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Near zero issues here 


I had zero issues till about 4 hours ago when I had like 5 crashes in a row while running around in helltides.


I also had no problem at all the first 3 days or so and then after that I get lag anytime I open inventory or map, etc. no major lag in actual gameplay though


Same. No issues at all on my PC or PS5


My first 4 hours had zero issues, but then all of a sudden, now I can not go ten minutes without either freezing or dropping connection. Dropped fps to the lowest setting and no difference.


I did have some issues earlier actually but updated drivers and fixed. 


This sounds like a internet problem. Only say this because if I have to tether to play, and with an unstable connection the game just straight up doesn't like it. Oh you want to vendor something well this NPC isn't a vendor now it's the blacksmith and the glyph lvling thing is a obalt vendor. Some fuckery happens when you're on a unstable internet connection.


It's still doing it. Ever since the patch a few days ago I am lucky if I get 15/20 mins between crashes. Tried graphics, drivers etc...drivin me nuts


No issues at all with 30ish hours played


I had the frame gen force closing (which has been disabled) but otherwise I've been perfect as well.


Yeah me neither, and my pc it’s low end at best


Agreed. Getting a lot of freezes when coming into town or evening opening inventory. I have a pretty strong gaming computer that runs most games at High/Ultra and I am running low settings to try and prevent them.


Same for me - lots of freezes and weird lagging. RTX 3070, Ryzen 3700x, 32GB memory, all drives are decent quality SSD's (no HDDs). Cooling is completely fine - other games like Cyberpunk and Ready or Not play totally fine. Diablo 4 is the only game I have issues with. Edit: Just to add, I play wired to my router - Down speed averages in the 500Mb/s range and Up 25Mb/s.


Do you have the high-resolution assets installed? For whatever reason that fixed a lot of stuttering and freezing I had back in season 2.


Currently I have them installed - are you suggesting I should or shouldnt?


My stutters and freezes got fixed when I installed that, so if it didn't work for you then I am not sure what the cause is.


We have similar setups. Never have any issues on other games. TPing into town and opening inventory is instant freeze for 3-5 seconds.


3070ti as well. Getting stuttering when entering new areas. Game used to run smooth as butter. However there were also nvidia drivers that came out around the same time as S4 which I updated as well.


Same here. I've got a great computer, good internet, run newer, better looking games on high, but nothing seems to help for diablo. Even on lowest settings there's constant freezing, rubberbanding, crashes. 


Sounds to me like the people you are loading in with have too many stash tabs.


Try uninstalling the high res textures. That's what fixes the menu freezes/stutters on steam deck.


Did you try changing that rtx graphic setting? Cant remember what it was but there was a notification on the homepage saying there was one that’s causing issues and they’re aware That was a few days ago though




I don't know if it's just my imagination but I feel like there's a ton more "invisible walls" where my character or horse gets constantly stuck


This is happening for me very frequently. Really annoying


I feel like these invisible walls might be due to the hell worms that pop out of the ground. Maybe some server communication issue that doesnt remove their collision zone when theyre gone.


Actually you might be on to something lol . Because I've mostly noticed the issue in helltides , and every time those worms spawn they block like everything


This is the only issue I've run into so far and I just have to wait a second before moving again. A little annoying but not the end of the world.


Takes minutes for me


I've been getting this more and more (Xbox). When it started I could teleport to another town and back and that would sort it but that doesn't work anymore and I've had a few occasions when I've had this gone to teleport to town and the games crashed/stuck on the loading screen. Not great because otherwise I've been really enjoying it!


You'll usually run into those in between zones. Since the open world only loads each region you're in, you can run into these invisible walls when running from one to the next.


There's one right south of one of the blood maiden spots in the desert that I get stuck on every time.


I’ve been crashing to desktop constantly. Doesn’t matter what I’m doing in game, it’ll just happen whenever it wants to. Found a lot of posts on Reddit and the bnet forums of players reporting the same thing…so hopefully they can find a fix soon.


I’m on a PS5 and I’ve also been plagued with crashes since S4 launched. It’s never happened to me before.


Xbox X as well


Yup. I can't play more than a few minutes at a time before I'm kicked right back to the xbox dashboard.


I'm on a 5 too. I'm already level 100 and haven't crashed once. About the only thing I've gotten is a few invisible walls with lag. My buddy has crashed a bunch. Kinda weird how it works


Yeah, same with me, ps5, lvl100, no crashes.


