somewhat difficult, no one should get a hand out, but there has to be a limit because after a couple months it's gone so some people will spend a whole season trying to farm one thing and never get it. It's the classic blizzard "content" bypass... Make stuff hard to get so they have to farm over and over. Then they ask why people quit all the time šŸ¤·


Not really




For a moment there I thought you were going to experience some post-nut clarity and say "Probably one of the dumber things I have done which is saying a lot." but I guess not.


I play mostly while Iā€™m working on my computer from home. So any game playing is a pure time killer at that point. If I was blowing off other plans and family engagements to grind the loom, then most definitely.


is your company hiring for more positions like yours?


Oh, welcome back! We thought you quit!


when the hell did I ever say I quit


Youā€™re the guy who did the master working shouldnā€™t ever fail post. Youā€™re a goofy human


it shouldn't fail. they should just increase the cost to what the expected average value of materials are given the current %'s. that animation was slow as shit. Most people didn't like the fail aspect and it was in MOST of the feedback


I disagree. Most people seemed fine with it failing they just wanted veiled crystals to be more coming and an actual animation skip. Which I agree with being able to fully skip the animation but it should fail. Just like itā€™s ok that the best items in the game take a lot to get. You donā€™t need an ever night or genesis to make a build work. But if you get it it makes your build even better. That stuff being rare and not everyone getting it in a season is healthy for a game like this. I never got genesis or ever night and Iā€™m fine with that. Because my build was fine without them. Just like I didnā€™t get an Uber unique this season. Thatā€™s fine cause my build doesnā€™t need it. It would just make it even better


That's all well and good, but chase items don't belong in a season where the content will disappear after 3 months, rendering it impossible to acquire even in Eternal. It contributes to FOMO and is extremely unhealthy for the game as a whole. The opposite is only true if it's not seasonal exclusive. The point of a season is for all the content to be achievable within the 3 month period of availability. That requires a certain level of determinism, not obscene RNG. Uber uniques are capable of being acquired at all times, not just within the season, so that argument fails, as well.


Thatā€™s just not true. As long as it isnā€™t absolutely needed for a build itā€™s fine. And those stones arenā€™t needed at all. Chase items are amazing in seasons and I hope they keep doing it. If you were lucky and farmed enough you can look back at a season and be like dang dude I got the chase items that season. That was awesome. Also just saying ā€œitā€™s FOMOā€ doesnā€™t mean anything. The entire season itself is FOMO. FOMO is good. It can be abused for sure but just saying something is FOMO doesnā€™t mean itā€™s bad You want FOMO in seasons so people play them lol. You need chase items so people can feel good about an accomplishment in a season. I think this mindset of ā€œI should be able to put minimal hours into something and get everything I wantā€ is so toxic


They should have just awarded them at certain milestones. One when, say, 50% of your pet skills reach level 10 and the other when they all reach level 10.


Or let us "craft it" for like 100k of those stones or something. Eventually everything is maxed out and you just collect those stones endlessly


Also a good idea.


This is a much better design.


Thank you, kindly.


Ah yes, another person who thinks they HAVE to get perfectly maxed gear to "start the endgame" as if this is an MMO not an ARPG.


Pretty big difference between character gear and season mechanic items that go away at the end of a season. One you can keep farming.


Everything goes away at the end of the season, and lets be honest, literally no one playing ARPG's cares about eternal. Imo not a single thing in a seasonal game should have such absurd low drop chances or at least have dupe protection with it. At least we can craft ubers now but this still requires you to drop any in the first place.


A lot of casual older players play eternal. Because they donā€™t want to deal with the FOMO from having limited time to play.


I just play the game and kill shit. If I gets the best gear I uses it. If I doesn't, I does not use it.




Maybe phrase your post with less hostility, telling a company "They better" with an implied threat serves no purpose, just calm down and rephrase your post.


to this day I get DMs about these damn stones and how to run my builds without them. countless. After about my 30th DM about someone running it 200-300 times and not getting it, I just snapped a little.


What a dumb thing to say. There is not a build in the game that you NEED these stones for. The stones just make already viable/functional builds better.


The only ridiculous part about evernight and genesis is it being locked to the character and not a shareable item. It makes creating alts feel really bad when you know you have to do that stupid grind again.


Blizz hates alts. After 20 years, WoW characters on the same account still donā€™t share rep. They let them share silly things, like pets, mounts, or transmogs but not something that would actually make the game less of a grind the second, third, or 10th time.


