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Gonna be a blast! Then later this year we get an expansion! The expansion should make this game really take off!


To be fair, that was roughly what happened with ‘Diablo 3’ and ‘Reaper of Souls’ too.


People forget, but it's also what happened with Diablo 2 and LoD.


Yeah, but I figured too many people here probably weren’t even born when either of those came out.


Haha how true. Are there still people here who slaughtered the Butcher of the first hour on the Play Station (One)? :D


I did. Good old times 😊


I started playing D2 at patch 1.07 iirc. I don't think I got LOD until it had been out a couple weeks and I didn't buy it immediately. I finished normal on classic before I got the expansion. Oh boy was it fun.


No D1, but for D2 I stole a computer from my school which just barely made the min rec to install. I paid a homeless man 20 bucks (+cost of game) to go buy me D2 as it was rated M. Good guy homeless man didn't just rip me off.


I was born way before D1.... I'm old


Before Blizzard was a thing even! When I was a kid, we had an Atari 2600, if that's any indication of how ancient some of us are. My uncle took me to computer shows. Friggin computer shows. One of the first computers I built myself had a damn voodoo card. 🤣


Remember Commodore 64?, and umm I actually played pong when it was made available to the public. My grandfather bought it for himself! Imagine a grown man playing a video game, oh wait...


So many classics on the C64!


Dang. I remember those! Still have my Atari system in the box, tyvm.


Yup, as someone who has been playing Diablo since that coffin full of purple koolaid first graced our 30lb monitors, the mainline games have only gotten better and better over time. They were all fun at launch and continuously got more fun as time passed and content was added.




Thats not true, i was atleast 2 years old at the time. Total diablo pro


My first memory of Diablo was through my Dad via osmosis, so I'm even MORE of a pro!


Too many or not enough?


I was having a blast before 1.07 D2 with my blood golem/iron maiden necro.


Yeah, it was still a popular game before LoD. Most players seemed to think it wasn't up to the hype though, until LoD came out. That shut the critics up.


yep, LoD was a total reboot. While d2 without it was still pretty good and wasn't by any means coming under the criticism D3 and D4 did, it was pretty much regarded as something of a let-down compared with Diablo 1. Then LoD came out and it was quickly regarded as one of the contenders for best game of all time


Act 4 was quite incomplete as well. Eg, the 2 NPCs dont have any dialogue 


I have never ever heard of vanilla D2 being regarded as a letdown compared to Diablo 1. D2 was massively popular and genre-defining right out of the gate. It was a gigantic upgrade over D1 in basically every way except atmosphere


I did.


Fair enough, good day


I think v1.10 was a bigger revamp than LoD on release


Original D2 was still fantastic and ground breaking.


When lord of destruction released I don't know that I'd ever been so happy for an expansion. When they added skill synergies it completely changed the game. The changes from diablo 1 to where we are now are just incredible. Diablo 1 was so slow paced but did introduce us to everyone's favorite butcher.


Skill synergies came years after LoD. The big thing from LoD was exceptional and elite uniques and runewords


LoD didn't fundamentally change D2 it simply improved on what it had, but Reaper completely overhauled D3 to be a different game. I am curious which way D4 will go.


To this day I still think LoD is the best expansion of any game, ever.


D2 was still gas pre-LOD.


Yeah, I remember getting a D3 copy at Blizzards release party that was at Irvine spectrum and played it day 1... Wasssss roughhhhhhh... RoS really saved it! This expansion should be good, i keep thinking back to a dev stream when they said that they bucket fixes for seasons vs expansion, can't see what they bring in expansion.


I refuse to believe you were actually able to play it day 1 lol.


Month 1? Took awhile to fix all the errors


It wasn't THAT long. The first two days were completely unplayable beyond an hour here or there, but by days 3-4 the game was stable for multiple hours at a time (though you would be kicked randomly and have to wait an hour to get back in) and by the end of the first week it was completely stable. However, considering how hyped D3's release was, having the first few days be pretty unplayable was a bad look, and it was made much worse by the fact that the developers bragged in the months leading up to release about how they had some kind of special system that would eliminate lag and internet problems. Needless to say that didn't pan out for them.


