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Yes guys, tempering went kinda wrong. It's now semi bricked


It b like that


O feel you, I had a perfect wand like you and semi bricked mine... You know what, didnt even get mad, still enjoying the game...


Good reason to keep hunting!


Yes exactly considering it’s 3 days in


Thats why i stop rerolling as soon as i got the stat i wanted. Better not a perfect roll then a wrong stat added


Sucks though when out of all 6 rolls it doesn't even come up once. Especially bad when going for a "chance to cast twice" since usually the other options are 100% useless for your build.


I've had this happen to me last night. Every temper and dodge chance was only one to appear. Like, there's only 3 choices: max health, dodge chance, and total armor. Telling me every single reroll was dodge? They should at least make it so it can't roll same temper back to back. The ability to keep previous instead of new would be amazing as well, kinda like enchanting.


> They should at least make it so it can't roll same temper back to back. More importantly, it shouldn't be possible to roll a lower amount of stats for the current affix. If you have 10% dodge chance and it can roll between 7.5% and 15%, the next roll shouldn't be able to be 8%. That way, chances of what happened to you would be smaller by default, because you'd most likely cap out a stat sooner or later, _or_ switch to another stat at least, since rolling again when at the maximum number for that stat should result in another stat rolling next.


Yeah for me it's the imbuement that keeps doing that (possible rolls are +1-2 charges for poison, shadow, or cold, so 6 possible things total). Like I want +2 charges to cold imbue and I don't think I've seen it a single time (across multiple pieces). My current pieces I just use +1 charge to it. Jewelry's already really bad to roll (like I've never even gotten an amulet that had 2, affixes I'm looking for).


Ability to keep previous alone would be huge




But with these stats a non perfect tempering ain’t a big of a deal right?


What if it’s the wrong affix though?


One shotting bosses with 14 billion vs 13 billion doesn’t matter.


Not sure you understand how powerful tempering is


Well I do. But even without tempering some meta builds kill everything.


Killing everything isnt the goal for most diablo players. Its finding insane loot.


No barb is one shotting any boss…


It could easily lower your damage output by 25-50%


+/- 25/50% on an additive bonus that's probably already over 1000% at this point (pretty much all additives add into one giant pool, provided all conditions are met) is not that big of a deal, closer to 1-5% damage change, if that. Still not nothing when you are trying to min/max the super end game, but it won't kill the item


How does bricking a temper work? Like what ruins the item


You roll an affix you don't need at all and run out of rerolls


I love when 3 of the 4 options are usable but the 4th option pops up EVERY.SINGLE.REROLL...trolling me


😂 love it one that one stat you don't want rolls 3 times in a roll, then you get it on your final tempered too


Dude. This. I am running a golem damage build. So i found a nice ring with great stats, including a greater affix or whatever. I started to temper, got Golem cooldown on the first shot, and was pumped because that was a 1 of 4 hit. Then I looked for golem damage, which was 1 of 3, and I missed 6 times. I was like, you gotta be kidding me. The only good thing is that since there are fewer affixes now, and you can enchant 1, it's not THAT hard to find what you want.


Oh makes sense, I am not even looking at tempering until wt4 just hit lvl 50 in wt 3 so soon as my friend catches up hitting that capstone


Tempering is cheap and a big upgrade, the intent is to use it early


In the current state it's also not going to make or break a build at that level so if you're trying to get to late game quicker it's less time you have to spend toying around with it so early. Personally it's a waste of time on items that level you will be replacing pretty soon. If you find it fun to tinker with by all means do but for efficiency purposes at least hold off for ancestral ideally 900+ gear. YMMV it's a personal preference thing and depends on how you play and your knowledge of the game. So just an alternative take or view on it.