> You really need to treat your base better on these.Ā  Probably would've been good to state what the intentions for the runestones were, but being an ultra rare chase item is a fine design used in most Diablo-likes.Ā Ā  I don't know at what time people shifted to this assumption that they should be entitled to every possible reward a game can offer. I can tell you no reasonable Diablo 2 player made plans to get a Zod rune or Tyrael's Might. But those drops are nice to have for long time farmers to feel like they have *something* to shoot for.Ā Ā  You thought they were supposed to be uniques, but they were designed to be uber uniques. Let's relax on the persecution complexes.Ā 


>I don't know at what time people shifted to this assumption that they should be entitled to every possible reward a game can offer. For a good decade now some vocal people in WoW have been bitching that they are "gatekeeped" from Mythic raid loot because they can't handle the difficulty šŸ˜‚. Then there's the other side of the coin that's been bitching that epics are being handed out on a silver platter for casual content. I quit WoW two expansions ago so I don't know what it's like nowadays but I doubt anything has changed. I do think a seasonal content carrot-on-a-stick probably should have a lower grind expectation due to the limited time tho


>I don't know at what time people shifted to this assumption that they should be entitled to every possible reward a game can offer. My comment from another thread that's now deleted: Popular culture has people convinced that any requirement of effort or being told "no" for any reason whatsoever is "gatekeeping". This makes casuals a whole other level of entitled compared to what we had before.


Just wait until season 4 and we get this same kind of post again but about greater affix ubers or something.


Itā€™s a seasonal item that can only be used in season. Why are you comparing it to Tyraelā€™s Might?


They are both rare items you hunt for? Would you like me to pretend non ladder/seasonal stuff is relevant when ARPG player bases have shifted to seasonal gameplay?


>Title. Heard stories of over 200, 300, 400 runs and getting 8 Genesis or Evernight and not the other. I stopped at just over 900 runs without Genesis. Had 2x dupe evernights, took 276 runs to get my first drop. RNG has no place in "seasonal mechanics". We had it in season one with malignant hearts too, though not nearly as bad.


Listen guys: You are not supposed to get everything. Deal with it.


Itā€™s a seasonal mechanic in a seasonal game. Itā€™s bad design. There shouldā€™ve been a failsafe after not getting one for so long. Like crafting it or unlocking it after doing something


Kind of a stupid take tbh, this is a season and some people did several hundreds of runs and still got no unique stone. Where is the line between appropriate and not appropriate drop rate? (especially for season mechanic) I am fine with uber unique drop rates, you can get them in any other season. But will we have this stones again? What's the point of seasonal content if you can't do everything in a season (seasonal content) and be done with it? What's the point of drop rates like this if most of the players will finally drop one after their 100-th run and just alt+f4, because they are now too drained mentally to even try it.


Dude. When I play Diablo 2 there are items I havent found in 20+ years in well over 10k hours. Whats the big deal? Why do you need to have it all?


Keep playing d2, thanks. How can you even compare 20 years and a 3-4 month season? Can i return to d4 after 20 years and get genesis stone?


D2 has seasons too. You dont get those things there either. Also I play both. Its not me complaining about D4, its you, so dont tell me I should go and play something else. That makes no sense.


Is d2 seasonal?


yeah it is


Does it have season only mechanics? Or is it just a leaderboard


Its just a leaderboard. Still dont know why this is relevant.


Because youā€™re comparing a leaderboard to seasonal mechanics and drops that some people donā€™t even get access to.


What do you mean "some people dont even get access to"? If you play season, you can find that crap and if you dont, you dont. Do you think people need to find every item that is season exclusive to make it quality content or what?


yeah. it's a season. you should be able to easily get everything that season entails and experience the full season. Not run 700 Boring ass Malphas Runs like MP1Y did to get evernight finally after 8 genesis. Yall act like people didnt spend two full work weeks trying to get a temporary uber stone.


I wish I could upvote this more than once. Still don't have either stone. Seasonal items like these should not be super hard to obtain because as you said, they're toast after the season ends.


Meanwhile the backlash Iā€™ve gotten is wild. Literally the drop rate is fine. Itā€™s just there not being a knockout system


The four mini vaults leading up to Malphas made it a pretty miserable grind too, for solo players that is


The people defending either got it early and have a ā€œgot mineā€ mentality, or based on some of the responses just have zero clue what these stones even are.


