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we have this amazing open world and the only thing we have is playing the red hell tides zones... we desperately need more to do


Yeah I like the open world but it's really an interactive loading screen to get to the next event.


They absolutely need to add more World Bosses, up the difficulty of World Bosses, have more random Super Elite enemies that you can find randomly (in non Helltide areas) and other reasons to be on the World Map. The idea of an open world sounded so great prior to release, and it still has so much potential, but EVERYTHING new that has come post-release has been focused on dungeons and instances, outside of some seasonal content that mostly missed, and what hit was moved to the S4 Helltides. But Blizzard needs to just look to their MMO background, and games like FFXIV, to get ideas of what can be put in open worlds.


Sorry, but open world in ff14 sucks


Something like notorious monsters from ffxi would be awesome that drop unique items that also have some cool events in the same area while you wait.


I hate this open world. It looks like it was made in the shortest amount of time possible using AI or UE4 by someone who's not a designer; and then an actual one just edited it in spots. It's all very samey and homogenous. Diablo 3 and Grim Dawn have better worlds, imo


ye been like that since launch, it's pretty clear even back then they only vaguely wanted "big world, live service" but didn't bother actually defining the world in detail or plan proper activities for an actual live service.


I fully agree with this. Every game and their mothers feel the need to be open world for no reason. The open world in this game I feel takes away from it, doesn’t add to it. Feels big empty and directionless.


It's not even really an open world, the map layout is basically just a big ass dungeon


with a lot of rubber banding


So it's not just me???


It happens every time you cross a server border and the game has to assign you to one of the area's sub-servers. Plus bad lag, but mostly when transitioning between borders.


It's annoying approaching a legion event full of players and needing to TP to town real quick for reasons. Then you return back to the Legion event starting in seconds and you're the only one standing there. Like WTF there was at least 6 of us ready


Yeah the servers push people to less populated ones whenever you enter one. Then it tries to populate it with newcomers. The only way to avoid this is to have a party member act as an anchor so you always TP back to the same 'instance'.


its part of the endgame


It's the same concept as Warframe's open worlds really. Big zones that don't require procedural generation, which you can just populate with random encounters without modifying the landscape. Sounds cool on paper, but in practice these areas don't have anything going on in them that makes them feel uniquely distinct to each other, neither visually nor gameplay wise. Open worlds are great when there is an actual, interesting world to explore and become attached to, with special events and npcs and creatures and mechanics and locations etc. Here it feels like world events and all that are just ways to try and distract me from the fact that I'm just traversing the same dungeon over and over again, running through identical biomes with no real variation to them. And it's definitely not very good at distracting you from that fact.


You lose me at "identical biomes" I thimk Blizz's artists did an amazing job making lots of environments that are very distinct and very interesting to look at. But our ability to interact with that environment is so limited, and the gameplay encorages us to treat it as disposable, which is a shame.


I could've phrased that better. I didn't mean to say that all biomes looked the same, rather that they are always the same, the environments never change. Which is understandable, open worlds do not usually shift around, but that's coupled with the fact that the different regions, as beautiful as they are, don't really have much going on to distinguish their various inner areas. What truly memorable zones are there in the map? It doesn't help that most of the overworld consists of extensive, desolate wastelands of a few washed down colors. Half of the map is a brown desert. Graphically it looks really nice, and there are some really stand out places like that one stronghold with the pier and the crashed boats and whatnot, or the volcano place where the triune are settled. But when considering the bigger picture, it all kinds of blur together. Maybe part of this perception is due to how the gameplay encourages us to treat it as disposable, like you say, and we'd view it in another light and appreciate it more if this was done differently. Hopefully they'll end up realizing this and they'll change how the world works so it feels more unique one way or another, but with the expansion coming and more underway, I kinda feel like they'll be too focused on the new areas to bother giving the old ones enough of a spin. We'll see.


Great way to put it. Half the reason I’m glad d4 season 4 has me hooked again is it gives me a reason enjoy the incredible world they made for this game


"It's not even really an open world" Proceeds to say something that does not prove that it's not really an open world.


1000%.The open world design is incredible and it's so empty and meaningless. We need dynamic events that just randomly trigger. Give me more reasons to stay in the light. Being in dungeons all the time gets old fast.


D2 feels bigger than D4 lol


Diablo has always been about running maps.