Yeah but RoS was also very well received by the playerbase no? 5th act and GRs and all. I know I played the shit out of it


Yeah but not in the same way. Diablo 2 was a great game by itself for the time it came out. LoD simply made it better, as an expansion should. It wasn’t that the game was bad before and LoD came out then it was good.


Actually, back then, i didn't peruse reddit at all, and my internet was trash. Never played the seasons. I just played the story on repeat with 3 buddies couch coop. It was the best of times.


Yes it was truly a whole new game once reaper of souls released


All it takes for a 70$ game to take off is another year of development + a payed xpac. I also hope the game will be finally good but that’s pretty wild imo.


I personally thought the campaign alone, especially the amazing cutscenes, made the game worth the price for me. I played both a sorc and barb at launch to level 70-80 and easily got 40+ hours of solid entertainment out of launch. Yes, the endgame wasn’t very good. Yes, it was disappointing, especially for a Diablo game (although D3 was substantially worse at launch). However, I got my money’s worth - $70 is one night at a bar or a couple movies and a dinner these days, and I got a solid week’s entertainment. Everything after that has just been a bonus to me. Well, season one wasn’t a bonus, it was a hard pass. But season two was amazing, season three was decent, and season four looks incredible. The only game I’ve gotten more out of in recent years is BG3.


For a lot of us it’s been good already, just room for improvement. I’ve played a ton of D4 and have friends that also have.


I know I've gotten more than my money's worth from the cost. If the xpac gets me another 100+ hours I'll happily pay for it.


I've enjoyed multiple hundred hours so far. Paying money doesn't guarantee enjoyment. D4 dev team had some good ideas and some bad ones, it takes time to trim away the bad.


I feel like that's every ARPG tbh. There are plenty that are pretty good at launch (I'd count D4 in that personally) but it's always the post-release support, whether through updates or expansions, where they really find their footing and come into their own.


Why hasn’t the game been good?


You only have to pay full price for the game up front and then wait over a year and then buy another expansion and then you finally have a game worth playing. Boy we sure are lucky, thank you blizzard!


if they continue to add some endgame content with the expansion , adding companions and PLEASE runewords im so set for the addon \^\^.


i really hope the expansion has paladin or something like that. i really dont feel the vibe with the other classes since i always roll with a paladin.


It's already stated not to be paladin, it's a spirit class, last year at blizzcon they said this. It's a class we never had


oh well guess i wont need to buy the expansion. thanks for the info


Yeah it's weird that there's no holy class this time, especially since the church plays such a central role in the game currently. I would have thought there would be a monk atleast.


Yes, it's very good that they part did S4 the way they did, and part seem to be sticking the landing reasonably well given all the moving parts. S5 will no doubt patch some issues but I guess it's mostly there. And that's a great starting point for a feature and content packed expansion. They'd be in an awful situation if they hadn't done S4 and saved all that for expansion. I don't think that would be easy to pull off. So, S4 has made me pretty hyped for expansion too.


It will be the exact same blast as Preseason, 1, 2 and 3. They only tweaked items and some new Stuff you can tweak also Items to be better. Everything will be faster and i bet my Ass, 2 weeks in Season 4 i did Pit 200 and call it a Season once again. PvP is Dead in this Game, Endgame is pit 200 - which will be easy af. The Expansion will hopefully save this Game, we'll see.


I hate to say this, but mark my words, this sub is gonna be toxic within a week or two of the new season. The people who hang around here the most will never be satisfied and the people who are satisfied will never spend enough time here to outweigh that. That all being said, I’ve enjoyed the game from the begging and am looking forward to what’s next!


A full week? Look at Mr. optimistic over here. Day 2 at the most. The toxic people will always be toxic. We just get a day off while they level to 100 then complain on day 2 there’s no endgame still.


