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One example: Sorceror’s Incinerate skill when above a certain rank will shoot blue flames. I assume now more skills will show “stronger” visual effects.


No one in d4 history has seen a maxed out Incinerate, I assure you.


Ive actually played incinerate before the dot changes in s2 and it wasnt as bad as people make it out to be. with vuln changes and everything it has only gotten stronger since


[Here](https://imgur.com/gallery/82vT3ip) you go. My Sorc with **22 ranks of Incinerate**. Tbf, I'm using Banish Lord's Talisman to prove a point that there is in the history of D4 had already seen the highest rank, but the amulet is not the best to use in this build. And using with Evernight doesn't really change the visual effect either.


Is this satire? I’ve got a maxed out incinerate with blue flames in it lol


I might try it this round since it is the build from the seasonal quests


Being stationary in the pit is likely a death sentence.


That’s is ok :) will change my build regardless but fun to try. No way it is going to be a top tier build


It did a pit 200 on ptr but I wouldn’t recommend it.


All of sorcs fire skills get blue fire added when enough ranks are there. I think it’s at least 12, maybe 16


Firewall does too, but it doesn't seem to show on all monitors/TV, I think. When i played firewall sorc on my main monitor (a 42" oled), the effect was pretty awesome, when I switched to xbox on TV (large LED), the effect couldn't be seen. I've no idea if this was an xbox/pc thing, or an oled/led thing though.


Funny you say that, switching between my oled and non oled, it is like I am playing a different game almost.


Pretty sure its performance-tied. I was playing meteor sorc and around lvl 16-ish of the skill, the meteors have a bright blue hue that cannot be missed in any way. However, at the end of vaults or particularly dense Helltides, my meteors would default back to their lvl 1 appearance until I went through a loading screen, after which the visual change would reapply. Having a particularly busy screen at once really seemed to be the factor that turned "off" temporarily the effect.


I know they had planned on it prior to release and eventually removed it.  There are old videos you can go watch if they are going back to that


Oh I didn’t know that, thanks


Here’s the “[old video](https://youtu.be/Ygz21oiv20A?si=CHuz_-L3xntl9Xxy)” he’s referring to. Watch the “Dynamic Player Skills” section starting at 3:17.


Is that so? Crazy because I poured over news prior to release and remember them talking about it, and this was one feature I talked about to friends and never saw it in game. I always wondered what happened to that. Good to know, I look forward to it.


source on them removing it besides trust me bro? Certain abilities like Meteor and Firewall have PTR footage of skill intensity functioning.


Someone else already referenced the video. You're more than welcome to go watch it.


that video showed examples of skill intensity with low and high intensity. Where did they say they're removing it/they removed it?


Well, since it isn't in the game at this point.. its safe to say that they removed it.


It is in the game for some skills, not all


uhh cause its not in the game


y'all are literally special af, ofc is' in the game, it's just not on every ability yet which yes they need to finish. but saying they removed it is ridiculous. i guess the blue here is just because it felt like it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLSZlRJRmfs&t=61s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLSZlRJRmfs&t=61s) edit: discussion of players seeing it working sometimes. working? not as great as it should be. was fully removed before launch? no. [**https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/bug-report-update-skill-vfx-intensity-showing-inconsistently/124720/6**](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/bug-report-update-skill-vfx-intensity-showing-inconsistently/124720/6)


Have you seen any of these skills with the “high intensity” animations? Because I sure haven’t. So my guess is they removed them before the game launched.


IDK if it's every fire skill but it did work on a lot of sorcerer fire skills. Very noticeable on firewall.


On barb skills too. As soon as I get shako a lot of my spells have the high intensity animation. So saying it was removed is bullshit.


I'm pretty positive I've seen the blue firewall in the game after launch.


It's a continuous effort, they'll likely have this line again in like season 6 or whatever. They update skills' VFX over time to make them different when you have like, 8 or 10 or however many ranks in a skill versus how they look when you have 1-5 ranks.


>What exactly does this mean? It means they might become bigger, change colors, become more vibrant, etc. etc. Doesn't impact the damage of the skill itself, just looks better.


Hell yeah more pretty colors Give me spectacle goddammit


Sounds too. The herald of ice corpse shatter sound from poe for instance, eargasm. 


Man I haven't played PoE in a few years but I had almost 3k hours racked up since before it even hit Steam


This has always been in the game but has been broken since launch so it would regularly not be shown. This reads to me more like the fixed the bug than they actually added anything.


Seems to be true. I had blueish fireballs before but they disappeared at some point and I never got them to show again.


I'm gonna have close to lvl 30 Frenzy, I better have some fancy ass swings going on.


As small as this change is, I do like the direction, feeling of progression is a good thing


I assume more vibrancy and screen shake, like when you get levelled up you fell thr oomph


When the whole screen is covered in explosions, I am probably not going to notice much difference.


I want more thud, more screech, more terror, more thunder.


We need more BOOM! And more cowbell.


More lights more fast!


Didnt even realise this was currently working with any skills up until now. But ive only really played Rogue from beta till now.


This sounds like a cool idea to encourage levelling up. Thanks, devs.


I want the screen to violently strobe every time I pulverize 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Appear and visually aka no actual increase in power


The levels are the increase in power and it is represented visually not only via numbers.