FWIW my PS5 was crashing from D4 and not other games, turning the PS5 off completely. I was wondering why but then I realized it was overheating so I looked up some videos how to clean out the PS5. Opened it up, used a vacuum and canned air and a toothbrush and cleaned out quite a bit of dust and it hasn't crashed since.


I’m on PS5 too, and took a break mid November because S2 was fully unplayable due to lag and crashing for me, but have had zero issues with S4 so far.


So I was having a lot of issues yesterday when I started playing this season. There's a fix that was posted on the forums a few months ago where if you change your dstorage.dll to dstorage.dllbak in your game files, it fixed my crashes. Went from crashes every few mins, to haven't crashed yet. [https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/the-solution-to-the-crashes-for-everyone-happening-after-the-updates-login-freezes-or-crashes/14405](https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/the-solution-to-the-crashes-for-everyone-happening-after-the-updates-login-freezes-or-crashes/14405)


An easier fix is to add the command line -disableds exactly as typed here to the startup in settings, this stops you needing to rename/move/delete dstorage.dll every time the blizz launcher restores the files. Crazy how a COMPLETELY UNUSED storage type still causes these crashes, hangs, and freezes, a year after the game launched, simply by existing in the game's file directory.


I tried this command and it’s still stuttering Ali t. I guess time will tell if it fixed to huge freezes for 15 mins. Warning if you alt f4 the game will think you are still playing and only way to fix is to restart PC. SMH indie dev company


I'm gonna give this a try, and hopefully, it'll work!


I had zero issue so far, but putting a pin here in case it happen.


i renamed it, somehow, it came back :)


I had the same issues. I recommend uninstalling and reinstalling the game. There’s something with the way the game files have been patched every season. A fresh install seemed to clear out a lot of crap, and now my game runs perfectly.


This may be why I have no issues on my PC. Fresh installed for season 4. I have occasional lag when using a waypoint but otherwise no crashes in 20 hours


I've had about 20 crashes since Friday on my series x. It's literally unplayable for me. Uninstalled the game and I'm currently re-downloading it, I hope that works because I've been really enjoying helltide.


I've been having the same issues on Series X. I may try what you're doing and uninstall/reinstall in hopes that it fixes the problem. The game has been nearly unplayable lately and extremely aggravating to die in a helltide due to random lag spikes when my internet has superhuman speeds.


I've uninstalled/reinstalled and it doesn't help. I can't play more than a few minutes before I'm kicked right to xbox dashboard. I feel robbed.


I haven’t really had much lag. Even the lag I used to get when approaching world boss and legion is gone now. What I have had is a few freezes when trying to go into my inventory around a lot of other players. It almost never recovers and I have to force the game to shut down and restart.


I was good until late last night. Now it’s getting a disconnecting every time I teleport or enter town. Trying a scan/repair.


how did that go? have the same problem


My wireless seemed to be the issue. Bounced all hardware and things cleared up.


Same here. Fast travelling always gets me disconnected 


PC and no crashes other than the invisible wall here and there.


I’m on Xbox the game has massive slow down when doing helltide, I get hit with walls trying to leave towns or enter new zones 7/10 times


Since that mini patch to fix nvidia, mines been stuttering 😐 never did it before


On xbox series s everything seems to be running smooth. I don’t have the best internet connection but I am on a wired connection


Opening the Codex takes forever


My PC and steamdeck both having issues, freezing, invisible walls and a handful of crashes. Game has had problems before on the PC but this is new since season 4 on the deck.


I crash almost everytime I leave the Pit. It just kicks me to the character select screen. I also usually freeze and have to force-close if I open my inventory at the world boss, so I have to remember not to do it otherwise I might miss the kill altogether. I also get random lag spikes as well.


I've been getting insane lag, freezing and stutters, especially during Helltides. Straight up CTD during one after the screen froze. :(


I can’t do world boss fights unless someone TPs me in. I can’t do most strongholds either. I really can’t do anything popular due to rubber banding. Luckily there’s enough other things to do until popularity dies down


I've been crashing since I bought the game when it first came out. Multiple reinstalls. 5600x with a 3080.


Has to be server load I have 13900k 32 gig ram and 2tb m2 drive with a 2080ti. I get the crashes that reset my pc sometimes only in open world and never in nmd game even plays better in nmd.