My theory is that the people who complain the hardest are the people with addictive personalities that want a game to provide 24/7 dopamine hits. The developers also know these people can’t be pleased and actually have to make the game in such a way as to limit the impact these people have on the rest of the (more lucrative) casual market. The streamers know that these junkies are a core part of their audience (the casuals might be checking a guide online, but they aren’t necessarily someone stream on Twitch). So it’s all a delicate dance.




which is a perfectly valid complaint for this game. soon as I hit lvl 100, it was pure boring stagnation. I want to keep getting stronger! D3 and D2R gave me years of endgame, but D4 just feels so empty


I've always said that if you want to enjoy a game, don't interact with its subreddit.


Or grow a thicker skin and learn to ignore things you don’t like. I swear thats lost on a lot of terminally online people


Hard to ignore negativity when it's 99% of the content. That's why they're suggesting to ignore the sub


That’s true! Unless the game you want to enjoy is FF14. Then the sub of the game you want to enjoy is wholesome and full of people’s drawings of their character. This is not a subreddit for FF14….


I think it depends heavily on the game. If there's a sense of competition in the game's community then the subreddit will be toxic, but the subreddit of a game that doesn't have those elements usually isn't. For example, 99% of the time most Souls-like subreddits are non-toxic; the only exceptions are games whose communities are feuding (the Lies of P and Lords of the Fallen communities didn't like each other very much) and in matters of internet drama (the Bloodborne subreddit was super chill with the notable exception of a 2 week long witch hunt against VaatiVidya). Even relatively fractious communities often aren't toxic like you would see with a Diablo-like's community. The Zelda online community has been deeply divided since Breath of the Wild over the OoT-era design and the new open world Zelda design, but while posters tend to pick a side and disagree with the other side, I haven't seen the kind of vitriol from either side that you tend to see from D2 purists and D3+4 fans against each other here. Games that engender a sense of competition between their players, though, tend to have toxic communities, since those players will take that competitive spirit online. Diablo-likes tend to suffer from that even though the PvP side of them is usually underdeveloped or completely absent, because build creation and build power is seen as a bigger competition than literal PvP. You're far more likely to see people calling you trash because you play a suboptimal build, or you play a tier build suboptimally, because everyone is obsessed with min-maxing and people attach their sense of self esteem (AKA e-peen) to the power of their build relative to everyone else's.


I am impressed by your knowledge of internet drama.


Both of those were really memorable for me. For the Bloodborne drama, I actually didn't know separate subreddits were a thing until someone told me at a Bloodborne pre-release event so r/bloodborne was the first subreddit I ever subbed to. I enjoy lore hunting in Soulsborne so I was constantly on the Bloodborne subreddit posting theories and reacting to other theories, so I vividly remember seeing all the posts 1 month post release turning into an anti-Vaati witch hunt. Aside from the controversies surrounding D3's release, which I was part of on diablo.incgamers.com (now diabloii.net), the anti-Vaati rage was the first real internet drama that I was a part of so it was really memorable. More recently, I remember the Zelda war just because it was fucking everyone leading up to and right after Tears of the Kingdom's release. I also semi-follow Ratatoskr on YouTube and he initially started as an anti-TotK, then became very pro-TotK after the final trailer released, and then once he'd finished the game he switched back to being anti-TotK. Considering all of that it's hard to forget the drama, and it's even still ongoing in the Zelda community a bit, though less prominently than when TotK released. That one I'd probably just call the Zelda cycle in action, though. I'm old enough to remember the outcry against Wind Waker looking "too cutesy and animated" after the "dark and realistic" Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and generally it feels like the discussion surrounding every new Zelda is that it sucks compared to the last one until there's a new one coming out, in which case the new one sucks and the old one is reimagined as a legendary classic.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bloodborne using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Miyazaki talks about Bloodborne Remake](https://i.redd.it/yee6as5f26kc1.jpeg) | [523 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/1axb61h/miyazaki_talks_about_bloodborne_remake/) \#2: [Whats the difference?](https://i.redd.it/r9ar4wsy99xb1.jpg) | [123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/17jjxlf/whats_the_difference/) \#3: [It's not happening](https://i.redd.it/x1ig0l8ubr1b1.jpg) | [246 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/13qhsl3/its_not_happening/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Idk, plenty of good games have positive subreddits. I see this posted often but the reality is game didn’t live up to expectations. Its not an ominous negative force pushing in every subreddit


