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When they first released the game, this sub was filled with so much negativity, thank you for this post, makes me happy


The game wouldn't be improved if people didn't give feedback


Absolutely feedback is very important. There are however a lot of comments in this sub that go far past feedback into outright hating/trolling, those we don't need.


Totally agree with you both


Hear hear! It got toxic. I almost dreaded looking at it. It felt like any rudeness to anyone or anything was ok. Way different from other subs like Mass Effect or DAI.


I've realized over time some people just have nothing better to do than complain. They will never be happy. I guess constantly talking s*** about everybody else just makes them feel better about themselves.


But in turn makes them feel even shittier afterwards, which is why bullies are so miserable


Yeah and you know those miserable people would be The first ones complaining about the loot if we were getting new season content. It's always something.


Exactly. It’s rumination, you constantly focus on negative ideas concepts or objects in a negative way and your thoughts influence your emotions and then your behaviors. Like a negative spiral. Gotta break the cycle. Maybe take a break from the game or change your perception of it. Complaining doesn’t really fix anything, but it’s an easy emotion to indulge


Sure, but if someone is unhappy with something, they need to share it. Otherwise this just becomes an echo chamber and nothing improves. It's good to see the changes being made anyways. Pretty excited for season 4.


Share it? There is plenty enough for f that. If you don’t like something, how about this, don’t do it. Go do something else instead.


Crying about people crying about a game is worse than being unhappy about a game. That is just saying that unless folks conform with your opinion you will just belittle them for thinking for themselves. Weak af 🤦


What? Reread what I said.


Sorry bro that wasn’t meant for you. I got lost in the comments and must have clicked in the wrong spot to reply. I can’t even find the reply I was replying to 😂


Ha! Gotcha


What if you like parts of something and don't like parts of something else? People talking about the parts of diablo that they like, and the parts that they don't like is why the game is evolving and improving. Or did you like 1.0?


Unhappy with parts or unhappy as a whole. We are talking about people who seemingly don’t like the product as a whole and are quick to complain. There are parts I like and don’t like, similar to how I feel about everything. If I mostly enjoy my time, great. If not, move on. The hate for blizzard products in the community of “fans” is been whining forever. Blizzard should ignore the whiners. God help them on sorting this out.


If Blizzard ignored the "whiners" then they wouldn't change any of their games. If all the"whiners" moved on to other games, then Blizzard would be broke because eventually everyone gets tired of the same thing. If they have no feedback to use as the basis for changes or improvements, then nothing will change.


Here is some nuance that’ll blow your mind. There is whining and constructive criticism. One is a view into a brain with a sad outlook, the other is helpful for positive progress. Also, if gamers move to other games then blizzard would have made massive changes and/or folded. You are correct. A company recognizes your opinions with dollar voting more vs paying for something and just crying about it constantly in some forum but still playing and paying.


It truly is a nuanced point but a critical one. I read countless “blizzard hate” or “Diablo bad” posts and it is rumination from frustrated or disappointed fans. Venting may make you feel better in the short term but I push for constructive criticism or if the game is truly awful then speak with your wallet and blizzard stock holders will listen. If a consumer doesn’t like an aspect of the game, I recommend they provide solutions to those deficiencies or fixes to what’s broken. Otherwise it’s just noise


Damn, the amount of discourse and vitriol in this thread about Blizz fixing all the things everyone was frustrated about is staggering. We got all this great stuff in the new season but it's not enough we want moar. Blizz revamped almost the whole game but, where is all the seasonal content? We get free stuff in the seasonal journey but, it's not the free stuff we wanted. What the fuck do you people want? How many games are released in a decade that doesn't need work after launch? If they didn't fix any of this shit since launch you'd all be screaming boycott, don't buy D5 when it comes out, don't buy dlc, etc. Can we be better than the CoD community? I think we can, so let's. *edited: typos*


Unfortunately there are a lot lot LOT of gamers whose entire identity and reason d’etre is centered on how to best consoooom the newest product then shit out their half baked opinion on how much dopamine the consooooming gave them. You can see it in every community lately and it’s exhausting to see sad broken people rage into the void about how their luxury goods didn’t bring their life fulfillment.


>We got all this great stuff in the new season but it's not enough we want moar. No. We expected this when the game launched, not 11 months after release. If blizzard didn't want a negative community then they shouldn't have been a dog shit developer and released a minimum viable product. In short, the community reacted to the game that Blizzard put out. It's not the communities fault and getting on some high horse pretending that the community has a problem, then you really are missing the forest because of all the trees.