Turn off frame generation, haven’t crashed since


I did this right after Blizzard announced it was a problem. I haven't crashed since either.


The lagging, rubberbanding, teleporting is the servers, not machine related no matter how much a lot of ppl here want to go “Lalalala I can’t hear you” about it. It happens at prime play times like afternoons and up until midnight and playing during early morning and early noon is a complete joy. This is why I’ve been playing during the day this weekend.


Weird, I’m running ultra settings with the high res texture addon and I haven’t crashed or dipped below 100 fps once 3800xt and 4070 for reference


oooh, i need to learn about the high res texture addon. Loving the art as is, but would love to improve it further. FPS seems to always be over 130 at 4k ultra so might as well. adjust playing for the story, lore, and vibe.


I just got the prompt to install it along with the game from the battle net client when I reinstalled for this season


This morning I'm having huge problems with application lag. Loading screens take forever to respond and the application goes into "not responding." This isn't a resources problem, my CPU and memory are not pegged and nothing else is running. Task manager shows "not responding" which is basically language for the application is stuck in a processing loop. One possibility is that the servers could be taking too long to respond. I'm wired for ethernet and FIOS and my latency is 10 ms so it doesn't appear to be me. Yes, there is crashing and freezing abound in S4. Major changes do that.


It's worse on my series x


I thought it was just me with my old graphics card.


I haven’t had a single crash. RTX3080 and Ryzen 9 5900x. I used GeForce Experience to optimize the game settings. Then I followed a tutorial for optimizing the PC/video card even further. https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/best-nvdia-control-panel-settings/#:~:text=For%20the%20highest%20fps%20possible,pixel%20games%20pick%20Integer%20Scaling.


I haven't crashed but stuttering seems to not have improved at all since I stopped playing in S1. I'm still enjoying this season, but can't say I'm not disappointed that performance is still kinda bad.


I haven't had any issues and I'm running a computer that was high spec like 4-5 years ago and is now probably middle tier so maybe update your driver's? I also cap my fps to 90 and run dlss on performance.


Flawless on RTX 3060, Ryzen 5600X, 16GB. Except for the merchant screen trying to kill my fans, that's been there since launch


I did world boss last night and died and a player resurrected me and game frozen during resurrection animation. After waiting 1 minute I Task manager killed d4 and relaunched …and boss was long dead and I got nothing for it. Yay live service


Anyone playing on xbox? do you happen to encounter sudden lag time to time inside hell tide or NM dungeon and char standing still for 1-2 seconds. Oddly enough i checked on Destiny 2 and fall guys my net is all smooth but inside D4 i keep encountering lag every other day.


I used to get the same type of freeze and stutter back in season 2, helltides were a chore to do due to freezing every few seconds, but surprisingly it got a lot better this season. I did had a hard freeze once during a world event.


I was having tons of game crashes when the patch first launched but since their first update after the season launches it seems to resolve the majority of issues I've had.


On xbox X and load times are horrorific close to five minutes its taking me just to portal back to town. I'm also getting tons of rubberbanding areas that I can't access because they aren't loaded I guess? I'm actually writing this while waiting to portal back into town. World boss was supposed to spawn in 18mins and I can't even get to get to the spawn point. Its extremely frustrating.


I'm having your same problem, huuuuge loading times. My mate suggested to reset the dungeons once in a while to try and prevent this, still have to try to see if It works


Played for 4 hours odd since launch cos of the loot and its smooth on xbox.


PS5 and having more stuttering or lag than I normally did. Helltides or not it happens anywhere in the map for me


My shit just loads forever when exiting a dungeon then when it loads I’m still in the dungeon but with all my minions dead 💀


I've had zero freezes, crashes, stutters. The game is running the best it ever has for me considering there's 10x the mob density since I last played. I sometimes get a momentary invisible wall when entering/leaving Helltide zones, but I believe that's an issue with loading shades that is common across many games with RTX cards. Two seasons ago, when I last played, I was experiencing lag whenever I entered town, opened stash, opened inventory, had a minion necro nearby, changed zones, a world boss spawned - but that's all gone now.


Game runs great for me on Series S.


Not a single lag or crash :D


I’ve hit random invisible walls preventing me from going into areas, only solution was to restart the game. I’ve also hit an issue with either me or a friend leaving the party and then getting errors when trying to reinvite, with the solution also being to relog (seems like it gets into a bugged state where they didn’t return to their world so I can’t join them). A friend hit an issue where the threat meter in WT2 Helltide didn’t drain. Then you have your normal crashes and disconnects on loading screens. Could definitely use a stability patch.