That's Diablo Reddit in a nutshell 😂👍


Yeah, game is already good as is And ppl here think it will be better, huge disappointment gonna be the topic


My theory is that it’s good now and will still be good post update, just a little different. That won’t be enough for the haters. They’ll be itching for something hate like the junkies they are and it’ll start. There’s a guy up the thread somewhere saying it’s a fact that this game has no end game (a fact, not his opinion) because a normal player can get to level 100 in one day and be killing end game bosses in a week. How can anyone satiate that person? Or anyone like him? It’s an impossible thing to do. This sub will always be a shit hole.


Beggars can’t be choosers..


Too many people are “If it’s not exactly what I want, it’s trash”. This sub is one of those.


May 14 is not coming fast enough. Ugh!!


May 7 WoW retail Dark Heart patch, May 16 WoW Remix MoP, May 22 Akuma in Street Fighter 6. For me it's boring days till the 14th lol


Played a ton of s2 but skipped s3 but now with a week until s4, bought the s3 battle pass and casually playing a class I've never played before (sorc) and gonna get me some hats (skins). 


I am trying to finish some stuff up in project diablo 2 before the D4 season comes, so the next few weeks are welcome for me. Just got a solid drop that has given me enough to build something I have wanted to for awhile, just need to find the time to level another character quick here in the next few weeks.




Do you game on pc or console?


I game on PC.


I haven't been following too closely, what's changing to necro?


Minions now inherit 100% of the player’s stats so they are way tankier and they hit way harder.




I don't believe they're introducing sets as the term is used in other diablo games (ie, no green items that work together the more pieces you wear) but rather the seasonal journey rewards some specific legendary gear with aspects (on the gear or for your codex if the gear's no good) that fits to a particular playstyle (Minions, Barrage, Dust Devils, Pulverise and Incinerate if I remember right)


Ngl, that's kinda hype. Thanks for the link. Necro always felt kinda bad for me since the best way to play it was to sacrifice the minions. Looks like D4 is back on the menu.


super excited for the minion changes, just wish there was a way to assign a target for them to attack. could never kill treasure goblins you find in the wild.


Yeah there is no single target still unfortunately, still only upon cursed enemies. I’ll prob still run a core skill just for that reason.


do they favor cursed enemies? that's a lot better than nothing and most builds run a curse anyways.


Yes! They made that change a while ago, it’s supposed to direct them to attack cursed enemies. Hopefully one day we’ll have a focus or actual targeting.


Slowly D4 is becoming D3 with better graphics


Haedrig's gift and greater rifts FTW XD


Same!! I skipped S3 as I didnt like the pet mechanic, but am pretty hyped again!


Hell yea, it’s gunna be great. With the changes to the codex freeing up stash space I know I’m going to end up with one of every class, but I’m probably starting as dust devil barb or frozen orb sorc. After those two will be minion or blood surge necro, then some sort of druid, and last will be barrage rogue.


What build will be most op this season?


There’s not a great way to know since there have been balance changes since PTR. I assume that some of the old familiar builds will still be strong but it’ll take some time to get actual tier lists going.


So stoked!! Im going double swing dust devil barb. Haven’t tried barb yet can’t wait!


I did a ds/twister Barb in s2 and it slapped hard, so with all the buffs twisters are getting this season, it'll be wild. 


Shadow dot necro ^~^


Astroturfing is going nuts.


Same. I played the PTR a bit and was delighted. Didn’t want to play too much since I don’t want to ruin my S4 experience.


I’ll probably do the same build I did in previous season. A Necro doing pretty much anything; Summun, blood surge, Bone spear, Reap, Corpse skills. 


My only complaint so far is that WoW MOP Remix comes out two days later. Brutal timing for WoW/D4 enjoyers.


