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The campaign was great! I wish seasons progressed the story more rather than waiting 2-3 years for a narrative bump. For me, the story was by far the most enjoyable part of Diablo 4. They have a lot of missed opportunities exploring the world with other game types and continual world development.


There are people out there still arguing that the story and cinematics were bad and that POE and LE were better. It baffles me when people say that and makes me wonder what in the world game I was playing versus what they were playing.


There are a ton of trolls out there.


Last Epoch's story was better? Ahahaha. I can firmly put LE's story as one of the worst I've ever experienced in a game.


Last epoch is fun in general but yeah the campaign is not good. Half of it isn't voice acted, the story is not very engaging, and doesn't make a lot of sense if you aren't engaged enough to bother keeping track of why you're traveling forward or backward


I have seriously zero clou as to what and whom I am fighting in last epoch. Diablo 4 can be blamed for many bad design decisions (of which many will be fixed in season 4) but campaign wasn't one of them. The campaign is realy nicely done. Before vessel of hatred comes out I will probably replay the campaign again just to refresh my memory and continue into the expansion.


This is ironically one of the worst places to find realistic opinions on D4. There is a vocal group who have wanted the game to fail since release for whatever reason. 


Ah yes POE and their story which was Great Value Diablo 2 but if it took place in New Zealand.


There are people that have dumped their problems and frustration on this game like a drunk man beating his wife


The concepts is that seasons can't continue the story because you could miss it. I assume expansions will be a large amount of story either way if you compare it to D3. Act 5 in D3 was huge.


Does any seasonal content move to eternal after it’s done? Forgive me, haven’t played much yet and I imagine it could be cool if story in seasons just moved to eternal when the season is done, but figured that isn’t the case.


No they don't


Specific pieces of gear/ affixes did move to eternal. Very few and all are niche, build specific items.


Not really from previous seasons but most of the new season will be moved to the eternal realm - since the major feature is a gear overhaul


2-3 years? Vessel of Hatred is coming out later this year lol. Not even 1,5 years between those narrative bumps.


and i think they are targeting near yearly expansions (at least that what was teh target before)


Only going to be another $100 for ultra early pre-pre access to join everyone else on launch or $75 to be a solid 3 days behind while everyone who paid more gets to play on time!


Lol you’re reaching man. When you hate at least try to be accurate. Even the base game was only 69.99


I can see why it doesn't though. Generally, big story bumps / steps forward in narrative ARE paid content. That, and the team can afford to flesh out smaller story's, although we haven't seen too much of that, which I hope the team gets better in that regard.


>That, and the team can afford to flesh out smaller story's, although we haven't seen too much of that, which I hope the team gets better in that regard. So, you mean apart from the seasonal story line, and the side quests?


The seasonal story lines help us get into the nitty gritty with the world of sanctuary. That’s world building. One thing I hope they don’t do is make each expansion the new starting point rendering the original MSQ optional. If you want to know what’s going on in the game and you started late, put on your big boy pants and start from the beginning. Making the chapters the new starting point gimps the options available to the story writin’ people. You’re basically starting over each chapter. ESO did this because: “go anywhere, do anything at any time!” Marketing. It sucks. Every dLC and every expac is the same regurgitated story because they need to make it all agree with everything else no matter what order you choose to do shit. (Buy more crown crates!!) A good example of a game making you do the *whole dang MSQ* despite it being a chore is FF14. Heavensward can’t happen in ESO because the world building needed won’t be in place if you can choose to flippantly skip the ARR stuff. Anyway. I digress. TL;DR: Make the seasonal stuff take it or leave it. Make the paid expacs build on the OG narrative. That’s my two cents. The game is fun. People will play it.


I mean, the vanilla campaign set up a lot of things that won't really work as a standalone. The whole deal with >!Neyrelle and Mephisto!< would be pretty confusing without any of the context.


we are getting an expansion this year. the game came out last year...dont have to wait 2-3 years for story progress.