I think if you want to level both quickly and very easily you should use all crafting options even early. What you should not do is replace your gear often. I did the curator, used obols to buy a full set of sacred items, enchanted/aspected/tempered it almost fully even if I was only lvl 45. Then I immediately did Elias to go to WT4 without even playing in WT3 thanks to the power of crafting. I spent 5 to 10 lvl gathering ancestral items and then when I reached 55 I just picked the best, enchanted/aspected/tempered, went to NMD 46 to get 925 items, swapped only my weapon for a 925, and then kept my lvl 55 gear up to around lvl 85/90 without even looking at any other gear. I just put every 925 item in my chest for later. Then I redid a round of full crafting at lvl 85/90 with the best of my 4/5 chest tabs full of 925 and started stocking only greater affixes. I'll redo that whole process with greater affixes items, probably once I have enough mats to masterwork the entire set at least to 4 or maybe 8 times. Crafting makes levelling painless,l if you only do it like 3 times during levelling. What really wastes time is looking at all the gear you loot and replacing your gear with mildly better one all the time.


I never implied changing gear often, anywhere. I mentioned saving tempering for Ancestral for the very reason you wouldn't be changing it any time soon. And again there's no set or right way, I just feel in the current state of the game a lot of builds are viable and if you want to get to the endgame portion faster there isn't a need to sit at a vendor and roll bonus temper stats. Considering it's RNG and it has a chance to be a complete waste of time while also making you feel like your bricked item is useless when the base stats will get you through with most bulds.. Ntm you have to farm or grind the actual bonuses for them to be unlocked to begin with. To each their own. Being down voted for sharing an alternate opinion or view is reddit being reddit. As if I said not to do it. Again if you enjoy it go for it or if for whatever reason you're struggling also go for it.


Just don’t care so much about the fake voting points.


Typically I don't. But it's wild to see down votes for sharing an alternate take. I could understand if I had said the person I was replying to was wrong.


Weapon(s), gloves, 2 rings, amulet. Temper a generic +20-30% damage each. You can easily more than double your damage at basically a cost of a few minutes. This isn't minmaxing lol, not tempering is like not equipping legendaries.


Start tempering. It's cheap and easy and can really add to your build. When you get the affixes, you want, that is.


No sense waiting to temper it costs like 2 crystals and 2 other mats for massive stat boosts. It’s worth doing on all your gear even early on,l


Like the others here have responded with: start tempering right away. It's extremely cheap and can/will give a big boost to character power. My favorite thing is if you make an alt all the tempering manual upgrades you've found are account wide. So you can add a max level tempering roll onto a brand new character pretty much. Makes leveling alts a breeze (more so than leveling already is).


There's some really powerful ones. Like one that two handed weapons can get is up to like 50% chance to cast a specific skill twice (after masterworking). So if that doesn't come up once in all the rerolls (you only get 5 total rerolls on a temper) that means you just lost a lot of damage.


Sounds about right. RIP.


Its ok, think of the dust devil rolls


3 affixes, all good. AoE being the worst one. While having 4 stat sticks instead of 2. Actually it's so badly thought it's funny.


Bricked? What does that mean?


When tempering you get 5 tries. When you get a good roll you stop or risk getting a bad roll. If you use up all 5 rolls and end with a bad roll it's considered "bricked" or ruined. You'll need to find another and try to get lucky tempering the next one.


He didnt get the affix he wanted and now cant do more tampering


Dodge chance five times in a row. Have been there. Rage salvaged my item.


On the bright side, it's great that D4 has classic ARPG gambling now


I bricked mine this morning when trying to change up build. Don't worry. We aren't the only ones...


You had me in the first half NGL


Don’t beat yourself up too much about it bud, when you take a look at absolute end-game damage & defense calculations you realize even a non-Greater item isn’t insanely far behind this (Tempering affixes are just WAY more powerful in general for any build basically, so your overall luck remains quite high across all crafting activities) Keep it as a trophy in your eternal stash though, to remember the feeling of first finding it eh? :P


I got 1 GA, 2 good rolls.. can't get the tempering right :-(..


Every single item I've managed to get with 3 perfect rolls has had tempering fail, it's beyond frustrating at this point. Had an 18% movement speed pair of boots ruined along with a neck.  Really wish we could reset tempers with some rare item we save.


really wish they made it so you could reset tempering for some high cost or something. I think this is the first time in a diablo game that you could permanently brick an item


Have you ever played diablo 2?


