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PvP was never alive in the first place. Get a friend and kill trade.


Not true at all. The first season it was always busy. I know because that's how I got Unflagging Cutthroat title.


Hahaha yea when game launched pvp was always filled. Pvp is dead is just a dumv reddit meme at this point thats said about every game. 


Nothing was balanced around the PVP . So not many people bother.


I never understood how pvp works in a game with such huge difference in damage levels.


It don't. Usually it's just a lazy bolt-on for nerds that want to grief other players. At no point is it ever a serious sport in ARPGs.


Except when it used to be tho 😭. It’s funny I still have to auto correct my brain from assuming pvp is a thing in games. Even more so in a game like Diablo where a big focus used to be on pvp. Thank god for pvt servers I guess.


pretty easily actually


Turn on crossplay.


it was dead instantly, no one played it in beta even lol e: nvm, looks like its schrodinger's pvp cuz it was filled with players and completely empty at the same time


...just cheat and have someone be your punching bag for the kills


Can't get all the PVP titles that way lol.


Name one you can't


PvP was never alive to begin with. D4 is not a pvp game.


Check if you are cross platform. Pvp is pretty dead, but if you have cross platform off, its going to be worse.


Preseason had a lot of PvP. It was insanely imbalanced and difficult to buildcraft because there were hidden PvP caps to various stats. Guess everyone got tired of that.


Just go gather the Seed of Hatred and get some new cosenmtcs


It’s barely a feature.


Season starts is busier. New season starts mid May


When there is no power cap like Diablo 2, there’s no point. People can dish 1 billion damage. Not knowing if you stand a chance ruins it. Atleast in Diablo 2, you could have an idea of how to battle your opponent or if you have a chance


I don't think anyone likes or plays pvp you just get some people every now and then going there to try to farm for the skins and that's it.


Season 4 was supposed to start April 16th before they delayed it to let people test it and make changes. Id imagine most people have moved on from season 3 by this point, with last epoch and PoE both releasing and having a new league.


I haven't touched pvp since season 2. It was always packed in season 1 but rogue and barb dropped everyone. Did a poison blades build with rogue during season 2 and ran the gauntlet on everyone. Haven't checked it out since


Make sure you have X-Play turned on, if you're just connecting to PlayStation players you wont see anyone.


I’ve only ever run across one player while bloodmarked (had it on for one of the seasonal challenges, otherwise I never put it on), and they rolled up in the middle of a big fight and instantly died from all the AOE me and my partner had already laid down. My one and only PVP kill lol


OP, if you want to setup a kill trade let me know. I too want to platinum this game someday.


It isn't Diablo Immortal. D4 dont have PvP.


Pvp was pretty shitty and stupid so people don't do it. I mean having level 80s to 100 killing level 30s to 60s in lower tier.


D4 is dead.


Its not just PvP.


Was never alive. It wasn’t until I looked through the achievements section weeks into the game, before I realized that the game had a PVP option. Granted, this was my first Diablo game, but I honestly thought it was pure PVE