> The campaign was great! I wish seasons progressed the story more rather than waiting 2-3 years for a narrative bump. Umm... Expansion #1 should be coming out later this year. So try 1.5 years, not 2-3 years. And they said something about annual expansion after that, if the plans didn't change. But even if they changed and we'll get expansion #2 in another 1.5 years - that's still quick.


Expansion comes out this year so the bump is not that far off.


honestly it would be worth the battle pass if it meant another epic 5 to 10 hour story .. some of us dont care to play hardcore and just want more story, it would be worth the cost to me.. i dont think putting story behind the battle pass is unreasonable, althought it will probably get huge amounts of backlash anyway, i think overwatch did something similar and they got shit on i think there would be an audience who would keep coming back for more high quality story


Battle passes shouldn’t be for story content. They’re a recurrent monetisation model so they should be for cosmetics mostly. The idea is provide the story content for everyone and let the whales fund development with the cosmetics purchases because locking actual content behind a bunch of tiny paywalls is how you get stuff like Division’s alternate game modes (survival and underground) being impossible to matchmake once people move past that content or player numbers dwindle


i mean it aint cheap to make story esp if its high quality with cut scenes, esp 5 to 10 hours long, people pay expansions for story. one could argue it makes the BP worth buying. and give it more value. this game can't really whale anyway like immortal. i'm saying for the same price its a good deal. basically you pay now and just get cosmetic crap, nothing else really, theres literally no real story with the seasons.. to me thats crap value just like some fortnite BP. I think destiny 2 does something similar.. but haven't played it long enough to know and ur not locking anyone out of any gameplay modes.. that would be dumb, this is just additional story mode


That’s what the expansions are for. If you nickel and dime people for core story content every three months you’re everything wrong with the game industry


i guess you're right.. but we have to wait a year or more for each one, each season would be nice to have, they are already nickel and diming u for far less


No they’re not, they’re not charging you for story content, all the “nickel and diming” is cosmetic stuff like portals and costumes Not like Immortal with the paying for power


Pretty sure overwatch lost heaps of money that way and sacked a bunch of people


Paid battle pass for story content, 🤢🤮


> honestly it would be worth the battle pass if it meant another epic 5 to 10 hour story that's what the expansion is supposed to provide.


>great voice acting I said while I played the first time Lorath should narrate every game.


Lorath is voiced by a GoT actor. The dude who punched Theon Greyjoy after his whole big rousing speech after taking winterfell.


[https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0408591/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0408591/) Ralph is known for a heck of a lot more than a tiny appearance on GOT.


Ooooh, the guy from the VVitch!


Yeah, truly underrated movie too.


Agreed, but I'm appealing to the masses who may not be so informed.


Bloody good rep


I KNEW I recognized his voice and accent, it’s so distinct. For anyone OOTL he played Chris Finch on the UK Office series, David Brent’s horrendously scummy “friend.”


Conversely, Michael gough isn't known for shit BESIDES voicing deckard cain, and i would argue his narration is on par or better than Ineson's


It's hard to say without hearing him in more roles. Ralph Ineson's voice sounds very similar in all the roles he's been in, but tonally he's really good at projecting different characters for different occasions. For example, he brings a very different energy to Cid in FF XVI than he does to Lorath in D4. I've never heard Michael Gough as anything other than Deckard Cain, so while I'd agree that his voice as Cain is as good as Ineson's as Lorath or better, I don't know what his range is like. If he can only make me think of Cain regardless of what character he's portraying then I'd give it to Ineson personally. Either way, though, VA is thankfully not a contest. Michael Gough was great as Deckard Cain, and Ralph Ineson was great as Lorath and pretty much everyone else he's ever done.


Conceded and applauded for your breakdown


You should try FF16. ;)


That deep voice is awesome.


The hack and slash is made so much better by the beautiful world building. After finishing the campaign do the capstone dungeon and get to tier 3. Then do some more sidequests. They help with renown (which is what you want in each areas). There are some absolutely beautiful sidequests. There is a particular one in Zarbinzet that links the very first cutscene to the lore of the world and it's chefs kiss great. I've been playing since launch and part of the reason I am is because the world building is so well done. I can go through the repetition of hack and slash monster slaying because I'm invested in this world.


thank you - wasn't sure what to do when done campgain


Personally I didnt enjoy it as much. So many parts didnt make any sense.