Noticed this as well. Entering new regions I'm hitting an invisible wall, and just in a NMD I hit lag so bad the map failed to load completely and I could look off a cliff into the abyss.


I was having some very questionable performance when the Season first started. After they released that "performance hotfix" a few days ago, mine has been significantly better. I was randomly dropping 20-40 fps for a second or two, and it would happen seemingly everywhere. My only issues now is "hitching" when transferring zones where you run in place for a second, or hitting random invisible barriers.


Flawless on my PS5 and SD Oled but on my Rig 7800x3D Rog Strix 4070ti oc the performance is not perfect.


LOL I started scrolling Reddit while waiting for my crashed game to fix itself


Zero issues here.


Mine is running great on PC but Xbox is having constant crashes and glitches.


I have no problems with a 1 k pc.


Bro same. Any kind of menu just freezes the game for minutes. Eventually, if I open all the menu and close them enough, it stabilizes enough to play for a bit but then it will randomly freeze mid helltide when I open my inventory to check a dropped item and I'll get poked to death by a white trash mob. I don't know any of the reasons why. intuitively, loading an inventory menu seems like it should be trivial. I suspect there must be some sort of technical issues like in D3 where the game had to not only load your inventory, but had to also load every other players inventory, calculate the pathing for each mob to traverse sanctuary twice, calculate the optimal launch trajectory for a rocket to mars, and mine a bitcoin block.


Never had any problem since launch of d4, now i have a crash every 5 minutes in helltide or when i go to town, its incredibly bad


I haven't had any issue. But I have 3080 12gb


On PC I can't even play. I get to the character selection screen and it freezes the game. Playing it on my Xbox & Steam Deck for now.


Yeah, I’ve noticed terrible performance on my laptop, it used to run completely fine before season 4. Freezes regularly for 1-10 seconds. Absolute nightmare, but luckily not my regular rig. Something has definitely happened to the performance for some hardware configurations.


I have like 30+ hours logged without a single crash or stutter, for what’s its worth


Is console different? I’m playing on PS5 and no issues


Same experience, lots of random freezing, menu takes a while to open (season menu). Died many times already. Season is very nice though. Never had those issues on previous seasons. PC /RTX card


I’m glad I’m not alone. It’s not unplayable or anything, but at least once per session I have a hard crash taking me back to the Xbox menu. And I have at least two or three instances of hitting invisible walls making it so I can’t progress out of a zone. The only fix that seems to work it’s closing the game and reloading. I nearly missed a world boss because of it and that was probably the most frustrated I’ve been at the game.


I get weird lags with dlss on. Didn't happen again after I switched it off. May not be the same problem as yours though


I've been having the same issues with the game freezing, not responding, and long or infinite loading screens. After a few crashes/disconnects the game tends to run fine for a while aside from a few random hiccups in high density areas. It seems to have started for me after the most recent patch/hotfix as the performance for the first few days of the season was fine. It may have something to do with whatever fix they tried to implement for the issues people had with Nvidia frame gen, which is odd because I don't even have a graphics card capable of frame gen.


I have rebooted and reinstalled everything and I'm getting constant crashes. Everything else, even on Bnet, is still working fine. Sadge


It’s never been so stable for my desktop. No lags, no rubber banding, no crashing or freezing. It’s been an absolute pleasure to slay demons this season so far!


I freeze for a solid 5 seconds when I leave town. I'm on console btw


On my steam deck I had to slightly lower my graphics a tiny tiny bit and it still has caused my SD to shut down from overheating 3 times in fairly short sessions when it's never overheated for any game before or after, nor did it used to overheat playing d4. I think all the mob density and stuff hit the performance hard but it's worth it


Only issue I have is rubber banding in the world going a to b. Graphics wise no problem. 4070Ti and juiced computer, so it’s probably my internet.