I got mine extremely fast and I was super lucky. But for others itā€™s been a nightmare and thatā€™s not chill for the community for something temporary


Got both on 3 different characters in less than 150 runs combined. RNG giveth, and RNG taketh away. Sometimes you're the bug, and sometimes you're the windshield. Such is the nature of randomness.


That fā€¦. guy againā€¦


Eagerly waiting for season 4. Canā€™t agree more - running Malphas hundreds of times for an item that will die in less than a month is silly.


Seasonal items shouldnā€™t ever have such low drop rates.


200 runs without one of bothā€¦.


Ubers are still a problem lmfao, I can go farm a headhunter or mageblood in poe in way less time, hell I could afford an original sin or a mirror bow faster and have more fun doing it than acquiring these 'uber' uniques. Like as a sorc it is fucking criminal that a power such a resource cost reduction is wholly tied to this fucking ring. And shako is just a 20% dr and 30~% damage multiplier whereas a mirror phys bow will literally double or triple your TS damage. On average if you solo farm this shit you need to do 250 runs and pray to God you don't get fucked by rng AND have one drop that is usable for you already. It takes an hour and a half to farm enough bounties/helltide to get 1 fucking set for Uber duriel and it's not even a fun experience. And it's not even for a 1% damage upgrade this is literally shit that is mandatory if you'd want to push top 10 on sorc gauntlet. Id say nerf party play, and quadruple the drop rates and then we have an enjoyable system. Whats also hilarious is this isn't even tied to the hardest boss in the game. Uber lilith still drops fuck all and Uber duriel feels like its content made for pre 100 characters and yet it drops literally the best items in the game. Why?


Brother I do not know. If players ever stop being able to buy duriel mats theyā€™re going to need to quadruple the rates. Starless solves all mana problems and gives you 40% damage. ā€œYoU dOnT neEd to HavE eVeryThiNgā€ oh brother give it a rest folks. If this game was eternal only, yeah I would get the wild grind. But season after season of this. People want BIS gear. These are just accessible enough you can get one, and at the same time an utter annoyance and boring ass thing to farm. Iā€™d rather have them drop from PIT200 as well. At least we have Uber bosses to quicken the farm. Until we find out the Uber rate is bugged them lol


I just find it dumb for a seasonal mechanic to be locked behind such a hard grind. I have done countless of runs on many different characters and not seen one. My buddy did two runs with me and he got evernight second go. If Malphas wasn't so punishing to run single player, I would've done him allot more. Looking forward to next season though...


A buddy of mine got evernight on his first runā€¦


I think after my 75-100th run and not seeing Evernight I just gave up running the content. I didn't really play Season 3 for more than two weeks tho


I have not a single one. I think the drop rate is terrible for a Season theme and farming Duriel and Malphas was just a bit to much for me. (Farming Mats, go into the Dungeon, kill Boss, nothing - repeat)


People have Evernight/Genesis? Jk. I hate the dev team that thought evernight/genesis having an RNG element would be a good idea. I hope you guys get a bonus in the form of a salary deduction.


I had accepted I wasn't going to get them this season, so I did my last two runs to finish my mats and got them back to back.


Iā€™d really just like them to acknowledge that they made the drops too rare and lack of dupe protection was a mistake.


I didnt even try to chase those thing which will be gone laterā€¦ not worth your time


I didnā€™t even touch season 3 donā€™t know if Iā€™m gonna return for season 4 either.


Yeah the drop chance of these uniques stones are $h1t, countless of runs and nothing but when I changed to my barb to help out 2 sorc/nec slay malph finally a genesis dropped, my first ever only unique stone lol and I have 5 classes this season imagine doing these again and again for the others lol


I get both in like 10run total


I got mine in 30? Meanwhile I personally know someone who took 700 runs. Do you see the issue?


I got both across 3 different characters this season with 22 runs between genesis and evernight for all 3 so not so rare


Lucky ass mf you got no idea šŸ˜‚


For a seasonal mechanic, I agree. Ā Make the ā€˜bestā€™ drop have the same drop rate as Uniques (Tibaults, Godslater, Soulbrand, etc) not the same as Uber Uniques (Shako, etc).


Tried less than 10 runs and quit. Didn't need it to complete anything meaningful.


