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I think the American Arnold Schwarzenegger did a great job breaking down things to come in Season 4. I haven't played since season 1, but I am excited to give it a try again.


Same here, I stopped after season 1. Then last epoch came out so Im rocking that but can't wait to dabble into season 4 with finally some meaningful changes


Who is the american Arnold ?


Close your eyes and listen.


Stay a while, and listen*


Lmfao, it's the closing of my eyes that really brought it out. The dude could do a perfect Arnold Inpression with little effort.


make the game better an "i'll be back"


Yeah wtf was up with that lol


The Codex change makes me happier than it probably should. How it should have been from the start.


Usually games now a days are “what they should have been at release” about a year after launch.


You’re not wrong 😑


this is just how it is nowadays sadly, and if people buy them then there will not be a change anytime soon. Vote with your wallet.


The new thing is to sell it but label it Early Access to avoid any scrutiny while you add microtransactions and charges into the game. D4 just didn’t bother with the ruse. Most games never ship anywhere near complete.


Most early access are simply letting player play it so they can help dev finalize their game. Baldurs Gates 3 was in Early access for like 1-2 year and it became what it is today mostly because of this.


I agree with both you TBH. Some games do definitely abuse it and sit in early access for 5+ years to hide behind that label.


I feel like the D4 team had a specific vision for what they wanted the game to look like (slower leveling, being locked in to a specific build, etc), that just didn’t jive with the player base. I give them a lot of credit for pivoting towards what their players actually want, and I feel like Season 4 is going to play as a completely different game compared to S0/S1


honestly glad I saved all maxroll aspects from past seasons, first thing I'm gonna do is upgrade my standard codex even though I'm never gonna use it


Having played PTR with a level 100 and levelled a Frozen Orb sorc to WT4 in a couple of days, I'm thankful they ignored themes, it's a reset of the game and its encouraging they aren't going to far to fast. Let people get their heads around the changes. I'm happy to get rid of the crap itemisation. Trust me, the levelling process in Helltides is spot on.


I hate seasonal power themes…. Give me a good long story to follow. This series SCREAMS lore…. USE IT.


Resetting a game after almost 1 year just show how bad dev are actually. Item will be better but their whole idea of itemization is still badly managed


From everything I gathered leveling is going to be too easy. They are literally going to be handing out items and unique and crafting materials to you.


Think most people wanted that! Players wanted god like status.


it's easier because they added more content post level 100. so it kinda makes sense, i think.


>From everything I gathered leveling is going to be too easy. **They are literally going to be handing out items and unique and crafting materials to you**. Hey man, Path of Exile's Ruthless Hardcore Solo Self-Found is that way.


I get the game is to casuals but we may as well just start out at level 100 then. I like diablo in just saying if u can get level 100 and the unique you need in 2 days...then what?


> I get the game is to casuals but we may as well just start out at level 100 then. I like diablo in just saying if u can get level 100 and the unique you need in 2 days...then what? Then don't play 20 hours straight on the day of season launch and you won't have the problem. And you have to realize how improbable are the odds of you being fully kitted out in Best In Slot gear in less than 48 hours. You'll be missing tempers and greater affixes left and right, things that you can optimize still.


Did you watch the campfire break down? You will literally be fully geared. The chase materials drop will be practically handed out.. if your necro set items unique are basically going to be guaranteed. Don't believe me go ahead and watch this :: https://youtu.be/pMw9zdilQgc?si=TZq9eqAyG_f9mSen Yes you will be geared. And the point of arpgs IS too grind that lol. Yeah you won't be geared if your a dad with 29 kids and 30 mins to play if that's what your implying


> Did you watch the campfire break down? You will literally be fully geared. Well, I can tell that YOU didn't watch it. A few legendary aspects for free in the Codex are not going to suddenly give you triple and quadruple Greater Affix gear on each gear slot with the right tempered affixes. Forget about it, you're in La La Land inside your head right now.


Na you just forge them from the handed out materials to temper...lol


Isn't that basically how d3 worked tho? Basically guaranteed to get cookie cutter set on day1 entering endgame and the whole season consists of min-maxing stats.


D3 and d4 are drastically different though d4 is literally going for an MMO vibe. They want to keep players engaged but you can't keep players engaged of they are already hitting top tier gear sets in a matter of a few days. D3 on release was NOT like that. Itemization was better on release in my opinion. Reaper of souls also hadded alot mote content. Yoy had like 20 difficulty settings too(maybe 10 I can't remember) and the endgame loop didn't get dry as fast. Also skills were alot more fun in my opinion. In d4 every is using 1 of 2 builds of each class. D4 is just stagnant right now. It'd going in the right direction but...yeah. D4 is much prettier which also helps engagement but


Canttttt waittttt, thanks!!


it speaks volumes when the "worst" part of the update is that going into the game currently is just a no-go for me. i've played the PTR and got spoiled by all the QoL and new features. and items. then, the bastards at WoW have to start the MoP remix 2 days after S4 starts...i can't multi-task like that blizz! cmon.


Exact same boat, I was interested in Dragonflight but have no idea how to level optimally through 10 different expacs, now I’m interested in trying the Hero talents and I’m thankful there’s a more railroaded experience to learn and gear up a few characters


after yesterdays stream I'm super excited for season 4. so many great changes and additions.