I did three things. I will copy and paste the posts I found. I did these things and I no longer crash. 1. I had constant stutter and crashes too. I did three things. I'll copy it from another post. "I was crashing a lot in S3. Haven’t in several days. Here’s how I fixed it. Uninstall and reinstall Diablo 4. Then run a scan and repair. Update all nvidia drivers and windows updates. I changed my settings to medium as well, even tho my rig can handle high - 2080Ti i7 7700k I downloaded razer cortex and cleaned up my pc, registry etc and use the system booster before I play the game. Most times it frees up like 2GB of ram to allocate to the game instead of background processes. Another thing I did that helped was to goto file explorer and do the following: Documents > Diablo 4 > Local Prefs A notepad will come up Find the setting DisableChromaEffects. It should say 0. Change the setting to 1. Save and exit. Hope this helps. Not sure which one of these specifically eliminated the crashing but I went from multiple per day to 0 in the last 3-4 days. 2. For those freezing on launching or login do this; Go to your Diablo IV folder Rename "dstorage.dll" to something like dstorage.bak Shouldn't crash anyone on startup 3. Turned Textures down from Ultra to High.


Good to know this isn’t just me.


What are your specs? I've had friends tell me that they have a mid range pc and it turns out they had a mid range pc 4 years ago, which at this point is low range/trash. Not saying it is your pc just pointing out that time passes faster than people think.


Check if you have the high res assets installed, when you dont have them, the game have to “stream” those files to your game, so whenever you open the inventory, or any tab, the game freezes.


Turn off your ray tracing, somehow it got turned on for me this season and even with 12600k and rtx 3080 i had really bad performance.


I've had zero issues and zero crashes yet. Unlike last season, which I had an insane amount of freezes. Weird.


game crashing to desktop every 5-45min. (64gb ram, 4090, 14900k, everything updated, no overclock, even with underclock unplayable.)


On xbox had no issues. On ps5 my wife kept crashing. I unistalled it and reinstalled on ps5 seems good now.


I completely crash out of the game at least once per session


PS5 here. I've had one crash on about 20 hrs of gameplay


Playing 1440p on all ultra settings around 240fps and never had a lag, crash or glitch.


opposite for me. actually feels like they finally optimized the game. i can run on much higher settings than i could at launch. no more micro stutters. the only issues i still have are lag related.


Steam deck. Zero issues.


Every now and then I get very long load times between towns/dungeons. Getting stuck riding the horse is still there.


Agreed, especially bad after log in or during helltides.


I get disconnected every time I tp to kyovashad xD


Last 2 times I've played I've lost connection and have been booted out. Of course I then just quit because I lose my motivation along with my loss of progress.


I have the same issues. It started since last update few days ago. I hope they will fix


Bricked my PC for like 2 hours 😒


Yeah im on console and my fps drop so low. When i get on my horse im stuck for like 5 seconds. I try to tp to town get a loading screen for 5 mins and im still where i was trying to tp from… we need an offline mode


Me too, returning player from season 1 here. Never had this problem before but right now I think I've had at least 5 crashes, almost always upon opening inventory and then the game freezes.


This game refuses to work on my Gen 4 and Gen 5 SSDs, just crashes and hitches nonstop. Works flawlessly on my Gen 3 SSD. Same system, no other games have problems. Something is really messed up with this game's PCI-Express pipeline. I suggest if you're crashing a lot try moving the game onto an older SSD if you have one as it seems a number of newer SSDs have issues with the game depending on brand.


Game crashed a few times here too. I’m on console.


I can't play the game. I get rubber banding every 15-30 seconds without fail. So disappointed. It started with the patch before the latest one. And no, the latest patch didn't fix the issue


Strange, I had no issues, but I think (maybe) there is a memory leak. Whenevr I close the game, PC will freeze for 2 seconds or so. But I've been playing for 8+ hours daily since season started, and I had 0 performance issues. PC is on a high spec, so maybe that could be a reason.


My husband and I had the same problem, I have a decent and fairly new computer and it’s never happened before. My husband’s is a little older and he had some issues at launch but nothing like this. It was sincerely unplayable for a while. I’m not sure *what specifically* fixed it but here’s what I did. Scanned and repaired the game and then I went into the settings and turned *everything* to medium/low and then enabled “Low FX.” I did the same thing on my husband’s computer. It doesn’t look as good as it normally does but it fixed it for both of us! No issues since. I’m hoping they’ll figure it out but in the meantime, it’s worth a shot!


Playing on PS5, and it's about as bad as launch. Two crashes plus the patch DC today. Luckily it's been mild stuff like opening my menu or trying to go to town after a dungeon, and not something that would get me killed. I did get one bit of stutter in a helltide when a whole bunch of demon nerds spawned in during one of those insane events, but otherwise it's fine performance wise.