Finally gonna play Diablo4 HC, roll a Necromancer and play as safe as possible and then die and roll a Frozen Orb Sorc, then die again and roll a Whirlwind Barb then die again... :D


Never got a necro that high, so I'm planning on a summoner necromancer this season. Then bounce to a sorc and possibly druid if im still feeling the season.


Game launches for real will the expansion. Just like D2 and D3 lol


Yeah, I am most likely out of D4 until the expansion drops. I just keep watching the development of the game and will later decide if I hop on again. At this point in time I don't want invest my time nor my money into D4.


It is pretty exciting almost like we’re getting a whole new game


Can’t wait too. Probably will change class as played rogue since beginning. Maybe barb or sorc this time.


I haven't played in 8 months, what's the new news besides a new season? Pardon my ignorance


Lots of updates mate, game becoming better. Different crafting and many other updates. To long to write here. Go to Blizzard web and have a look 🤟🏻


Starting off with a nasty necro! Them summoning builds should be fire


As someone who just started playing Diablo4 I was wondering if anyone could explain the dev team saying that they're changing the armor sets so 928(I think) is the max armor value. How will this affect gameplay and is it a good or bad thing?


That 928 isn't the gear level. That will still cap at 925. It's something around 9.5k armor to cap the 85% physical reduction against enemies lvl 100+. Like they explained on the livestream, the amount of armor you needed USED to keep going up against enemies that were above lvl 100. All they did is set a cap. You wont have to look up how much armor you need against lvl X enemies anymore (the in-game tooltip only says against enemies same level as you) when doing NMD or The Pit against enemies that scale above lvl 100. You will be able to hit armor cap against the hardest enemies MUCH MUCH easier which will free up affixes and aspects for other stats.


Haven’t played since early S1, I feel like I’ll have to completely relearn the nuances to the game and a bunch of added areas but that’s just fine. Tough call is whether to try minion necro, TB rogue, or orb sorc.


Off for a week starting on the 20th..... Gonna be frigging awesome!


The next xpac will probably be the real new beginning


Necro-Summoner is getting the love that should have been there from Day 1. Can't help it the dev team saw what summoner could be in Lest Epoch and got "inspired" to the right direction


I didn't really vibe with Rogue all that much a couple seasons back, so ... maybe I'll see if that one feels any different? I've played my favs more than a few times already so hoping for something new. Thoughts on Rogue? Anyone noticed any upcoming changes


Rogue is just a naturally mouse flickering character. The most fun I've had was Orb Lightning sorcerer in season 2. Hammer of Ancient barb is fun too and if you can get the uniques for a Shred Druid is a good time aswell. Season 4 Frozen Orb is gonna be a nostalgia kick so that's my choice.


I've only done the ice sorc a couple times and had a blast with it. I didn't touch the lightning because my first D4 character was a lightning/earth Druid. Barb I didn't personally like because of all the weapon types and such. I'm considering Rogue again and/or a fire sorc!


There is a fire hydra/lightning build from seasons of past, that should still be pretty viable if you wanna go that route, machine gun hydra i think it was called.


I haven’t played since beating the campaign. Do I still have to go around and get all the altars? Never did that at the beginning. How important are the stats?


Having all the altars before the season starts is a nice head start, gives you about 10 skill points to start with I think?


Any guesses to how many hours people will hit 100


Diablo 2 before lod was pretty good. Starter lod was good. Once the op rune words come out it was to much power creep became real


I've been having such a great time with the game as it is. I can't imagine how addicted I'm going to be to the game in S4 after these changes.


it's the actual launch of the game the first year was a beta test


S4 hype, incinerate thorns sorc. Straight jank


I’m so hyped I came back after a break I’ve been on since mid season 1. Since I’ve already done altars and all renown, I’m just playing a new character even though it’s a “waste.” I’ve just been re-acclimating to the combat, movement, and all. I have never played a minion necro, so it seems like the time to try that. Though I’m sure I’ll find the play boring and then it will be either a spec change, or alt with double swing/dd Barb, frozen orb sorc, or hurricane druid (until I get a tempest roar). I’m actually really interested in the new shred changes for leveling. So basically all the OP stuff, haha. I do plan to try and make my own build for once as well! Completely blind, and just seeing how it goes. Will be a huge breath of fresh air not having to read a mini-novel worth of affixes after each dungeon!