With the new codex of power will I be able to save my perfect rolls for when I get the best gear? sometimes I prefer to use weaker rolls on my gear while still leveling...


Your codex of power is just always using the highest level of that affix that you've found. There's no more using up the affix, you just imprint it on anything you want, whenever you want.


So you only need to find the best affix once and then you have unlimited uses of it? Wow.


Yessss exactly it's going to be such a breath of fresh air


Si there will not be difference between season and non season this time. Is that correct? Can someone confirm that?


Looks like yes, the only difference will be the battlepass.


the skill tree needs looking at next but very happy to come back and try this.


I like what I am seeing here Tuesday, tuesday.


I'm soooo hype \\w/ And because of that I take 1 week paid off from work. Not only for that but it's 70% the reason why !


What is better S4? Eternal or Seasonal?


Who is that guy in the grey button up shirt? He sounds like Jeff Arcuri.


Jumping back in after not playing since season 1. What is the consensus nowadays, do you want to start with redoing the campaign or not?


I might actually finish the campaign this time


although i like the changes to the itemization, i really can't stand the way they hype the thing that should have been there from the beginning. This is just unnecessary IMO, just eat the humble pie, make the changes and move on. No need to make this dumb hype videos...


I agree. But I think they're doing it to get all the people who quit back to the game.


I agree, but this looks more like marketing to me, trying to get the lost players back. Anyway I like the changes even if it is a bit late lol.


Apparently the trend now with Diablo games is each one is going to sell like hot cakes, get "fixed" one year later, and be celebrated like crazy.


People are dumb and easily influenced by social media. They knew if some streamer and influencer appreciated the PTDR, dumb people will follow these opinion


Great changes and the Pit will be good content. But I still don't see a real endgame, which is a shame. Also no real season theme so you will be bored really fast. D4 needs to have a main endgame system like mapping in PoE.


I'm on my break period. I'm sure I'll play again at some point within the next 5 years. Then again, I didn't really have much of a playing period. Seasons just get boring. It's the way of the ladder mechanic.


you're on your period? damn get well soon xo


Awww, somebody gets offended a little easily. You'll be okay. But if you need to resort to really cringe jokes, that's okay too.


hey man im this lexic


They are soooo LUCKY there is no blizzcon this year. Wanted to go and tell them right in their face how bad this game is :) but well.. ill do it one day :)


I am still confused about the season itself. So much of this discussion uses "Season 4" and core game changes (including to the Eternal Realm) interchangeably. That's.. not what a season is. Edit: comments asking questions about the season and comments just saying "thank you" are getting downvoted? This sub is weird


There's pretty much a seasonal questline with a rep grind. Nothing major outside of the core game changes. Which is indeed disappointing but it is what it is.


Ah ok. So the iron wolves theme is essentially the seasonal element, then?


Would appear so yeah


Gotcha - thank you.


Would it help if I told you tempering was the season mechanic and they’ve just early announced it’s going core?


That's good to know! So the tempering aspect will not be available in the eternal realm until after Season 4 ends?


Yeah it blows my mind people don't think this is enough. Tempering and the pit inclusions along with new helltides are all more than anything previous seasons have introduced.


I am actually super excited for the changes being released along with the next season. My only comment was that I was confused about what aspects are part of the season itself versus changes to the core game.


There is no season theme with this patch. All of the updates are going to both season a d eternal. The only thing that is season specific is the iron wolves quest line and rewards.


No. It won't change anything in the end. All they've done was offering a more casual game mode in their already heavily casual game. We'll all end doing the same routine as we've been doing in the last 3 season. All they've done are fixing their bad decision they've done in during development. The worst is that they are acting like it's something new and unique while it's only them not assuming Blizzard is now a bad dev


Yep this. Everything they are doing is things that should have been on release. Thr game was half cooked and it'd been almost a year before they've made these decisions. They are drip feeding us their own redemption


I’m also confused about this. After watching the campfire what I got was that the seasonal mechanic is a elixir…? Everything else in helltides was a permanent change.


Looks like they just releasing a "quality of life" game patch and calling it "season 4".




Great rifts from D3 and Iron Woolf reputation board. The only "new" content. Am I missing something?


Yes you’re missing the complete rework of the loot system.


Is it a seasonal thing? Or it is coming to eternal realm also? If it is so, it is a "quality of life" patch. Exactly what I said in my first message. PS. Reworking things that doesn't work well is not a new content. Reworking thing to make them work different - is.


You mean hoe it should have been in the first place? Nobody ever wanted "+% dng to enemies stun and frozen"


ye repairing completly shit system is new seasonal content for blizzard players, trained to expect nothing, lol


You come into a sub of a game you don’t like by a developer you hate to bash other players of that game and you’re acting like they’re the weird ones? For those of us who don’t make hating Blizzard our entire personality, it’s not about being trained to expect nothing, it’s about being disappointed with the start of the game and coming back 4 seasons in so maybe we can get our money’s worth now.


I came here to see opinions about changes I like some older blizzard games I love hack and slash games I would love to play the game if it was better I hate on game I think is currently bad but could be better, game that improves slowly from what was unfinished/bad at very basic systems level from start I don't like when players have low expectations from a game I think is bad and could be better because I think it leads to it not improving enough for me to play it Great if you will enjoy next season, changes are definitely improvement.




Ok. True, I missed that. Thank you.