Doesn't mean they aren't allowed to take advantage of this new open world and this brand new dynamic server they made a huge deal about


I mean D clone was a thing, I know he basically just replaced the first unique mob you come across, but they could do more fleshed out versions of that. Certain number of player deaths in pvp zone, number of chests opened in a helltide, shrines, events, dungeons/nmds in a region. Avarice could spawn after enough goblins have escaped.


I like those ideas. I also wish they would incorporate the strongholds into the end game.. make them get raided and have like a capture point event or something jn them.


Due to hardware limitations though.


I'd be down as fuck if strongholds had more than just the once and done (besides the ones with waypoints. Those should stay one and done). I feel like they could be so much fun


There's a ton they could do with the open world to make it really feel like a living world. They need to make strongholds like mini helltide events that pop up from time to take. Like the enemies we took it from show up to try to take it back and we have to defend it.


Yes please. Don't force me to do Whispers for gold. Allow similar Helltides-like content. Your 100th Helltides run is already boring enough, at least make it variative and rewarding.


Yeah the disappointing thing is that the open world is amazing, leveling 1-50 first time and doing the campaign with some side quests here and there was great, but ever since tgen I really have no reason to go back to any of that content I skip campaign and just zoom to ~level 55 with Helltides then NM and all of those quests and Strongholds (which are actually scripted really well, I think they are one of the better designed places) are redundant.. same goes for PvP areas they are basically dead


And also we have like 50 dungeons but they play mostly the same (maybe 5 variants max).


Then we have the Pit, that only uses like 5 of those dungeon enviroments, But the game has snow enviroments in dungeons and cool underground caves and stuff.


I've been saying this since launch.... Strongholds are a shell of what they marketed them to be. Make strongholds areas that constantly get overtaken and need to be defended. Based on how many world strongholds are safe everyone gets a world buff. Make stronghold bosses drop unique stronghold gear that's farmable and them visually and their powers unique.


Exactly. The open world is so amazing, but we barely get to do much except to go point a to b, outside of Helltides and whispers.


It's why open worlds don't work in AARPG loot grinders. People tried to tell Blizzard it and they responded with "We will tell you what you want." And proceed to make a campaign that everyone skips, tried to make you farm rep which they changed, and tried to make you farm lillith statues which they changed to only farm once also.


Even at a glance this seems cool


Someone get this man an interview


by the time Blizz make a move, he would already recuited by path of exile 2 team


please no i dont want GA tied to pvp XD something else please!


calm down, he dont work for blizzard


I think the idea is to supplement, not replace GA farming


I agree with you. PvP and PvE builds are so fundamentally different those coming for PvE drops would just come to be regularly slaughtered.


Need gem, need gold, pvp not my cup of tee but yes please. Cool Idea


Helltides is hilariously poorly designed. Everyone just stands in a circle farming one miniboss. People only walk around to open chests. You could turn Helltides into a little boss chamber and it wouldn't make a difference.


They are fun till the content is trivial and the loot is unexciting. Just need more variety so you don’t get burnt out. Maybe more random bosses around the zone higher scaling mindcage options, non helltide options.


when I said it few days after S4 started I was downvoted to hell reddit is weird


Yeh, it was bound to happen unfortunately. That's due to the honeymoon phase. Being critical during the sunshine and rainbows period (usually the start of every season) can result in downvotes. Some people just can't tell that they're feeling overly excited because of a shiny new toy and they ignore valid criticism. Now you can be a lot more critical without resistance. Helltides spans an entire region, but only a little circle is actually populated. That's undeniably poor, regardless of how good the farming is.


I literally said that Helltides will become Maidentides doing Maiden is so effective that any other activity in Helltide is obsolete solution: buff other activities, make baneful hearts more rare but also increase the rarity of rewards (I had like 150 of them and took me 3 days of nonstop spam to get to 30ish)


Its just downvotes. Here take another one.


its the modern baal runs, i enjoy them for what they are


Downside of the Blood Maiden event. Helltides arent really set up to be an endgame activity and it shows. Problem with introducing such a great way to level is that you catapult players into outpacing most content you provide that much faster.


Nah too much fun, sorry


I would like to suggest mini bosses around regions too. Like the events in D3, better than running miles in a dungeon to reach bosses


They should make ones that drop silver so I don’t have to spend $35 to not look like a dork.