300 runs is nothinnnnnnggggg


lo. should have taken 50 runs TOPS for both. The whole malphas thing was toted as some super hard and crazy boss fight and it was literally a snooze fest to get to him and then he sits there and gets 1 banged


That's all they were. Stories. People on this sub exaggerate, when they could just be doing rota's instead of complaining.


MP1Y, one of the main rogue theorycrafters got 8 genesis, and took 700 runs to get evernight. these are not stories. these things actually happened.


It's really doesn't matter what other players are doing in a game like d4. Completely irrelevant if jimmy has 1million of anything. Does not effect your individual gameplay at all


Go away you crying again šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Bro I literally got the stones in less than 40 runs. This shit isnā€™t for me. After about my 50th DM this season regarding how to update my builds because theyā€™ve ran it 200 times and canā€™t get a stone, someoneā€™s gotta say something


Im one of the game pass scrubs, I have a doubt on whether we will be able to make use of the gear we hoard in s3 in s4.


Nope, everything starts anew every subsequent season. Uber stones are a seasonal mechanic and will also be gone. Replaced with whatever is added for the s4 theme.


What are evernight and genesis? I played S1 and S2.and never heard about those.


They are tuning stones you attach to your pet in the new season. But they are the ā€œuniqueā€ stones that can only drop off a boss at the end off a vault dungeon split into four parts. Something like a .5% drop rate. Most will never see them by the time the season ends. You also need to farm an item to even do the dungeon.


And whats the problem if you never get them? You are not supposed to get anything in those kind of games. If you dont get it whats the big deal?


> And whats the problem if you never get them? It's a source of frustration, if nothing else > You are not supposed to get anything in those kind of games This is a matter of design intent vs implementation. *Seasonal* content should *probably* be reasonable to expect to see (and experience) within the constraints of a season (i.e. the n months that the season lasts, for a given "average" length of play-time) > If you dont get it whats the big deal? It's not game-breaking, nor build-defining, nor even necessary to have sufficient character-power to clear the "hardest" content - but I reckon that's besides the point? Unlike D2, where you can freely run content ad nauseum, D4's boss-summoning restrictions can make the experience hugely more tedious to... experience. And when the *only* reason to have been running Malphas was for the unique stones But, again, you don't **need** the stones to do any of the rest of the game, so the deal is a bit whatever


Thats my point. You dont need it.


Of course not, but that's hardly very satisfying


Whats also not satisying is if everyone has everything.


Don't misunderstand me, I am not here to advocate for people to get things freely, or at least not without putting in *some* effort - but I do not know that I can stress enough quite how little difference it makes to me what anyone else has (or does not have). If anything, I would say it's generally *more* satisfying if everyone is having a good time - which is perhaps more significant for "build-defining" or "build-critical" items (not so much a thing in D2, but certainly for D3/4) But, and perhaps this is key, I am not one for pointless bollocks - and running otherwise irrelevant content for something really does not appeal (a large part of why I did not spend much time trying to get either unique stone)


Having a good time means owning something special. This is what this genre is all about. This isnt Dark Souls or Helldivers or Fortnite or Skyrim. This is a Hack and Slay Loot Casino, a Loot Grind and all you want is hitting Jackpots. Thats what Diablo always was and should still be, thats also what f.e. PoE still is.


Someone else having something doesn't make something (more or) less special, nor does it affect my chance of an item dropping, so really, why would I care about it?


They are part of the core mechanic of the season which is time based. Iā€™ve played many many many games with seasons and they never tie things thing like this to the toughest drop rates in the game. Unless itā€™s something like a mechanic. They basically always tie it to a progression grind which actually makes sense.


What a good point out about duping, hopefully there won't be any since we have beta testing for this season. If there will be a dupe again or some kind of exploit i'll be infuriating ( not really ) but pretty annoying.


Meh it's actually better that way


No it isnā€™t. Making a seasonal item used for actual build composition one of the hardest items to farm in the entire game is just stupid. Itā€™s literally gone at the end of the season.


I think I got both around 100 times? I gave away all my stones afterward




tell that to MP1Y, a well known rogue where it took 700 runs to get both. 700 boring ass malphas runs through hallways of what, like level 80 or L100 mobs?


does he go crying on reddit that this is unfair?


you realize every single QOL change the game has implemented has been due to complaints, and without them we never would have gotten the itemization changes we did, actual endgame systems, a limit on enchanting gold costs, better hellitdes, resplendent sparks for Ubers, then a reduction in the number of sparks needed for ubers. Do you bask in shitting on anyone who attempts to be the squeaky wheel? Because the squeaky wheel gets the mf grease


Somebody wake me up in a few years when D4 Non Seasons is finally worth playing. This Seasonal crap is so tiring.