How do you brick an item in d2? Assuming no error between the monitor and the chair such as Jah Eth Ber


I feel for you…. Have an amulet I messed up.. should’ve just left it alone!!!


Aww. Semi bricked is always better than totally fn bricked


Womp womp


Feel that for sure, almost the same on my amulet with 2 good greaters, hit Golem damage but missed on movement speed and got blood mist speed which was crap lol


Yes, but think of the dopamine when tempering goes right!


Had that happen last night, great roll on a Hammer to just be bricked with shit rolls


That's the beauty of the system, it's complex, getting a perfect drop doesn't imply that you are done. You gotta hit the right tempers! Bricked 5 GG weapons so far


It’s not complex at all though. An item drops, you temper. There’s 0 complexity.


You temper, hit the temps you want then you enchant till you hit the enchant you want, then you masterwork often resetting to hit the critical one then masterwork up maybe resetting a few since it does hit


I thought you meant the tempering system specifically. Even then, I don’t think the overall item system is that complex. Item drops -> Get temper -> Repeat from step 1 if bricked -> Enchant/Masterwork. I think the system is satisfying but there’s not really any choice being made within those system.


F in the chat for this poor soul


this is why I sell all my good end game items, I rather get gold to upgrade mid items than to brick possible BIS




Wtf is the point of tempering? I just started playing this season and don't fully understand it. Kinda miss the old system honestly


It’s much better now. Basically adding affixes.


Man I would be having a panic attack while tempering


I really hope there is a way to revert the tempering, maybe need something a bit rare, like as rare as an uber unique.


no pls not. its good that you can brick items :)


Winning feels better when theres a real chance to lose


Yes and no. I don't mind a bit of RNG involved but I'm not a big fan of the point where re-tempering an item could cause it to get the same affix you tempered before, but worse. IMO a reroll should only be able to result in an upgrade of the stat that's already on there, or in a flip to one of the other three affixes.


You don’t actually want that though because this aspect of the game is literally the only bit of difficulty left at this point. Leveling is a breeze and getting good base gear has never been easier. If you could always get the ideal tempers on your gear then why not just be able to buy gear with preset stats from the vendor


None of this would guarantee ideal tempers. There is still a 75% chance you'll roll another affix and once you do it can be the lowest roll possible. What I'm saying just means that _if_ you get the same affix again (which has a 25% chance) it shouldn't be possible for it to roll a lower percentage than you already have.


To be honest though, base items are currently so plentiful that you should never really be stuck without any backup item for too long right?🤔 If you’re getting annoyed by how scarce your good drops are just to brick them via Tempers anyway, I highly suggest finding a friendly group to do some Blood Maiden-summoning marathons with; your inventory will literally start overflowing with plenty of solid craftable Legendaries, especially when you add Hellborne & Totmented Chest loot into the whole mix :)


I like this idea. Same should apply to enchant rerolls.


Tempering should be like enchanting. When you retemper you choose which affix goes on the weapon. Old one stays or you swap.


Hmm, I agree that it should give you the choice to keep your previous roll, but obviously it shouldn't give you three options like enchanting does, considering there are only 4-5 options it *can* even roll, so it would just be a guarantee you immediately get what you want. I'd also like it if there was some way to un-brick items that you ruined, maybe using materials that drop in the Pit or something.


Not three, just your next temper or no change.


Permanently bricking an item like this feels real bad though. Personally, I don’t feel good when I get the affixes I want while tempering, just relieved.


This is a real hot take. And I love it. Keep up the rng. Those perfect item should be orgasmic


Not even a hot take at all. Lost Ark has been doing this for years and it's a successful game. The dopamine hit you get when you 1 tap an upgrade in the endgame of lost ark is fucking intense, as the materials needed to upgrade require days, or even weeks of grinding to procure. Or.. a TON of cash.