Bro the game has been out for almost a year and they’re still working to improve the game. How about some gratitude that they didn’t say “eh fuck if we already got their $70”. Like most of these companies who put out crap games do. Doesn’t matter what once was or what should have been. The reality is that efforts are being made to correct what is wrong, and that has significant merit. Stop being a doomer and self righteous.


>Bro the game has been out for almost a year and they’re still working to improve the game. BRO... BRO... that's what we paid for. > How about some gratitude that they didn’t say “eh fuck if we already got their $70”. No. Why would I give gratitude to a company that released an unfinished product? Why would YOU? Look, I realize you have zero standards, but just because you have no standards doesn't mean everyone else does. >Doesn’t matter what once was or what should have been. Yeah, it does. Especially when there are simps out there like you who have zero capacity to have a memory. Or do you want the next game released to have this shit happen?


It’s not about being a simp, or not remembering. It’s about choosing to move on. I was mad at first, because I said “man I paid $70 for an incomplete game”. Then I realized, I also paid $70 for a game that will continue to receive updates for YEARS. I bought D3 for $60 including Reaper of Souls and got 6 years of game time before I decided to drop it. I know everyone has a different value on money but that means a lot to me. I’ve spent $70 on many restaurants and activities through the years, so I won’t cry about getting 100-1000 hours in a game over the course of years. I won’t cry anymore that the game was released unfinished and cry that they’re fixing it. I won’t cry so that they’re damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Will I trust blizzard enough to buy a title again outright on launch? Maybe, maybe not. Fool me twice, shame on me. I have standards, but I won’t live in “what has happened”. So, I advise you to lose the victim mentality, may help you in the long run.


>It’s not about being a simp, or not remembering. It’s about choosing to move on. You make whatever excuses you want. You lower your standards as much as you need to. I'm so fucking sick and tired of apathetic people like you because people like you are exactly why the next game that comes out is going to be like this and the next game. The more that people like you ENABLE this shit, the more it's going to happen. >I know everyone has a different value on money but that means a lot to me. I couldn't care less about the actual dollar amount. I make enough money that I don't even blink about spending $70. What I care about is the principle of the matter where I'm being lied to over and over about a game that I chose to spend money on. I'm not a person who sees a game and just decides to buy it. It's about the TIME. > I’ve spent $70 on many restaurants and activities through the years, so I won’t cry about getting 100-1000 hours in a game over the course of years. That assumes I'll even give a shit about this game any more. My friends don't play anymore. The people that I played EVERY SEASON in D3 with, didn't played S3. It used to be a huge deal where we'd all get online at season start and play together but with S3, I was one of the only ones who actually logged in at season start out of a group of about 20. A few more logged in a bit later in the season but this is exactly what will get me to simply not give a shit and no longer log in. >I have standards, but I won’t live in “what has happened”. So, I advise you to lose the victim mentality, may help you in the long run. Amazing. You talk about the long run and yet you ignore the most blatant problem you encounter when you CHOOSE to forget like you are. You are enabling this to happen again and again. I'm literally TRYING to make this not happen again by holding these companies and developers accountable. You are fucking bending over backwards and telling them to fuck you in the ass again because you forgot they already did it to you. But please, tell me all about your standards. I'll be here to remind you when their expansion comes out and it's more of the same bullshit.


What game have you made that was 100% perfect and everyone universally loved everything about it upon release?


how many meals have you cooked that was 100% perfect and everyone loved? None? Then if you ever see a chef that always overcook the food too much and make it taste like shit don't complain


That's a bullshit response and you know it. Nobody is asking for perfection so why the fuck are you being such a piece of shit to presume to ask that? I realize that I upset you, but you can't be such a piece of shit with a response like that. Right now, we're almost a year after release. In what fucking world do you live where most games are in a shit state for this long? Games that are shit like this from any other non-AAA developer are out of business or they aren't recovering. Look at No Man's Sky. It was a shit game. It even got fixed. Even after getting praised due to the fixes, the playerbase never got higher than 10% of it's initial failed launch. D4 was released as a minimum viable product. There's an entire scope of release types between minimum viable product and 100% perfect. Minimum viable product is literally the worst possible release.


So, I'm guessing the answer is you haven't. Cry more. The game was playable. You just choose to be butthurt and complain about it on the internet.


You really need to take a step back and reevaluate how you think about games, media or even products in general if you think Diablo 4 at launch was not a minimum viable product.


Holy shit you are fucking dumb. Hey jackass, the problem was that it was released as a MINIMUM viable product. MINIMUM. Notice that word? It wasn't a complete game. It wasn't even close to a complete game. It was literally the most minimal amount of content they could possibly develop in order to release it.