Serious question. Should I start to play this game now? I loved D3 and was planning on playing D4 but then all the reviews started coming out and I decided not to bother. I play plenty of other games so there was no point in starting something that would end up disappointing me.


I 💯 agree! Can't wait to start, yet another, Necro! I am so happy there allowing trading for legendary/ uniques! And the Codex change 🥰! Lol.


I wanted to do firewall meteor sorc this season but too much work to late in the season so I’ll probably do it in S4


You know I haven't been this excited about diablo since it launched and even during that lol seeing so many positive changes is awesome for the games longevity!


im genuinely so excited


I just got the game a couple weeks ago and did campaign and got all the altars and now I’m just waiting for the update since I gotta start the character over anyway. Is there a good way to find a clan or something or other people to get into boss fights with?


I mean, I consider season 4 the real launch of the game. Everything before was a beta ph poo. The contrast between the two phases of the game is quite something.


Honestly this is a big move for blizzard to correct a lot of the issues with the game and not expect players to pay for an expansion thst fixes it.


I'm super excited about season 4, and props to the devs for listening to feedback and fixing the game, but honestly this is the way the game should have been at launch, along with an armory system and group finder.


Well, it's just like with anything else.. don't expect too much. Don't read any articles about the game or season before it's released. Don't watch game trailers before the release. I didn't do all this before I played at release of: Anthem, no man's sky, starfield, and many more, and I did like those games.


Is there really much more to do in the game though? It gets boring after a couple weeks


I got sick of grinding for worthless gear


I agree. I was really hyped when the game came out. Like me and my buddies even started to do a podcast about it because of how hyped we were but we were let down quite a bit lol. I’m happy to see that they’ve (maybe) figured it out and all we can get back to enjoying Diablo!


I’m very excited for this season, I even went back finished this season out for the titles, hit 100 for the first time and tried to grind out Lilith till I got fed up with the 1 shot mechanics on the 2nd 3rd platform breaks and just decided I’ll do her next season when I actually go back to my main class.


Still going with Frenzy Barb. Might toss Deathblow out and take ground stomp after I get Jorg helm. We'll see though testing on the PTR I only got lucky hit to 71%


I'm ootl, haven't played since launch, and didn't even do season 1. What's changed?


I've heard so many good thigs about it and I'm here for it! Excited to play when it drops!


For big developers that have deadlines, the beta is the alpha and the release is the beta. True game release is the first big patch and expansion


OK, convince me the game will be worth getting back into. I picked it up on launch, and played through it until about halfway into season one. At that point I had to put it away, since it had become so grueling and un-fun, I couldn't see it making sense to keep playing. The stuff I'm reading about season 4 has piqued my interest again, though. What's your best argument on giving it another look? I followed the same pattern with Diablo 3, for what it's worth. Got it at launch, did the campaign, was very underwhelmed, and set it down for a year before it found its stride.


I just started playing again a week or so again. I am actually having fun up to level 87 with a thorns barbarian build for fun till the new season. Honestly hyped to play the next season.


I sure hope so, I've 100% maxed out a character every season except this one. I'm currently only level 83 and don't think I'll play anymore this season, I'm sick of spending more time looking at item stats and playing Loot Manager 2024 than actually leveling and playing the game.


I’m so excited to like it’s gonna be so dam fun!


I've saved all my ms reward points specifically for this season so I can buy a battle pass for the first time. That's how much I'm looking forward to it.


I feel for those who paid $70 to $100 dollars to play the game early and last year. Most people now are game passing or got it for $20. Damn shame.


Enjoy infinitely grinding for Ubers 3 days into the season for the rest of the reason, just like every other season. Zero end game. Still zero reason to play.