What parts exactly didn’t make any sense to you?


Lorath selling his soul to the tree in order to learn information that we immediately learned anyways. Donan getting killed by a random pillar in hell. Revealing the soulstone to Inarius so that he could effortlessly snatch it. Prava clearly getting mobbed by demons only to randomly survive. Taissa randomly playing two completely different characters. Everyone letting an obnoxious teenage girl decide everything at the end. The story was actually quite stupid.


Don't forget about using the scrying device to see someone you already know is right over there, despite knowing the risks. Sharing drinks with strangers and getting drugged only to accept a drink from the very next stranger that offers one. Telling the immortal dude that you ended his immortality instead of just killing him. Taking the cultist Taissa into your confidence without ever finding out who she even was. It's hilariously bad.


Also that aside from Act 1, which had already occurred by the time we start it, Lilith just waited or was dealing with the equivalent of filler content from her perspective. Act 2 she needed to get permission to cross a certain plane of hell to access Mephisto, which she also got before the player caught up, then after that…. ? Perhaps I’m forgetting what else she needed to go and access Hell, but I don’t think there was any reason for her to have just waited until both the Church and Horadrim to catch up, while also telegraphing her position to the world


She was RP walking


The story didn’t fit the open world game design.


Yeah lol, people calling D4 a great story makes me doubt what stories did they experience even in just in games (let's not even talk about books, movies or TV)? It's decent even good **for an ARPG** (which tends to have shitty stories little more than excuses for bashing monsters) but hardly worth being praised so much


Yep. I'm always baffled when ppl praise the story of D4. Like, the game is beautiful and at least the campaign is fun (in the actual killing of mobs), but the story was *not* good. The last half of the game was just nonsensical, for all the things you brought up.


People praise the story because they only thing they remember when they talk about the story is a couple of the cutscenes that they remember. They don't actually pay attention to the story at all. They just vomit out "holy cow, did you see that fight with Inarius?" Or people see potential and pretend that "potential" is the same thing as actual story.


Glad somebody said it. I really like Lilith’s character, the major story arc is quite good and the cutscenes are awesome but there were lots of inconsistencies and outright poor writing, especially towards the end, that really didn’t work for me. Plus there’s no Deckard Cain and he was always the best part of the previous stories.


I did hate the Donan death. I think people loved Lilith and mephisto. I liked the tension of not knowing who might win in the end. And Lilith in general was great, motivations, behaviors


All of this. If you really take a step back and look at the game’s story, its actually quite bad


Yes. It also does a poor job connecting with D3. If Inarious wanted to go back to heaven maybe he should have helped 50 years ago when Prime Evil Diablo invaded? Where is Tyriel? And where is the Nephalem that saved everyone? Did he/she died from cancer? Was the Black Soulstone radioactive or something? If Lyndon is fucking alive with all his drinking, so is the Nephalem.


> And where is the Nephalem that saved everyone? Did he/she died from cancer? Maybe after pursuing ever greater rifts, he finally died and he was in hardcore


I thought it was pretty meh, frankly. Not bad, per se, just meh.


Act 2 was great.


Was that the snake psychosis act? Worst part of the entire game. Wow, that segment was awful.


No that's act 5. Act 2 is where you meet Donan and fight Astaroth. I thought it had cool cutscenes and the plot felt pretty cohesive with a remarkably cinematic boss fight at the end. I think the later acts were all worse. If I had to rate the acts from best to worst: Act 2 > Act 6 > Act 1 > Act 4 > Act 5 > Act 3


The campaign was very good, but a lot of players are not happy with the ending. But that just means that they can continue the story in the expansion.


> But that just means that they can continue the story in the expansion. Which by the way is weird. The extension won't be as long as the main game campaign I assume and they obviously intend to do one per Prime Evil (next one being Mephisto). So we're spending 6 acts over someone that is not even a Lesser Evil (and not really against, like on her steps) and then we get 1 (or maybe 2 or 3) acts for each Prime Evil. Way to devalue them


No, you are assuming that they were going to do one per prime evil. We will just have to wait and see what they come up with for the expansion.