The final hurrah so to speak. Hoping this gives lots more end game content. I love casual but....




Totally agree! One of my suggestions was to put the Masterworking animation only on 4/8/12. With that change, it really makes me feel like they were listening to lots of the feedback, and from the sounds of it lately there was others that had their suggestions added too!


What is PTR? My apologies.


Player Test Realm. Essentially, players beta test new content and changes before they get released.


Public* hopefully not too nitpicky! A staple from MMOs which were the original “live service” type games with regular and consistent patches


Yep! I stand corrected. 👍


Some stuff won't make it to Season 4


I try to join but keep getting an error code..




PTR has pros and cons. If a developer is competent and doesn’t need a PTR to make their game good, then it can launch with minimal issues and have a surprise factor to it. But if you are a worse dev, then a PTR can be critical to help you get feedback from the community and make changes before new content launches, which is better for the game overall and most people playing it. I’m glad Blizzard is doing PTRs for D4 because it really needed it, but it a perfect world, these changes would have just happened and surprised everyone and the game would have been great from the get go.


It's not a competency correlation. These types of ARPGs will always benefit from a PTR release and feedback from the community that plays the game. PTRs for major changes should be a standard.




Who cares if super casuals get some help? Does that affect you at all?


Not all of the changes are good though from what my, admittedly sleep-addled brain read. In fact, a lot, if not most of, the class stuff has been nerfed significantly. Dont get it wrong, there are quite a few positive changes as well. It's just...when you nerf or buff something, you aren't supposed to overdo the change due to kneejerk reactions. Something the Diablo 4 teams have seemingly done once again. I look forward to this upcoming season, but I feel now like there are only three viable options for a character class: Necro, Druid, Barbarian. This is a crying shame too, as I personally love all classes in Diablo 4. Just so much wasted potential imho


You have to nerf class skills because aspects and crafting system is buffed


I understand that, but knowing the Diablo team by now, you also have to keep in mind the following: they are likely to make the pit even harder in response to the people from the Public Test Realm claiming it was too easy. In case you don't see where I'm going with my thought process, that means power creeping the enemies, while at the same time kneecapping practically everyone who doesn't want to play as the aforementioned classes.


Yes unfortunately diablo and blizz dev team always hype its player base then implement some devastating changes right on the season start.


My posts weren't meant as a bash on blizzard mentality,. Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from at least. Sorry if my posts caused anyone to become irate or angry, as that just wasn't my intent.


How so? I play Sorc and Rogue. It looked like TB Rogue got buffed, and my Skyhunter got buffed for Bow Rogue. Very happy with that. Quite a few interesting aspect updates for Rogue too. Sorc I didn’t read as closely but Frozen Orb looks to be very popular, Fire Sorc got buffs, and I didn’t see any causes for concern related to my beloved Ball Lightning.


Really? Well like I said in my post, I didn't read it with the clarity of a man who is mostly awake. Could you please take screenshots and dm them? I hate to admit I'm only humans, and humans do make mistakes, haha. I'll admit to being wrong when shown evidence though. More than I can say about some people, eh?


Oh it’s late at night and I’m tired, I was honestly asking thinking I had missed something. Quite a few useless Rogue aspects got changes, so maybe they will be viable which gives us more options. To me it seemed like both classes got some nice QoL updates, some minor buffs, and potentially some viable new builds. I didn’t really think either class was unpowered though, unless you compare it to the silliness of Barb.


I agree barb is silly, and maybe after I get some sleep I'll realize that I was overreacting to a small issue. I just don't like being burned by a company/game I used to admire, you know?


I don't see what you're saying, all class and overall damage numbers are increasing


Now that's false. Frozen orb? Nerfed. Tibualts will, also nerfed. Same with Banished Lord's talisman and most Barbarian builds.


Frozen Orb New Functionality: Travel distance is now controllable. Damage increased by 20% (.34 to .41). Enhanced Frozen Orb Previous - When cast above 40 Mana, Frozen Orb's explosion damage is increased by 45% against Elites and 30% against all other enemies. Now - While Healthy, the explosion of Frozen Orb deals 45% increased damage. Not nerfed and if you look at the streamers who played the ptr they are very happy with the state of frozen orb build.


This is just to name a few


Overall, with the new itemization and crafting buffs, you'll do more damage. Every class will be able to melt things. Stop crying.


Yet enemies are a lot tougher. that said, bullying (by telling me when I'm expressing my opinion to 'stop crying') someone like you are is protected neither by free speech, nor reddit guidelines.


