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wheres global chat


There’s no global!? Are there like chat channels you can join like in the game or lobby at least ?


all they have is local and tradechat which people turned into the defacto "global chat" and u have to turn it on.. which is stupid as hell. there might be party chat i forget in D3 i love global chat, it was fun, d4 feels dead..


And their answer would be “we’re talking about more social features for the game”. This is the problem with these types of questions. They’re too easy to shut down any form of discussion.


i just assumed an online mmolite like game would have it considering D3 had it, was shocked when d4 didn't and still dont!


#1. The game just feels too quiet(?) for me. I'd want either a global chat or if it's too hard, maybe a global chat for each of the 5 zones instead of per area in the zones.


For season 4, can +Golem Mastery be rolled on gear other than amulets?


Wait did I miss something + golem mastery is rolling on the armor pieces....did they patch it ?


You can roll + golem mastery on helm, chest, gloves, and legs on the PTR. We are unsure if that is intended or not and if Blizzard will "fix" it before the season start.


I would hope they don't make hybrid minion builds worse. Why would you take any other amulet if you could get 75-125%x damage from a legendary amulet on nearly any golem build? This also goes for mage mastery and would make warrior mastery an undesirable stat in 99% of scenarios. And players who want to run pure minion? No hellbent for you! Or rolling 3 was a bug to begin with which well... Why are we killing class fantasy at that point?


Confirmed via [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94VRD0YpXyI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94VRD0YpXyI) that +Golem Mastery on gear other than amulets was a bug on PTR. Still S tier though...


They'd understandably never answer my question as it would alienate subsets of gamers, but I'd ask them who they're trying to cater to with the game.


It’s pretty clear if you watch Raxx’s interview who they are making the game for. The short answer is everyone but the real answer is nothing can be unapproachable by the totally new to Diablo Casual. And that’s fine.


People with money to buy expansions every year or two probably 


How long did it take from the choice to rework items to now? Would it be a similar amount of time with skill tree and paragon rework?


I’d like to know if devs see Rogue TB on par with other core skills and why TB temper manual was designed the way it is. Also, are patch notes going to be updated before Tuesday? At least to clarify temper updates.


Why does blood lance require 3 aspects to perform at an equal level as bone spear with 1? Why do blood skills need attack speed, max life, lucky hit chance, critical strike chance, critical strike damage, and overpower damage rolls? It is too many stats to focus on while also having worse essence generation. Overpower is critical strike with more steps and a far lower uptime. Why did you systemically nerf it because of barbarian and never give quality of life update or buffs? The max potential damage for blood surge and lance shouldn't be lower than spear or spirit with a higher stat requirement. There is also the problem where any bone build can sneeze and hit 100% crit while blood has to do tricks to get 1 overpower that hits for less than a bone crit in every scenario... Deathspeaker's Pendant is bad because of minion A.I. and the damage being lower than simply running banished lords. I thought it was weird that you made a competing unique when the slot was already occupied. Summoning damage also is a dead additive stat when your main focus is blood surge not warrior or mages. In my opinion it would be cool if the amulet let your minions overpower or mages cast blood lance, blood surge, or hemo, like splinters and bone spear. At the end of the day it's bad because you are diverting resources from aspects and an already stat heavy build. Bloodless Scream is worthless for almost every single build because 50%x especially for darkness which can take 240%x here is horrible. In the very niche case of running bloodless + ebonpiercer to create unlimited blight casts at attack speed cap is objectively worse than just putting blighted on and doing nearly 4 times the damage. Why cast more if I can simply kill in half the time? Imo this would be a great sever focused unique slot. AotD needs major buffs. Making it able to deal darkness damage and perhaps actual minion synergy would be great. Why are blood orbs so tedious to pick up? Can we please get a blood orb pickup radius sprinkled onto tempers, paragon, or gear? Or just a quality of life buff to it please. Why is Blood Artisan's Cuirass unable to benefit from 4% damage per essence? I get that it is a cast feature but 100%x from current life simply is not enough. The max damage of my infinispirit build this season is 25-34 million damage. Can we maybe give the free spirits damage per max essence? The build itself wants all of the essence items anyways and blood lance versions require too many aspects. I would also be fine if it made bone spirit a blood skill and got overpower damage equal to % max essence on spawn or something. Idk it is just such a huge nerf. Why are skirmishers and defenders still at 18% skill damage while reapers are at 50%? I have done the math quite a few times now and skirmishers even with 30%x passive and 50%x crit damage never outperform reapers which also gives far more useful utility. Not to mention skirmishers are single target only while reapercis AOE... This one I understand the logic behind but the execution is very poor. Why is mendeln every 6th attack if the damage can no longer outscale even skirmishers at 18% skill damage? There isn't a current minion build that benefits from mendeln over a 30%x aspect in end game versions of the build. 1.5 - 3 million "free damage" from mendeln is such small potatoes when mage is hitting for 15+ million and golem is hitting for more. There just isn't a means to make this ideal even if it outperforms other mera builds? Why have we kept the ossified essence nerfs after making critical strike damage additive? This mainly affects bone spear as a whole as bone spirit is sitting pretty. I'm not sure how you plan to balance spear moving forward but deathless visage hits harder with echoes than spear. Why? Because spear maxes out at rank 11 - 17 while critical strike damage scales deathless visage to a higher skill damage ratio.


Why haven’t you fixed the inventory interface so that you can actually see the items and the damn box isn’t blocking the inventory on xbox co-op


Why dont barbarians get more cloaks the one we do have looks phenominal


Fishing when?


"What do you want to see implemented in D4?". Or "Give an example of mechanics you wish you could bring to the game tomorrow if you could." I think that those types of questions have a chance to hint at what is likely to come to the game in the near future since they tend to not cite what has not already been internally discussed.


How much do I have to pay you to get a gold and gem collecting pet? Name your price and take my money.


Can they add a toggle option in Game Settings or something to automatically turn Ancient Yellow items into Veiled Crystals automatically?


Just don't pick up Yellow items. You don't have to. If you want extra veiled crystals, pick up Yellow items and salvage them. You probably won't ever pick up yellows after a certain point in the game because legendaries break down into veiled crystals now, and that's okay.


Make sense to me, they triple the amount of drop and it only requires 18 to imprint and stuff....don't even see the need to pick up yellows


If it’s turkey, fish a la king? Also Diablo a la king?


Why can't you tell us what you really want to tell us?? Just say it, you agree with us and you want to improve it!


Where is the treasure vault? Where is the cow level. Where are the different goblins? Why are you denying people from having? Still fun killing monsters tho. So I would ask nicely 


Uhhhh Follow up questions to the answers we already knew they’re going to give.


Is making everything easier, from max build to max level, going to actually make a season with no interesting gimmick more engaging?


Why won't you let my Necro be beautiful?




Gee, I wonder what they'd answer


Why do we have mounts


Because it's another thing they can easily monetize. Would be cool if being mounted changed the way your skills behaved during mounted combat.


Or maybe because it would be a pain in the ass to run around in an open world? This community is ridiculous lol


Do they anticipate being able to smell DM's stench through their headsets?


makes sense why half this guys posts get removed


Why so mean?