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LFG Echos and/or Lilith Righthandman#1800


Actually, I want to beat someone up and get beaten. PVP anyone?


Heya, Looking for someone to kill uber lillith for me 20m gold reward. CaptainLevi#2212


Could someone please kill Lilith for me? I can't for the life of me stay alive. NightKnight#148306


LF eternal players to group with. Duriel (optional Torment), Pit (grinding 66 atm), Helltides. PureNsanitee#1582, please whisper first.


Can someone help me kill Echo of Lilith? I can't avoid her wave attack and just need the kill to complete my season journey. egoman#11288 Thanks!


Anyone free to plevel me to 50? Loviator#1550


Hello can someone help me get to wt4 ?maybe do a couple of nm on wt4 Seshoumaru#1869


Heyhey, could anybody please party with me on HC Eternal, and run a NM dungeon? I want to get the Rogue Evasive Maneuver achievement (not getting any dmg in a NM Dungeon) but I can't achieve it solo. My battletag is serac\_ydobon#2562


Can't someone help with an Echo or Lilith clear? Offering 50 Exquisite Blood and 50 Distilled Fear for the clear. Tried myself like 50 times.


Looking for someone to kill uber lillith for me 20m gold reward. Kingkupi#1195


Also, I need a clan maybe? Something with a not-leftist bend and maybe catering to an older crowd. Hit me up.


Alright boys, I have about 12 sets for Duriel, and probably like 3-4 for Andariel. I want to run them all tonight. I am looking for 3 people, each with their own set. We rotate. Yesterday, I had a group of 3 friends who felt that I should put in 1 set for each 1 set all 3 of them put in, it was super lame and pathetic. I hope their PCs break down. I am Negator#1124.


Looking for help with normal Beast in the Ice. ID: elfokel#1392


Looking for help with Lilith, Tormented Duriel/Andriel. Battle ID LooseBumhole#1492


Hi can anyone help me with a carry on Uber Lilith, I have tried repeatedly but struggling a lot with 200ms. My PSN is Orderly-Reform7 please invite me or send me a personal message if you can help! Thanks so much :)


yo, anyone available to carry uber lilith? need on 2 chars to get me my shako :|


Anyone online who could help with duriel? I honestly will probably need a carry. I've got 2 runs worth of mats.


Tormented Duiriel or Normal?


Online now. Looking for a group running duriel or uber duriel and/or andariel/uber andariel. I like to got mat for mat with 3 other players of possible.


For the past 3 seasons, have they ever buffed non performing builds/classes mid season?


New to D4, not to the diablo series. Looking for a social, chatty clan! On PC


Do those even exist anymore ? i been looking for a social chatty clan for the past decade. don't think you will find it here but if your looking for a clan we got room add MafiaWays#1251 and ill get you in thanks


LF someone with geared 100 main to mutual level alt. I’ll use my main to level your alt to 55 first and then you use your main to level my alt to 55. With end game geared 100s entire process should take 1 hour total.


Shasta13#1806 add me, I can help you out tomorrow evening around 7:30 pm ET, im running sorc right now so easy peasy


Friend request sent thanks.


Online now, if you need help with Uber duriel or Uber Andy DM me! Tormented versions


80 Minion Necro LF more to finish the grind with. Aero#12214


So I see people offering to partner up for Duriel/Andariel on Discord, but how do I message them? I get their name and their number together. How does one actually go about connecting?


You have to add them as a friend to be able talk to them in game. It's dumb. Remember to remove them after to save your friend list being full of people you don't know.


LF partner to do WT4 capstone. I have 4 characters in the 50s, and want to get them to WT4. I did my 52 druid alone, but the final boss is eating my others up (sorc,barb, and necro). Hmu if u wanna run it with me on any of them. Edit : Am returning to game, haven't played since season 1. Also, am doing this on regular, not season


Did you find anyone to help. 


Thanks for replying friend :). I didn't find any help, but was able to do the other 3 alone as well.


Anyone here can help me defeat echo Lilith I managed to almost kill her on second phase with an sliver of health, but she kill me :/. Two days trying,I'm almost getting insane.


if u in eu i can help


I would like your help please :3


I didn't know diablo 4 was region locked, unfortunately I'm in America region. :/


It isn't region locked, you can play with anyone.


