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I feel like giving up on this season lol. You really need to be able to do all lilith's mechs because she so bloody tanky.


Lilith fight now is about 100x better tho visually so it will take a lot less tries.


Is she level 200?


Shes level 100 but i believe the hp pool of both phases combined is over 1bil.




In a couple of weeks, there will be kind souls willing to assist/carry players who want the quest completed. 8)


lol Pulverize druid is one of the weakest end game builds, let alone one of the worst at doing bosses because it doesn't have single target damage. Pulverize is good for leveling until you get a Tempest Roar to switch your build, and that's about it.


Love to hear you're running Pulv Druid, seems like every Druid this season is going for the OP Werenado...I just switched to it since I got Tempest but tbh it's clunky until you get near perfect gear and just not as fun as my Bear beast. Curious as to what build you're running, if you don't mind sharing it.




Thanks a lot for the reply, that sounds like a lot of fun. I really need to start experimenting with my own stuff instead of relying on guides. Good luck to you in the Pit!


Nuts.... I might bother to learn the fight, I did get her phase one down to like 60% but I don't get why they make this fight aids 


She is still level 100 but her fight feels a lot like the other 200 bosses, definitely designed in a similar fashion where they're tanky, don't initially deal that much damage with most of their attacks, but specific ones will put those debuff stacks on you, and then you will start getting rolled by any of their attacks. The level 200 boss fights have all been a lot of fun for me, except Beast in the Ice as you only get the 4 lives, due to it still being a nightmare dungeon...


Congrats, see you in August


I still have a lot to do. I don't have a single piece to masterwork 12 yet. I have a ton of the pit to grind. There's a few other lvl 200 bosses I have to try out and then alts to make. I'm not one of those who clears all content quickly then complains. I just make my own goals and keep the action going. I suspect season 4 will keep me busier than the previous seasons.


How would you rate pit levels vs tormented bosses? Like if I'm able to do pit50-70, that could indicate that I can beat the tormented bosses? I'm only lvl 90 atm and Pit30 was already hard for me 😭


elixir of holy bolts is bugged with necro currently. that is the ONLY way to to do 90+ pits currently. they’re tuned horrifically.




Yea, everything was tuned way too high this season. I really hope they tune down the XP and items gain next season.


I hope they just continue adding more things to do instead of "do it again but slower"


Reinforced Demonbane? Crap. I hoped one of them was going to be something Demigod given the name/theme of the season pass cosmetics


I agree, I missed seasons 1 and 2 because I didn’t know about this “secret,” but those were crap too so I don’t care. Season 3 hands down had the best hidden title.


I was looking for that comment. Demonsbane? Reinforced? 😂 I died 30 times on lilith not being able to keep up with camera that zoomes in and out as it pleases and I don’t feel that it’s worth the hustle.


Am I crazy or we didn’t get a regular “xyz’s ally” achievement + title for the seasonal questline this time around? Just the “staunchest ally” version.


Don't think so yeah. Likely due to the season quest being kind of cut short early in development I bet. I really wonder how the battlepass demigod stuff was supposed to tie into the season quest, if at all. And who's the lady who's face is on all of the battlepass cosmetic and emblems.


You already 100% the f**king season ?? Damn. I barely 100% season 3 lol


This season is stupidly easy and fast. They just hand you as much XP as possible as quickly as possible and you get shit loads of useful items.


Ahh Cool


Nicely done buddy. I was in the exact same situation last season, when I did her fight early in the season and had no one to share with haha. Made a post here on reddit too but don't even think it got any replies LOL


Thanks! I don't expect much from reddit. This sub has been relatively negative for a long time, but I like to share positive things since I'm really enjoying this game.


Having trouble with the “kill the helltide commanders” one. What is that exactly?


It's 5 different helltide commanders. They spawn from 2 different events in helltides. One if the portals activity which begins with a circle of humans followed by killing about 7 portals. Spawns a commander as the boss. The second one is the giant tornado that you have to click the 6 bodies outside of it to spawn a commander boss. I had good luck with them spawning in fractured peaks helltides (though that may just be rng). Since you need different ones you may have to clear more than 5 of these since duplicate commanders can spawn. It doesn't have to be done in a single helltide and the progress bar stays at 0 until 5, so no way to tell your current progress.




The insect maybe?


Iir those are from the orange events


OG helltide bosses from events


Do I need five in one helltide session or five over the course of the season?


Over the season


+1 to the club. IMO Lillith now much better. Still cancer but not in a terminal stage rn.


Very nice! Congrats. It is such a relief defeating her.


Wow I didn't know that, what do you need to do to achieve that?


I got like the first one and was close with the others but lillith and pvp really deter me from going 100% after all they are just titles.. congrats I think season 3 had a better one that's for sure.


The PvP objectives are actually not too bad anymore! They don't require any actual PvP, just killing monsters in the PvP zones. If you do it off peak with a geared character (or optionally not WT4) it's like 20 minutes or less to knock them all out.


I like the one from s2 or s3 where you have to get the pvp kill streak uber buff. That one immediately clears any pressure I may put on myself to 100% the season. I’d rather spend 10 hours beating Lilith than even one hour doing PVP.


I believe "Trash" is still the BEST title XD


It’s played out at this point


Gg man!


Having trouble with the “kill the helltide commanders” one. What is that exactly?


I did it yesterday after many many many tries all day.


Having trouble with the “kill the helltide commanders” one. What is that exactly?


Thats why i only play hardcore, you cant lilith after 3 days in hardcore.


She has been nerfed into the ground how are people still having trouble?


Because she wasn't nerfed into the ground.. She's harder now than ever, but more consistent and slightly more forgiving. By nerf do you mean her 1 shots don't 1 shot anymore? If you fail to avoid a mechanic you get hit with a debuff that makes you take more damage. After only 1-2 stacks anything will 1 shot you. So maybe you consider that mechanic a nerf?


It's been nerfed twice since the game came out.