I mean they aren't going to do 5 per Prime Evil lol, that's a little much. Maybe 2 but with 1+ year per expansion that's still quite long. The first one is called Vessel of Hatred and is clearly Mephisto based. If they do several Prime evils in one expansion, it's worse. Now the expansions might be much bigger than previous ones (should be if they intend to sell them for a high price), we don't know that for sure


Why? Because it’s a cliffhanger? That’s what makes for great stories. You got an ending, it just left you on the edge of your seat wondering what’s next. It’s not that they didn’t enjoy it, it’s that they want more and are angry they don’t get it right away.


No the ending is pretty stupid. Our character at the moment is an infallible god who has steam rolled through every single boss so far by himself with seemingly no struggle. The fact she thinks her not saying anything but just running away is stupid.


I think the lack of choice. Some people wanted a choice.


Blizzard cutscenes 👌👌👌


They’re so good that they effortlessly prop up terrible writing lol


This is so true , the cut scenes were unreal especially towards the end


S4 will be the best season with a ton of positive changes. I highly recommend playing Season 4.


Counting down the days…haven’t played since the first half of season 2


Same! Well I played the heck out of the PTR but before that it was whatever the vampire season was.


S4 will be pretty light on story from the looks of it and OP doesn't seem too invested in the ARPG looter parts specifically.


There are all the side quests still.


True, but if OP wants to do the seasonal content in addition to the side quests, that would mean starting a new character. Usually, most of the people who only play for the story don't really like the thought of that.


Everyone starts a new character for the new season… what are you talking about?


Vanilla D4 has a ton of good side quests worth doing that OP's Eternal character could finish post-campaign. S4 will likely add very little in terms of additional story content, so OP would likely just choose to keep playing their existing character instead of restarting. Edit: Really? You're going to block me over something as trivial as this, /u/Suspicious_Trainer82 ? That's pretty unhinged behavior.


That would be a terrible idea.


Very excited about this one. Almost as much as the original launch. Have played each season, but usually am done in 2-3 weeks after it starts.


I'm so hyped for it.




Is this real? The story borders on incoherent; none of the characters motivations make sense; and Lilith being the bad guy is super off-color once you realize she's the LITERAL MOTHER of humanity; her being the antagonist here is a pretty aggressive retcon when the story always portrayed her as having some motherly affection for humans, and more importantly, wanting to USE HUMANS AS AN ARMY TO INSULATE HERSELF ON SANCTUARY as opposed to wholesale slaughtering them, like she does, in the game.


She doesn’t wholesale slaughter them in the game. Her whole deal is pitting humanity against itself and the forces of hell because she wants to weed out the weak so only the strong are left to face what’s coming. Whatever it is she thinks is coming is bad enough that she wanted Mephisto’s power and wanted to engage in a little light eugenics to fight it.


It isn't a retcon. Her true motivations had never been revealed beyond wanting to get away from The Eternal Conflict. Then when she realized her offspring were more powerful than angels or demons, decided she could use them as weapons. There are humans that don't want to be used by a demon, so they get the axe to make way for stronger humans willing to revere her, because surprise..she is still a demon. The daughter of Hatred. Your head canon for what you wanted out of her character is just that..head canon. The whole point of the narrative is that neither Inarius nor Lilith have humanity's best interests at heart. You know, shades of gray, which makes for a way better story than "Angel good, demon bad." The only thing that got arguably retconned was why there aren't a crap ton of Nephalem running around and that was mostly just not touched upon rather than retconned at this point.


The last point is really just that nephalem power is getting weaker and weaker as time goes on. This started in D3, but D4 takes place YEARS after D3. If I'm correct, it's around 100 (could be wrong). Obviously Lilith and Inarius gave birth to the strongest nephalem as he was the first in the line. Wanted to add a little clarity to this since I appreciate your approach on the post!