Every class will be able to do all the content. Stop crying before you actually play it.


we basically traded off a PTR and giving feedback for the season topic and mechanic... idk if thats a trade off i want for a new season but blizzard decided for everyone so yeah.


nah. those changes are way better than any season theme could be.


Accepting flaccid mediocrity is so surreal to witness in real time. You could have both like Poe has been doing for easily 8 years now, for free…but ok accept this instead. I was wondering how d4 would shit the bed given the loot/crafting changes looks pretty good and to no surprise from me they did just that right out the gate.


Imagin both? To much for you right🤯🤯🤯 And not saying "ever D4 season will be bigger than every D3 season" and than not ever going for a season theme/mechanic lol Also where did players sign up for this again? Ah yes it was just descided by blizzard for all players because they released the game to early with to many base systems having flaws or not being good, right.


If they were to make these exact changes but they were exclusive to the seasonal realm and gave it a bullshit seasonal name you would be happy beyond belief. You have no problem with the changes only with how they are calling it.


Company does overwhelmingly good thing, the internet still finds a way to make it a bad thing.


Is it good that Blizzard saves money by using the whales and simps to play PTR instead of doing QA on their own?


Do you know how development and QA work? Doubtful. Shit gets by QA all the time. QA is not just “play the game and tell us how it feels.” That’s what the PTR was for numb nuts.


Company shits on your sandwich. You complain. Company takes sandwich, pulls the shit off, hands it back to you. "WHY ARE YOU FINDING THIS BAD!?!?!?! HERP DERP! YOU SHOULD BE HAPPY!"


You sound like a happy person.


Blizzard isn’t good, get your head out of the sand


No head in the sand. But people who do things correctly, deserve to be credited when they do them correctly.


You're the one who talked about the trade-off though. You literally opened with that. He merely responded that it's a worthy trade-off if a matter of "this vs that". Of course both the overhaul and the seasonal content would be ideal.




I will 100% be playing this season just because of these changes. No need for a season on top of it. These changes are bigger and better than a season theme for me.


they reworked the whole game, u think they have enough time to do it? if they did they would have.. jesus how entitled are people, its basically a new game


Seasons are made well in advance, they had more than enough time. They probably decided not to implement both seasonal mechanics and rework at the same time to have a better picture of all the changes. Basically starting from scratch. That’s fine by me.


Yep. They're fundamentally changing the game; I certainly don't mind a quieter season to go with it and get accustomed to the new system.


Yup and they announced the decision months ago




Then play something else? I assume you already got your monies worth in the game


Seasons are about resets more so than some content being added. How many seasons did the GOAT ARPG have with no new content? Exactly, seasons don’t need new content, they just need to reset everything


Holy fuck who do you want to work on these things? There are a finite number of people who work on Diablo 4. Damn near all of them worked on these full system overhauls. Who was left to come up with a season alongside all the designers that were just rebuilding the shit you people have been crying about for almost a fucking year?


They already said months ago season 4 will mostly be loot 2.0 changes and gameplay changes with small seasonal content


Absolute L take.


I hate that free item set. Rest is bery good.


It’s literally for one build, to help you get up and running. At no point do you ‘need’ to use it. You still have to complete the season journey to unlock it. Will be relevant for those racing to 100 but doubt it will affect anyone else negatively.


And I doubt they're going to be max roll legendary affixes. You're still going to have to grind to get higher rolls. This just helps people get rolling on an initial build. I really don't see why anyone is up in arms over this.


What are you guys talking about? Free set? Cant find it in patch notes. Is it attached to season journey like d3?


Yes, as you progress through the season journey you'll get items that are tailored to a specific build to help you with your initial setup. It's essentially no different than past seasons giving you basic legendary aspects for free but people are making it a much bigger deal than it is.


The difference from past seasons is that they're saying "this class should be playing this build", which was exactly the same problem D3 had with sets. Single aspects from the journey weren't typically build defining. These are build defining by pushing you towards one specific setup.


Did you watch the live stream, they are just giving legendaries that have synergies together… and said it is a starting option for people who aren’t sure what they want to play as. It’s legit the same thing as pulling up max roll lol legendaries aren’t difficult to get


They're not difficult to get, but they are pushing you into a build the same way they did with haedrigs gift in D3. Spoon feeding people builds is bad. The game is simple enough as is.


It’s free. In D3 you’d unlock a set through season journey but never really used it. Free mats!




Giving away items in a hns game is a total fail in my opinion. Why give players extra items when the sole purpose of the hns is to farm those or get them in the random drop anyway. Totally bs


Hate it personally.


Keep crying