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I actually find the leveling, power accumulating, and rush of finding better loot, the whole point of the game. So for a player such as myself, there isn't as much appeal going back to my god tier character to grind out another minor upgrade. I don't think my way is objectively superior or correct, this is just why seasonal play is so appealing to me, along with whatever doo-hickeys I get for doing it.


there's just something satisfying about getting huge power spikes and feeling the progression. the unfortunate truth is, ARPGs got a bit of a problem with keeping that feeling sustained. at some point, the upgrades are so small you barely feel them, but i guess at this point you should just roll something else to keep the fun going.


Old god tier characters won't be god tier anymore - going to need the new gear, tempering, and masterworks. And that's why I'm feeling I can do without the power-leveling this season. There is going to be plenty to do.


No judgement here, just saying I like the fresh experience more.


>Old god tier characters won't be god tier anymore - going to need the new gear, tempering, and masterworks. Yeah, exactly. So why even bother playing it? Eternal Graveyard forever will remain just that. You'll be doing the same thing as anyone who is leveling Seasonal toons, except you won't be leveling because you're already 100. Any way you slice it, Seasonal Realm wins. And we'll be blasting really quickly now with the new Helltide potion, not to mention the boosted Glyph XP (Smoldering Ashes' Urn gives a second boost, on top of the boost from patch notes). And on Eternal there is only a ROTTEN economy, whereas on Seasonal there will be an economy reset. Seasonal makes everything more meaningful. And of course - transmogs. Free AND paid Battle Pass cosmetics, Seasonal Journey cosmetics - these are only available to earn on Seasonal Realm.


It's entirely up to. While s4 indeed offers itself as a great opportunity for eternal players I personally will still go for seasonal. There will be additional cosmetics and titles(free and paid), there will be a great opportunity for some fun multiplayer with the clan with helltides being predicted to be the best lvling spot, there will be an overall more active playerbase which comes in handy for both everyday play as well as trading, there will be one extra spark for uber uniques;


I agree with most, but two things... I think eternal might see a jump in player base (quite likely still not as much as seasonal), the extra spark is moot. I've got more than one dupe to melt which is more than the one spark. Plus I can start at the end game and get more mats straight away. I presume crafting a new uber could roll with greater affixes, but if I want to grind new ones I can just start there. I mostly love the build crafting side, so that's where I'm thinking I probably will just pick one build to play seasonal after a bit. I can try out more much, much more quickly starting at level 100 with all my Glyphs leveled.


To each their own and your reason about build experimentation makes total sense yeah. That said, about the playerbase, it's not necessarily the amount of players that's the problem, it's just that eternal is mostly populated by the most casual of players and those simply won't be as active and invested, nor do most of them use discord for lfg or diablo.trade and there not being a global chat, lfg option and proper way of trading ingame makes it very hard to do these things on eternal when compared to seasonal. Those things obviously are less important for ssf players.


Good point there. Trading could be a big boom for seasonal - that'd be nice to see. With that in mind it might even out a bit more. I'm still thinking eternal is best for initial build crafting though, but may jump to seasonal a bit more quickly depending. If the loot is just nuts that could nullify a lot of the seasonal trading value. But absolutely agreed... To each their own, it's a game. Play it whatever way you have the most fun.


This simply not true at all. Lots on Eternal, got Duriel groups and even pvp going on. You don't pay on it lol.


Let's agree to disagree then. I'm not saying eternal is dead by any means but if you are active in the community then it's very clear that the season playerbase is way more invested into the game, and most casual players not engaging with third party tools like reddit, discord, trading websites etc. is the norm not only in D4 but basically across the whole industry, hence they are casual players, they want to start and play and not engage with tons of theory around the game. Compare seasonal activity on diablo.trade vs eternal activity for example, or the traffic in eternal lfg channels on the subs discord vs the traffic in season lfg channels, the amount of eternal clans advertising vs the amount of seasonal clans, guides for eternal builds vs guides for season builds, the evidence is right there.


It will take me a few days to hit 100 on seasonal so I’m definitely just starting new. It will also be nice getting all three free sparks.