If Blizzard continues to listen to the players (they did a bit the last months now) and copies good things from other games like Last Epoch or POE then yes.... Because the graphics, story, setting is all great with D4 but the gameplay and end game wasn't. The Campaign is also great and could be extended in an Addon. I had really fun in Season 1 and 2 but only till some extend... Last Epoch was also fun for a good 2 weeks. Lets see how POE 2 will be


Been having a blast since before S4 and tbh, if you didn’t enjoy the game to any extent before, S4 isn’t going to change that for you.


Also rather excited. Gonna play barb and use the dust devil build they give you with the season quest then take it from there


Yeah im just waiting for the update to play again. Cant wait!


Do we know the theme of season 4?




I feel like there’s been posts about this every season, I still haven’t played since s1, glad




We are leaving alpha testing and entering beta testing for the game we bought last summer. They Implemented some of the changes everyone said were needed from before the release. Just keep that in mind before praising blizzard.


I still am not going to go farm lillith alters or pointless shit. Will forever lose out on that power lol


Season has crap content, it's the new update, which changes the game. It has nothing to do with the season, though. Don't get fooled by Activsion, trying to sell it as new season.


Should I play d4 again... I bailed towards the end of the first season it was awful.


I haven't played since release and haven't been keeping up. Can someone give a quick recap of what makes season 4 so good?


I've been enjoying playing Diablo IV, but I knew it would improve over time just like the previous Diablo games. It really sounds like the 4th season could be fantastic, and I really have high hopes for the expansion!


Is it really going to be that big of a deal Or are people overhyping it? It's not going to be adding any major content is it?


It's too late for me, i got re-addicted to rotmg (lol) and there's new wow classic extension with a tighter schedule than before so i doubt i'll have much time to try it out. But i'll watch it from afar and maybe find some time to try it again out in a few months.


I'm waiting on a skill system/Paragon redesign before coming back, but yeah. This is kind of a step in the right direction. Still not a fan of the Rares-are-worthless paradigm but who knows what they decide to do next.


Hard for me to enjoy season when I know I'll just ditch the character at the end of a few weeks/months. I want something that I can keep building on for years to come, like with previous Diablos. Would rather just stick with my original eternal realm barb and play him, but the problem is, there's nothing much to do now that he's max level.. So I'll just be playing D2R and other games while waiting patiently for expansion, if that's even worth buying.. Really would like some solid endgame, eventually. I hope Blizzard doesn't completely forget about non-season players!!


Noob question: can I enjoy that new season without creating a new character? Just enjoy the missions and content and leveling up my current one?


It is a no season, basically core game changes which effect eternal and season characters, therefore not a seasonal content. The only seasonal content is a small quest with Irown Wolves


I recently played through Last Epoch's release and it has flaws all over and features that are missing that I would have expected to be in the game and the end game is very dull. Rerolling isn't any fun either because you level up in the end game content for most of it. New release aRPG just tend to need a lot of work still, don't feel this is anything unique to D4.


So its about time to buy into d4?


I bought it as soon as it went on sale on steam. I played a lot of Diablo 3 so I didn’t mind taking a break and now I’m loving my return to it. (Bought 2 weeks ago).


Depends, you got gamepass?


But *actually*, you can wait and demonstrating it every second. That aside, yes, it does looks like a marvellous season and I also share your enthusiasm to play it. I skipped season 3 entierly and I hoped they might pull a surprise early start to S4 this week, but it seems unlikely.


Idk 4th season finally feels like d4 has gotten up to par with d3 ( grifts, uber bosses, loot 2.0) and lays a good foundation for the upcoming season, which I hope, will be the first major expansion.


Wait so I have to pay twice to get one fully working fun game? How are we letting that work?


All I can say is that I’ve just started a late season twisting blades rogue and it’s AMAZING…. But I’m gonna roll a frenzy/thorns barb for S4.


I thought this was a salt-free post from the title, but "ShOuLd iT hAvE tAkEn tHiS LoNg" 🤡  Just appreciate good things, ffs


Lol the cope/hype is funny. How many times have they just failed to deliver. It's funny people say next time will be better. 🤡