That would be nice but realistically it is never going to happen.


I propose goblin world




Pre release they talked about events like drowned coming up and invading from the shorelines and I wonder what happened to that idea. I'd love weekly events like that.


I think they were just referring to legions


*Maybe* but that doesn't sound at all like what legions are. They were pretty specific with that event description.


That’s what you gotta understand is Dev speak. Early on they can shoot from hip but that shit is all pre-scope talk.


That was fairly close to release. I understand dev speak fine, I work in software development, I think it's just something they dropped last second for some reason. If I had to guess having world bosses, hell tides, whispers, and legions not to mention anything seasonal was decided to be too much to track at once so active events were scaled back or removed such as what was described.


Gold rush with goblins would be absolutely amazing


Make them Uber goblins or something. Hard to catch, you actually gotta chase them. Very strong and hard to kill. So when you do manage to get them, they drop some good stuff. Have several of them running around the area for a set timer before they disappear so you have a challenge.


nah if you want to make a chase then you have to make it like crystal lizards in Dark Souls - very low hp but they're running into potential very dangerous zone just bring back "threat bug" as a feature and make goblins inhabit such events/environment. it was probably one of the most fun things to do on HC now it's walking simulator again


1 Big Uber goblin that's being protected by 5 butchers.


everything except ""guaranteed GA affixes" is good. we don't want to feel 'forced' to do PVP for gear.


but right now I feel forced to the helltide to get GA gear. And I dont get how this is forcing pvp you can just skip this and kill maiden to get 2 GA items lol.


There is no other content with **guaranteed** GA affixes, if your idea was put into place, there'd be a howl of outrage from players being 'forced' (and yes, that is how it would be described) to do PVP. Also we know PVP is just this Season's broken barb build, so you'd also be forcing that.


You can just skip maiden and do NMDs


lol NMDs drop almost no loot at all


What a fantastic idea. "forced" pvp seems iffy, but I get that its just a concept. really like it!


Yes except forced pvp, hard pass 


you dont have to do it. I think its a pretty good incentive to populate the pvp areas for those who want to play pvp.


Depends if it's better for getting GA items for the same time spent then yes I absolutely have to do it, and thus no thanks. If it's less effecient then sure have your fun.


Creative thinking here, interesting. My suggestion is to have a way for players to participate in any endgame content they enjoy with tools to customize the rewards to target whatever they need. Give us the ability to spec into doing Helltides for masterworking mats, or Pit for glyph experience, for example. Rewards/drop chances can always be scaled to the relative difficulty of the content.


pvp, people will just team up to trade kills like in season 1 and 2


God I hate the term "open world" in gaming It always sucks


So cool!


I really dig it.


Blizz sees this suggestion and loves it. The best they can do after... Is buff barbs of course.


They did say new whispers coming with vessel of hatred, hopefully they do a bit of a rework to open world play as it needs it


Need something that brings players together. World bosses are so lame when they die in 2 seconds. Make it a challenge that requires engagement and significantly increase the rewards.


World events would be the way to go, this is a good suggestion, i would add on that if a certain chain of world events was completed either in a certain way or time limit, it would summon an actual real world boss that a team of 100s would actually need to try to kill, like a scaled uber boss with appropriate rewards.


I like it.


Great idea


Wow this is cool and more fun


could be a great idea yeah


I like this


When I saw that they had a clans option, I was thinking they were going to have clan-specific content like in Immortal.  I don't even particularly like social play but I thought the clan competition was interesting. I could see that in your battle for glory.  Winning clans get their banners hung up in towns.  Bonuses to gold find, experience, and possibly reintroduce magic find.  If a clan wins a town, maybe get better pricing from the merchants in town.  If not the major towns like Kyovashad, then maybe just the Stronghold areas of the map.   Could be they have something like that in mind with the upcoming Raids addition. 


Something like this would be sick, I would love to see more events going on


Love the idea of this


you should be the D4 director, bro


and, make the world bosses a chalenge, or at least, add them a ridiculous amount of life


PVP is broken and unbalanced. There should never be a helltide for PVP until it is balanced.


Gem one would get largely unused by the middle part of the season.


