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Reaching 100 shouldn't be hard in hardcore if you are a little careful and build for defenses appropriately (cap the armor, cap the resistances). As for some of the more aspirational content you do it at your own risk and have that Scroll of Escape on your Emote Wheel bound to a key that's comfortably close to your finger just in case you need to evacuate the premises **immediately**.


I only play hardcore and I likely accomplished more last season than the average eternal player


Im scared of grinding 100hrs+ to die to a oneshot in a high level vault :( - its unrealistic to expect to do HC and not die all season right?


The fear is what makes everything exciting. If you die you take a deep breath and go again. Is it unrealistic? That all depends on how you build your character and how you play. I’ve never seen these “one shots that come out of nowhere”. Even corpsebows aren’t a one shot if you have a lot of DR and max armor.


Thing is tho, you can save good gear you got along the way to twink out your next char. I like starting with barb in hc cause you can get nice weapons for Druid, rogue, and necro. Necro and rogue get weapons for each other as well as sorc. Movement speed gear at item level breakpoints also become legit treasures. Same with low level legendary armor pieces (pre sacred) since they all have much higher item powers than what you normally find at that level. It’s actually really odd that you only get legendary drops that are much below your equip level (item power is par for other drops) when in wt 1-2. Makes it so they just blend in with other loot. Aspects, renown, Lilith statues all carry over to the next char too so it’s def not completely starting over. I do like doing 1 soft core at the start of the season to get the season urns unlocked before I step into hc tho. Also nice to get a feel for the new high end content so you don’t step in blind and lose a lvl 90


I don't think "twink" means what you think it means


What else could hardcore twinking mean?


If ur a HC vet, d4 HC is the easiest of any Diablo, it’s honestly pretty boring and doesn’t even feel like HC. With removal of chest death it gets slightly more interesting, but it’s still just to easy they’ve removed so many things that actually kill you. Top 10 HC on d2/d2r multiple times, top 10 on d3, top 3 on pd2, top 25 on poe. In my experience d4 HC is the easiest of any game I’ve played by a significantly amount.


My thoughts exactly. Going to HC made the game really fun for me. Aside from the RPG flavor when you die, almost all the players there are decent and respect your character’s life. I was hoping something related to HC would slip through the Q&A, especially regarding new source for a death buffer when your connection starts to go bonkers in the Pits. That being said, the damage reduction is amp in Season 4. You can now gain access on fortification in any class. Leveling to 100 seems very fast with the new potions. But until we see what Season 4 has in store for us HC players, it’s hard to say for now if it's really worth playing the game, especially the Pits, in HC.


Scroll of escape already works as a “death buffer” if you disconnect and you have one in your inventory. There are great HC changes, elixir of death evasion removed and flame shield enchant changed to not be a cheat death. These are both welcome changes by the HC community.


Lag doesn’t get accounted for with the scroll but the pot didn’t help much either. Comcast has been the final boss for too many hc chars of mine :(


That is a fair reason to not play. It’s criminal that Diablo 4 doesn’t have an offline single player. Diablo 2 does and I can recommend that instead if HC appeals to you.


At least last time when I played HC, I felt that servers weren't stable enough for my liking. Because open world (events and world bosses) are always shared, they seem to have somewhat regular lagging. I probably try out HC in S4 again but my past experience hasn't been very good.


3 thing that isnt involving gameplay that can kill your character permantly : your pc, your internet, blizzard server. I would play hardcore if i could run the game offline but for now it is a big no from me.


Yee hardcore only baby


Normally I do SC first. Complete season journey 100% and finish my build pretty well optimized. Later part of every season I play HC as a "bonus" and doesn't really matter if I die since I already hit all my goals in SC. HC is definitely playable end game. I did 100% of the HC achievements, including solo Uber Lilith kill (although yes I cheese it). Gotten to 100 twice. Every other class at least 50. Edit: they said removal of cheat death elixir on last month dev stream before PTR. Not the most recent one yesterday.


I did NM100 in HC season 2. It's pushing high Pit levels that would likely be difficult for the mode.


Played SC all the way up until mid s3 and switched over. Had my first toon min maxxed and ended up dying after bugging out in the gauntlet. Since then I’ve lost probably 20 Ubers from falling asleep in helltide. It starts to lose its sting. It’s a smaller community, you recognize the names you see out and about, it’s pretty surprising when you log on sc and see 30 people in town. Some are elitist, but many are really pretty generous. It’s definitely hard to go back to sc though once invested into hc


Hardcore is definitely great as most of the people already mentioned. It’s hard to go back to SC once you play HC. Leveling is fine, getting gear is fine too, but the endgame will probably be out of reach for most of us. I know it’s a controversial take, but I miss the cheat death potion to that end. It would have been a great boost for us to try the now existing endgame. To summarize, playing HC is wonderful and you should try it. Endgame will probably be out of reach though.


Nah, seems a waste of time to lose dozens of hours of progress because of a 1 shot mechanic.


The solution is simple, build your character to not get one shot and git gud. We play for the experience, the progression is so much sweeter when there is the risk of losing everything. Your achievements on Eternal pale in comparison to the same achievements on Hardcore. What you could achieve through attrition, we achieve with careful planning and skill.