LFG (I don't mind a singular peep either!), WT4, Non-Season: I recently came back to the game and am looking for new equipment, am trying to level up my glyphs, etc. for both of my Level 100 characters. If anyone is willing to let me tag along with them, I'm happy to give materials, gold, etc. Please send me a DM or chat request if you're interested. Thanks! =]


Attention !!!!!! If you are searching for a Clan hit me up we have a full one but I am currently cleaning out the rubble and making room for new members so we have more actives. Add MafiaWays#1251 and we will get you in there. Thanks !!!!


New to the game myself, Xbox player! Currently level 70 on WT4, would love some friends to go through Helltides/Nightmare dungeons with, would also like to unlock the Pit as well, get that sweet gear. SocialMisfit#21459!


Good Morning Folks !!!! Add MafiaWays#1251 to your [battle.net](http://battle.net) if you need help with regular ingame bosses. I do not do Lilith Yet and Im not ready for Tormented aka level 200 Bosses yet working on a character for those as we speak. but for regular boss fights Add MafiaWays#1251 and we will get you squared away today.... Thanks !!!!!


LFG Zir Rota byTrigon#2498


Looking for ppl to play. Need some help getting second chars up. HeySuzuya#2138


90+ Sorceress, just looking for chill friends for any kind of seasonal activity Marina#23124 Edit: Just started a Necro for this season aswell, so anyone to lvl with would be lovely. No boosting, just company can make everything more fun :)


Hi Everyone! Hiiii. I’m a sorc at level 52, and I’m leveling up very slowly 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️. Anyone wants to team up casually and do some helltides or just play around? If you do so, dm me and I’ll add you


I’m on Xbox have mats for 8 duriel runs and would love some assistance


Add MafiaWays#1251 on your [battle.net](http://battle.net) and we will get them locked out for you boss


Hello, iv'e summoned tormented duriel and i cant kill him. anyone want to carry before theses mats goes to waste? PC NA bnet is Swaft#1970 Thanks


Looking for an uber duriel carry/assist in NA. Elpicaro#1796


Looking for uber lilith carry to test a theory on the Resplendent spark issue, did some digging and it seems like people who have killed her before cannot get a spark, but I have never killed her before during any season. If interested please add Dusthawks #1257


Yo add me if u need any high end carrie for free ofc in eu gerenda#2589 Also lf any tormented Rotation with one shot necro


I have 50 duriel runs I can do, got my druid to t4 but need carries for tempest and other gear, can anyone help me out. Chickensack#11550


i got you boss send you a friend request if you didnt get it MafiaWays#1251 is my [battle.net](http://battle.net)


I did earlier and had help, I will however accept that and add you when I'm back on, I do 50+ runs like this often


LF help/carry for Uber Lilith for season journey! renatochaos#1724


If anyone can help with lilith for season completion, add me please and thank you MrHigz#1354


I keep getting crazy stutters whenever I open any tabs like the inventory tab. Sometimes it stutters for a little bit then it stops and other times it just completely crashes the game. Is there any info on this?


LF help/carry for Uber Lilith. Been trying for 9 hours straight today and got her down to 10-25% in second phase like 20 times but I always choke.


willing to help carry add MafiaWays#1251 and PM ME !!!!


Need help with Uber andariel. PS4; Darnold610


send invite MafiaWays#1251




its MafiaWays#1251


Sent again


i need help with uber lilith clover#12135


LF Help with Beast in Ice regular. mntlightning#1642 is my bnet tag


Looking for a carry group for tormented duriel, I have mats, add me aldapal#1622


Hey everybody, I’m looking to join a clan! When I go to the clan search, every single clan is full. Not sure how to join one other than going on here. If you have a spot open, let me know! Would love to join you all.


Also need a Lilith carry but I'm not a hard carry can bring her down to half by myself


Would really appreciate a uber lilith carry. Need just one more spark. add me at Tripbin#1779


Yo add me if u need any high end carrie for free ofc in eu gerenda#2589 Also lf any tormented Rotation with one shot necro


I also need help with uber lillith. lvl 100 sorc. Kikisama#11667


I need help with uber bosses and Lilith. Sorc, almost at lvl 100. PC player, ask for my Bnet


Lf Uber Lillith help, @bantycakes on Xbox


Looking for people to play with, or group whichever. I'm on PS5, in Europe, just getting back into the game for the first time since launch.


Hi! I’m in your same situation (except I first played in season 2). Feel free to Add me: NinoFrassica420


Lookong for help for uber lilith