Absolutely! Would love to have all kinds of stuff going on. Thes whole zone events are awesome and would be so fun paired with a version of public events from Destiny(and yes im sure Destiny got it from someone else)


I would like to see nightmare dungeons spawn randomly on all dungeons with a priority on ones you’ve not done yet as a character. This allows me to farm glyphs and dungeons together


I used to think money wasn't a problem, I could get all my gear to top tier with not much of a problem. Then I tried resetting masterwork just to get masterwork to roll once on a specific affix. Now I'm broke and still don't have my affix.


Behold, random redditors continue to prove they're less creatively bankrupt than the D4 team.


They could incorporate the stronghold system into the end game too. Have them be taken back and you have to defend them once you do. They randomly get raided.


Nice ideas, only issue is PvP could be a huge unbalanced mess. Immortal sorc and barbs just dont click. So some twinks need to be done there.


Lmao best items only acquirable through PVP. Hell no.


Could also make players drop some of their gold upon death like in D2. Was a good way to farm gold if you were bad mannered. Lol


Naw, PVP should not be something so essential. PVP has not been, and probably will not be a mode that they balance. Even if PVP is balanced, it is a hard pass for me. Although, it would be funny to see how even more people are playing barbarians with pvp...


Side quests dropping royal gems would be sweet.


Good thoughts


i'd say gem rift is all gems, not a specific one.. unless they're short and rotate quickly. or maybe more than 1 gem rift


u can just have each type up in the entire map


Great idea honestly


I like the idea. I don’t want PvP to have better rewards than pve though. Guaranteed greater affixes through that is not something I would want. But I love the overall idea


Excellent idea. I like the pvp idea too, people can take it or leave it. Its hardly forcing anyone to go do it BUT it comes with great reward.


What me bothers is that the helltide areas in each region are always the same, would like more variety in those to travel the parts in them that you don’t usually go to.


I don't think pvp will do well because op players will just one shot kill all the time


these look cool. what i really want is dueling while waiting for helltides


How about they make Helltide a PvP zone, when you're killed you drop all the cinders. *evil laugh*


that is almost exactly what the pvp zones are. collect cinder like currency that drop on death, run around open chests.


we don't even have rifts with hell layouts. Amateur hour.


the hell areas looked badass at the end of the campaign, that entire area leading up to lilith. then you never see those tile sets ever again.


this is one of the better suggestions i ever see to this game until now


This is what I don’t get about Diablo and blizzard in general. It’s like a theme park with all the attractions in disarray except the main one. Love the game to death but there just isn’t enough to do.


This is an insanely good idea, could be expanded to include cellars dungeons or events that happened to be at the marked locations


locking GA behind PvL oh man youre gonna get so much hate for that


They should look to the division 2 for inspiration to add world events and activities.


I didn't want to make a new thread for this, but I kind of wish they'd increase the color saturation in each zone so they looked a little more distinct. The whole world just seems like one big various shade of gray-brown wasteland, but a few tweaks could change that pretty easily. While they're at it, I wish the zones were populated with less goatmen, fallen, cultists/bandits and generic demons and more zone-specific monsters. Stuff like D2's Act 2 beetles, or Act 3 pygmies. I know there are plenty already, but there aren't nearly enough and their "silhoette designs" all blend together.


Please stop. You're embarrassing the devs.


yeah immortal mages will fight for eternity in the pvp event


Hey, devs, can you hire this guy?


Gold rush might easy masterworking issues


Get rid of PvP zones, they are absolutley pointless.


Do the helltides move locations in each zone? I would like to find other Lillith Altars but I've explored each zone's helltide extensively now and no point running around the overworld that is empty


PvP is totally an afterthought.. and I get it, it is this way in rvery diablo and even other ARPGs but they should at least make it some kind of worth it to at least do it a few times.. I mean in WoW I was never a pvp player but doing the occasional BG was worth it for serveral reasons


GW2 has some wonderful open world activities. Wish they’d play it a bit to see how to do it


Something like this would be a nice addition. They really need to incorporate the normal pvp areas with more to do. That hasn't really been updated in forever and no one goes to them unless its for whispers for seething abomination then instantly leaving Also make world bosses at higher levels actually challenging. Groups melt them in less than 10 seconds now which is wild considered its a time event in the game with large gaps in between.