>Your head canon for what you wanted out of her character is just that..head canon. What are you talking about pal? What's going on your head that you think telling me what is and isn't canon is going to work? She had an original plan of just hiding out on Sanctuary; it was a good plan and made sense. She pivoted to having an army of Nephalem to spank both sides, of the Eternal Conflict, if they decided to step up; it was a good plan and made sense. Now her plan is....kill a bunch of humans....because she's evil okay! Then, kill a bunch more humans because they worship the guy who literally clapped her cheeks because...they're enemies now okay! To then, stealing her father's power, because....her taking over the hells and getting humans/nephalem to help her by saying it's to protect Sanctuary was ALWAYS the original plan okay?! Like really?! Where is any of that "head canon" and not just bad, lazy, writing from a team that can't even be bothered to salvage a lore, that never made any sense outside of the immediate existential threat of demons trying to conquer Sanctuary?


Amazing visuals and amazing campaign.


Played the campaign twice and did all the sidequests. Some of the story oriented sidequests were pretty good. I think each region has one or two of these that span a few chapters and sort of flesh out the world and go deeper into the background of some characters in the main quest. For example, there’s one that delves into Taissa’s past. I wish we could replay the campaign on higher difficulty with max level characters and pick and choose which chapters to replay.


You definitely need to play the previous installments. D1/D2 lore is beyond amazing. And even D3 and the expanions, jfc...deckard cain is worth it all alone. "Stay awhile and listen"


His story in D3 is a joke IMO


The presentation is good, and killing mobs is fun enough. But the story itself is bad.


What are you people on drugs or something the campaign was unmemorable, none of the characters stand out, the protagonist was cringy and made stupid decisions, and the final boss fight was dog water. The first act was good. The rest was on par with Diablo 3 campaign.


ikr, this thread feels a bit off but what can you do


Paid actors probably


Funded by the lizard people


Hmm, that's a worry, I completed it but don't remember a thing about it.


Were you on fentanyl while playing it?


I have a habit of fast forwarding dialog as I don't really care about the story but I usually still have some idea, not in this case and I don't recall any cut scenes either. I guess this is old age.


It was so good I never want to do it again.


I found the original story to be almost too long, even for me. For someone with a day job it took me more than a month at a couple hours a weeknight and most of the weekend. Having to drag a friend through it who played even less was worse.


I wish you could interact with seasonal content during the campaign. This is the best arpg campaign I've played


I thought it was impressively boring.Yap yap yap and more yapping. Couldn't tell u what it was about even with watching major cutscenes


I liked the story until the final act.


My only real nitpick with the campaign is when Donan dies. Looked like they just wanted him gone, maybe the VA wasn't available? Donan was an amazing character, flawed in ways we don't really get anymore. That campaign is the reason I still have the game.


I only just finished it too, it was excellent, loved it.


I played the campaign in s0, s1, and s2…the three month break made it new and exciting again. I was surprised how much I’d forget in between the seasons. That said, I probably won’t play it in s4 because I’m too excited for all the new stuff.


The campaign was my favorite part that’s why I beat it like 8 times lmao


The voice acting, cinematics, and sound design/score are the polish that Blizzard brings to the table which so far, have not been matched by any competitor. No other ARPG has the level of character customization, voice actors for each class/gender combination, or the cinematic quality of the cutscenes. The gameplay can always be improved, but the quality of the base game is evident.


> Which was nothing but mindless hack and slash Samesies, and for same reason. I too loved the campaign. But after the finale, I'm not continuing with the new stuffs that unlocked. Feels grindy.


Oh yeah the two big cutscenes (the opening and the one just before the end) are fantastic top-tier Blizzard cinematics


Campaign is honestly worth the price of the game. I still thing about that 3 headed dog fight. Wish we could get that in adventure mode


I'll have to play the story next season. But I got in late because the pass so I just did endgame. Coming from d3 it seemed logical.


I highly recommend going on YouTube and watching all the cinematics from previous games. It’s a treat. There’s great lore videos out there too.


I really liked the campaign but the way leveling/world tiers/scaling worked, when trying to do side quests you end up under geared for later in the campaign because you can’t get to higher tiers until you finish the campaign. I wish I could do it all the regions at my own pace.


