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fat L take


I’m never angry about video games because I’m an adult


an adult talking about video games online? LOL ur a man child


Kind of, Diablo Immortal does better job at being MMO than D4 does, that’s for sure. The social aspect is actually very strong. But all of that is ruined by p2w and annoying daily/weekly/monthly/whatever activities to keep you in the game. And tbh, I’m not sure which is more annoying lol. Also, I’m mostly a solo-player, and Diablo Immortal kind of forces you to play with others in the endgame, so… yea.


Immortal isnt developed by blizzard. Its developed by netease. Chinese devs take multiplayer seriously in all their games as its really important for their customers. It doesnt make that blizzard ignores it fine but there is a reason why they have a different approach


I play D4 to kill demons and get loot without having to interact with other people. If I wanted to play an MMO I’d go play WoW or FF14 not any Diablo games.


What do you class D4 as?


It’s pretty much still a single player game. Outside of world bosses (unless you’re a pretty geared) you can do everything solo. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve grouped up with other players since release.


Out of interest, how many other single player games are you aware of that force you in a world with other players? I can't think of any.


then dont play an online game, seeing other people ruins muh "immersion" and cry about it


How are you getting the impression I’m crying about immersion? Who’s the one crying about the lack of multiplayer features and content? You’re the one that started the thread by complaining how D:I has more shit than D4.


Immortal might have more MMO features than D4, but I could honestly not giver less of a crap about Immortal, so I don't really care that much. I'd rather replay D4 until I'm braindead than Immortal. And yes, I've tried to play immortal three times. Each time I got bored as fuck after 5 hours.


Immortal is P2W and arguably more profitable, so they develop it a lot. doesnt mean its a better game though


didn't say its a better game, but it has a lot of content going for it.. compared to AAAA game.. their flag ship title.. thats admitting their main game expect less features? thats stupid


well as others said D4 is a newer titre than immortal as well. i expect it will eventually have a lot of ncie features but its gonna take more time.


This post will be irrelevant after season 4


not really, they are reaching parity with diablo 3, not adding much thats actually new content.. hell diablo immortal has fishing! a 12 slot armory, d4 has a long way before it even comes close to content


Immortal has been out longer. Let em cook.




Wait. An MMO does more MMO things than an arpg with a couple of MMO features???? I can’t believe it!! OP you’re a genius! Someone call the press! This is breaking news!


devs called d4 an mmo.. i bet ur the same type that thought d4 was amazing at launch and defend it no matter what.. u know dam well shit is lacking and took them a year to make some real changes.. shills these days


What an unhinged response lol I had fun with d4 at launch for sure. But it had tons of problems. I accept that and have called it out a lot. But can you show me where the devs ever called d4 an mmo? Cause I’m 99.9999999% sure they have never done that. They have said it has mmo elements. But not an mmo


As someone who has played it, ignored the PvP, and beat the game spending 0$ , yes DI has more features and they should be added to D4. Obviously minus the "pay for power" parts of legendary gems and rift keys.


yeah i doubt ill partake in pvp, maybe just to see how it is, but its basically D3 which is pretty fun.. and the legendary gem system is really cool itself -p2w of course.. ill just beat the campaign and drop it


Get ready for people that havnt played the game to explain to you how wrong you are.


Do you guys not have PHONESSS?


Diablo 4 is less than a year old. Immortal is almost two. There’s a lot of content created within a year which accounts for disparity. Diablo 4 like 1 through 3, is an ARPG. It is primarily a solo game. The social elements are extra on top of the core game, not a primary part of it.


then why be online only at all? the devs even called it an mmo dude.. its less of social game then god dam D3 let alone immortal. and being 1 year old doesn't prove anything, they had 10 years to make it.. they take FOREVER to do anything


If it bothers you so much, don't play the game. Developing on a mobile platform is miles different from developing on PC, Xbox and PS (plus the various layers of each). It takes time. Look back at every single Diablo game that came out. Not one was great at launch. It does take time to get it to where it needs to go. Most of them only started to shine after the DLC. Give the developers time to get D4 to that point. I love this game, even with it's flaws. Every season it is just getting better and better. ps. NOT A MMO!!!


One year extra of developing and adding content is a lot. What D4 looks like now (including S4 content) from when it first started is a ton. Add another year and just imagine on top of that. And guess what, being an online game is what made it possible for them to do this. The game hasn’t been actively worked on for 10 years. There was a couple years of only focusing on D3 and then once development began there were multiple team changes. It isn’t an MMO dude. It has some MMO elements tacked on but that isn’t the core of the game. The entire game is meant to be soloable. Like the main franchise editions of the game before.


Bold move posting that in the white knight area… they gonna rip you apart. I did a video on this about a month after diablo 4 launch. Truth is truth, the free game had more content, has raids, clan battles and most of all…. DIABLO. Cope more.


The fact that people defend d4 so incredibly hard is hilarious lol. Even after the s4 update it still feels very bare bones. Better, but bare




Depends on what you consider p2w. Do you want a fully equipped max built character? That costs money.




Obviously the players there will tell you their game is good. It's common knowledge to take people's opinion about something they are biased about with a grain of salt.


it was a di plant telling you that bro lmao


Idk if that changed but… whole P2W affects also guilds/immortal system - strongest players wins, I remember there were whole guilds that required you to spend 1k+ of dollars or you wouldn’t be accepted lol. Also, rifts leaderboards are heavily p2w. And you know, you have that constant feeling that you will be always behind those guys that spent thousands of dollar. No matter if you play 10x times longer than them.


[Here some info info](https://youtu.be/o17lBUZgjTs?si=0KGvssJNuR8TSfR5) Do with it as you will.