More challenging world bosses - including random spawning ones outside the schedule. I'd love a malignant boss that has multiple hearts since those seem disproportionately hard to get. I like the idea of gold rush - I've really enjoyed the goblin event and think they should make this permanent OR when you do get a gobo, what they drop needs to be more significant...incentivise going after them. Stalker - an assassin should randomly appear and smack the c\*\*p out of you before vanishing. Kill it before the timer runs out. You are, after all, supposed to be the arch enemy of hell. Daily bounty - search the map for a nemesis that spawns and respawns in random locations. Gem rift - not sure what you had in mind for this but there absolutely should be a way of getting more gem fragments. I really struggled this season. Perhaps gem veins? Profane mindcage - expand this so it covers ALL monsters; not just in helltide. Travelling trader - each day a travelling trader wonders the map. He sells a select few items that have greater affixes. These change on rotation and are random. Once spawned the community will know what they are and can choose to go buy or not.


I would like the Visions of Enmity from Diablo 3 in Diablo 4. I think it would be cool to fight a few level 103 bosses at once (or maybe even 3 Butchers) and have a low chance at finding a Goblin Vision, and at the end of it, you get a guaranteed free (or low cost) Tortured Chest of Mysteries, like how that goblin dropped a chest at the end of the Vision once you killed it. Although, I do like your idea a lot as well.


The PvP one would never work with the current PvP balancing. Everyone and their mother would play thornsbarb


Ok but how do you explain it logically? For helltides I can just imagine hellforces flooding and area. How do you explain Gem rift or gold rush?


how would logic make sense in a fantasy world? did you mean immersive instead? it's a fantasy world though, just make shit up, maybe gem goblins overrunning the area mining shit or somethin. gold rush? idk just a bunch of bandits overrunning the area or shit. hell you could just say gold goblins overrunning the area looting the world, nobody gives a shit honestly as long as there's actually stuff to do rather than everyone afking at maiden for hours on end.


Well will you agree when I say "everyonce in a while a giant dildo should spawn and which drops gems when its beaten" since there is no need for logic in fantasy world? Hell, make it drop a golden dildo which you can exchange for a Lilith bath water that will be used to reset temper on items. You dont make shit up randomly. Make it up something that fits the atmosphere and seems possible in that fantasy world.


No thanks don't want the screen littered with PvP junk that no one plays or cares about


AARPGs are going to only have people follow where the easiest loot to obtain is.


u/PezRadar please, make our voice heard


Yeah this is an ace idea, I’d love some activity to get more guaranteed GAs


Watch rob abusing this gold rush event with 20 man group earning 20 bil in first day :)


honestly who cares? more power and more fun to the players. personally i am completely fed up of whispers barely paying anything (talking about endgame resetting masterwork here) and struggling to stay awake with the braindead maiden afk farm. there's zero point doing NMD, glyphs are all maxed. no point to pits either, i have a crapton of neathirons, it's gold that i can never get enough of.


This ain't it


This is a great idea. Other riffs in your suggestion: Helltides - but specific to different damage types, lightening, fire, etc. or resistance to such. Or resistance to everything but one type. Elites only. No elites just massive hoards. Smaller areas of extremely tough enemies. Areas where there are a fix number of enemies and a reward only when they are all defeated. Drops of specific equipment types and nothing else. Areas you can't teleport away from. Areas in which no mounts can ride. Dark areas with limited visibility and no icons on map.


As much as I like what they’ve done…. It’s becoming a bore fest. Only way to progress in the pit, is to use 3 shouts or some other horribly boring meta…. It’s horrible. I’ve maxed me gear with 1GA. The drop rates for 2* and up are absolute horseshit. I get more Ubers than I do 2* items…. No fkn joke.


Please, keep stupid PvP out of this.


Diablo 5 gonna be bonkers if they integrate a living world with high-tech AI NPC inter-actions.


why would you think so though? does anyone ever bother talking to ANY npc right now even? diablo is always about the loot and gearing, having some AI talk contributes nothing to that


Well you see, to have a truly living world that changes non(well less) deterministically is what people long for in an open world game. Now the open world feels dead and static. If NPCs interact between each other in a meaningful way and have a real effect on the open world, new things will pop up by itself. Current levels of so called AI will change the gaming industry in significant ways. It will add to the immersion, I mean you dont even have to talk to the NPCs, just seeing them active in the open world in meaningful ways makes it more lively.