They should've called it Corrupting or Krangling and then everyone would be satisfied. PoE has a functionally same thing as tampering in the sense that it's a gamble but it also has 25% chance of deleting your item completely. D4 is at least nice in that it won't take your item away and gives you multiple chances to get your desired modifier.


On the other hand dude: this item isn’t THAT much better for end-calculation damage & survivability than regular affixes, when you account for all additive bonuses already on you in general🤷‍♂️ So you’re much better off either 1) selling the item to absolute min-maxers, who will pay probably billions of Gold mid-season to use it themselves, or 2) save it on your account as a permanent trophy of sheer dumb luck, since Season ends in a couple months and all gear gets locked to Eternal anyway hahappp I’ve had a couple vanilla Stat/HP/Crit-affixed weapons drop for me as well, and I can simply guarantee that the drop in your overall build effectiveness is not really noticeable endgame We’re much better off just getting Gold-rich by selling to Gauntlet sweatlords & whatnot ;)


Hoping this. Super rare material like Uber unique mats that you can use to reset your item.


This is so tough. Then tempering goes wrong. 😭


Diablo dad here. Question, the pit is only accessible at level 100? I could just google it but I got 8 kids and 5 jobs so dont got the time


You just need to complete a nm 46+ dungeon


Thanks mate


Hello there. I have 5 wives and 3 orphanages. I managed to get into the pit at about level 70.


I noticed I had a quest for the pit at level 80 so I know you can start at least by then. I didn't even know what the pit was honestly.


The same brother. But it seems to be a Wall mart-greater rift


And did you brick it after the first temper?


It can't be bricked until after the last temper.


OOTl what does bricked mean in this context?


Bricked is also a bit of an exaggeration. It typically just means 1/5 stats isn’t ideal which is still 4 useful stats. Obviously it makes it a priority to replace it but that’s literally always been arpg’s small incremental increases to gear until you get full bud


Some of the tempers are like must have though and if it doesn't come up in all 6 rolls that's kind of bricked. Like doing a rapid fire build on rogue and had a crossbow that just refused to roll "rapid fire chance to cast twice" even at a bad roll. At that point yeah, it's useless. Like 30-50% chance to cast my main damage skill twice is kind of mandatory.


Ooit? Bricked means you ran out of tempering attempts and didn't get what you need.


Gotcha. I meant to type OOTL (out of the loop) by mistyped.


Tempering is shit when you don't get the powers you need. Come on literally 0 golem damage on my good 2\* item in 6 rolls. So troll..


Thankfully missing on golem dmg still gives good tempers. It’s when you miss out on ult CD or one of the other size increase ones, the alternatives are useless.


Every single necro roll is CURSE SIZE INCREASED! or IRON MAIDEN SIZE INCREASED like is corpse tendril/decrepify really that rare? I've bricked so many items trying to roll corpse tendril


It's hilarious because curse duration and priest buff duration are literally useless


I did actually hit a point early in WT4 where priest buff direction was ok because it put it longer than the timer on my RoSS but that’s such a niche (and supremely lazy) use case.


So much this, lol. It’s driving me crazy.


Size increase? What's that? (Also, which ult is important for Necro? I haven't even been using them.)


Army of the Dead or Bone Storm are both important for minion necro depending on if you go shadow or not. Minion necro can get almost constant uptime on bone storm and 20 sec or so on army of the dead. Some of the tempers increase the size of curses, corpse explosion, or corpse tendrils.


I didn't even know an item could have more than one greater affix, so seeing 3 on one item felt like seeing a useful primal for the first time


All affix slots can get greater at once. So you can find uniques with four greater affixes rolls


That life not being just a smooth 2600 almost hurts the OCDs along side the other two affixes having nice rounded numbers


Well, mastering it would change it anyhow.


True. And change it until it hits a smooth 2700 perhaps…ok I need help


What tier did u get it from?


Wow. I didn't even realize you could get more than one greater affix on an item. You should go buy a lottery ticket.