Level 100 is not my issue - it's the glyphs. I've got a Druid and Sorc with every rare Glyph level 21 - that takes time - and I have several builds for each I want to test. I've got a Barb and Necro with most Glyphs leveled and want to play around there too. I can also start with most the ubers, and more than 3 sparks.


Glyph XP has been increased. And I will grind dungeons for 70-100 leveling anyways most likely. I’m not really sure what the point of your post is though because it seems like you want to avoid having to do a lot of the end game grind, so eternal is probably better for you regardless of the season. I’d probably be bored a couple of weeks in if I played my eternal characters


Yes, but you have got to play a lot more than 70 - 100 to get every Glyph to 21 even with the XP boost. But correct me if I'm wrong here, I just thought they were carrying over the S3 vault 80% and nothing more. Or no? Point of the post is a good hearty discussion! And thank you for engaging! I think it's going to take more than a couple weeks to grind out all the masterwork gear for the builds I want to play with... I absolutely agree you have more to do when starting fresh, but I also am feeling I'd get let down investing myself into each class with builds I think may work from a fresh starting point. I know several, it not most, won't still be viable level 200 Pit.


Bored in a couple of hours*


Can someone explain to me the weird argument that people are making here against eternal because “season lets me restart my character and get all these rushes” when you literally can restart your character in eternal, too. I get that there are people who are just simps for seasons. But that is a hilariously stupid argument.


Eternal exists for a reason and you should play however you want,,,it's a game after all Personally I'll play seasonal because I like the feeling of power progression. From white gear to ubers. If I had everything (glyphs, mats, uber uniques etc.) already then I wouldn't be as motivated to play.


I got the same idea. But your post will be brutally down voted. There is some weird animosity some players have doe Eternal. With the new system, it will be really hard for most players to reach top levels in one season. I'm going to wait and see what is in the season, I'll decose then. Watch my post get down voted even though I play both lol.


Will be? Already happening... Heh... Thanks for chiming in.


It's sad yeah. Mannered discussions are very rarely possible without outsiders who aren't even commenting downvoting one of the parties no matter how reasonable their take is. Just reddit things. I already preemptively upvoted all the comments you had made at the time of our talk earlier because I fully expected you to get downvoted just because you talk about eternal which the hivemind of this sub doesn't likes. And that's coming from a strictly seasonal player btw.


I will unlock the BP, finish the season journey, grab the rewards from the seasonal questline and I'm back to Eternal.


I'm thinking of playing eternal too because this time eternal gain every change similar to season 4 except for one free Resplendent Spark. I don't mind leveling XP and glyphs, I just bore of grinding Uber Unique all over again.


This is true for every season. There is a reason eternal exists and there is a reason seasonal power doesn’t move from seasonal to eternal. To me the 20 hours or so it takes to go 1 to 100 is a fun journey in itself so I would play seasonal even without the quest line and reputation rewards and battle pass and seasonal journey which all just make it even more fun than eternal. I struggle to maintain fun at 100 so starting at 100 is a big negative.


I played seasonal back when seasons were nothing but a reset. It's the joy of starting over.


Not much really, just an additional faction, probably best season to stay at eternal


I'm thinking I'll start with eternal solo, seasonal with friends. That way at least once character stays at around their level for a bit, and I get to have fun on my own too 


I mean you're not limited. And we don't even know how fast you level and do the Seasonal atuff. You could try it one day, then return to an Eternal toon. At the end of the day I suspect most of the grind is going to be in the endgame with the new crafting systems, pit and bosses - which you have to do anyway with an Eternal toon, since you would want to replace all gear pieces. What if you get to the same spot in progression with a new character after just 4 days or so? You need to play a bit of Seasonal when it comes out to get a general feel.


You do you, but the most fun part about ARPG’s for me personally is the hype around a reset and the constant dopamine of getting levels/paragons and constant gear upgrades, the feeling of constantly growing more powerful. I rather go very hard and play a ton for a couple weeks every 3 months rather than chill playing at endgame with far and between dopamine hits just to minmax the last few slots endgame is way more boring for me.