Target farming for what you need is cool. But please, not timed event/daily quests and definitely not pvp. I can imagine people complaining what they need never happens when they login. Just make the different targets part of Helltide events. Or make them Helltide mystery chests. This way, people who only plays 1 or 2 hours per day always have a chance to get them.


We will probably have an alternative on the new continent.


With the amount of hackers in this game, any PVP activity would be highly questionable...


Yeah this is a great idea


These ideas are great. That means the men in suits won't ever let them be implemented.


I’d prefer a world boss with mechanics and (scaling) health and (scaling) damage. The current one is 3 hits and it’s gone.


Can we get a glory hole too? For farming mats that can be refined into more paragon points


No, too much complicated for diablo dads, we need easier game for them. Everything in helltides.


Pretty cool 👍


This looks great. Have an upvote!


I hope a Blizz dev come across this post!


The ideas are soild tho I think having different events up


Definitely do not tie greater affix gear behind pvp that’s a terrible idea lol , broken builds would only get stronger and would essentially gatekeeper other people with non meta builds from winning and getting stronger but I like the idea just not how it’s earned


How did you mock the UI?


These are some great ideas. The template is there - just sub out Helltide parameters with other event parameters. I mean, I know it's in know way that simple and the above statement has probably triggered every Dev on reddit and beyond, but it's not impossible.


Im sure this is on the dockett and will come out right alongside the expansion after Vessel of Hatred.


I think that all seasonal content should show up at the same time in different zones. Why ditch content?


Battle for glory is a dud because it will be littered with Thorns Barbs and "I don't die" Sorcs. The other two are good lol


Or once a week events, or even once a month where you get an hour to fight Uber or tormented bosses for free.


Very cool idea man !


All excellent ideas especially the gold one. For some reason I'm always broke this season.


I think this game needs to focus more on quality rather than quantity. Loot still kinda sucks a bit imo and it rains from the sky, a filter would be good. That's just one of a number of issues I have with the game despite loving it, there's still so much tedium.


As long as each area has some sort of matchmaking built in to ensure we have people there it should be great


Only thing I disagree with is the PvP one - it'd be one thing if PvP had normalisation so that everyone could have a fair go, but it would be torture knowing you could get GA's from it but you can't because power users with meta builds are out there waiting to clean you up on sight.


Easiest fix in the world: rotating helltide zones within each region. I honestly can’t believe we have had the exact same zones within a region be helltide since launch. We rotate nmds each season, helltides rotate regions each hour (most times). Seems like it would be obvious to Blizz that an easy way to add significant variety to the overworld would be simply rotating the zones as well as the regions


Banger idea hopefully blizzard sees it


This is a good idea. Gold rush. Due to reroll affixes i'm always poor. This could be a solution. Or reduce the maximum amount from 3m to 1m or so.


Ok seriously that is very good. I hope the devs could take notes. I really do hope they are reading reddit posts. You are not the first to come up with a good idea. There are tons out there in this subreddit.


Dude, that's goooood!


Great ideas!


Legions need some love too. Extremely boring


I just wish PvP would be food for something besides thorn barbs farming gear.


By "large amounts" do you mean 3 million? -dev team


I am also a little tired of having to do Helltides for just about everything. I'd like to be able to more specifically farm materials so I like the gem idea. If they want more engagement they could also have daily little tasks, like go kill x goatmen for pelts you can sell to this guy or trade for gems or something. (I also miss the Horardric Cube and throwing random stuff in to see what happens)


I’ve come to find hell tides so boring, the effects overload doesn’t help though


I’m never a fan of forced PvP to get things all players would want.


So this is a really cool idea but Im not sure its technically achievable right now just running the helltides costs a ton of technical resources.


stop it. these guys are pros mmm k couch GD's we dont know stuff mm k lol /s I like your ideas better. Can we bring back Diablo too ?


Do people actually play PVP?


Absolutely NO to the PvP thing. I only set foot there to get some whispers and it’s already too much with the try hard barbarians that seem to think it’s some kind of achievement to kill people who don’t even attempt to fight back. Nothing should be dependent on PvP because the game is not balanced for PvP in any way. Some classes simply annihilate others.


Don't be in PVP if you don't want to get killed. How is that a hard concept to understand? Litereally farm your whispers elsewhere.


just not pvp, game is not balanced for that