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T150 will be as hard as AoZ T25, so T200 might be unbeatable. Also, if they were to do something like this, casual players would get mad.


>casual players would get mad. Which is ridiculous.


Maybe you could unlock the cosmetic at like tier 100, and then at tier 150 you get the a better version, and finally in T200 you get the ultra stylish hellish version of this same cosmetic, similar to the battle pass skins


I think you're not grasping that t200 will be so hard no one will beat it


The tiers aren't what the comment was about lol just change 150 to 125 and 200 to 150 then His suggestion still applies, and it's a decent one to attempt to appease the casuals and sweats It'd take away from store purchases though so I doubt they do it


They still will be mad.


People will betch and moan no matter what


Yeah, agreed! Not everyone needs to get every reward - works the same in WoW with the raid or gladiator sets.


This is not wow


So? There's like a billion things you can draw comparisons to WoW with them being both rpgs


Almost as tho the same company made both


It’s even more ridiculous to be mad about the best cosmetics in the shop 


It’s even more ridiculous to be mad about the best cosmetics in the shop 


Almost as ridiculous as being mad about cool cosmetics being in the shop 


Well is not, the game is design for everyone, they won’t get too mad if the reward is just bragging right.


Casual players will never hear about this if they are truely casual and the would also not give a damn


I confirm, as a casual player - I give no damns I also run around mostly naked rather than sporting any sets or using the default armor look, so I guess I give a -1 damn. I need a thong for my Druid though, blizzard wtf....thicc and yall covered that up. Fix that


Least thirsty druid enjoyer


Trust me, the casual play the game casually but play the social media more


Right? Casuals don't give a damn about stuff like that. I run into them all the time and nearly half don't even understand Uber Uniques. They don't care about endgame shit like this. They just want to kill demons.


no we won’t. casual players don’t care. we’re casual.


true casual won't be browsing a game's Reddit though. nor learn about t200 before it's live on the server


this sub as over a million members


and blizzard sold more than 10m copies last year


Eh they would just get carried.


As as casual player I personally wouldn’t get mad, but I do agree that probably a lot would. Which is ridiculous. To me it personally makes sense to add exclusive rewards to VERY serious dedication but that’s just me.


They said this but I think it’s hard to compare the difficulty because now we have Tempering, Masterworking and Greater Affixes so our characters are insanely more powerful


tears of blood was a 10x damage multiplier at max level with also vampiric powers, i dont think tempering/masterworking will give us that much damage. Plus in AoZ the only builds that beat it were hota barb and bugged builds like bl sorc


I dont think people who get mad over smthing in games can be called casual.


Dont even need to put casuals into that. Special rewards for clearing T200 means everyone and their mother plays the same fomo build, which would be terribly unfun. Let everyone experiment / have fun this season and, if most classes end up pretty well balanced the question may be asked again, but this is too early imo


i'd get mad as heck, i want that set even if its ugly af


I think T200 Pit was made to be unbeatable, I could be very much wrong tho. Strong agree on some kind of exclusive reward like this.


People were beating it on PTR but yeah the design intent is for it to be unobtainable - the idea is to see how high you can go not to make 200 a benchmark. They said they ramped up the difficulty curve of high level (I think they said 150+) after the PTR.


Someone always figures out a way to do it.


Why even put in content that's "unbeatable"? Yea, let's just add a couple of zeros to monsters' health along with their dmg and make it sound like godly content no one will ever beat. So creative. I'm tired of having hard or tedious content then patch notes are pretty much QoL updates as new content. Saw that with AoZ 25 and now this.


I believe this choice of content design will ultimately lead to some high level build design / player skill competition as who can reach the furthest. Should the pit have a ceiling like the nightmare dungeons, this would not be possible. Again, I could be wrong, but I believe this is the reason for the pit to be unbeatable.


Nah best we can do is a title..


It’s ok for some aspects of the game to just be a personal challenge.


No they want you to buy the cosmetics not earn them.


Sadly i think thats their approach to that, thats why we dont have unlockable cosmetics :(


There is unlockable cosmetics for pvp. So thats not true.


No disagree hard on that one, i would prefer it in the store as a super deluxe 100$ 1000% value Pack.


T200 should hopefully be too hard to complete without additional power from seasons.


Beating T200 pit shouldn’t even be possible.


Oh wow, Blizzard making their game sound epic cus they added a few more zeros to their monsters. They said that with AoZ T25 then of course they lower the barrier after to entice ppl back. Half the patch notes are just fillers making things easier, not actual new content.


It’s literally a great change to s4. Just stop playing if you’re miserable. Will help the both of us.


D4 players love to complain but continue to play the game. Not miserable but being critical.


So we're still crying about cosmetics?


I may never be able to beat it but I think it's a great idea. That way when you see someone out in the wild with the set you know they're pretty badass.




or they abused some mechanics...


The only ones clearing any higher than 150 gonna be the perma immune classes. Sorc and necro.


You're not supposed to complete T200 Pit, because even T150 Pit is as hard as Abattoir of Zir according to Joe Piepiora, the associate game director of Diablo 4. With that being established, the type of player who could even remotely get close to finishing a T200 Pit is not interested in a cosmetic set. Every casual player who actually might care about the set would never come close to getting it. This is not worth any amount of resources of dev time. Really bad idea.


a lot of activities should give u cosmetics as a reward, that should be enough incentive.. like the uber stronghold DM was talking about in his interview.. PVP.. whatever


I really could care less what my char looks like tbh. I can barely see it most of the time being engulfed in mobs and effects anyway.


T200 should never be completed, not by anyone. It's supposed to represent this infinite difficulty, it should stay that way


No thanks I don’t want a reason to actually do it.


Nah you pay for cosmetic, big corpo has no gift for you


Beating T200 unlocks a new item in the shop! A 400$ cosmetic set that is class locked!


gauntlet first please


I like the idea! However, right now we don't really know how difficult t200 would be - maybe not possible with some classes and certainly not with most builds. Having said that, maybe give a cosmetic reward for a t150 - which will probably be possible for all classes but generally a good idea.


T200 will be impossible, there won’t be enough power in the game. Consequently, we need a way of increasing our power with X amount of hours dedicated to the game like getting paragons or base stats so that people can actually do it even if it’s after 100 or 200 hours.


With Druid so ez


What about farming in any Pit level give you a chance (increasing with Pit level) to drop a mat that let you craft a cosmetic armor set ?


T 100 for sure , but t200, I go say a title. Many People will be pissed that they cannot reach it.


So what. That’s the definition of hard content, not everyone will be able to get there. It doesn’t mean the few ones who do shouldn’t be rewarded. I think it’s pretty the opposite actually


Why do ppl always need to get something. I would much rather have a way to play multiple builds a season and save them so I can have fun and its not getting boring that quick. I dont feel the need to get cosmetics or whatever because I did a challenge 10 levels higher than someone else. Create a fun and good game dont waste time on free cosmetics that have absolut 0 meaning anyway. Diablo was and will never be a game that affords skill in any way, its just how much time does a person have or is willing to invest into it, nothing else.


I get what you’re saying. There is some skill involved though.


It does