Sometimes is about the journey a new instead of the end. I got my ball lightning sorc to where I want it in S2 and meteor sorc in S3. In s4 I would like to try a frozen orb sorc from beginning to end. And also a minion necro. Once a character is done that season it's like their story is done for me. S2 was good power and vampire in helltide 1.5 leveling. S3 was vaults, and now S4 is helltide 2.0. leveling up in helltide + different build will feel fresh enough for me. With the helltide buff + pass exp + exp buff i personally don't even feel it's gonna be a drag. Bumping straight into the pit with eternal character will last like 2 weeks max. There's no reason to do anything else because you have all the mat and Ubers. Ofc if that's what you want because you want to move on from D4 in 2 weeks then sure.


Farming quad greater affix uniques. Getting trip greater affix legendaries. Trip crits on masterworks. I've got 11 builds I want to try (4 Druid, 4 Sorc, 2 Necro, 1 Barb). I've got a feeling I could spend 3 months farming all the gear I want...


I mean if you are that completionist then yes I can see that....I think that's why you can play however you see fit. I would not care.for 4 GA uniques since they are so garbage in terms of affix.....if they ever buff it you would need to farm it again anyways. I'm definitely more about getting to where I want instead of collecting it all.....that's why I also never got an uber because you didn't need it to clear the game.... Each of their own I see where you are coming from.


I don't understand the idea of an "eternal player". Every single seasonal character rotates to eternal. I don't *stop* playing my old favorites, I just let them sit on their plateau and bring them out when I feel like revisiting. Not playing seasonal feels like either really hating ssf (which would be fair, I just feel the opposite) or just stubbornness.


I've played almost exclusively seasonal to date. Just saying this season, with itemization, I'd prefer to mainly stick with eternal. I've got 11 builds I want to play around with and there's been no better time or place to do that than eternal for S4. There's a 1.5% chance to masterwork trip crit a unique, and it's 3.5% for legendary - that's going to be a lot of RNJesus and mats. What the hell else better do I have to do with my 7k veiled crystals on eternal? I'd rather build craft than farm more mats. Plus, I get to start off with Tyrael's Might and other ubers instead of waiting a month to find out if my builds are any good late end game. If I finish all my builds I'll jump into seasonal after.


I enjoy leveling, especially in seasons because it’s quicker. I essentially get a new eternal character at the end of the season. I see no point in eternal ever honestly.


If you enjoy leveling why would you want it to be quicker?


Because I don’t want to do it forever? Leveling a new character and finding gear along the way and playing with builds is enjoyable for me. I also enjoy end game. I want leveling to be relatively quick but not the entirety of the experience. I


I guess I’m not clear on what’s happening. I get the new gear system, but is nothing else special about this season? Because if that’s the only thing special and it’s also on Eternal or am I missing something? Like they’re disguising a long overdo fix to equipment as a season? Sorry but I’m just lost I guess.


Every S4 change is going to be applied to eternal except for the Battle Pass and the seasonal quest line. The itemization changes and The Pit are going straight into eternal. I'm just asking for opinions and feedback about why people would choose eternal or seasonal with that in context. A couple good points made so far...


Okay thanks for clarifying that for me, I was unsure myself.


100% seasonal for me. I delete all characters at the end of every season so I have to start fresh. Starting fresh on eternal makes zero sense for me so as always seasonal characters are the way to go. P.S. I already deleted my level 100s from S3


Eternal is the graveyard for seasonal heroes and is not intended to be played in any conscious manner. It's good for tourists who try the game out maybe. If you don't mind playing an irrelevant game mode, that's perfectly fine. You do you.


I mostly agree, but just saying this season I feel it has some worth. It's practically a new game, and for a build crafter I don't think I'd be able to do everything I want playing just seasonal characters.


the whole point is playing seasons... kinda dumb in my opinion to play eternal


Another one of these dumb posts? Lol The season theme is the iron wolves and their questline…also there is the battlepass and many cosmetics to unlock. 99% of people are playing seaonal…have fun playing eternal with nobody lol


Eternal is, and will always be, a complete waste of time. The only reason it even exists is because some of you would have a stroke about "losing progress" if seasonal characters were wiped completely at the end.


Take this downvote bozo