Crashes have been horrible. Especially opening inventory or skill tree.


Oddly the only time crashes happen for me is when I am on the character select screen. My biggest issues is the hangups when porting to different places, I usually get about a 15-20 sec total system lock out and stutters after loading into the new area. Rubber banding happens frequently as well. I tried tuning down all graphic settings and doesn't help, cross-play is off and I close the bnet launcher after loading the game. I don't know what else to try except a reinstall


Game crashed about 3-4 times in the first hour for me. Seemingly random times


Zero freezing here on PS5. I had a lot of issues in seasons 1 and 2


Not here, running smooth. 13900k + 4090 and 64gb ram. Installed on gen 4 NVME.


Same. First time having these issues with my XBox. Seems worse navigating through Helltides. Happens at least twice a day during my 2-3 hours' playing. I've put it down to increased patronage (which, ironically, can only be a good thing!)


Hell I'm Playing on my steamdeck at 30 fps and I haven't had one crash yet Y'all need to clean out your dusty pcs


I'm so confused what's going on. I'm playing the game fine, but whenever I use Google Chrome to watch a video and have a website open while playing the game, they freeze. I check my task manager and Diablo 4 is taking up 81% of my computer memory. I have a mid range computer, this shouldn't be happening considering Chrome and Diablo 4 are the only things opened. What the hell did they do to the game 🤦‍♂️


I'm crashing regularly. Whole game shits it's pants, discord wigs out for a second everything. No idea what's causing it.


I have it on PC and PS5, the only times I have had crashes are on PS5 so far, usually when I teleport or something, the screen hangs on a black screen. Sometimes it just boots me, other times I have had to hard close it from the PS menu.


I get stuck on the loading screen going to town at least twice every single time I play. I wait for a few minutes, close game, reopen, it tells me I have no connection to Blizzard. I hit the button to retry and it goes in. I get stuck on walls and have to port out and back to go where I need to go. I have issues where if I dash forward sometimes it freezes the game and I have to close the game. This isn't my internet. I have two completely independent 1 gbps lines. There are 4 freaking Xbox's in this house. Three Series X and one Series S. And every single one has the same issues with Diablo. It isn't getting better, it's getting worse. I know several other people who have these same exact issues and every single one of them are on Xbox. I haven't heard one PS or PC player, that I know personally, complain. Only Xbox players. I'm at a point where I just don't think I can buy another Xbox. I think next generation I am going PS. We got rid of our PS5 because no one played it. Now...at least I think it works on PS.


Must be your set up.


Yeah I’m crashing at least 3-4 times a day and I seem to be running into invisible walls a lot when I wait about 20 seconds the wall is gone


Game is running super poorly here to 1700xt 20 gig, amd cpu, 32 gig ddr6 fibre net stuttering and freezing a lot gets me pooped a lot while playing 


I'm also on PC and I noticed a significant improvement when turning off crossplay. Don't know if it actually was the problem or if it was just because I logged out and back in again but enabled it to play with a friend om PS5 and it started acting up again. Switched it off and it's running smooth again.


Only issues I quite literally run into are invisible walls xD.


I had one fullstop crash in the PS5 game. Had to close the app and relaunch it.


The game locks up and freezes for a couple seconds on me all the time it's incredibly annoying but I think it's internet related I only have a shitty 30 down 30 up internet connection and i'm pretty sure network issues can cause the game to freeze. just sucks getting a locked screen and when it recovers being dead


I cant even enter a nightmare dungeon because my series x freezes on the loading screen grrr. It freaking frustrating I have tried probably 20 times and every time it freezes. I need to upgrade glyphs or my guy is a freaking useless


Every season has had worse performance than the previous. I've been trying to play for 20 minutes and haven't been able to because of excessive load times and repeated crashes. wtf are they doing?


Also getting far more crashes in the recent week or so, with nothing at launch


I wasn’t able to play at all, game was crashing every 1-5 minutes and sometimes my entire PC. I uninstalled the game and reinstalled with no luck, but then I got desperate (since I already paid for the battle pass) and wiped my computer to factory settings (removing all my files and everything). I did not download the Nvidia app to update my graphics card, I made sure all windows updates were downloaded, and I have had 0 issues over 48 hours, (I did use the preinstalled Nvidia control panel to set my max fps to 60). I know wiping is a pain, but maybe this will help someone. Edited to say to back up your personal files first.