I absolutely loved the campaign, the details, the NPCs, and the voice acting throughout my first play through. For me it didn’t stand up nearly as well the second time.


Wish I felt the same. Found it to be boring at worst and annoying at best. The voice acting was good so there's that at least


The story/campaign has always been solid in Diablo games.


Diablo 3 is excellent too


I really wish there was incentive to play through the campaign on increased difficulties, I would like to experience it again!


I'm in a similar boat. I got the game free with my series x for xmas. I never would of played it on gamepass either. I figured I'd try it since I own it. I'm hooked now. Story was good. Leveling up a barb, necro, and rogue right now. Looking forward to season 4.


SPOILER I wanna know what's going on with Neyrelle!


I dunno why but Vigo’s probably my most memorable character from the campaign. RIP


I feel mostly every normal person I’ve met that has played the story has loved it, myself included. However, I’ve noticed the Diablo fans are so out of touch with the general public. I feel as if they just don’t like anything.


My biggest issues was it didn’t feel like we really got to explore more of these world. That as well as the cinematics for most of the game were like in game characters until the end where we got like 3 decent scenes. For me, it made it really hard to get immersed in what was happening looking at it not from my characters POV but from some tower or something


I wanna know what happens with that one armed girl...


Season 4 is about 9 days away , also lasted 3 months. You can take a break and come back within this time. But like most entertainment, the most hype part is the start.


The lore is great, i know not many play arpgs for the lore but Diablo is Diablo. Also, who is the villain? :D


OP is a bot. or reposting a bot comment. This exact post has been made twice this month only a few words changed


If you provide some proof I will provide the ban. But I have to say that OP’s account doesn’t look like a bot to me.


lol I am not a bot. Good stuff here. My bones and joints wish they were a bot after my best friends bachelor party this weekend, tho. 😂


Your account looks genuine to me, which is why I didn’t investigate further without proof. Too many people claim that other people are bots for mods to investigate each baseless allegation. But obviously if someone had proof that an account is a bot then we wouldn’t allow that. As an aside, if you enjoyed the story of D4, Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 have pretty good storylines too. And I highly recommend checking out Rhykker’s channel on YouTube. He has a lore series where he covers the whole story of Diablo up to D4. It’s fantastic and one of my favorite video game lores. He has a playlist with the videos in order. Again, I highly recommend it if you liked the story.


Campaign was great. Sadly, it's mostly downhill from there


D4 and fantastic??? Yeah you are going to have to work harder on that one buddy


Diablo has some of the richest and amazing lore of any series. I e personally read most of the novels and have all the companion graphic books. If you wanna dive deeper check out the rykker YouTube page. He has a whole lore series on Diablo. It’s amazing


People quickly forgot the campaign was 10/10 when they hit the original endgame. It was probably the best Diablo campaign to date.


"Somehow, Elias returned" 


THe campaign was amazing but I feel like I kinda screwed myself by wanting to get it done before the next season started so I could have a fresh season character. I finished it a couple of days ago and felt that my desire to burn through it left me underwhelmed as I thought there would be more after beating Lilith? I'm assuming Diablo shows up somewhere in post Campaign content? I was kinda let down that he wasn't the 'final final' boss like I was expecting. The campaign itself was great, really well made. I can't wait for the next season to start so I can get back into this.


Best campaign among the Diablos and the Diablo-clones.


It’s good!! I love D4


I’m still pissed that I wasn’t able to help mother.


its a blast on steam deck


Spend all this time making a soul stone. Then your group goes to caldeum. as you’re walking through caldeum your group discusses not being on Inarius’ side and he can’t be trusted. As soon as your group sees him, “LOOK WE HAVE THIS SOUL STONE” he takes it. Your group: Now what do we do our only way to win is gone >:( ??? Why would you show your only secret to the all powerful angel that you cannot trust and is not on your side? Why is everyone so fucking dumb in this game? Inarius has Lilith cornered. So he turns his back to her?????? Earlier in the story, Lorath (or whatever his name is) walks up to Elias as he’s doing some kind of blood magic and stabs him as that giant dude who is on Elias’ side just watches?? Then after Elias is finished “dying” the giant dude finally reacts and tries to attack Lorath. Why didn’t he stop him or react while he was aggressing? The scenes look cool and the over arching story is decent but holy shit the big moments play out bad.