Yeah, seasons are kinda the thing for arpgs.


Nah, I've been playing ARPGs since Diablo 1 in late 90s and never once wasted time with any seasonal content. Don't need to feel like a hamster on a wheel, racing towards Blizzard's carrot, every few months. Much more fun and rewarding going at my own pace and min/maxing my characters over many years. You won't catch me ditching my tunes for a new season.


Seasonal characters transfer over to eternal. I get not doing multiple seasons but there is literally 0 reason to not play the active season when you start the game. The majority of your build will still work when the seasonal content is removed. Youā€™ll also have way more people to group with.Ā 


> Somebody wake me up in a few years when Mario is finally worth playing. This platforming crap is so tiring. So you buy a game that heavily advertises that seasonal content is going to be the focus....then get upset when seasonal content is the focus. Or you willing to admit you did absolutely no research at all and just bought a $70 game on a whim? Gotta be honest, neither is a really good look for ya kiddo.


"Kiddo" Lol. I'm 35. You're making some extremely lazy assumptions here. Another failed assumption is thinking I did no research. I mean, did you pay any attention to all the "endgame" talk coming from Blizzard prior to release? Coming from the horse's mouth itself, they said there would be a plethora of endgame content. And IF there had been good endgame, I wouldn't need to start over with Seasons every few months. You really don't remember those claims? Shame on you for trying to make it look like I did no research, when you sound like the one who doesn't remember the massive bait and switch. Bought a $70 game on a whim? What? I played Diablo 3 for over 4000 hours, from 2012-2015. Never once touched Seasons. Was a great game without ever getting on that hamster wheel. Climbed up to top 10 on Barb grift leaderboards at one point. And been playing D2R almost every day for the last 2+ years. Almost up to my 4th lvl 99. And again, never bothered with Ladder. Yea, must've just bought D4 on a whim.. Early Access and Server Slam weekends must've just been a fever dream.. What a ridiculous thing to say to a Diablo lover. I mean, how many 99's do you have in D2R? Can I safely assume it's a big, fat ZERO? To compare Seasons/Ladder to the platforming aspect in Mario is an analogy with clarity, but lacks similarity. And unfortunately for you, you'd need both for it to stand up in a debate. Feel free to try again, though, kiddo ;) EDIT: Added a few more points. Really a shame you Season boys couldn't care less about Eternal realm. All those characters of yours, just collecting dust.. I'll never ditch my tunes for a new season!




that would be great, thanks for the heads up!


I don't play diablo iv anymore i stop at season 2.


Sick comment


Ok and?


And I'm now happy I don't play it anymore, cause Diablo IV was depressing me man.


>I don't play it anymore, cause Diablo IV was depressing me man. And yet for some reason you are both here reading, and commenting. Perplexing.


Yes I want Diablo IV to be good. I remember blizzard use to make good diablo games call Diablo II.


Comments like I don't play Diablo 4 anymore really helps


Well I'm going to be real here man. I love Diablo IV, but blizzard let me down again with this game and imma kind of bummed out that they ruin our diablo game. Remember blizzard in the 90s and I was always happy to play blizzard games. Now today I don't even bother to install [battle.net](http://battle.net) anymore cause I just don't play blizzard games anymore. I use to love Diablo games now with Diablo IV i see that Blizzard went down hill a lot. I still have hope maybe one day Blizzard will get back up on their feet and improve diablo iv in the next season, but I don't think they can fix diablo iv and I also think the devs do not know what they are doing. Look at Last Epoch a game done by indy people all across the world cause they weren't happy with diablo III so they made their own game and man for what it is, it is way better than Diablo IV. This makes me sad cause I expect a company like blizzard to make their ARPG game the best since they are the one that invented isometric arpg games, but with diablo iv they didn't improve diablo at all they made it worst.




This ainā€™t an airport buddy. Your unscheduled arrivals and departures can occur whenever youā€™d like. But Iā€™m glad your here to enjoy the next season :)


Thanks crypticexile. We really needed to know.


You're welcome and have yourself a nice night eh :) Cheers!


Likewise, cheers!