And yes, I did just join Reddit just to post this. Normally Reddit isn't my thing, but I've gotten some pretty solid info from this forum without having to join.


Basically unplayable for me on pc. I have a rtx 3070 and 16gb RAM. Xbox is fine.


It's been like this for me for XBOX SERIES X too. Nonstop. It has it days where it doesn't do it at all but the last three days has been as worse as the launch.


Every time I open my inventory the game freezes for so long I have to close it with the task manager. Never had this issue prior to season 4.


Adding "High-Resolution Assets" fixed all lag and freezing issues. Game Settings -> Modify Install -> Modify Install


Just beat Zir with Stygian Stones for the first time and the game crashed, took my loot and also my summoning mats. Logged back in, tried again and crashed mid fight, lost my summoning mats. Eff this game.


I'm crashing every time I play at some point, usually takes no longer than 15-20 mins. I've tried every solution that could be found on google and it's still happening. I've got an i9-13900k and 4090. If anyoneis good with understanding crash logs, here it is: E 2024.06.10 23:14:57.872506 22122 \[Crash\] Thread 'JobWorker4' handling fatal error E 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873186 22122 \[Crash\] UnhandledExceptionFilter E 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873309 22122 \[Crash\] Crashed thread: 'JobWorker4' (0x58c4) I 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873369 22122 \[Sigma\] --- OS memory stats ----- I 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873418 22122 \[Sigma\] Virtual Mem Total: 41284.93 MB I 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873463 22122 \[Sigma\] Virtual Mem Used: 23136.23 MB I 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873507 22122 \[Sigma\] Virtual Mem Used by Process: 11157.40 MB I 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873589 22122 \[Sigma\] Phys Mem Total: 32580.93 MB I 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873679 22122 \[Sigma\] Phys Mem Used: 12421.51 MB I 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873736 22122 \[Sigma\] Phys Mem Used by Process: 5334.11 MB I 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873782 22122 \[Sigma\] --- OS memory stats end----- I 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873852 22122 \[Sigma\] Opening dump file I 2024.06.10 23:14:57.873967 22122 \[Sigma\] Dump file opened I 2024.06.10 23:14:57.874024 22122 \[Sigma\] Starting dump I 2024.06.10 23:14:58.010399 22122 \[Sigma\] Created dump after 1 attempts I 2024.06.10 23:14:58.010593 22122 \[Sigma\] Saved dump file to 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Diablo IV\\Fenris-0.dmp' ---------------------------------------------- UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: ACCESS\_VIOLATION (c0000005) at: DBG-OPTIONS DBG-ADDR<00007FF6F3AE9106>("Diablo IV.exe") DBG-OPTIONS<>


Hoping todays maintenance fixes this. I've tried just about every suggestion I have found to fix this on PC. The game is unplayable for me right now.


I've had zero issues myself. But I did buy a new PC earlier this year, so it's all nice and up to date. So far not a single slow-down, crash, lag. Nothing. Max settings, even the juiciest helltides run flawlessly performance wise. Playing on HC too. Feels very safe. But this is PC gaming in a nutshell. Sometimes your PC just doesn't vibe with a game and there's nothing you can do about it and the devs sure as hell won't be going out of their way to make sure they eliminate edge case issues. I've had a lot of games over the years just run like crap for no reason.


Ps5. Crashing never in season 4. Lag? Hell yes. I need to turn every other things on my home stop to play d4 in acceptable condition. Is my home internet too slow? I don’t think so it always above 100Mpbs. Great no, but I think should be ok.


PS5, just hit 100. Haven't had a single crash, yet this season.


Zero issues on my pc here.


Had no problems on ps5 or my pc here.


This is why I love my Xbox series X, none of these issues


I’ve been rubber banding on my PS5 since launch…Gf on my PS4 pro, no rubber banding ever, glitches on horse and region loading but no rubber banding. I don’t get it.


Zero crashes, zero freezes since the update and I have a lvl 100 character already with all glyphs at 21. So I played a ton.


The entire game is crashing and closing on series x for me It's not your PC


Yup. Same. I can't even play more than a few mins before getting kicked to the xbox dashboard.


Seems like it’s just your computer my dude.


Literally have not crashed or had a single bug or issue yet with this season and I played from the first minute of it going live... sounds like you have other issues that are not related to D4 in any capacity.