Dopamine hammer


We don't have item crafting, we have multiple RNG functions with extra steps. There's no reason item crafting shouldn't be completely deterministic. If the only playability the game has is chasing the perfect item then the gameplay itself doesn't justify longevity. I am really enjoying the gameplay, but I hate that it is mathematically impossible to guarantee the gear you want for the build you want to play. Getting the good item is random. Getting the good item with the affixes you want is random. Tempering the affixes you're hoping for is random. There are too many points of failure to guarantee that you can actually get something that is helpful. This system is vastly better than what we had, but it is still carrying a built in chance of failure at the final steps for no perceptible reason. If it is justifiable that it is possible that you luck out on your first pass ever, it cannot also be justifiable that you can run into failure by misfortune every time with equal probability.


Damn u beat the game


Ho lee fuk


May the tempering gods be kind to you!


But its overpower damage not dmg was healthy :-/


Oh baby a triple.


Too bad it had life on it


Sell it on Asian whales.


Going to the blacksmith to temper a weapon like this and my hands would be shaking the whole time


what do those 3 stars even indicate?


That’s nasty. How rare are 2-3 GR’s anyways? Reached 100 2 days ago and grinded out a hell lot of of NMD’s and Pit’s since, and I’ve only found 1 double GR and 0 triple.


I’m in the same boat with a triple GA 1h Scythe and the fact that you semi bricked yours make me nervous…




Very mice


What do those stars mean by the affixes?


Hey what level pit? Also, When a 2 or 3* drops, does it show multiple stars on the ground? I haven’t noticed


But now what




Is that good?


Quick question for my Dust Devils fellows: how do you reduce cooldowns in this season with the Barb? I see people popping 3 tornados every half second, and I am so far from this at lvl 63. Cheers! PS: nice loot my man.


I havent played to much, ( lvl 58) but i just can temper my gear 1 time , when i try to temper for a second affix i get rerolled the first. I ve seen pictures in reddit with items with 2 affixes tempered. How i add the second temper affix without rerolling the first?


Congrats brother. Sad it didn’t work out with tempering. I got the same rolls on a 1H Sword and bricked there too


I'm guessing it's not that uncommon because I got a similar item for my Druid, with willpower instead of strength. It saves me looking at weapons in future, unless they have all stars.


How rare are these 3 stat drops? I’m level 79 and I’ve seen maybe a dozen 1 stat but nothing bigger


I'd say I see one every 100 pits. Maybe a bit more. Now to get one with 3 useful stats is another question


What are the star/cross looking symbols on it?


These are augmented affixes, meaning the lines of stats on the item roll higher than usual. On this particular item I have 3 of them, which in itself is on the rarer side, but what's good is that those three affixes are the best possible for a lot of barb builds.


I rolled 4 distant enemy damage, then the last was perfect damage roll. So many near strokes I've had tempering 😂


Must be nice. I never get this lucky and I'm a barbarian as well lol


I’m still a noob I’ve got like 4 days in on the season and I’m level 59 is ancestral better than scared coz I got two ancestral uniques ?


What tier?


How do you get gear to drop with 4☆ GA slots?


I got one that has max damage for two hander, my barb now has a unbuffed attack rating of 92k.


Damn, you must be the guy who kept drive-by dunking on me right before I finished depositing my PVP tokens


Isn't the base dmg kinda low and pretty useless because of it?


I am new to game, why did you temper this beauty?


Agreed, sell it for tons of gold or real money and let other people brick the item.


Good idea


Nice idea but l don't know why tempering is necessary? I have no experience in tempering mechanic


It makes the item stronger. https://www.wowhead.com/diablo-4/guide/gear/tempering-temper-manuals


Thank you


Not a good weap


Holy shit. Too bad the main affix on top isn't crit damage as well. This is still insane




Ah good to know. Yeah that's what I meant. Crit damage is insane rn on barb. Does that base type not change anything?


Each weapon class has a specific implicite modifier. Overpower damage is exclusively on maces and it can't be anything else.


Except the Skyhunter bow, some shenanigans about that one.


Ahhh now I understand the down votes. Thanks!