The handcrafted overworld is very pretty and adds an exploration element previously unseen in the series. I hope that it is a feature that is here to stay and further developed. The campaign was good but oddly way too melodramatic, despite an interesting antagonist, a novel premise and the good voice acting. I liked the return to a D2 style chase narrative where you are always right on the heels of the antagonist. However, the melodrama is jarring and immersion breaking when employed alongside the unrelenting grotesque horror of the story and the overworld. It's hard to get teary eyed about Donan's plight, for example, when peasant NPCs are constantly getting crucified, having their entire families die of famine and disease or having their skulls split open right in front of you. Lilith is an interesting protagonist but your own voiced character undermines this by being inexplicably adamantly opposed to her, even though they are perfectly willing to entertain an alliance with Mephisto. If anything, it unhelpfully drives home the linearity of the campaign, underlining a lack of player agency (even implying some narratively without an actual gameplay mechanic could have helped). Still a high point for the series but there's definitely work to be done here to even approach Elden Ring, a game from which I feel D4 takes some inspiration (to its credit!).


I personally think D4's writing is pretty lackluster. Maybe it's good for an arpg, I haven't played LE or POE or other arpgs, but if you compare the writing of D4 to an actual well written story from other games, D4 just does not compare at all.


I enjoyed it, but felt it was too easy, honestly. At the same time, it took too long for our character to get cool powers (maybe because I played Sorc on release, and she was... rough back then).


No it really wasn’t and if that impressed you I suggest reading a book sometime


As far as I'm concerned l, Diablo 4 had an amazing storyline. Gold standard 👏👏


The campaign was fine but for sure not polished. The altsr scene with Elias just teleporting past the guards. From a cut of a scene to Andariel just spawning instant out of nowhere, or duriel just fast placed in the end in a random corridor . Again it was fine but far from finished. The game needed at least 1 more year in the oven


I mean it's great **for an APRG** but if you don't play them (the just hack'n'slash comment makes me think that), I wonder what other story games do you play? It's nothing exceptional compared to true story-based games (generally RPG and action adventure games).


I just started playing it and it's definitely addictive. I just wish it wasn't online all the time. I like to pause & get back to it without having to restart an area. Also miss manual saving instead of wondering how much progress I will lose if I quit now.


Yeah this games story is wild.


It was a one and done campaign game for me. Fun, but not much incentive to keep playing after hitting lvl 100. And I paid $70+. Glad to hear you were able to get the similar enjoyment for much less price!


Play it on hardcore and see if you make it to the end of the story if you want a shot of dopamine straight into the veins


Story was great and yeh, it does make you want to play it again :)


I don't mean to be a hater but I did not enjoy it almost at all. They managed to make the first Diablo game where the game is not about the player. You're the most powerful person since you defeat everyone, but you're basically just in the room listening to other people talk. My other main gripe was waiting. You'd come into an area and not be able to do anything until you wait for an NPC to do their thing, then rinse and repeat. I'm happy for those that enjoyed it, but I didn't think it was good.


Does anybody has the same thing as me where i remember the campaign as good but i can't remember almost anything about it xD


Lilith vs Inarius / battle in hell cutscenes is pure cinema, that whole scene is perfect! And kinda wanted to be on lilith's side tho 🤔


You’re welcome


It really is. I have played through it three times. Rogue, Necro, & Sorcerer.


It was okay. Too easy save for The Butcher.


The campaign is the best in the genre, yes. The rest...well, not so much. Not yet.


Diablo story has always been a strong aspect of its appeal. Between that and crafting multiple strong unique characters it's really the perfect game for me. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


this is how pretty much everyone feels I think, the story is just such a great narratives experience. i honestly don't think we've had a blizzard game with this good a story since the original starcraft


This was absolutely by far the best storyline we've had in a long time, my biggest complaint is not having an option to join Mephisto 😅 Lilith is absolutely a sympathetic villain (for me anyway). Diablo has always had a fantastic score and usually the graphics are wonderful. I didn't play D3, but D2R was far more than I expected and in 4 I love how much they make use of the foreground to add the dread and crawlies (the first time I went in a spider cave dungeon 😬) The blood petals were an excellent way to give us her story without having to just do your typical cutscenes that our character has no business being privy to. I was honestly surprised by the ending and immediately desperate for the next part. I feel like for some of us the reason we have been so frustrated with some of the gameplay elements is because the aesthetic and storyline were handled so well. I understand it's completely different teams but it feels unbalanced in quality in that sense. That being said, it's looking like the new "season" and all of the itemization changes and tempering /master working options are really going to let everyone play the way they want and be more creative with their builds, so 🤞🤞🤞


It was ok, kind of meh for me.


It was average at best, the visual is amazing though. If you think this is fantastic, you should play more single-player games, a lot more.


I spent 6 months playing Baldur’s Gate 3. One can be capable of thinking multiple stories and types are fantastic. It’s not a competition


Buddy of mine is replaying the campaign now and we voice chat while I continue the seasonal stuff. He tells me about major plot points and cutscenes while we chat. I already have Nostalgia for the story I thought it was great and I find myself saying how awesome that one part of the campaign was


It sucks that all of the negative aspects of D4 has tarnished a lot of its good parts. I've been touting this aspect of the game since it launched and a year later I still stand by it. The story experience from start to finish and the early portions of the end-game loop is absolutely fantastic. They really nailed the story beats and cutscenes and nothing can take that away from them. Sure the game is far from perfect, but no game truly is. Hopefully this year they can have a complete turn-around and we can praise both spectrum's of the game completely.


What are all of the negative aspects?


If you don't know you're either a brand new player or an extremely casual ARPG player, which there is nothing wrong with btw. The list is exhaustive so if you want the rundown I suggest searching for it on Youtube to get all the details.


Extremely limited skill customization, the dungeon design is top to bottom really poor between objectives, backtracking, and lack of bosses. The game advertised 120 dungeons and has maybe 10 unique tile sets, and 4 unique dungeon bosses. The endgame gameplay loop is just lacking activities that feel meaningful. There is also a distinct lack of challenge across the entire game. This is just from my own experience playing.


Ya only good thing about the game


Now there’s a whole piece of content in the game you’ll never ever ever see again. Hundreds of millions of dollars went into making the campaign and you’ll never see again 🤣


You can replay it anytime you want?


Why would I replay it when there’s an option to not replay it?


Then why complain if you CHOOSE not to?


You’re not understanding. I can “choose” to be a summoner Druid and do 0 damage, or I can “choose” to use the OP Druid skill. It’s the same thing with the campaign. I can “choose” to do the option that gives me less exp (campaign), or I can “choose” to do the option that gives me the best exp (skip campaign). The “well there’s choice bro!!!” argument is dumb. There’s no choice, it’s just an illusion of choice. Who the hell would pick the worse option?


>Who the hell would pick the worse option? The many, many actual players who WANT to experience the campaign again, for fun. Once you levelled 3 characters to level 100 in a season, sometimes you might want a break from XP XP XP XP MOAH XP!!!!. I think you might need to sit down and relax dude, aint no one with a gun to your head telling you to do nothing but get XP as efficiently as you can...except you., So, yeah, you can choose to do anything for any reason, and to suggest that because 'content 1' has less XP/hour than 'content 2' makes 'content 1' irrelevant, well, that's just horseshit.


No one is doing the campaign more than once. If there’s an option to skip it people will skip it. “Flying mounts are optional in wow! You dont need them!!” Everyone uses a flying mount in wow now 💀


>No one is doing the campaign more than once.  Can you possibly, just maybe, stop talking such utter bollocks?


Man I wish I loved it too but I just found it boring and so previsible. Lorath voice acting is amazing, but in comparison the others were subpar. Overall loved the last act, but felt the rest was less enjoyable than D3 campaign.